diff --git a/example/example_pipeline_both.sh b/example/example_pipeline_both.sh
index 06729a4..7f6ce5c 100644
--- a/example/example_pipeline_both.sh
+++ b/example/example_pipeline_both.sh
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ echo "STEP 1: QC - Run fastqp - Optional (if the input is raw untrimmed fastq)"
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trimming" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 1a : Proband"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fastq ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fastq ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fastq" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fastq" ]; then
echo "Raw fastq exist, continue to Trimming"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Output fq.qz exist, skipping Trimming"
echo "File not exist, continue to Trimming"
@@ -169,14 +169,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$mother_name" ] && [ "$trimming" = true ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 1b : Mother"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fastq ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fastq ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fastq" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fastq" ]; then
echo "Raw fastq exist, continue to Trimming"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Output fq.qz exist, skipping Trimming"
echo "File not exist, continue to Trimming"
@@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$father_name" ] && [ "$trimming" = true ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 1C : Father"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fastq ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fastq ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fastq" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fastq" ]; then
echo "Raw fastq exist, continue to Trimming"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Output fq.qz exist, skipping Trimming"
echo "File not exist, continue to Trimming"
@@ -230,14 +230,14 @@ echo "STEP 2: Map to reference using BWA-MEM2"
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
echo "STEP 2a : Proband"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Paired end fq.qz exist, continue to BWA-MEM2"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [-f ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.sam ] || [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [-f "${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.sam" ] || [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "SAM file or final BAM file exist, skipping BWA-MEM2"
# BWA MEM2 Alignment
@@ -255,14 +255,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$mother_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 2b : Mother"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Paired end fq.qz exist, continue to BWA-MEM2"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [-f ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.sam ] || [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [-f "${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.sam" ] || [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "SAM file or final BAM file exist, skipping BWA-MEM2"
# BWA MEM2 Alignment
@@ -280,14 +280,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$father_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 2c : Father"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Paired end fq.qz exist, continue to BWA-MEM2"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [-f ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.sam ] || [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [-f "${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.sam" ] || [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "SAM file or final BAM file exist, skipping BWA-MEM2"
# BWA MEM2 Alignment
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ echo "STEP 3: Mark Duplicates and Sort - Sambamba"
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
echo "STEP 3a : Proband"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, skipping Mark Duplicates and Sort"
sambamba view -p -t=$(nproc) -l=9 \
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$mother_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 3b : Mother"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, skipping Mark Duplicates and Sort"
sambamba view -p -t=$(nproc) -l=9 \
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$father_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 3c : Father"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, skipping Mark Duplicates and Sort"
sambamba view -p -t=$(nproc) -l=9 \
@@ -373,13 +373,13 @@ fi
### Remove Intermediate SAM BAM file as it consumes too much spaces
-#### Remove all in one folder
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/*.sam ${SAM_DIR}/*.bam
-#### Remove one by one
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.sam ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.sam ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.sam
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.bam
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_dedup.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_dedup.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_dedup.bam
+# Check if the directory exists
+if [ -d "$SAM_DIR" ]; then
+ echo "Remove all data inside SAM directory to save harddisk space"
+ rm -r "$SAM_DIR"
+ echo "Directory $SAM_DIR does not exist."
# ----------------------------------------------
# STEP 4: Variant Calling
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 4a: Variant Calling Proband DeepVariant"
# Further check if ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam all exists
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "VCF file exist, skipping DeepVariant"
echo "BAM file exist, continue to DeepVariant"
@@ -425,9 +425,9 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 4b: Variant Calling DeepTrio"
# Further check if ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam and ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam and ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam all exists
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam ] && [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam ] && [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam" ] && [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam" ] && [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.g.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.g.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.g.vcf.gz]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.g.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.g.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.g.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "gVCF file exist, skipping DeepTrio"
echo "All BAM files exist, continue to DeepTrio"
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 5: Merge gVCF files with GLnexus"
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "Merged VCF file exist, skipping GLnexus"
docker run \
@@ -498,22 +498,22 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 6: Calculate Mendelian Violation Rate using RTG Tools"
#### Reference : https://www.animalgenome.org/bioinfo/resources/manuals/RTGOperationsManual.pdf
- if [ -d ${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf ];
- then
- echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf exists. Removing directory."
- rm -r -f ${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf
- else
- echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf directory does not exist. Continue"
- fi
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "Merged VCF file exist, continue to RTG Tools"
- docker run \
- -v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
- -v "${REFERENCE_DIR}":"/reference" \
- realtimegenomics/rtg-tools format \
- -o /reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf "/reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}"
+ if [ -d ${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf ];
+ then
+ echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf exists. Didn't create sdf."
+ else
+ echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf directory does not exist. Creating it"
+ docker run \
+ -v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
+ -v "${REFERENCE_DIR}":"/reference" \
+ realtimegenomics/rtg-tools format \
+ -o /reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf "/reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}"
+ fi
docker run \
-v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
@@ -543,9 +543,9 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "Merged VCF file not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
-elif [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
+if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "SKIPPED STEP 5: Merge gVCF files with GLnexus, due to solo analysis (Trio)"
echo "SKIPPED STEP 6: Calculate Mendelian Violation Rate using RTG Tools (Trio)"
@@ -559,82 +559,82 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 7a: Annotate Variants Proband - SNPEff with latest database, SnpSift ClinVar, SnpSift dbNSFP"
- if [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz] :
+ if [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "VCF file not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
# If output file not exist, run annotate
- if [ ! -f ${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
+ if [ ! -f "${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
# Create GATK > dbnsfp Chromosome
bcftools annotate \
- --rename-chrs ${chr_rename} \
- --threads nproc -Oz \
- -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz
+ --rename-chrs "${chr_rename}" \
+ --threads "$(nproc)" -Oz \
+ -o "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz"
- echo "Deepvariant converted VCF file exist, skipping conversion"
+ echo "Deepvariant converted VCF file exists, skipping conversion"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
# SnpEff with recent GRCh38.p14 database
- SnpEff -v ${snpEff_ver} -dataDir ${snpEff_dir} \
- -s ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.html \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf
+ SnpEff -v "${snpEff_ver}" -dataDir "${snpEff_dir}" \
+ -s "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.html" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "SnpEff VCF file exist, skipping SnpEff"
+ echo "SnpEff VCF file exists, skipping SnpEff"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
# SnpSift Annotate ClinVar
- SnpSift annotate -v ${dbSNP} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${dbSNP}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbSNP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbSNP file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf] :
- SnpSift annotate -v ${ClinVar} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${ClinVar}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "Annotated ClinVar file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated ClinVar file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
# Annotate using dbNSFP for SNP Only (Indel Give 0 Annotation Result)
- SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db ${dbnsfp} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf
+ SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db "${dbnsfp}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exists, skipping annotation"
# Compress file size using bgzip if the previous .vcf file exist
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf"
@@ -644,86 +644,87 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 7b: Annotate Variants Trio - SNP Sift"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
+ if [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
# Create GATK > dbnsfp Chromosome
bcftools annotate \
- --rename-chrs ${chr_rename} \
- --threads nproc -Oz \
- -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_annotated.output.vcf.gz
+ --rename-chrs "${chr_rename}" \
+ --threads "$(nproc)" -Oz \
+ -o "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_annotated.output.vcf.gz"
- echo "DeepTrio converted VCF file exist, skipping conversion"
+ echo "DeepTrio converted VCF file exists, skipping conversion"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# SnpEff with recent GRCh38.p14 database
- SnpEff -v ${snpEff_ver} -dataDir ${snpEff_dir} \
- -s ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.html \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpEff -v "${snpEff_ver}" -dataDir "${snpEff_dir}" \
+ -s "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.html" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "SnpEff VCF file exist, skipping SnpEff"
+ echo "SnpEff VCF file exists, skipping SnpEff"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# SnpSift
- SnpSift annotate -v ${dbSNP} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${dbSNP}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbSNP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbSNP file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# SnpSift Annotate ClinVar
- SnpSift annotate -v ${ClinVar} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${ClinVar}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "Annotated ClinVar file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated ClinVar file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# Annotate using dbNSFP for SNP Only (Indel Give 0 Annotation Result)
- SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db ${dbnsfp} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db "${dbnsfp}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exists, skipping annotation"
# Compress file size using bgzip if the previous .vcf file exist
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf"
# Additional SV Step using Tiddit @ SV_DIR
-# Check if proband_name is not null
-if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
+# Check if proband_name is not null and annotated tiddit output is not yet exist in folder
+if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ ! -f "${SV_DIR}/output.filtered.dbnsfp.vcf" ]; then
echo "STEP 8: SV calling using Tiddit, SnpEff annotation, SnpSift dbNSFP annotation"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, continue to Tiddit"
docker run \
-v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
@@ -752,6 +753,8 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
echo "BAM file not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
+ echo "SV output folder exist, and there are already final data, skipping Tiddit"
# Step using Exomiser @ Exomiser root folder
@@ -764,12 +767,12 @@ fi
# Check if trio_analysis is true
if [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
- echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SNP Solo Trio Analysis"
+ echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SNP Trio Analysis"
exomiser --analysis ${exomiser_trio}
# Check if SV VCF is true
-if [ -f ${SV_DIR}/output.filtered.dbnsfp.vcf ]; then
- echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SV Solo Trio Analysis"
+if [ -f "${SV_DIR}/output.filtered.dbnsfp.vcf" ]; then
+ echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SV Solo Analysis"
exomiser --analysis ${exomiser_solo_sv}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example/example_pipeline_solo.sh b/example/example_pipeline_solo.sh
index 08f1aa1..9047eef 100644
--- a/example/example_pipeline_solo.sh
+++ b/example/example_pipeline_solo.sh
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ echo "STEP 1: QC - Run fastqp - Optional (if the input is raw untrimmed fastq)"
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trimming" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 1a : Proband"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fastq ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fastq ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fastq" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fastq" ]; then
echo "Raw fastq exist, continue to Trimming"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Output fq.qz exist, skipping Trimming"
echo "File not exist, continue to Trimming"
@@ -169,14 +169,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$mother_name" ] && [ "$trimming" = true ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 1b : Mother"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fastq ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fastq ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fastq" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fastq" ]; then
echo "Raw fastq exist, continue to Trimming"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Output fq.qz exist, skipping Trimming"
echo "File not exist, continue to Trimming"
@@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$father_name" ] && [ "$trimming" = true ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 1C : Father"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fastq ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fastq ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fastq" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fastq" ]; then
echo "Raw fastq exist, continue to Trimming"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Output fq.qz exist, skipping Trimming"
echo "File not exist, continue to Trimming"
@@ -230,14 +230,14 @@ echo "STEP 2: Map to reference using BWA-MEM2"
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
echo "STEP 2a : Proband"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Paired end fq.qz exist, continue to BWA-MEM2"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [-f ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.sam ] || [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [-f "${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.sam" ] || [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "SAM file or final BAM file exist, skipping BWA-MEM2"
# BWA MEM2 Alignment
@@ -255,14 +255,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$mother_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 2b : Mother"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Paired end fq.qz exist, continue to BWA-MEM2"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [-f ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.sam ] || [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [-f "${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.sam" ] || [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "SAM file or final BAM file exist, skipping BWA-MEM2"
# BWA MEM2 Alignment
@@ -280,14 +280,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$father_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 2c : Father"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Paired end fq.qz exist, continue to BWA-MEM2"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [-f ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.sam ] || [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [-f "${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.sam" ] || [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "SAM file or final BAM file exist, skipping BWA-MEM2"
# BWA MEM2 Alignment
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ echo "STEP 3: Mark Duplicates and Sort - Sambamba"
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
echo "STEP 3a : Proband"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, skipping Mark Duplicates and Sort"
sambamba view -p -t=$(nproc) -l=9 \
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$mother_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 3b : Mother"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, skipping Mark Duplicates and Sort"
sambamba view -p -t=$(nproc) -l=9 \
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$father_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 3c : Father"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, skipping Mark Duplicates and Sort"
sambamba view -p -t=$(nproc) -l=9 \
@@ -373,13 +373,13 @@ fi
### Remove Intermediate SAM BAM file as it consumes too much spaces
-#### Remove all in one folder
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/*.sam ${SAM_DIR}/*.bam
-#### Remove one by one
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.sam ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.sam ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.sam
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.bam
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_dedup.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_dedup.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_dedup.bam
+# Check if the directory exists
+if [ -d "$SAM_DIR" ]; then
+ echo "Remove all data inside SAM directory to save harddisk space"
+ rm -r "$SAM_DIR"
+ echo "Directory $SAM_DIR does not exist."
# ----------------------------------------------
# STEP 4: Variant Calling
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 4a: Variant Calling Proband DeepVariant"
# Further check if ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam all exists
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "VCF file exist, skipping DeepVariant"
echo "BAM file exist, continue to DeepVariant"
@@ -425,9 +425,9 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 4b: Variant Calling DeepTrio"
# Further check if ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam and ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam and ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam all exists
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam ] && [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam ] && [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam" ] && [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam" ] && [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.g.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.g.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.g.vcf.gz]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.g.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.g.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.g.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "gVCF file exist, skipping DeepTrio"
echo "All BAM files exist, continue to DeepTrio"
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 5: Merge gVCF files with GLnexus"
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "Merged VCF file exist, skipping GLnexus"
docker run \
@@ -498,22 +498,22 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 6: Calculate Mendelian Violation Rate using RTG Tools"
#### Reference : https://www.animalgenome.org/bioinfo/resources/manuals/RTGOperationsManual.pdf
- if [ -d ${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf ];
- then
- echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf exists. Removing directory."
- rm -r -f ${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf
- else
- echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf directory does not exist. Continue"
- fi
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "Merged VCF file exist, continue to RTG Tools"
- docker run \
- -v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
- -v "${REFERENCE_DIR}":"/reference" \
- realtimegenomics/rtg-tools format \
- -o /reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf "/reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}"
+ if [ -d ${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf ];
+ then
+ echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf exists. Didn't create sdf."
