Releases: ivandoric/Theming-with-WP-REST-API
Theming With WP REST API - Part 07 - Making Filters Pretty
In this tutorial we are going to take a few minutes to make our filters look decent using Vue.js, HTML and CSS.
Theming With WP REST API - Part 06 - Filter By Category
In this episode we are going to use WordPress REST API and Vue.js to create a list of categories and filter our posts by them.
Theming With WP REST API - Part 05 - Filter Posts By Title
In this WordPress REST API and Vue.js video we are going to learn how to create real time filter that will filter our post by title.
Theming With WP REST API - Part 04 - Display Categories
In this Theming With WP REST API tutorial we are going to display categories bellow titles of our posts using Vue.js and WordPress API.
Theming With WP REST API - Part 03 - Add Images To API
In this episode we are going to learn how to add images to our WordPress REST API and then display those images with Vue.js.
Theming With WP REST API - Part 02 - Listing Posts
In this episode we are going to learn how to get the list posts from our API and then display them in our Vue.js template.
Theming with WP REST API - Part 01 - Setup
Get the initial theme files so you can follow the tutorials.