There are various configuration options for the XSLT transformations.
There are various profiles for PDF generation. The default uses none with enabled accessibility. In order to use profile PDF/UA-1 and PDF/A-1, you can use another FOP configuration during build time, e.g.
ant -Dfop.config=conf/fop-with-ua1-a1.xconf transform-xr-to-pdf
Note: PDF/A-1 does not allow embedded files. Use the default profile for display of embedded documents.
The FO engine used can be specified. Engine specific extensions will then be enabled.
<xsl:param name="foengine"/>
Supported values are:
- axf - Antenna House XSL Formatter
- fop - Apache FOP
**Configuration of the general invoice layout **
<xsl:param name="invoiceline-layout">normal</xsl:param>
Supported values are:
- normal - Similar to HTML layout incl. box layout of invoice lines
- tabular - Tabular layout of invoice lines
Configuration of table column width
<xsl:param name="tabular-layout-widths">2 7 2 2 2 2 1.3 2</xsl:param>
Change column proportions according to your tabular layout.
Configuration of the invoice line numbering scheme
<xsl:param name="invoiceline-numbering">normal</xsl:param>
Supported values are:
- normal - use numbers as in original invoice
- 1.1 - use multilevel arabic numbering
- 1.i - use mixture of arabic and roman numbering
- 00001 - use aligned arabic numbering
- other - any picture string supported by xsl:number instruction can be used
Default language is German (de), an English (en) translation is also provided.
<xsl:param name="lang" select="'de'"/>
Translation files are located in the l10n subdirectory and can be customized according to specific local needs.
Translation files are formatted according to Java Properties in XML (see for details).
Additional languages can be included by adding XML Properties files to the l10n directory. By default, files have to be named according to ISO 639-1 two letter language codes (e.g. fr.xml
for French).