+ else
+ echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf directory does not exist. Creating it"
+ docker run \
+ -v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
+ -v "${REFERENCE_DIR}":"/reference" \
+ realtimegenomics/rtg-tools format \
+ -o /reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf "/reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}"
+ fi
docker run \
-v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
@@ -543,9 +543,9 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "Merged VCF file not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
-elif [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
+if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "SKIPPED STEP 5: Merge gVCF files with GLnexus, due to solo analysis (Trio)"
echo "SKIPPED STEP 6: Calculate Mendelian Violation Rate using RTG Tools (Trio)"
@@ -559,82 +559,82 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 7a: Annotate Variants Proband - SNPEff with latest database, SnpSift ClinVar, SnpSift dbNSFP"
- if [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz] :
+ if [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "VCF file not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
# If output file not exist, run annotate
- if [ ! -f ${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
+ if [ ! -f "${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
# Create GATK > dbnsfp Chromosome
bcftools annotate \
- --rename-chrs ${chr_rename} \
- --threads nproc -Oz \
- -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz
+ --rename-chrs "${chr_rename}" \
+ --threads "$(nproc)" -Oz \
+ -o "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz"
- echo "Deepvariant converted VCF file exist, skipping conversion"
+ echo "Deepvariant converted VCF file exists, skipping conversion"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
# SnpEff with recent GRCh38.p14 database
- SnpEff -v ${snpEff_ver} -dataDir ${snpEff_dir} \
- -s ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.html \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf
+ SnpEff -v "${snpEff_ver}" -dataDir "${snpEff_dir}" \
+ -s "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.html" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "SnpEff VCF file exist, skipping SnpEff"
+ echo "SnpEff VCF file exists, skipping SnpEff"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
# SnpSift Annotate ClinVar
- SnpSift annotate -v ${dbSNP} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${dbSNP}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbSNP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbSNP file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf] :
- SnpSift annotate -v ${ClinVar} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${ClinVar}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "Annotated ClinVar file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated ClinVar file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
# Annotate using dbNSFP for SNP Only (Indel Give 0 Annotation Result)
- SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db ${dbnsfp} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf
+ SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db "${dbnsfp}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exists, skipping annotation"
# Compress file size using bgzip if the previous .vcf file exist
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf"
@@ -644,86 +644,87 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 7b: Annotate Variants Trio - SNP Sift"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
+ if [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
# Create GATK > dbnsfp Chromosome
bcftools annotate \
- --rename-chrs ${chr_rename} \
- --threads nproc -Oz \
- -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_annotated.output.vcf.gz
+ --rename-chrs "${chr_rename}" \
+ --threads "$(nproc)" -Oz \
+ -o "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_annotated.output.vcf.gz"
- echo "DeepTrio converted VCF file exist, skipping conversion"
+ echo "DeepTrio converted VCF file exists, skipping conversion"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# SnpEff with recent GRCh38.p14 database
- SnpEff -v ${snpEff_ver} -dataDir ${snpEff_dir} \
- -s ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.html \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpEff -v "${snpEff_ver}" -dataDir "${snpEff_dir}" \
+ -s "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.html" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "SnpEff VCF file exist, skipping SnpEff"
+ echo "SnpEff VCF file exists, skipping SnpEff"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# SnpSift
- SnpSift annotate -v ${dbSNP} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${dbSNP}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbSNP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbSNP file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# SnpSift Annotate ClinVar
- SnpSift annotate -v ${ClinVar} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${ClinVar}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "Annotated ClinVar file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated ClinVar file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# Annotate using dbNSFP for SNP Only (Indel Give 0 Annotation Result)
- SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db ${dbnsfp} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db "${dbnsfp}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exists, skipping annotation"
# Compress file size using bgzip if the previous .vcf file exist
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf"
# Additional SV Step using Tiddit @ SV_DIR
-# Check if proband_name is not null
-if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
+# Check if proband_name is not null and annotated tiddit output is not yet exist in folder
+if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ ! -f "${SV_DIR}/output.filtered.dbnsfp.vcf" ]; then
echo "STEP 8: SV calling using Tiddit, SnpEff annotation, SnpSift dbNSFP annotation"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, continue to Tiddit"
docker run \
-v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
@@ -752,6 +753,8 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
echo "BAM file not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
+ echo "SV output folder exist, and there are already final data, skipping Tiddit"
# Step using Exomiser @ Exomiser root folder
@@ -764,12 +767,12 @@ fi
# Check if trio_analysis is true
if [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
- echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SNP Solo Trio Analysis"
+ echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SNP Trio Analysis"
exomiser --analysis ${exomiser_trio}
# Check if SV VCF is true
-if [ -f ${SV_DIR}/output.filtered.dbnsfp.vcf ]; then
- echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SV Solo Trio Analysis"
+if [ -f "${SV_DIR}/output.filtered.dbnsfp.vcf" ]; then
+ echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SV Solo Analysis"
exomiser --analysis ${exomiser_solo_sv}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example/example_pipeline_trio.sh b/example/example_pipeline_trio.sh
index b711ff6..01c379c 100644
--- a/example/example_pipeline_trio.sh
+++ b/example/example_pipeline_trio.sh
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ echo "STEP 1: QC - Run fastqp - Optional (if the input is raw untrimmed fastq)"
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trimming" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 1a : Proband"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fastq ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fastq ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fastq" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fastq" ]; then
echo "Raw fastq exist, continue to Trimming"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Output fq.qz exist, skipping Trimming"
echo "File not exist, continue to Trimming"
@@ -169,14 +169,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$mother_name" ] && [ "$trimming" = true ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 1b : Mother"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fastq ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fastq ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fastq" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fastq" ]; then
echo "Raw fastq exist, continue to Trimming"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Output fq.qz exist, skipping Trimming"
echo "File not exist, continue to Trimming"
@@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$father_name" ] && [ "$trimming" = true ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 1C : Father"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fastq ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fastq ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fastq" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fastq" ]; then
echo "Raw fastq exist, continue to Trimming"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Output fq.qz exist, skipping Trimming"
echo "File not exist, continue to Trimming"
@@ -230,14 +230,14 @@ echo "STEP 2: Map to reference using BWA-MEM2"
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
echo "STEP 2a : Proband"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${proband_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Paired end fq.qz exist, continue to BWA-MEM2"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [-f ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.sam ] || [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [-f "${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.sam" ] || [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "SAM file or final BAM file exist, skipping BWA-MEM2"
# BWA MEM2 Alignment
@@ -255,14 +255,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$mother_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 2b : Mother"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${mother_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Paired end fq.qz exist, continue to BWA-MEM2"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [-f ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.sam ] || [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [-f "${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.sam" ] || [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "SAM file or final BAM file exist, skipping BWA-MEM2"
# BWA MEM2 Alignment
@@ -280,14 +280,14 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$father_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 2c : Father"
- if [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz ] && [ -f ${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_1.fq.gz" ] && [ -f "${FASTQ_DIR}/${father_name}_2.fq.gz" ]; then
echo "Paired end fq.qz exist, continue to BWA-MEM2"
echo "File not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
- if [-f ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.sam ] || [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [-f "${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.sam" ] || [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "SAM file or final BAM file exist, skipping BWA-MEM2"
# BWA MEM2 Alignment
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ echo "STEP 3: Mark Duplicates and Sort - Sambamba"
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
echo "STEP 3a : Proband"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, skipping Mark Duplicates and Sort"
sambamba view -p -t=$(nproc) -l=9 \
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$mother_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 3b : Mother"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, skipping Mark Duplicates and Sort"
sambamba view -p -t=$(nproc) -l=9 \
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$father_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 3c : Father"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, skipping Mark Duplicates and Sort"
sambamba view -p -t=$(nproc) -l=9 \
@@ -373,13 +373,13 @@ fi
### Remove Intermediate SAM BAM file as it consumes too much spaces
-#### Remove all in one folder
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/*.sam ${SAM_DIR}/*.bam
-#### Remove one by one
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.sam ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.sam ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.sam
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_raw.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_raw.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_raw.bam
-rm ${SAM_DIR}/${proband_name}_dedup.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${mother_name}_dedup.bam ${SAM_DIR}/${father_name}_dedup.bam
+# Check if the directory exists
+if [ -d "$SAM_DIR" ]; then
+ echo "Remove all data inside SAM directory to save harddisk space"
+ rm -r "$SAM_DIR"
+ echo "Directory $SAM_DIR does not exist."
# ----------------------------------------------
# STEP 4: Variant Calling
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 4a: Variant Calling Proband DeepVariant"
# Further check if ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam all exists
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "VCF file exist, skipping DeepVariant"
echo "BAM file exist, continue to DeepVariant"
@@ -425,9 +425,9 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 4b: Variant Calling DeepTrio"
# Further check if ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam and ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam and ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam all exists
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam ] && [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam ] && [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.bam" ] && [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.bam" ] && [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.g.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.g.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.g.vcf.gz]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.g.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${father_name}.g.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${mother_name}.g.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "gVCF file exist, skipping DeepTrio"
echo "All BAM files exist, continue to DeepTrio"
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 5: Merge gVCF files with GLnexus"
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "Merged VCF file exist, skipping GLnexus"
docker run \
@@ -498,22 +498,22 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 6: Calculate Mendelian Violation Rate using RTG Tools"
#### Reference : https://www.animalgenome.org/bioinfo/resources/manuals/RTGOperationsManual.pdf
- if [ -d ${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf ];
- then
- echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf exists. Removing directory."
- rm -r -f ${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf
- else
- echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf directory does not exist. Continue"
- fi
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_merged.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "Merged VCF file exist, continue to RTG Tools"
- docker run \
- -v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
- -v "${REFERENCE_DIR}":"/reference" \
- realtimegenomics/rtg-tools format \
- -o /reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf "/reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}"
+ if [ -d ${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf ];
+ then
+ echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf exists. Didn't create sdf."
+ else
+ echo "${REFERENCE_DIR}/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf directory does not exist. Creating it"
+ docker run \
+ -v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
+ -v "${REFERENCE_DIR}":"/reference" \
+ realtimegenomics/rtg-tools format \
+ -o /reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}.sdf "/reference/${REFSEQ_FASTA}"
+ fi
docker run \
-v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
@@ -543,9 +543,9 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "Merged VCF file not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
-elif [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
+if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "SKIPPED STEP 5: Merge gVCF files with GLnexus, due to solo analysis (Trio)"
echo "SKIPPED STEP 6: Calculate Mendelian Violation Rate using RTG Tools (Trio)"
@@ -559,82 +559,82 @@ fi
if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$solo_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 7a: Annotate Variants Proband - SNPEff with latest database, SnpSift ClinVar, SnpSift dbNSFP"
- if [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz] :
+ if [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz" ]; then
echo "VCF file not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
# If output file not exist, run annotate
- if [ ! -f ${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
+ if [ ! -f "${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
# Create GATK > dbnsfp Chromosome
bcftools annotate \
- --rename-chrs ${chr_rename} \
- --threads nproc -Oz \
- -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz
+ --rename-chrs "${chr_rename}" \
+ --threads "$(nproc)" -Oz \
+ -o "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_proband.vcf.gz"
- echo "Deepvariant converted VCF file exist, skipping conversion"
+ echo "Deepvariant converted VCF file exists, skipping conversion"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
# SnpEff with recent GRCh38.p14 database
- SnpEff -v ${snpEff_ver} -dataDir ${snpEff_dir} \
- -s ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.html \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf
+ SnpEff -v "${snpEff_ver}" -dataDir "${snpEff_dir}" \
+ -s "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.html" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "SnpEff VCF file exist, skipping SnpEff"
+ echo "SnpEff VCF file exists, skipping SnpEff"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
# SnpSift Annotate ClinVar
- SnpSift annotate -v ${dbSNP} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${dbSNP}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbSNP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbSNP file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf] :
- SnpSift annotate -v ${ClinVar} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${ClinVar}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "Annotated ClinVar file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated ClinVar file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" ]; then
# Annotate using dbNSFP for SNP Only (Indel Give 0 Annotation Result)
- SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db ${dbnsfp} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf
+ SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db "${dbnsfp}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exists, skipping annotation"
# Compress file size using bgzip if the previous .vcf file exist
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepVariant.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf"
@@ -644,86 +644,87 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
echo "STEP 7b: Annotate Variants Trio - SNP Sift"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
+ if [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
# Create GATK > dbnsfp Chromosome
bcftools annotate \
- --rename-chrs ${chr_rename} \
- --threads nproc -Oz \
- -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_annotated.output.vcf.gz
+ --rename-chrs "${chr_rename}" \
+ --threads "$(nproc)" -Oz \
+ -o "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}_trio_annotated.output.vcf.gz"
- echo "DeepTrio converted VCF file exist, skipping conversion"
+ echo "DeepTrio converted VCF file exists, skipping conversion"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# SnpEff with recent GRCh38.p14 database
- SnpEff -v ${snpEff_ver} -dataDir ${snpEff_dir} \
- -s ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.html \
- ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpEff -v "${snpEff_ver}" -dataDir "${snpEff_dir}" \
+ -s "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.html" \
+ "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "SnpEff VCF file exist, skipping SnpEff"
+ echo "SnpEff VCF file exists, skipping SnpEff"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# SnpSift
- SnpSift annotate -v ${dbSNP} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${dbSNP}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbSNP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbSNP file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# SnpSift Annotate ClinVar
- SnpSift annotate -v ${ClinVar} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpSift annotate -v "${ClinVar}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "Annotated ClinVar file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated ClinVar file exists, skipping annotation"
# If output file not exist yet, and previous file exist
- if [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz] && [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf] :
+ if [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ] && [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" ]; then
# Annotate using dbNSFP for SNP Only (Indel Give 0 Annotation Result)
- SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db ${dbnsfp} \
- ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf \
- > ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf
+ SnpSift dbnsfp -v -db "${dbnsfp}" \
+ "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" \
+ > "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf"
- echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exist, skipping annotation"
+ echo "Annotated dbNSFP file exists, skipping annotation"
# Compress file size using bgzip if the previous .vcf file exist
- if [ -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${OUTPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}-converted-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-deepTrio.vcf"
- if [ -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf] && [ ! -f ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz]:
- bgzip --threads nproc ${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf
+ if [ -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf" ] && [ ! -f "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz" ]; then
+ bgzip --threads "$(nproc)" "${ANNOTATED_DIR}/${proband_name}-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf"
# Additional SV Step using Tiddit @ SV_DIR
-# Check if proband_name is not null
-if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
+# Check if proband_name is not null and annotated tiddit output is not yet exist in folder
+if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ] && [ ! -f "${SV_DIR}/output.filtered.dbnsfp.vcf" ]; then
echo "STEP 8: SV calling using Tiddit, SnpEff annotation, SnpSift dbNSFP annotation"
- if [ -f ${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam ]; then
+ if [ -f "${INPUT_DIR}/${proband_name}.bam" ]; then
echo "Final BAM file exist, continue to Tiddit"
docker run \
-v "${INPUT_DIR}":"/input" \
@@ -752,6 +753,8 @@ if [ ! -z "$proband_name" ]; then
echo "BAM file not exist, please check the input directory"
exit 1
+ echo "SV output folder exist, and there are already final data, skipping Tiddit"
# Step using Exomiser @ Exomiser root folder
@@ -764,12 +767,12 @@ fi
# Check if trio_analysis is true
if [ "$trio_analysis" = true ]; then
- echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SNP Solo Trio Analysis"
+ echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SNP Trio Analysis"
exomiser --analysis ${exomiser_trio}
# Check if SV VCF is true
-if [ -f ${SV_DIR}/output.filtered.dbnsfp.vcf ]; then
- echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SV Solo Trio Analysis"
+if [ -f "${SV_DIR}/output.filtered.dbnsfp.vcf" ]; then
+ echo "STEP 9: Exomiser SV Solo Analysis"
exomiser --analysis ${exomiser_solo_sv}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example/exomiser_html_clinical_report/V350145665_L04_B5EHOMdmhwXAAAA-515-exomiser-solo.html b/example/exomiser_html_clinical_report/V350145665_L04_B5EHOMdmhwXAAAA-515-exomiser-solo.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4ba26c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/exomiser_html_clinical_report/V350145665_L04_B5EHOMdmhwXAAAA-515-exomiser-solo.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9871 @@
+ The Exomiser - A Tool to Annotate and Prioritise Whole-Exome Sequencing Data
+ Exomiser Analysis Results for
+ Anonymous
Analysis Settings
Settings used for this analysis:
+ genomeAssembly: "hg38"
+ vcf: "/home/ivanwilliamharsono/Downloads/trio_patient/annotated/V350145665_L04_B5EHOMdmhwXAAAA-515-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepVariant.vcf.gz"
+ hpoIds:
+ - "HP:0000007"
+ - "HP:0001433"
+ - "HP:0001903"
+ - "HP:0001541"
+ - "HP:0010972"
+ - "HP:0005561"
+ - "HP:0001396"
+ - "HP:0001410"
+ - "HP:0002910"
+ - "HP:0001399"
+ - "HP:0000938"
+ - "HP:0001642"
+ - "HP:0200114"
+ - "HP:0003073"
+ - "HP:0003233"
+ - "HP:0001873"
+ - "HP:0002151"
+ - "HP:0031964"
+ - "HP:0031956"
+ - "HP:0002366"
+ - "HP:0006568"
+ - "HP:0004333"
+ - "HP:0001531"
+ pedigree: {}
+ age: {}
+ inheritanceModes:
+ frequencySources:
+ - "TOPMED"
+ - "UK10K"
+ - "ESP_ALL"
+ pathogenicitySources:
+ - "REVEL"
+ - "MVP"
+ steps:
+ - failedVariantFilter: {}
+ - variantEffectFilter:
+ remove:
+ - frequencyFilter:
+ maxFrequency: 2.0
+ - pathogenicityFilter:
+ keepNonPathogenic: true
+ - inheritanceFilter: {}
+ - omimPrioritiser: {}
+ - hiPhivePrioritiser:
+ runParams: "human, mouse, fish, ppi"
+ - phenixPrioritiser: {}
+ outputContributingVariantsOnly: true
+ numGenes: 50
+ outputFormats:
+ - "HTML"
+ - "VCF"
+ - "TSV_GENE"
+ - "JSON"
+ outputFileName: "V350145665_L04_B5EHOMdmhwXAAAA-515-exomiser-solo"
+ outputDirectory: "/home/ivanwilliamharsono/Downloads/trio_patient/exomiser"
Filtering Summary
+ Filter |
+ Report |
+ Passed filter |
+ Failed filter |
+ Failed previous VCF filters |
+ |
+ 648 |
+ 0 |
+ Variant effect |
+ |
+ 648 |
+ 0 |
+ Frequency |
+ Variants filtered for maximum allele frequency of 2.00%
+ |
+ 648 |
+ 0 |
+ Pathogenicity |
+ Retained all non-pathogenic variants of all types. Scoring was applied, but the filter passed all variants.
