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Shareaza Skin Installer

This installer was developed by Robert Rainwater.
Version 1.0.9 and later are extensions by Jann Röder <>
1.0.12 version improved by Rolandas Rudomanskis.

 - Initial Release

 - Use a global header file for local includes
 - Return error if unable to create skin directory
 - Return error if unable to create directories from skin file
 - File handles are closed on error extracting skin files
 - Added /install,/installsilent,/uninstall,/uninstallsilent switches
 - FindWindow fallback if the app is not running

 - Fix skin failing when creating sub directories

 - ZLib compiled statically into the exe
 - Option to apply even if the app is closed.

 - Exit options check whether or not app is running
 - Options dialog is opened if the users chooses yes

 - Updated skin icon (thanks to Kiwi)

 - Application is now placed in the Skins directory of Shareaza

 - Initial Public Release
 - Typo in MessageBox
 - Removed creation of skin directory code and options
 - Updated MessageBox titles to say Shareaza
 - Error messages use exclamation icons
 - More messagebox string changes
 - Output directory is now set to skin.exe directory
 - Added XP Style support
 - Added right click + "Install Shareaza Skin" context menu item
 - Maximized state of Shareaza is preserved when opening options
 - Added version info to exe (can view version info from windows)
 - Fixed unzip logic to prevent unzipping invalid zips
 - Invalid skins are not installed
 - Use zlib.dll (smaller exe size)
 - Do not allow skins to install outside of skins directory
 - Better check for xml file inside skin
 - Don't extract from skin file (deprecated)
 - Uninstall now removes ALL associated keys from registry
 - Language skins now open new Language Selection dialog

 - [.1] Added user interface
 - [.1] Fixed memory leaks
 - [.1] Updated unzip algorithm
 - [.1] Shareaza window is brought to the front on configure or skin apply
 - [.2] Configure Language/Set as Default skin button closes installer
 - [.2] Close button was disabled on startup
 - [.3] Wrote custom parser for xml file
 - [.3] Diplay manifest info in dialog
 - [.4] Better parsing of xml file
 - [.4] Use Tahoma font
 - [.5] Decode html entities in manifest file
 - [.6] Don't allow '.' in the beginning of a filename
 - [.6] Added Set Skin as Default option
 - [.7] Fixed Set as Skin option
 - [.8] Window Title shows skin name/version
 - [.8] Re-added support for /installsilent (same as /install now)
 - [.9] Support /uninstallsilent

 - Read install location from registry with support for the "Path hack"
 - Updated graphics

 - Changed the way how files are extracted. The installer gets the skin name from the XML file and creates a directory with that name and puts all the files inside this directory. For language skins, all files are placed in the \Languages folder.
 - Updated Icon 

 - Fixed Bug with "Set Skin as Default". It now selects the skin and opens the skin settings window.
 - Renamed "Set Skin as Default" button to "Select Skin"

 - Linked against zlib 1.2.3 (winapi)
 - UTF-8 support implemented
 - "Updated by" authors are displayed
 - GUI fixed (white background)

- Maybe disable all other skins when clicking on Select Skin

Copyright Information
This software is released into the public domain.  You are free to 
redistribute and modify without any restrictions with the exception of
the following:

The Zlib library is Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
The Unzip library is Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Gilles Vollant.