We use SF1601 for sending digital post.
When a digital post is sent an envelope (DigitalPostEnvelope
) is created for
each recipient and the envelope is queued for sending to the recipient via
Use the tvist1:digital-post-envelope:list
command to list all digital post
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console tvist1:digital-post-envelope:list
Process the digital post send queue with
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console messenger:consume digital_post -vv
See Deploying to
for details on how to process the queue in production. If using cron
, you want
to use something along the lines of --limit=10 --time-limit=240
to not let the
worker run forever.
The final cron
spell may look like
*/5 * * * * docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console messenger:consume digital_post -vv --limit=10 --time-limit=240 > /dev/null 2>&1
should depend on */5
, i.e. when running the cron task every 5
minutes, the time limit should be a little less than 300 (5 × 60) seconds.
Failed messages are added to a “failed” transport. See Saving & Retrying Failed Messages for details on how to handle these.
Digital post is sent synchronously when processing the queue, but information on
if and how the digital post is actually delivered to a recipient is provided
asynchronously by Fælleskommunal
See SF1601 Postkomponent - Beskedfordeler -
for details on the PKO_PostStatus
Beskedfordeler must be configured to send messages to the
endpoint (see
https://digitaliseringskataloget.dk/kom-godt-i-gang-vejledninger » “Kom godt i
gang med” » “Fælleskommunal Beskedfordeler”
(https://docs.kombit.dk/latest/ba48e791) for details on how to do this).
For security reasons (?) Beskedfordeler can only send messages to https endpoints secured with whitelisted SSL certificates (see Besked-FåTilsendt-Snitflade » 6. Teknisk beskrivelse).
During delopment and test you can forward the messages to a test endpoint using Beskedfordeler forward. For local development you can use tools like localtunnel or ngrok to forward to your local machine.
npx localtunnel --port "$(docker compose port nginx 8080 | cut -d: -f2)" --subdomain "$USER-naevnssekretariatet" --print-requests
to expose your local docker compose setup and forward Beskedfordeler messages to the url reported by
echo "https://$USER-naevnssekretariatet.loca.lt/beskedfordeler/PostStatusBeskedModtag"
The tvist1:digital-post-envelope:send
command can be used to send digital post:
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console tvist1:digital-post-envelope:send --help
Apply a patch that to send invalid MeMo message (without a header label):
git apply tests/patches/sf1601/malformed-memo-message.patch
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console hautelook:fixtures:load --no-bundles --purge-with-truncate --no-interaction
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console tvist1:digital-post-envelope:send --digital-post-subject='Digital post with multiple recipients' --no-interaction
Remove the patch:
git apply --reverse tests/patches/sf1601/malformed-memo-message.patch
List the envelopes:
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console tvist1:digital-post-envelope:list --status=failed
git apply tests/patches/sf1601/invalid-service-urls.patch
DigitalPostEnvelope --> DigitalPost
DigitalPostEnvelope --> Recipient
DigitalPost -->"+" Recipient
DigitalPost --> Document
DigitalPost -->"*" Attachment
class DigitalPostEnvelope {
+DigitalPost digitalPost
+DigitalPost\Recipient recipient
+UUID messageUUID
+string message
+string receipt
+string[] beskedfordelerMessages
class DigitalPost {