+ |
+ 648 |
+ 0 |
+ Inheritance |
+ |
+ 500 |
+ 0 |
Variant Type Distribution
+ Variant Type |
+ Proband |
+ 4 |
+ 3 |
+ 2 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ MNV |
+ 0 |
+ 6 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 1 |
+ 1 |
+ 352 |
+ 2 |
+ 9 |
+ 1 |
+ 12 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 49 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 206 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
Prioritised Genes
Exomiser Score: 0.931
+ (p=8.4E-4)
Phenotype Score: 0.658
Variant Score: 0.985
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.639 to Glycogen storage disease IV associated with GBE1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001638, Cardiomyopathy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0040081, Abnormal circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0040081, Abnormal circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0040081, Abnormal circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Phenotypic similarity 0.658 to mouse mutant involving GBE1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0010090, increased circulating creatine kinase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0010090, increased circulating creatine kinase level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0014074, increased brain glycogen level
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0010400, increased liver glycogen level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.508 in interactome to PPP1R3C and phenotypic similarity 0.604 to mouse mutant of PPP1R3C.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005669, increased circulating leptin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005669, increased circulating leptin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0001552, increased circulating triglyceride level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005669, increased circulating leptin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 1.57 (p-value: 0.000060)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:232500 Glycogen storage disease IV - autosomal recessive
+- OMIM:263570 Polyglucosan body disease, adult form - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:206583 Adult polyglucosan body disease - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.931
+ (p=8.4E-4)
Phenotype Score: 0.658
Variant Score: 0.985
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.639 to OMIM:232500 Glycogen storage disease IV
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.475 to OMIM:263570 Polyglucosan body disease, adult form
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.203 to ORPHA:206583 Adult polyglucosan body disease
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 3-81648954-C-G [1/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, PP3_Moderate, PP4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9849782
+ - REVEL: 0.873
+ - MVP: 0.985
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.914
+ (p=1.4E-3)
Phenotype Score: 0.623
Variant Score: 1.000
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.537 to Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia associated with ABCG5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0004381, Supravalvular aortic stenosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003077, Hyperlipidemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003141, Increased LDL cholesterol concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003077, Hyperlipidemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0001138, Optic neuropathy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0004416, Precocious atherosclerosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.623 to mouse mutant involving ABCG5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000229, abnormal megakaryocyte differentiation
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001585, hemolytic anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0005606, increased bleeding time
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000229, abnormal megakaryocyte differentiation
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002417, abnormal megakaryocyte morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002417, abnormal megakaryocyte morphology
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0003141, cardiac fibrosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000180, abnormal circulating cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005065, abnormal neutrophil morphology
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.525 in interactome to ABCC6 and phenotypic similarity 0.632 to Generalized arterial calcification of infancy associated with ABCC6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0006559, Hepatic calcification
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0004912, Hypophosphatemic rickets
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0006559, Hepatic calcification
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0006559, Hepatic calcification
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0010639, Elevated alkaline phosphatase of bone origin
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0006559, Hepatic calcification
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0002749, Osteomalacia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001714, Ventricular hypertrophy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0010639, Elevated alkaline phosphatase of bone origin
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0010639, Elevated alkaline phosphatase of bone origin
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0010639, Elevated alkaline phosphatase of bone origin
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0010639, Elevated alkaline phosphatase of bone origin
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0006559, Hepatic calcification
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0002647, Aortic dissection
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy
- Proximity score 0.525 in interactome to ABCC6 and phenotypic similarity 0.489 to mouse mutant of ABCC6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005553, increased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005553, increased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0006133, calcified artery
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.525 in interactome to ABCC6 and phenotypic similarity 0.302 to fish mutant of ABCC6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0000038, pericardium edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - ZP:0013900, bone mineralization increased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - ZP:0013900, bone mineralization increased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 1.59 (p-value: 0.002410)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:618666 Sitosterolemia 2 - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:391665 Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia - autosomal dominant/recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.914
+ (p=1.4E-3)
Phenotype Score: 0.623
Variant Score: 1.000
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.537 to ORPHA:391665 Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
+ Variants contributing to score:
2-43828041-G-GC [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0030%
Exomiser Score: 0.882
+ (p=2.7E-3)
Phenotype Score: 0.634
Variant Score: 0.948
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.474 to Contractural arachnodactyly, congenital associated with FBN2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001647, Bicuspid aortic valve
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0002616, Aortic root aneurysm
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.634 to mouse mutant involving FBN2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0003795, abnormal bone structure
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0003795, abnormal bone structure
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0000266, abnormal heart morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0008805, decreased circulating amylase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0008805, decreased circulating amylase level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0002152, abnormal brain morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.227 to zebrafish mutant involving FBN2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0001452, trunk edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0005691, dorsal aorta decreased diameter, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to ADAM19 and phenotypic similarity 0.665 to mouse mutant of ADAM19.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002754, dilated heart right ventricle
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0001785, edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0006128, pulmonary valve stenosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000273, overriding aortic valve
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to ADAM19 and phenotypic similarity 0.249 to fish mutant of ADAM19.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0107084, hindbrain decreased magnitude axonogenesis, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.61 (p-value: 0.988800)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:121050 Contractural arachnodactyly, congenital - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:616118 Macular degeneration, early-onset - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:115 Congenital contractural arachnodactyly - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.882
+ (p=2.7E-3)
Phenotype Score: 0.634
Variant Score: 0.948
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.474 to OMIM:121050 Contractural arachnodactyly, congenital
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.293 to ORPHA:115 Congenital contractural arachnodactyly
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.121 to OMIM:616118 Macular degeneration, early-onset
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 5-128301399-T-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, PP3_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.94782615
+ - REVEL: 0.881
+ - MVP: 0.948
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.838
+ (p=5.0E-3)
Phenotype Score: 0.555
Variant Score: 0.998
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.538 to Progressive non-fluent aphasia associated with GRN.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001297, Stroke
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.555 to mouse mutant involving GRN.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008986, abnormal liver parenchyma morphology
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0002152, abnormal brain morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0008986, abnormal liver parenchyma morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.346 to zebrafish mutant involving GRN.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0000720, liver decreased size, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - ZP:0004503, liver morphogenesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - ZP:0004503, liver morphogenesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - ZP:0004503, liver morphogenesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - ZP:0004503, liver morphogenesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0004503, liver morphogenesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0004503, liver morphogenesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0002078, spinal cord decreased length, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0004501, hepatocyte differentiation disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.26 (p-value: 0.763320)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:607485 Aphasia, primary progressive - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:614706 Ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal, 11 - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:100069 Semantic dementia (susceptibility)
+- ORPHA:100070 Progressive non-fluent aphasia (susceptibility)
+- ORPHA:275864 Behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (susceptibility)
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.838
+ (p=5.0E-3)
Phenotype Score: 0.555
Variant Score: 0.998
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.538 to ORPHA:100070 Progressive non-fluent aphasia
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.252 to OMIM:607485 Aphasia, primary progressive
+ Variants contributing to score:
17-44350469-T-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3_Strong]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9999497
+ - REVEL: 0.940
+ - MVP: 1.000
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0116%
Exomiser Score: 0.785
+ (p=8.3E-3)
Phenotype Score: 0.520
Variant Score: 1.000
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.520 to mouse mutant involving FABP2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0003402, decreased liver weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003402, decreased liver weight
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003402, decreased liver weight
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003402, decreased liver weight
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005669, increased circulating leptin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005669, increased circulating leptin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005179, decreased circulating cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005669, increased circulating leptin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003402, decreased liver weight
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003402, decreased liver weight
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0003402, decreased liver weight
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0005658, increased susceptibility to diet-induced obesity
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SLCO1B3 and phenotypic similarity 0.524 to Rotor syndrome associated with SLCO1B3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0031137, Storage in hepatocytes
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0012379, Abnormal circulating enzyme concentration or activity
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0002904, Hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0002904, Hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0002904, Hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002904, Hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0012379, Abnormal circulating enzyme concentration or activity
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0012379, Abnormal circulating enzyme concentration or activity
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0031137, Storage in hepatocytes
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SLCO1B3 and phenotypic similarity 0.617 to mouse mutant of SLCO1B3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005568, increased circulating total protein level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0000199, abnormal circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005178, increased circulating cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.785
+ (p=8.3E-3)
Phenotype Score: 0.520
Variant Score: 1.000
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
4-119320758-TTGAC-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0008%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0027%
Exomiser Score: 0.763
+ (p=1.0E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.507
Variant Score: 1.000
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.271 to Machado-Joseph disease associated with ATXN3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0002171, Gliosis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0002503, Spinocerebellar tract degeneration
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.284 to mouse mutant involving ATXN3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.507 in interactome to TWNK and phenotypic similarity 0.609 to Autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia associated with TWNK.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001712, Left ventricular hypertrophy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003236, Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003236, Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0009830, Peripheral neuropathy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000819, Diabetes mellitus
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.38 (p-value: 0.943010)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:109150 Machado-Joseph disease - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.763
+ (p=1.0E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.507
Variant Score: 1.000
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.271 to OMIM:109150 Machado-Joseph disease
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PVS1, PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.749
+ (p=1.2E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 1.000
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.220 to Endocrine-cerebroosteodysplasia associated with CILK1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0000835, Adrenal hypoplasia
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0032471, Focal polymicrogyria
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000835, Adrenal hypoplasia
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000835, Adrenal hypoplasia
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000835, Adrenal hypoplasia
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0032471, Focal polymicrogyria
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000835, Adrenal hypoplasia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.370 to mouse mutant involving CILK1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0001785, edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002896, abnormal bone mineralization
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002896, abnormal bone mineralization
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0012676, dilated brain ventricle
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0000547, short limbs
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to CPOX and phenotypic similarity 0.498 to Harderoporphyria associated with CPOX.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0006579, Prolonged neonatal jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0003265, Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003281, Increased circulating ferritin concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003281, Increased circulating ferritin concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001923, Reticulocytosis
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003265, Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to CPOX and phenotypic similarity 0.675 to mouse mutant of CPOX.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002591, decreased mean corpuscular volume
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002810, microcytic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0011178, increased erythroblast number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0011890, increased circulating ferritin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0011890, increased circulating ferritin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002447, abnormal erythrocyte morphology
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0002447, abnormal erythrocyte morphology
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.08 (p-value: 1.000000)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:612651 Endocrine-cerebroosteodysplasia - autosomal recessive
+- OMIM:617924 Epilepsy, juvenile myoclonic, susceptibility to, 10 (susceptibility)
+- ORPHA:307 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.749
+ (p=1.2E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 1.000
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 6-53006378-TC-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.564
+ (p=7.8E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.909
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.220 to OMIM:612651 Endocrine-cerebroosteodysplasia
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 6-53006378-TC-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PVS1, PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
+ 6-53006371-T-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.8177741
+ - REVEL: 0.584
+ - MVP: 0.818
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.749
+ (p=1.2E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 1.000
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.177 to ?Premature ovarian failure 2A associated with DIAPH2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0008232, Elevated circulating follicle stimulating hormone level
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0008232, Elevated circulating follicle stimulating hormone level
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0008209, Premature ovarian insufficiency
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0008209, Premature ovarian insufficiency
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0008232, Elevated circulating follicle stimulating hormone level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0008232, Elevated circulating follicle stimulating hormone level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0008232, Elevated circulating follicle stimulating hormone level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0008232, Elevated circulating follicle stimulating hormone level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.222 to mouse mutant involving DIAPH2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0001566, increased circulating phosphate level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0001566, increased circulating phosphate level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SLC20A1 and phenotypic similarity 0.604 to mouse mutant of SLC20A1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000245, abnormal erythropoiesis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002896, abnormal bone mineralization
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002896, abnormal bone mineralization
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005280, abnormal fatty acids level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000245, abnormal erythropoiesis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.01 (p-value: 0.858070)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:300511 ?Premature ovarian failure 2A (unconfirmed)
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.749
+ (p=1.2E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 1.000
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.177 to OMIM:300511 ?Premature ovarian failure 2A
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ X-97348134-C-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PVS1, PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.182
+ (p=2.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.250
Variant Score: 1.000
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ X-97348134-C-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.749
+ (p=1.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 1.000
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.265 to mouse mutant involving ANKFN1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SIRPG and phenotypic similarity 0.619 to mouse mutant of SIRPG.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0008254, increased megakaryocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0008254, increased megakaryocyte cell number
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005018, decreased T cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.749
+ (p=1.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 1.000
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 17-56374681-AG-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.748
+ (p=1.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 1.000
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.464 to Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis associated with GLT8D1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0000217, Xerostomia
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000217, Xerostomia
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000217, Xerostomia
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000217, Xerostomia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000217, Xerostomia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0007373, Motor neuron atrophy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SRP54 and phenotypic similarity 0.676 to Shwachman-Diamond syndrome associated with SRP54.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001897, Normocytic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0005528, Bone marrow hypocellularity
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001738, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001738, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001627, Abnormal heart morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0012202, Increased serum bile acid concentration
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0410289, Hypoamylasemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0012202, Increased serum bile acid concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0012202, Increased serum bile acid concentration
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0040238, Impaired neutrophil chemotaxis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SRP54 and phenotypic similarity 0.196 to fish mutant of SRP54.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0002029, pancreas development disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - ZP:0002029, pancreas development disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - ZP:0002029, pancreas development disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - ZP:0002029, pancreas development disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - ZP:0002029, pancreas development disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0002029, pancreas development disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0002029, pancreas development disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0002029, pancreas development disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
+- Known diseases:
+- ORPHA:803 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (susceptibility)
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.748
+ (p=1.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 1.000
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.464 to ORPHA:803 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
+ Variants contributing to score:
3-52697811-G-GC [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PVS1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0032%
Exomiser Score: 0.748
+ (p=1.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.999
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to DUSP16 and phenotypic similarity 0.644 to mouse mutant of DUSP16.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0003795, abnormal bone structure
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0003795, abnormal bone structure
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.748
+ (p=1.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.999
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
1-202159294-G-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0011%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0036%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0067%
Exomiser Score: 0.666
+ (p=4.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.953
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.442 to mouse mutant involving ALDH1L2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0014174, decreased fatty acid beta-oxidation
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to DHFR and phenotypic similarity 0.632 to Megaloblastic anemia due to dihydrofolate reductase deficiency associated with DHFR.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0005518, Increased mean corpuscular volume
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001889, Megaloblastic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001876, Pancytopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0025435, Increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase concentration
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001876, Pancytopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0040087, Abnormal blood folate concentration
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0040087, Abnormal blood folate concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0040087, Abnormal blood folate concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0040087, Abnormal blood folate concentration
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0025435, Increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase concentration
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0025435, Increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase concentration
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001876, Pancytopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0005484, Secondary microcephaly
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to DHFR and phenotypic similarity 0.536 to mouse mutant of DHFR.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000600, liver hypoplasia
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008813, decreased common myeloid progenitor cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0013697, decreased granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0013697, decreased granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell number
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000600, liver hypoplasia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0009395, increased nucleated erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to DHFR and phenotypic similarity 0.318 to fish mutant of DHFR.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0001466, ventral region whole organism edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - ZP:0000486, cardiac ventricle structure, abnormal
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - ZP:0017548, axis elongation decreased rate, abnormal
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.666
+ (p=4.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.953
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
12-105038171-G-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9617639
+ - REVEL: 0.826
+ - MVP: 0.962
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0121%
+ - ESP AA: 0.0681%
+ - ESP All: 0.0231%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0484%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0654%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0230%
Exomiser Score: 0.663
+ (p=4.4E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.501
Variant Score: 0.954
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.123 to zebrafish mutant involving NOX5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0005361, cranial nerve II decreased thickness, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to NOS3 and phenotypic similarity 0.527 to Hypertension, pregnancy-induced associated with NOS3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0000822, Hypertension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to NOS3 and phenotypic similarity 0.605 to mouse mutant of NOS3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000607, abnormal hepatocyte morphology
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0001125, abnormal oocyte morphology
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0009345, abnormal trabecular bone thickness
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0000063, decreased bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0003921, abnormal heart left ventricle morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002727, decreased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005182, increased circulating estradiol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0002882, abnormal neuron morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.663
+ (p=4.4E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.501
Variant Score: 0.954
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
15-69035456-G-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9551393
+ - REVEL: 0.328
+ - MVP: 0.955
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0087%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0018%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0032%
Exomiser Score: 0.647
+ (p=5.0E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.501
Variant Score: 0.946
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.223 to mouse mutant involving PROZ.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0031121, increased susceptibility to induced thrombosis
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to ABCC6 and phenotypic similarity 0.632 to Generalized arterial calcification of infancy associated with ABCC6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0006559, Hepatic calcification
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0004912, Hypophosphatemic rickets
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0006559, Hepatic calcification
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0006559, Hepatic calcification
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0010639, Elevated alkaline phosphatase of bone origin
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0006559, Hepatic calcification
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0002749, Osteomalacia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001714, Ventricular hypertrophy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0010639, Elevated alkaline phosphatase of bone origin
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0010639, Elevated alkaline phosphatase of bone origin
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0010639, Elevated alkaline phosphatase of bone origin
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0010639, Elevated alkaline phosphatase of bone origin
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0006559, Hepatic calcification
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0002647, Aortic dissection
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to ABCC6 and phenotypic similarity 0.489 to mouse mutant of ABCC6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005553, increased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005553, increased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0006133, calcified artery
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to ABCC6 and phenotypic similarity 0.302 to fish mutant of ABCC6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0000038, pericardium edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - ZP:0013900, bone mineralization increased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - ZP:0013900, bone mineralization increased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.647
+ (p=5.0E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.501
Variant Score: 0.946
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
13-113164614-G-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.95580864
+ - REVEL: 0.537
+ - MVP: 0.956
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0156%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0004%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0701%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0015%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0464%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
Exomiser Score: 0.644
+ (p=5.1E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.944
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.526 to Congenital myopathy 22B, severe fetal associated with SCN4A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0002987, Elbow flexion contracture
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0002202, Pleural effusion
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002202, Pleural effusion
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001790, Nonimmune hydrops fetalis
- Phenotypic similarity 0.415 to mouse mutant involving SCN4A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0008935, decreased mean platelet volume
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008935, decreased mean platelet volume
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0008806, increased circulating amylase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0008806, increased circulating amylase level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0008935, decreased mean platelet volume
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0008935, decreased mean platelet volume
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to GLRB and phenotypic similarity 0.163 to Hereditary hyperekplexia associated with GLRB.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001387, Joint stiffness
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to GLRB and phenotypic similarity 0.618 to mouse mutant of GLRB.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.79 (p-value: 0.991310)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:168300 Paramyotonia congenita - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:170500 Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:608390 Myotonia congenita, atypical, acetazolamide-responsive - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:613345 Hypokalemic periodic paralysis, type 2 - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:614198 Myasthenic syndrome, congenital, 16 - autosomal recessive
+- OMIM:620351 Congenital myopathy 22A, classic - autosomal recessive
+- OMIM:620369 Congenital myopathy 22B, severe fetal - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:681 Hypokalemic periodic paralysis - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:682 Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:684 Paramyotonia congenita of Von Eulenburg - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:98913 Postsynaptic congenital myasthenic syndromes - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:99734 Myotonia fluctuans - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:99735 Myotonia permanens - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:99736 Acetazolamide-responsive myotonia - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.644
+ (p=5.1E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.944
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.326 to ORPHA:681 Hypokalemic periodic paralysis
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.307 to ORPHA:682 Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.266 to OMIM:608390 Myotonia congenita, atypical, acetazolamide-responsive
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.228 to ORPHA:99736 Acetazolamide-responsive myotonia
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.193 to ORPHA:684 Paramyotonia congenita of Von Eulenburg
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.184 to OMIM:613345 Hypokalemic periodic paralysis, type 2
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.184 to OMIM:170500 Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.167 to ORPHA:99735 Myotonia permanens
+ Variants contributing to score:
17-63943777-T-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9467736
+ - REVEL: 0.871
+ - MVP: 0.947
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0008%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0246%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0058%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0228%
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.173
+ (p=2.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.526
Variant Score: 0.681
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.526 to OMIM:620369 Congenital myopathy 22B, severe fetal
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.409 to OMIM:620351 Congenital myopathy 22A, classic
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.198 to ORPHA:98913 Postsynaptic congenital myasthenic syndromes
+ Variants contributing to score:
17-63943777-T-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9467736
+ - REVEL: 0.871
+ - MVP: 0.947
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0008%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0246%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0058%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0228%
17-63940814-G-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.44369525
+ - REVEL: 0.242
+ - MVP: 0.444
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.1874%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0159%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0209%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.2906%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.3627%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0200%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.2990%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0747%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.3349%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0115%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.2466%
+ Other passed variants:
17-63959349-G-A [0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0625%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0246%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.2670%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0122%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.3015%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0183%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0130%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.4932%
Exomiser Score: 0.631
+ (p=5.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.507
Variant Score: 0.932
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.507 in interactome to PCCB and phenotypic similarity 0.611 to Propionicacidemia associated with PCCB.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001944, Dehydration
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001876, Pancytopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0003353, Propionyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001638, Cardiomyopathy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001942, Metabolic acidosis
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003353, Propionyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0001987, Hyperammonemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0001942, Metabolic acidosis
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0003353, Propionyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0003353, Propionyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001875, Neutropenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.507 in interactome to PCCB and phenotypic similarity 0.208 to mouse mutant of PCCB.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0001914, hemorrhage
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0003054, spina bifida
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.631
+ (p=5.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.507
Variant Score: 0.932
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
20-34926200-G-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.93637544
+ - REVEL: 0.708
+ - MVP: 0.936
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0015%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0182%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0365%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0130%
Exomiser Score: 0.616
+ (p=6.1E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.576
Variant Score: 0.847
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.576 to mouse mutant involving THAP11.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0005584, abnormal enzyme/coenzyme activity
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0005584, abnormal enzyme/coenzyme activity
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0005584, abnormal enzyme/coenzyme activity
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0010499, abnormal ventricle myocardium morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005584, abnormal enzyme/coenzyme activity
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005584, abnormal enzyme/coenzyme activity
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0002182, abnormal astrocyte morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.207 to zebrafish mutant involving THAP11.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0102283, neuroblast differentiation disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to USP53 and phenotypic similarity 0.682 to Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic, 7, with or without hearing loss associated with USP53.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0410053, Elevated circulating gamma-aminobutyric acid concentration
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003155, Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0410053, Elevated circulating gamma-aminobutyric acid concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0410053, Elevated circulating gamma-aminobutyric acid concentration
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001395, Hepatic fibrosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to USP53 and phenotypic similarity 0.519 to mouse mutant of USP53.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0010124, decreased bone mineral content
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0000063, decreased bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0003896, prolonged PR interval
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005568, increased circulating total protein level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005568, increased circulating total protein level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005178, increased circulating cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0004738, abnormal auditory brainstem response
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.616
+ (p=6.1E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.576
Variant Score: 0.847
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
16-67842884-G-GCAGCAGCAA [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0060%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0296%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0019%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0033%
Exomiser Score: 0.604
+ (p=6.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.519
Variant Score: 0.905
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.519 in interactome to PKHD1 and phenotypic similarity 0.727 to Caroli disease associated with PKHD1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001974, Leukocytosis
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001974, Leukocytosis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001974, Leukocytosis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001409, Portal hypertension
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001409, Portal hypertension
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001409, Portal hypertension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001945, Fever
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0045056, Abnormal circulating alpha-fetoprotein concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0045056, Abnormal circulating alpha-fetoprotein concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001974, Leukocytosis
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002908, Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001974, Leukocytosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001824, Weight loss
- Proximity score 0.519 in interactome to PKHD1 and phenotypic similarity 0.548 to mouse mutant of PKHD1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0003327, liver cyst
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0003254, bile duct inflammation
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003254, bile duct inflammation
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003254, bile duct inflammation
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003254, bile duct inflammation
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003254, bile duct inflammation
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003254, bile duct inflammation
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.604
+ (p=6.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.519
Variant Score: 0.905
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 10-100297029-A-G [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, PP3]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9051355
+ - REVEL: 0.750
+ - MVP: 0.905
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.597
+ (p=6.7E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.513
Variant Score: 0.910
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.558 to Mosaic variegated aneuploidy syndrome associated with BUB1B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0006721, Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0006721, Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0002797, Osteolysis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0002797, Osteolysis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001682, Subvalvular aortic stenosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0010880, Increased nuchal translucency
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0010880, Increased nuchal translucency
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001679, Abnormal aortic morphology
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.513 to mouse mutant involving BUB1B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0010080, abnormal hepatocyte physiology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 1.29 (p-value: 0.893820)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:114500 Colorectal cancer, somatic - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:257300 Mosaic variegated aneuploidy syndrome 1 - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:1052 Mosaic variegated aneuploidy syndrome - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.597
+ (p=6.7E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.513
Variant Score: 0.910
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
15-40212581-G-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, BP4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9095185
+ - REVEL: 0.184
+ - MVP: 0.910
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.580
+ (p=7.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.558
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.287 to Congenital hypotonia, epilepsy, developmental delay, and digital anomalies associated with ATN1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0003186, Inverted nipples
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0010880, Increased nuchal translucency
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0002126, Polymicrogyria
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001382, Joint hypermobility
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001629, Ventricular septal defect
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0010880, Increased nuchal translucency
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0010880, Increased nuchal translucency
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0002126, Polymicrogyria
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0003186, Inverted nipples
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001680, Coarctation of aorta
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.558 to mouse mutant involving ATN1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0005016, decreased lymphocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0000266, abnormal heart morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0001552, increased circulating triglyceride level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to BMP2 and phenotypic similarity 0.638 to HFE hemochromatosis, modifier of associated with BMP2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001402, Hepatocellular carcinoma
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001640, Cardiomegaly
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001952, Glucose intolerance
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003281, Increased circulating ferritin concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003281, Increased circulating ferritin concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003281, Increased circulating ferritin concentration
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to BMP2 and phenotypic similarity 0.282 to mouse mutant of BMP2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0000928, incomplete rostral neuropore closure
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to BMP2 and phenotypic similarity 0.302 to fish mutant of BMP2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0009826, liver development decreased process quality, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - ZP:0009826, liver development decreased process quality, abnormal
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - ZP:0009826, liver development decreased process quality, abnormal
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - ZP:0009826, liver development decreased process quality, abnormal
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - ZP:0009826, liver development decreased process quality, abnormal
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0009826, liver development decreased process quality, abnormal
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0009826, liver development decreased process quality, abnormal
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0009826, liver development decreased process quality, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.21 (p-value: 0.919700)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:125370 Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:618494 Congenital hypotonia, epilepsy, developmental delay, and digital anomalies - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:101 Dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.580
+ (p=7.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.558
Variant Score: 0.850
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.287 to OMIM:618494 Congenital hypotonia, epilepsy, developmental delay, and digital anomalies
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.138 to ORPHA:101 Dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy
+ Variants contributing to score:
12-6936728-ACAGCAGCAGCAGCAG-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.574
+ (p=7.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.662
Variant Score: 0.730
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.662 to mouse mutant involving PITX3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000322, increased granulocyte number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000221, decreased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0004016, decreased bone mass
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0008805, decreased circulating amylase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005179, decreased circulating cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0011448, decreased dopaminergic neuron number
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000322, increased granulocyte number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to MYB and phenotypic similarity 0.628 to mouse mutant of MYB.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000245, abnormal erythropoiesis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002417, abnormal megakaryocyte morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002417, abnormal megakaryocyte morphology
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0005505, thrombocytosis
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000222, decreased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to MYB and phenotypic similarity 0.424 to fish mutant of MYB.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia - ZP:0000547, definitive hemopoiesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0001192, heart edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - ZP:0000547, definitive hemopoiesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - ZP:0018782, neutrophil differentiation decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - ZP:0010649, ossification involved in bone maturation arrested, abnormal
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - ZP:0000547, definitive hemopoiesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0018782, neutrophil differentiation decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.01 (p-value: 0.821160)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:107250 Anterior segment dysgenesis 1, multiple subtypes - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:610623 Cataract 11, multiple types - autosomal dominant/recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.574
+ (p=7.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.662
Variant Score: 0.730
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 10-102231979-C-G [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.73019105
+ - REVEL: 0.361
+ - MVP: 0.730
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.572
+ (p=7.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.912
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.386 to mouse mutant involving KCNH6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0009176, increased pancreatic alpha cell number
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0009176, increased pancreatic alpha cell number
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003339, decreased pancreatic beta cell number
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003339, decreased pancreatic beta cell number
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003339, decreased pancreatic beta cell number
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002727, decreased circulating insulin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003339, decreased pancreatic beta cell number
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003339, decreased pancreatic beta cell number
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0003564, abnormal insulin secretion
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.188 to zebrafish mutant involving KCNH6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0000038, pericardium edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0005691, dorsal aorta decreased diameter, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to KCNE2 and phenotypic similarity 0.227 to Romano-Ward syndrome associated with KCNE2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001279, Syncope
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0002900, Hypokalemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0002900, Hypokalemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002900, Hypokalemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0012332, Abnormal autonomic nervous system physiology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to KCNE2 and phenotypic similarity 0.684 to mouse mutant of KCNE2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008808, decreased spleen iron level
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008388, hypochromic microcytic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0008388, hypochromic microcytic anemia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0008006, increased stomach pH
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0008006, increased stomach pH
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0008006, increased stomach pH
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0008006, increased stomach pH
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0011285, increased circulating erythropoietin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0011891, decreased circulating ferritin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0011891, decreased circulating ferritin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0005505, thrombocytosis
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0011285, increased circulating erythropoietin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008006, increased stomach pH
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008006, increased stomach pH
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0004139, abnormal gastric parietal cell morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.572
+ (p=7.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.912
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
17-63542258-G-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9149335
+ - REVEL: 0.899
+ - MVP: 0.915
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0004%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0182%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0058%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0227%
Exomiser Score: 0.572
+ (p=7.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.905
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to PKD1 and phenotypic similarity 0.362 to Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease associated with PKD1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001407, Hepatic cysts
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001407, Hepatic cysts
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001407, Hepatic cysts
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001407, Hepatic cysts
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001634, Mitral valve prolapse
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0003259, Elevated circulating creatinine concentration
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003259, Elevated circulating creatinine concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003259, Elevated circulating creatinine concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003259, Elevated circulating creatinine concentration
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001407, Hepatic cysts
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0011004, Abnormal systemic arterial morphology
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to PKD1 and phenotypic similarity 0.712 to mouse mutant of PKD1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0003327, liver cyst
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002928, abnormal bile duct morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003325, decreased liver function
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003325, decreased liver function
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003325, decreased liver function
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005328, abnormal circulating creatinine level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005328, abnormal circulating creatinine level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003325, decreased liver function
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003325, decreased liver function
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000608, dissociated hepatocytes
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to PKD1 and phenotypic similarity 0.301 to fish mutant of PKD1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0006450, liver cystic, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0001192, heart edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - ZP:0006450, liver cystic, abnormal
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - ZP:0006450, liver cystic, abnormal
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - ZP:0006450, liver cystic, abnormal
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - ZP:0006450, liver cystic, abnormal
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0006450, liver cystic, abnormal
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0006450, liver cystic, abnormal
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0006450, liver cystic, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:614391 Pregnancy loss, recurrent, susceptibility to, 3 (susceptibility)
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.572
+ (p=7.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.905
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
4-121678449-C-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.90547425
+ - REVEL: 0.490
+ - MVP: 0.905
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.549
+ (p=8.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.899
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.345 to mouse mutant involving ACVR2A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0005012, decreased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0000222, decreased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005012, decreased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0005012, decreased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000222, decreased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000222, decreased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.143 to zebrafish mutant involving ACVR2A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - ZP:0009676, maxilla fused with maxilla, abnormal
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - ZP:0009676, maxilla fused with maxilla, abnormal
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to BMP6 and phenotypic similarity 0.618 to Symptomatic form of HFE-related hemochromatosis associated with BMP6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001386, Joint swelling
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0030153, Cholangiocarcinoma
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0100626, Chronic hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0100626, Chronic hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001640, Cardiomegaly
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0003074, Hyperglycemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003281, Increased circulating ferritin concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0040171, Decreased serum testosterone concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003074, Hyperglycemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0009830, Peripheral neuropathy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001824, Weight loss
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to BMP6 and phenotypic similarity 0.483 to mouse mutant of BMP6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000613, abnormal salivary gland morphology
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005561, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000613, abnormal salivary gland morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000613, abnormal salivary gland morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000613, abnormal salivary gland morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000613, abnormal salivary gland morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0005333, decreased heart rate
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002941, increased circulating alanine transaminase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002941, increased circulating alanine transaminase level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000613, abnormal salivary gland morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000613, abnormal salivary gland morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0002152, abnormal brain morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000613, abnormal salivary gland morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.549
+ (p=8.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.899
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 2-147927261-A-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.8990258
+ - REVEL: 0.526
+ - MVP: 0.899
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.541
+ (p=8.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.510
Variant Score: 0.888
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.232 to Spinocerebellar ataxia type 43 associated with MME.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0003387, Decreased number of large peripheral myelinated nerve fibers
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0003387, Decreased number of large peripheral myelinated nerve fibers
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.424 to mouse mutant involving MME.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0005151, diffuse hepatic necrosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0005151, diffuse hepatic necrosis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0005151, diffuse hepatic necrosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0005151, diffuse hepatic necrosis
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0005151, diffuse hepatic necrosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005416, abnormal circulating protein level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005416, abnormal circulating protein level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005151, diffuse hepatic necrosis
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005151, diffuse hepatic necrosis
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0005404, abnormal axon morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0005151, diffuse hepatic necrosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.510 in interactome to CR2 and phenotypic similarity 0.667 to Common variable immunodeficiency associated with CR2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001888, Lymphopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0000979, Purpura
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001973, Autoimmune thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001888, Lymphopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy
- Proximity score 0.510 in interactome to CR2 and phenotypic similarity 0.362 to mouse mutant of CR2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002359, abnormal spleen germinal center morphology
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0000222, decreased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0004940, abnormal B-1 B cell morphology
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0004940, abnormal B-1 B cell morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002359, abnormal spleen germinal center morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002359, abnormal spleen germinal center morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002359, abnormal spleen germinal center morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002359, abnormal spleen germinal center morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000222, decreased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002359, abnormal spleen germinal center morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002359, abnormal spleen germinal center morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002359, abnormal spleen germinal center morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000222, decreased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.13 (p-value: 0.999760)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:617017 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, axonal, type 2T - autosomal dominant/recessive
+- OMIM:617018 ?Spinocerebellar ataxia 43 (unconfirmed)
+- ORPHA:497764 Spinocerebellar ataxia type 43 - autosomal dominant/recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.541
+ (p=8.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.510
Variant Score: 0.888
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.232 to ORPHA:497764 Spinocerebellar ataxia type 43
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.183 to OMIM:617018 ?Spinocerebellar ataxia 43
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.183 to OMIM:617017 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, axonal, type 2T
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 3-155116718-A-G [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.8877893
+ - REVEL: 0.514
+ - MVP: 0.888
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.538
+ (p=8.6E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.895
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.265 to mouse mutant involving SLC7A10.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to SLC7A7 and phenotypic similarity 0.789 to Lysinuric protein intolerance associated with SLC7A7.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0031020, Bone marrow hypercellularity
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001627, Abnormal heart morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001987, Hyperammonemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003281, Increased circulating ferritin concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003348, Hyperalaninemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0012280, Hepatic amyloidosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0012156, Hemophagocytosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to SLC7A7 and phenotypic similarity 0.519 to mouse mutant of SLC7A7.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0004953, decreased spleen weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0005016, decreased lymphocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0020137, decreased bone mineralization
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0008489, slow postnatal weight gain
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to SLC7A7 and phenotypic similarity 0.323 to fish mutant of SLC7A7.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.538
+ (p=8.6E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.895
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
19-33215803-C-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9017956
+ - REVEL: 0.401
+ - MVP: 0.902
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0312%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0110%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0535%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0247%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0112%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0162%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0056%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0164%
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.395
+ (p=1.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.832
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
19-33215803-C-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9017956
+ - REVEL: 0.401
+ - MVP: 0.902
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0312%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0110%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0535%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0247%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0112%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0162%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0056%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0164%
19-33210906-T-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0625%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0068%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0108%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.2005%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0621%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.1803%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0184%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0455%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.2469%
Exomiser Score: 0.526
+ (p=9.0E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.537
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.537 to mouse mutant involving ZNF787.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0005293, impaired glucose tolerance
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.526
+ (p=9.0E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.537
Variant Score: 0.850
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
19-56088071-C-CTCG [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.522
+ (p=9.1E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.887
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.317 to Retinitis pigmentosa associated with PDE6B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000135, Hypogonadism
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000135, Hypogonadism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000135, Hypogonadism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0000648, Optic atrophy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001513, Obesity
- Phenotypic similarity 0.460 to mouse mutant involving PDE6B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0012311, decreased defecation amount
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0012311, decreased defecation amount
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0012311, decreased defecation amount
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0012311, decreased defecation amount
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005627, increased circulating potassium level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0008805, decreased circulating amylase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002644, decreased circulating triglyceride level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005627, increased circulating potassium level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0012311, decreased defecation amount
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0012311, decreased defecation amount
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to ENTPD5 and phenotypic similarity 0.690 to mouse mutant of ENTPD5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0008114, abnormal Kupffer cell morphology
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008114, abnormal Kupffer cell morphology
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0008114, abnormal Kupffer cell morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0010042, abnormal oval cell physiology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0010042, abnormal oval cell physiology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0010042, abnormal oval cell physiology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0010042, abnormal oval cell physiology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0003983, decreased cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0008114, abnormal Kupffer cell morphology
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010042, abnormal oval cell physiology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010042, abnormal oval cell physiology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000607, abnormal hepatocyte morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0008114, abnormal Kupffer cell morphology
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to ENTPD5 and phenotypic similarity 0.324 to fish mutant of ENTPD5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - ZP:0002797, bone mineralization disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - ZP:0002797, bone mineralization disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - ZP:0009437, phosphate ion homeostasis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - ZP:0009437, phosphate ion homeostasis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - ZP:0009437, phosphate ion homeostasis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - ZP:0009437, phosphate ion homeostasis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0009437, phosphate ion homeostasis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.26 (p-value: 0.997250)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:163500 Night blindness, congenital stationary, autosomal dominant 2 - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:613801 Retinitis pigmentosa-40 - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:215 Congenital stationary night blindness - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:791 Retinitis pigmentosa - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.522
+ (p=9.1E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.887
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
4-662556-G-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.8875141
+ - REVEL: 0.805
+ - MVP: 0.888
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0030%
Exomiser Score: 0.516
+ (p=9.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.886
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.225 to mouse mutant involving CACNA1G.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0003354, astrocytosis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0000876, Purkinje cell degeneration
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to CACNA1D and phenotypic similarity 0.618 to Primary hyperaldosteronism-seizures-neurological abnormalities syndrome associated with CACNA1D.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0008221, Adrenal hyperplasia
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0008221, Adrenal hyperplasia
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000859, Hyperaldosteronism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000859, Hyperaldosteronism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001714, Ventricular hypertrophy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0040084, Abnormal circulating renin
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0000859, Hyperaldosteronism
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0008221, Adrenal hyperplasia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0002170, Intracranial hemorrhage
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to CACNA1D and phenotypic similarity 0.423 to mouse mutant of CACNA1D.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0009176, increased pancreatic alpha cell number
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0009175, abnormal pancreatic beta cell differentiation
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0005215, abnormal pancreatic islet morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003339, decreased pancreatic beta cell number
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003339, decreased pancreatic beta cell number
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003339, decreased pancreatic beta cell number
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0004231, abnormal calcium ion homeostasis
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002727, decreased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002727, decreased circulating insulin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0004231, abnormal calcium ion homeostasis
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003339, decreased pancreatic beta cell number
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003339, decreased pancreatic beta cell number
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0004434, abnormal cochlear outer hair cell physiology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0009175, abnormal pancreatic beta cell differentiation
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to CACNA1D and phenotypic similarity 0.192 to fish mutant of CACNA1D.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0011236, ribbon synapse neuromast hair cell morphology, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.47 (p-value: 0.999670)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:616795 Spinocerebellar ataxia 42 - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:618087 Spinocerebellar ataxia 42, early-onset, severe, with neurodevelopmental deficits - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:458803 Spinocerebellar ataxia type 42 - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.516
+ (p=9.3E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.886
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
17-50578553-T-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.8858178
+ - REVEL: 0.695
+ - MVP: 0.886
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0011%
Exomiser Score: 0.512
+ (p=9.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.883
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.318 to mouse mutant involving SLC7A11.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0004725, decreased platelet serotonin level
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0005606, increased bleeding time
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0004725, decreased platelet serotonin level
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0005606, increased bleeding time
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0004725, decreased platelet serotonin level
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0004725, decreased platelet serotonin level
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to TNFSF11 and phenotypic similarity 0.548 to Osteopetrosis, autosomal recessive 2 associated with TNFSF11.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001978, Extramedullary hematopoiesis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001876, Pancytopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0011002, Osteopetrosis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0001293, Cranial nerve compression
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001876, Pancytopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to TNFSF11 and phenotypic similarity 0.690 to mouse mutant of TNFSF11.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002811, macrocytic anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0010249, lactation failure
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002811, macrocytic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0004985, decreased osteoclast cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0001823, thymus hypoplasia
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0010249, lactation failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0010249, lactation failure
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0010249, lactation failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0000062, increased bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0004985, decreased osteoclast cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010249, lactation failure
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010249, lactation failure
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0001823, thymus hypoplasia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0004985, decreased osteoclast cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.512
+ (p=9.5E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.883
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
4-138214610-T-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.883
+ - REVEL: 0.883
+ - MVP: 0.881
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0004%
Exomiser Score: 0.501
+ (p=9.8E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.507
Variant Score: 0.874
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.168 to Gillespie syndrome associated with ITPR1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001660, Truncus arteriosus
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.254 to mouse mutant involving ITPR1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.507 in interactome to STIM1 and phenotypic similarity 0.546 to Stormorken syndrome associated with STIM1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0006270, Hypoplastic spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0025435, Increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase concentration
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001892, Abnormal bleeding
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003236, Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003236, Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003236, Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0025435, Increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase concentration
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0025435, Increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase concentration
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.507 in interactome to STIM1 and phenotypic similarity 0.630 to mouse mutant of STIM1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0005048, abnormal thrombosis
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000228, abnormal thrombopoiesis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0011747, myelofibrosis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002397, abnormal bone marrow morphology
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0005606, increased bleeding time
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0008476, increased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0011747, myelofibrosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.507 in interactome to STIM1 and phenotypic similarity 0.182 to fish mutant of STIM1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0138468, CaP motoneuron decreased occurrence axon guidance, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - ZP:0138469, CaP motoneuron arrested axon extension involved in axon guidance, abnormal
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.09 (p-value: 0.999560)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:117360 Spinocerebellar ataxia 29, congenital nonprogressive - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:206700 Gillespie syndrome - autosomal dominant/recessive
+- OMIM:606658 Spinocerebellar ataxia 15 - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:1065 Aniridia-cerebellar ataxia-intellectual disability syndrome - autosomal dominant/recessive
+- ORPHA:208513 Spinocerebellar ataxia type 29 - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:98769 Spinocerebellar ataxia type 15/16 - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.501
+ (p=9.8E-2)
Phenotype Score: 0.507
Variant Score: 0.874
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.168 to OMIM:206700 Gillespie syndrome
+ Variants contributing to score:
3-4669692-A-G [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.87393194
+ - REVEL: 0.427
+ - MVP: 0.874
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.213 to mouse mutant involving TMPRSS9.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001260, increased body weight
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SLC25A13 and phenotypic similarity 0.769 to Neonatal intrahepatic cholestasis due to citrin deficiency associated with SLC25A13.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001892, Abnormal bleeding
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001987, Hyperammonemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003128, Lactic acidosis
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SLC25A13 and phenotypic similarity 0.461 to mouse mutant of SLC25A13.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0009355, increased liver triglyceride level
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0009355, increased liver triglyceride level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0009355, increased liver triglyceride level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0009355, increased liver triglyceride level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002727, decreased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002727, decreased circulating insulin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0009355, increased liver triglyceride level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0009355, increased liver triglyceride level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.489
+ (p=1.0E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.876
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
19-2425144-G-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.885597
+ - REVEL: 0.636
+ - MVP: 0.886
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0625%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0625%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0773%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0091%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0248%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0105%
Exomiser Score: 0.486
+ (p=1.0E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.509
Variant Score: 0.865
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.477 to Smith-Kingsmore syndrome associated with MTOR.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001943, Hypoglycemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0001943, Hypoglycemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0001943, Hypoglycemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0001943, Hypoglycemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0012650, Perisylvian polymicrogyria
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001943, Hypoglycemia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001520, Large for gestational age
- Phenotypic similarity 0.460 to mouse mutant involving MTOR.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0005561, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005561, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005561, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000183, decreased circulating LDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0005561, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005561, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.394 to zebrafish mutant involving MTOR.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0000720, liver decreased size, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - ZP:0015598, liver low brightness, abnormal
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - ZP:0015598, liver low brightness, abnormal
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - ZP:0015598, liver low brightness, abnormal
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - ZP:0015598, liver low brightness, abnormal
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - ZP:0021359, whole organism decreased occurrence cholesterol biosynthetic process, abnormal
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - ZP:0021359, whole organism decreased occurrence cholesterol biosynthetic process, abnormal
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - ZP:0021359, whole organism decreased occurrence cholesterol biosynthetic process, abnormal
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - ZP:0021359, whole organism decreased occurrence cholesterol biosynthetic process, abnormal
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0015598, liver low brightness, abnormal
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0015598, liver low brightness, abnormal
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0021361, myelin sheath spinal cord decreased thickness, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0000720, liver decreased size, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.509 in interactome to MEFV and phenotypic similarity 0.588 to Familial Mediterranean fever associated with MEFV.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001369, Arthritis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001658, Myocardial infarction
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001945, Fever
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0001945, Fever
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0002633, Vasculitis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.509 in interactome to MEFV and phenotypic similarity 0.616 to mouse mutant of MEFV.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000218, increased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002933, joint inflammation
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000322, increased granulocyte number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005425, increased macrophage cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.87 (p-value: 0.850660)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:607341 Focal cortical dysplasia, type II, somatic - somatic
+- OMIM:616638 Smith-Kingsmore syndrome - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:457485 Macrocephaly-intellectual disability-neurodevelopmental disorder-small thorax syndrome - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.486
+ (p=1.0E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.509
Variant Score: 0.865
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.477 to OMIM:616638 Smith-Kingsmore syndrome
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.292 to ORPHA:457485 Macrocephaly-intellectual disability-neurodevelopmental disorder-small thorax syndrome
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 1-11199603-C-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, PP3]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.86453384
+ - REVEL: 0.644
+ - MVP: 0.865
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.483
+ (p=1.0E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.565
Variant Score: 0.800
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.565 to mouse mutant involving TYW1B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0000208, decreased hematocrit
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000208, decreased hematocrit
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000208, decreased hematocrit
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0006243, impaired pupillary reflex
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.483
+ (p=1.0E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.565
Variant Score: 0.800
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
7-72629004-C-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0004%
Exomiser Score: 0.482
+ (p=1.0E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.501
Variant Score: 0.872
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.124 to mouse mutant involving SLC25A31.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0014052, increased male germ cell apoptosis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to SLC25A4 and phenotypic similarity 0.609 to Autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia associated with SLC25A4.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001712, Left ventricular hypertrophy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003236, Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003236, Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0009830, Peripheral neuropathy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000819, Diabetes mellitus
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to SLC25A4 and phenotypic similarity 0.472 to mouse mutant of SLC25A4.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0001625, cardiac hypertrophy
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0001625, cardiac hypertrophy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0030673, increased circulating alanine level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0013405, increased circulating lactate level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.482
+ (p=1.0E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.501
Variant Score: 0.872
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
4-127768852-C-T [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.8798723
+ - REVEL: 0.785
+ - MVP: 0.880
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0113%
+ - ESP AA: 0.0454%
+ - ESP All: 0.0154%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0481%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0087%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0116%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0470%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0032%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0181%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0573%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.0619%
Exomiser Score: 0.474
+ (p=1.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.867
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.197 to zebrafish mutant involving DNAJB5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0018468, axon peripheral neuron morphology, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to CLPB and phenotypic similarity 0.640 to 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type 7 associated with CLPB.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0005528, Bone marrow hypocellularity
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001875, Neutropenia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0005528, Bone marrow hypocellularity
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0005528, Bone marrow hypocellularity
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001638, Cardiomyopathy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001875, Neutropenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001875, Neutropenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.503 in interactome to CLPB and phenotypic similarity 0.212 to fish mutant of CLPB.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0012655, axon cerebellum morphology, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.474
+ (p=1.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.867
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
9-34996780-G-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.87513155
+ - REVEL: 0.399
+ - MVP: 0.875
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0625%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0068%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0699%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0305%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0581%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0018%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0228%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.0617%
Exomiser Score: 0.462
+ (p=1.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.864
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.553 to Pontocerebellar hypoplasia, hypotonia, and respiratory insufficiency syndrome, neonatal lethal associated with ATAD3A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001639, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003146, Hypocholesterolemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0003477, Peripheral axonal neuropathy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.458 to mouse mutant involving ATAD3A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to USB1 and phenotypic similarity 0.640 to Dyskeratosis congenita associated with USB1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0005528, Bone marrow hypocellularity
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0100585, Telangiectasia of the skin
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000819, Diabetes mellitus
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000819, Diabetes mellitus
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001874, Abnormality of neutrophils
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to USB1 and phenotypic similarity 0.279 to mouse mutant of USB1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0001785, edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to USB1 and phenotypic similarity 0.208 to fish mutant of USB1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0001452, trunk edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.46 (p-value: 0.988820)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:617183 Harel-Yoon syndrome - autosomal dominant/recessive
+- OMIM:618810 Pontocerebellar hypoplasia, hypotonia, and respiratory insufficiency syndrome, neonatal lethal - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:496790 Ocular anomalies-axonal neuropathy-developmental delay syndrome - autosomal dominant/recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.462
+ (p=1.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.864
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.485 to ORPHA:496790 Ocular anomalies-axonal neuropathy-developmental delay syndrome
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.465 to OMIM:617183 Harel-Yoon syndrome
+ Variants contributing to score:
1-1524324-G-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PP3_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.8663908
+ - REVEL: 0.809
+ - MVP: 0.866
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0018%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0183%
Exomiser Score: 0.447
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.507
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.288 to Spinocerebellar ataxia 1 associated with ATXN1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0007006, Dorsal column degeneration
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.392 to mouse mutant involving ATXN1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0004191, neuronal intranuclear inclusions
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0008489, slow postnatal weight gain
- Proximity score 0.507 in interactome to ATXN2 and phenotypic similarity 0.464 to Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis associated with ATXN2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0000217, Xerostomia
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000217, Xerostomia
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000217, Xerostomia
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000217, Xerostomia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000217, Xerostomia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0007373, Motor neuron atrophy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.507 in interactome to ATXN2 and phenotypic similarity 0.675 to mouse mutant of ATXN2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005178, increased circulating cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0010400, increased liver glycogen level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0005455, increased susceptibility to weight gain
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.38 (p-value: 0.844500)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:164400 Spinocerebellar ataxia 1 - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:98755 Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.447
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.507
Variant Score: 0.850
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.288 to OMIM:164400 Spinocerebellar ataxia 1
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.204 to ORPHA:98755 Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1
+ Variants contributing to score:
6-16327684-ATGC-A [-/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.055
+ (p=3.4E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.253
Variant Score: 0.850
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
6-16327684-A-ATGCTGC [-/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
6-16327684-ATGC-A [-/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.445
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to GALNT1 and phenotypic similarity 0.745 to mouse mutant of GALNT1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002607, decreased basophil cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0005606, increased bleeding time
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005012, decreased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002607, decreased basophil cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0006128, pulmonary valve stenosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002607, decreased basophil cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0010470, dilated ascending aorta
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.445
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.850
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
7-100969674-A-ACTG [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, PM4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.389
+ (p=1.4E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.825
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
7-100969674-A-ACTG [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, PM4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100969688-A-G [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
+ Other passed variants:
7-100969671-G-A [0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.012
+ - REVEL: 0.012
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.437
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.517
Variant Score: 0.834
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.476 to MODY associated with CEL.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0012028, Hepatocellular adenoma
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0040217, Elevated hemoglobin A1c
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0040217, Elevated hemoglobin A1c
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0040217, Elevated hemoglobin A1c
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0012028, Hepatocellular adenoma
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001738, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001738, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000825, Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0030794, Abnormal circulating C-peptide concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0030794, Abnormal circulating C-peptide concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0040217, Elevated hemoglobin A1c
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000825, Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000831, Insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0040217, Elevated hemoglobin A1c
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001520, Large for gestational age
- Phenotypic similarity 0.236 to mouse mutant involving CEL.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0005342, abnormal intestinal lipid absorption
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0005342, abnormal intestinal lipid absorption
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0005342, abnormal intestinal lipid absorption
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0005342, abnormal intestinal lipid absorption
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005342, abnormal intestinal lipid absorption
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005342, abnormal intestinal lipid absorption
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005342, abnormal intestinal lipid absorption
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.517 in interactome to LIPA and phenotypic similarity 0.854 to Cholesteryl ester storage disease associated with LIPA.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001538, Protuberant abdomen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001882, Leukopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001409, Portal hypertension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003282, Low alkaline phosphatase
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002155, Hypertriglyceridemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.517 in interactome to LIPA and phenotypic similarity 0.706 to mouse mutant of LIPA.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0031058, hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0008245, abnormal alveolar macrophage morphology
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008245, abnormal alveolar macrophage morphology
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0008245, abnormal alveolar macrophage morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0008245, abnormal alveolar macrophage morphology
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0001554, increased circulating free fatty acids level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0000820, abnormal choroid plexus morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0008245, abnormal alveolar macrophage morphology
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.63 (p-value: 0.000390)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:609812 Maturity-onset diabetes of the young, type VIII - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:552 MODY - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.437
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.517
Variant Score: 0.834
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.476 to ORPHA:552 MODY
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.434 to OMIM:609812 Maturity-onset diabetes of the young, type VIII
+ Variants contributing to score:
9-133068761-G-A [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.841606
+ - REVEL: 0.269
+ - MVP: 0.842
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0167%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0324%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0020%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0200%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0071%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0247%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.0632%
Exomiser Score: 0.433
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.501
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.277 to mouse mutant involving MADCAM1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008135, small Peyer's patches
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0005017, decreased B cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005017, decreased B cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0005017, decreased B cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0005017, decreased B cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005017, decreased B cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to IL10 and phenotypic similarity 0.493 to Systemic lupus erythematosus associated with IL10.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0100755, Abnormality of salivation
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001882, Leukopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001369, Arthritis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0000822, Hypertension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0100755, Abnormality of salivation
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0100755, Abnormality of salivation
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001882, Leukopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to IL10 and phenotypic similarity 0.742 to mouse mutant of IL10.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008477, decreased spleen red pulp amount
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002810, microcytic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0008246, abnormal leukocyte morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002896, abnormal bone mineralization
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0003037, increased myocardial infarct size
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005554, decreased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0000199, abnormal circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005179, decreased circulating cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005554, decreased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0009355, increased liver triglyceride level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000322, increased granulocyte number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.433
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.501
Variant Score: 0.850
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.430
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.394 to Zimmermann-Laband syndrome associated with KCNN3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001382, Joint hypermobility
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to BPNT1 and phenotypic similarity 0.638 to mouse mutant of BPNT1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0011738, anasarca
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0003983, decreased cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000603, pale liver
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000607, abnormal hepatocyte morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:618658 Zimmermann-Laband syndrome 3 - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:3473 Zimmermann-Laband syndrome - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.430
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.850
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.394 to ORPHA:3473 Zimmermann-Laband syndrome
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.179 to OMIM:618658 Zimmermann-Laband syndrome 3
+ Variants contributing to score:
1-154869723-GGCTGCTGCT-G [-/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, BP6]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.430
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.254 to zebrafish mutant involving SCRT2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0003800, spinal cord has extra parts of type neuron, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to IRF2BP2 and phenotypic similarity 0.667 to Common variable immunodeficiency associated with IRF2BP2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001888, Lymphopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0000979, Purpura
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001973, Autoimmune thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001888, Lymphopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to IRF2BP2 and phenotypic similarity 0.543 to mouse mutant of IRF2BP2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0004229, abnormal embryonic erythropoiesis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002416, abnormal proerythroblast morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0002416, abnormal proerythroblast morphology
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.430
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.850
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 20-663718-T-TGGCGCAGGCCGCCTC [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, PM4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.430
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.326 to mouse mutant involving UTF1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000060, delayed bone ossification
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0000060, delayed bone ossification
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002652, thin myocardium
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0004201, fetal growth retardation
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to ZSCAN10 and phenotypic similarity 0.676 to mouse mutant of ZSCAN10.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002599, increased mean platelet volume
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005014, increased B cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0004016, decreased bone mass
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0004016, decreased bone mass
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0003921, abnormal heart left ventricle morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0003020, decreased circulating chloride level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002665, decreased circulating corticosterone level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005553, increased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0003944, abnormal T cell subpopulation ratio
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.430
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.850
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 10-133230985-CCGCCCG-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.430
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SCO1 and phenotypic similarity 0.675 to Mitochondrial complex IV deficiency, nuclear type 4 associated with SCO1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001714, Ventricular hypertrophy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001942, Metabolic acidosis
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0008315, Decreased plasma free carnitine
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.430
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.850
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.429
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.848
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to MYO5B and phenotypic similarity 0.716 to Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic, 10 associated with MYO5B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0011985, Acholic stools
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0011985, Acholic stools
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0011985, Acholic stools
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0003573, Increased total bilirubin
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003124, Hypercholesterolemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003573, Increased total bilirubin
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to MYO5B and phenotypic similarity 0.330 to mouse mutant of MYO5B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0005036, diarrhea
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0005036, diarrhea
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0005036, diarrhea
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0005036, diarrhea
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005036, diarrhea
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005036, diarrhea
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000189, hypoglycemia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to MYO5B and phenotypic similarity 0.245 to fish mutant of MYO5B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - ZP:0006598, cardiac ventricle hypotrophic, abnormal
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0011709, cranial nerve II has fewer parts of type axon retinal ganglion cell, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - ZP:0107218, cardiac ventricle decreased occurrence cardiac chamber ballooning, abnormal
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.429
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.848
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
17-29616744-A-G [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.8591861
+ - REVEL: 0.639
+ - MVP: 0.859
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0937%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0937%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0925%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0812%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0182%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0097%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0067%
Exomiser Score: 0.428
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.501
Variant Score: 0.848
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.247 to mouse mutant involving DSPP.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0030484, abnormal osteocyte lacuna morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0030484, abnormal osteocyte lacuna morphology
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to HSPG2 and phenotypic similarity 0.507 to 1p36 deletion syndrome associated with HSPG2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001743, Abnormality of the spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0000902, Rib fusion
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000902, Rib fusion
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001636, Tetralogy of Fallot
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0003416, Spinal canal stenosis
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0005113, Aortic arch aneurysm
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to HSPG2 and phenotypic similarity 0.609 to mouse mutant of HSPG2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0005244, hemopericardium
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000065, abnormal bone marrow cavity morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0008272, abnormal endochondral bone ossification
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002748, abnormal pulmonary valve morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0002152, abnormal brain morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0010472, abnormal ascending aorta and coronary artery attachment
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0000547, short limbs
- Proximity score 0.501 in interactome to HSPG2 and phenotypic similarity 0.222 to fish mutant of HSPG2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0000038, pericardium edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - ZP:0006851, cardiac ventricle elongated, abnormal
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0000530, dorsal aorta collapsed, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.03 (p-value: 0.999050)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:125420 Dentin dysplasia, type II - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:125490 Dentinogenesis imperfecta, Shields type II - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:125500 Dentinogenesis imperfecta, Shields type III - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:605594 Deafness, autosomal dominant 39, with dentinogenesis - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.428
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.501
Variant Score: 0.848
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
4-87615776-CAGCAGCGAT-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0048%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0114%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0062%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0048%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0173%
Exomiser Score: 0.427
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.849
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.355 to mouse mutant involving EDC4.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SKIC3 and phenotypic similarity 0.689 to Trichohepatoenteric syndrome 1 associated with SKIC3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0011877, Increased mean platelet volume
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0011877, Increased mean platelet volume
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0011877, Increased mean platelet volume
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0003235, Hypermethioninemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001894, Thrombocytosis
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003235, Hypermethioninemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001395, Hepatic fibrosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0011877, Increased mean platelet volume
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to TTC37 and phenotypic similarity 0.361 to mouse mutant of TTC37.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0011874, enlarged urinary bladder
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005627, increased circulating potassium level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005627, increased circulating potassium level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005641, increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.427
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.849
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
16-67879894-CAGCAGCAGT-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0031%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0122%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0036%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0097%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0115%
Exomiser Score: 0.426
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.848
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.379 to Familial isolated dilated cardiomyopathy associated with LMOD2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001874, Abnormality of neutrophils
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001874, Abnormality of neutrophils
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001874, Abnormality of neutrophils
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001874, Abnormality of neutrophils
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001644, Dilated cardiomyopathy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003236, Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003236, Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001874, Abnormality of neutrophils
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003236, Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001874, Abnormality of neutrophils
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.327 to mouse mutant involving LMOD2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0000280, thin ventricular wall
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to TCF4 and phenotypic similarity 0.727 to Primary sclerosing cholangitis associated with TCF4.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001879, Abnormal eosinophil morphology
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001879, Abnormal eosinophil morphology
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001879, Abnormal eosinophil morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0100626, Chronic hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0100626, Chronic hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001635, Congestive heart failure
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001945, Fever
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0100512, Low levels of vitamin D
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001879, Abnormal eosinophil morphology
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0100727, Histiocytosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001824, Weight loss
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to TCF4 and phenotypic similarity 0.315 to mouse mutant of TCF4.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0005090, increased double-negative T cell number
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002145, abnormal T cell differentiation
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002145, abnormal T cell differentiation
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002145, abnormal T cell differentiation
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0005090, increased double-negative T cell number
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0005090, increased double-negative T cell number
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0005090, increased double-negative T cell number
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0005090, increased double-negative T cell number
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002145, abnormal T cell differentiation
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005090, increased double-negative T cell number
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005090, increased double-negative T cell number
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0005090, increased double-negative T cell number
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0002145, abnormal T cell differentiation
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:619897 Cardiomyopathy, dilated, 2G - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:154 Familial isolated dilated cardiomyopathy - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.426
+ (p=1.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.848
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.379 to ORPHA:154 Familial isolated dilated cardiomyopathy
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.259 to OMIM:619897 Cardiomyopathy, dilated, 2G
+ Variants contributing to score:
7-123662846-ACCT-A [1/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0147%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0032%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0048%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0020%
Exomiser Score: 0.409
+ (p=1.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.538
Variant Score: 0.797
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.538 to Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, 'corner fracture' type associated with FN1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0031427, Abnormal circulating osteocalcin level
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0031427, Abnormal circulating osteocalcin level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0031427, Abnormal circulating osteocalcin level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0004349, Reduced bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0031427, Abnormal circulating osteocalcin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0031427, Abnormal circulating osteocalcin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0031427, Abnormal circulating osteocalcin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0031427, Abnormal circulating osteocalcin level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.437 to mouse mutant involving FN1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0000292, distended pericardium
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0003400, kinked neural tube
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.222 to zebrafish mutant involving FN1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - ZP:0001722, atrioventricular valve morphology, abnormal
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.519 in interactome to FGL1 and phenotypic similarity 0.605 to mouse mutant of FGL1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0004847, abnormal liver weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0004847, abnormal liver weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0004847, abnormal liver weight
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0004847, abnormal liver weight
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0004847, abnormal liver weight
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002702, decreased circulating free fatty acids level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0002702, decreased circulating free fatty acids level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0004847, abnormal liver weight
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0004847, abnormal liver weight
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0031115, macrovesicular hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001260, increased body weight
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.90 (p-value: 0.714220)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:184255 Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, corner fracture type - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:601894 Glomerulopathy with fibronectin deposits 2 - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:84090 Fibronectin glomerulopathy - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:93315 Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, 'corner fracture' type - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.409
+ (p=1.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.538
Variant Score: 0.797
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.538 to ORPHA:93315 Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, 'corner fracture' type
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.507 to ORPHA:84090 Fibronectin glomerulopathy
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.132 to OMIM:601894 Glomerulopathy with fibronectin deposits 2
+ Variants contributing to score:
2-215433325-T-C [0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0156%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0008%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0231%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0232%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0032%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0067%
+ The Exomizer is a Java program that functionally annotates variants from whole-exome
+ sequencing data starting from a VCF file (version 4). The functional annotation code is
+ based on Jannovar and uses
+ UCSC KnownGene transcript definitions and
+ hg19 genomic coordinates
+ Variants are prioritized according to user-defined criteria on variant frequency, pathogenicity,
+ quality, inheritance pattern, and model organism phenotype data. Predicted pathogenicity data
+ was extracted from the dbNSFP resource.
+ Developed by the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics group at the
+ Institute for Medical Genetics and Human Genetics of the
+ Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the Mouse
+ Informatics Group at the Sanger Institute and the Smedley group at
+ Queen Mary University of London.
Problems, suggestions, or comments? Please let us know
diff --git a/example/exomiser_html_clinical_report/V350145665_L04_B5EHOMdmhwXAAAA-515-exomiser-trio.html b/example/exomiser_html_clinical_report/V350145665_L04_B5EHOMdmhwXAAAA-515-exomiser-trio.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bc0011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/exomiser_html_clinical_report/V350145665_L04_B5EHOMdmhwXAAAA-515-exomiser-trio.html
@@ -0,0 +1,12976 @@
+ The Exomiser - A Tool to Annotate and Prioritise Whole-Exome Sequencing Data
+ Exomiser Analysis Results for
+ child
Analysis Settings
Settings used for this analysis:
+ genomeAssembly: "hg38"
+ vcf: "/home/ivanwilliamharsono/Downloads/trio_patient/annotated/V350145665_L04_B5EHOMdmhwXAAAA-515-SnpEff-dbSNP-ClinVar-dbNSFP_annotated-deepTrio.vcf.gz"
+ proband: "child"
+ hpoIds:
+ - "HP:0000007"
+ - "HP:0001433"
+ - "HP:0001903"
+ - "HP:0001541"
+ - "HP:0010972"
+ - "HP:0005561"
+ - "HP:0001396"
+ - "HP:0001410"
+ - "HP:0002910"
+ - "HP:0001399"
+ - "HP:0000938"
+ - "HP:0001642"
+ - "HP:0200114"
+ - "HP:0003073"
+ - "HP:0003233"
+ - "HP:0001873"
+ - "HP:0002151"
+ - "HP:0031964"
+ - "HP:0031956"
+ - "HP:0002366"
+ - "HP:0006568"
+ - "HP:0004333"
+ - "HP:0001531"
+ pedigree:
+ persons:
+ - familyId: "1"
+ individualId: "child"
+ paternalId: "father"
+ maternalId: "mother"
+ sex: "MALE"
+ affectedStatus: "AFFECTED"
+ - familyId: "1"
+ individualId: "father"
+ sex: "MALE"
+ affectedStatus: "UNAFFECTED"
+ - familyId: "1"
+ individualId: "mother"
+ sex: "FEMALE"
+ affectedStatus: "UNAFFECTED"
+ sex: "MALE"
+ age: {}
+ inheritanceModes:
+ frequencySources:
+ - "TOPMED"
+ - "UK10K"
+ - "ESP_ALL"
+ pathogenicitySources:
+ - "REVEL"
+ - "MVP"
+ steps:
+ - failedVariantFilter: {}
+ - variantEffectFilter:
+ remove:
+ - frequencyFilter:
+ maxFrequency: 2.0
+ - pathogenicityFilter:
+ keepNonPathogenic: true
+ - inheritanceFilter: {}
+ - omimPrioritiser: {}
+ - hiPhivePrioritiser:
+ runParams: "human, mouse, fish, ppi"
+ - phenixPrioritiser: {}
+ outputContributingVariantsOnly: true
+ numGenes: 50
+ outputFormats:
+ - "HTML"
+ - "VCF"
+ - "TSV_GENE"
+ - "JSON"
+ outputFileName: "V350145665_L04_B5EHOMdmhwXAAAA-515-exomiser-trio"
+ outputDirectory: "/home/ivanwilliamharsono/Downloads/trio_patient/exomiser"
Filtering Summary
+ Filter |
+ Report |
+ Passed filter |
+ Failed filter |
+ Failed previous VCF filters |
+ |
+ 124 |
+ 0 |
+ Variant effect |
+ |
+ 124 |
+ 0 |
+ Frequency |
+ Variants filtered for maximum allele frequency of 2.00%
+ |
+ 124 |
+ 0 |
+ Pathogenicity |
+ Retained all non-pathogenic variants of all types. Scoring was applied, but the filter passed all variants.
+ |
+ 124 |
+ 0 |
+ Inheritance |
+ |
+ 66 |
+ 0 |
Variant Type Distribution
+ Variant Type |
+ child |
+ father |
+ mother |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 1 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ MNV |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 1 |
+ 1 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 67 |
+ 27 |
+ 31 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 1 |
+ 0 |
+ 1 |
+ 2 |
+ 0 |
+ 1 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 12 |
+ 7 |
+ 6 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 40 |
+ 11 |
+ 23 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
+ 0 |
Prioritised Genes
Exomiser Score: 0.931
+ (p=8.4E-4)
Phenotype Score: 0.658
Variant Score: 0.985
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.639 to Glycogen storage disease IV associated with GBE1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001638, Cardiomyopathy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0040081, Abnormal circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0040081, Abnormal circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0040081, Abnormal circulating creatine kinase concentration
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Phenotypic similarity 0.658 to mouse mutant involving GBE1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0010090, increased circulating creatine kinase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0010090, increased circulating creatine kinase level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003333, liver fibrosis
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0014074, increased brain glycogen level
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0010400, increased liver glycogen level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.508 in interactome to PPP1R3C and phenotypic similarity 0.604 to mouse mutant of PPP1R3C.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005669, increased circulating leptin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005669, increased circulating leptin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0001552, increased circulating triglyceride level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005669, increased circulating leptin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 1.57 (p-value: 0.000060)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:232500 Glycogen storage disease IV - autosomal recessive
+- OMIM:263570 Polyglucosan body disease, adult form - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:206583 Adult polyglucosan body disease - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.931
+ (p=8.4E-4)
Phenotype Score: 0.658
Variant Score: 0.985
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.639 to OMIM:232500 Glycogen storage disease IV
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.475 to OMIM:263570 Polyglucosan body disease, adult form
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.203 to ORPHA:206583 Adult polyglucosan body disease
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 3-81648954-C-G [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, PP3_Moderate, PP4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9849782
+ - REVEL: 0.873
+ - MVP: 0.985
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.400
+ (p=1.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.837
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to TWSG1 and phenotypic similarity 0.633 to mouse mutant of TWSG1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008479, decreased spleen white pulp amount
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002398, abnormal bone marrow cell morphology/development
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0003644, thymus atrophy
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0009541, increased thymocyte apoptosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0009541, increased thymocyte apoptosis
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0009541, increased thymocyte apoptosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0020010, decreased bone mineral density of femur
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0001634, internal hemorrhage
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0009541, increased thymocyte apoptosis
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0009541, increased thymocyte apoptosis
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0031109, subarachnoid hemorrhage
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000704, abnormal thymus development
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000220, increased monocyte cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to TWSG1 and phenotypic similarity 0.179 to fish mutant of TWSG1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0104386, caudal artery increased distribution, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.400
+ (p=1.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.837
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
8-98003762-C-A [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9541492
+ - REVEL: 0.282
+ - MVP: 0.954
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0212%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0205%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.2555%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0131%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0060%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.3653%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.1096%
+ - gnomAD_G_AMR: 0.1193%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.5556%
8-98007571-G-A [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.8298366
+ - REVEL: 0.122
+ - MVP: 0.830
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0042%
+ - ExAC FIN: 0.0151%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0058%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0135%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0018%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0097%
+ - gnomAD_G_AMR: 0.1193%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0067%
Exomiser Score: 0.395
+ (p=1.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.832
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.265 to mouse mutant involving SLC7A10.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to SLC7A7 and phenotypic similarity 0.789 to Lysinuric protein intolerance associated with SLC7A7.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0031020, Bone marrow hypercellularity
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001627, Abnormal heart morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001987, Hyperammonemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003281, Increased circulating ferritin concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003348, Hyperalaninemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0012280, Hepatic amyloidosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0012156, Hemophagocytosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to SLC7A7 and phenotypic similarity 0.519 to mouse mutant of SLC7A7.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0004953, decreased spleen weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0005016, decreased lymphocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0020137, decreased bone mineralization
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000597, delayed hepatic development
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0008489, slow postnatal weight gain
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to SLC7A7 and phenotypic similarity 0.323 to fish mutant of SLC7A7.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0016849, microglia development decreased occurrence, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.395
+ (p=1.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.832
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
19-33215803-C-T [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9017956
+ - REVEL: 0.401
+ - MVP: 0.902
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0312%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0110%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0535%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0247%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0112%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0162%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0056%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0164%
19-33210906-T-C [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0625%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0068%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0108%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.2005%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0621%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.1803%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0184%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0455%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.2469%
Exomiser Score: 0.336
+ (p=1.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.800
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to GALNT1 and phenotypic similarity 0.745 to mouse mutant of GALNT1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002607, decreased basophil cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0005606, increased bleeding time
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005012, decreased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002607, decreased basophil cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0006128, pulmonary valve stenosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002607, decreased basophil cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0010470, dilated ascending aorta
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.336
+ (p=1.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.800
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
7-100969688-A-G [0/1:./.:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.017
+ (p=4.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.433
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
7-100969688-A-G [0/1:./.:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100991252-A-C [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Strong]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.06665444
+ - REVEL: 0.014
+ - MVP: 0.067
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0260%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0042%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0115%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0067%
Exomiser Score: 0.327
+ (p=1.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.800
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.334 to mouse mutant involving KDM5A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002123, abnormal definitive hematopoiesis
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002123, abnormal definitive hematopoiesis
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002123, abnormal definitive hematopoiesis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to ARID4A and phenotypic similarity 0.667 to mouse mutant of ARID4A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002445, abnormal mononuclear cell differentiation
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0011747, myelofibrosis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002397, abnormal bone marrow morphology
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0004834, ovary hemorrhage
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000223, decreased monocyte cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.327
+ (p=1.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.502
Variant Score: 0.800
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
12-323210-C-CA [0/1:./.:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.291
+ (p=1.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.512
Variant Score: 0.771
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.296 to Hereditary late-onset Parkinson disease associated with LRRK2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0002171, Gliosis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0004926, Orthostatic hypotension due to autonomic dysfunction
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0002171, Gliosis
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001824, Weight loss
- Phenotypic similarity 0.278 to mouse mutant involving LRRK2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0008918, microgliosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.251 to zebrafish mutant involving LRRK2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0019952, otic vesicle edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0019959, spinal cord has fewer parts of type neuron, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.512 in interactome to LRRK1 and phenotypic similarity 0.419 to Osteosclerotic metaphyseal dysplasia associated with LRRK1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0011001, Increased bone mineral density
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0003155, Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0011001, Increased bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003155, Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003155, Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0003155, Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0003155, Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.512 in interactome to LRRK1 and phenotypic similarity 0.631 to mouse mutant of LRRK1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0005012, decreased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0010067, increased red blood cell distribution width
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005012, decreased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000221, decreased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0000062, increased bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0010090, increased circulating creatine kinase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0001556, increased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002966, decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0002764, short tibia
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.46 (p-value: 0.605260)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:607060 Parkinson disease 8 (susceptibility)
+- ORPHA:2828 Young-onset Parkinson disease - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:411602 Hereditary late-onset Parkinson disease - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.291
+ (p=1.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.512
Variant Score: 0.771
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.158 to ORPHA:2828 Young-onset Parkinson disease
+ Variants contributing to score:
12-40315306-T-A [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP6]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0156%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0156%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0809%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0121%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.1102%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0065%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.0621%
12-40295498-A-G [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.75450885
+ - REVEL: 0.135
+ - MVP: 0.755
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0015%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0027%
Exomiser Score: 0.249
+ (p=1.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.289
Variant Score: 1.000
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.289 to mouse mutant involving SPDYE5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.249
+ (p=1.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.289
Variant Score: 1.000
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 7-75497938-AG-A [0/1:0/0:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.248
+ (p=1.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.511
Variant Score: 0.747
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.431 to mouse mutant involving MYO7A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0010123, increased bone mineral content
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0000063, decreased bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Phenotypic similarity 0.169 to zebrafish mutant involving MYO7A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0010818, inner ear receptor cell stereocilium organization disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.511 in interactome to WHRN and phenotypic similarity 0.613 to mouse mutant of WHRN.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000221, decreased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000221, decreased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0001745, increased circulating corticosterone level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000221, decreased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0004362, cochlear hair cell degeneration
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0010398, decreased liver glycogen level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000221, decreased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.08 (p-value: 0.999990)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:276900 Usher syndrome, type 1B - autosomal recessive
+- OMIM:600060 Deafness, autosomal recessive 2 - autosomal recessive
+- OMIM:601317 Deafness, autosomal dominant 11 - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:231169 Usher syndrome type 1 - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:231178 Usher syndrome type 2 - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.248
+ (p=1.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.511
Variant Score: 0.747
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
11-77199723-A-G [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.82669157
+ - REVEL: 0.320
+ - MVP: 0.827
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0468%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0336%
+ - UK10K: 0.0132%
+ - ESP AA: 0.1230%
+ - ESP All: 0.0401%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0432%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0176%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.4086%
+ - ExAC OTH: 0.2326%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0063%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0527%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0149%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.4931%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.1098%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0098%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.1032%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.4321%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1022%
11-77204123-G-A [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4, BP6]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.78195363
+ - REVEL: 0.254
+ - MVP: 0.782
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0937%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0042%
+ - ESP EA: 0.0119%
+ - ESP All: 0.0080%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0233%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0949%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0033%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.3376%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0078%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0639%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0010%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.2198%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0067%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1020%
Exomiser Score: 0.133
+ (p=2.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.670
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.439 to Hypoaldosteronism, congenital, due to CMO II deficiency associated with CYP11B2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0020200, Increased circulating 18-hydroxycortisone level
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001944, Dehydration
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0020200, Increased circulating 18-hydroxycortisone level
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0004319, Decreased circulating aldosterone level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0004319, Decreased circulating aldosterone level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001278, Orthostatic hypotension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000848, Increased circulating renin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0000848, Increased circulating renin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0004319, Decreased circulating aldosterone level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000848, Increased circulating renin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0001278, Orthostatic hypotension
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0004319, Decreased circulating aldosterone level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Phenotypic similarity 0.481 to mouse mutant involving CYP11B2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0004956, decreased thymus weight
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0006144, increased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0001748, increased circulating adrenocorticotropin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0003353, decreased circulating renin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002665, decreased circulating corticosterone level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0001748, increased circulating adrenocorticotropin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0002176, increased brain weight
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to AKR1D1 and phenotypic similarity 0.716 to Congenital bile acid synthesis defect type 2 associated with AKR1D1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001978, Extramedullary hematopoiesis
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001978, Extramedullary hematopoiesis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001978, Extramedullary hematopoiesis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0002748, Rickets
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0030984, Abnormal serum bile acid concentration
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003155, Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0030984, Abnormal serum bile acid concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001978, Extramedullary hematopoiesis
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0030984, Abnormal serum bile acid concentration
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001978, Extramedullary hematopoiesis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to AKR1D1 and phenotypic similarity 0.183 to mouse mutant of AKR1D1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0013278, decreased fasting circulating glucose level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.92 (p-value: 0.093620)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:203400 Hypoaldosteronism, congenital, due to CMO I deficiency - autosomal recessive
+- OMIM:610600 Hypoaldosteronism, congenital, due to CMO II deficiency - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:403 Familial hyperaldosteronism type I (unconfirmed)
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.133
+ (p=2.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.670
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.439 to OMIM:610600 Hypoaldosteronism, congenital, due to CMO II deficiency
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.430 to OMIM:203400 Hypoaldosteronism, congenital, due to CMO I deficiency
+ Variants contributing to score:
8-142917102-C-T [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.67928296
+ - REVEL: 0.285
+ - MVP: 0.679
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0312%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0034%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0925%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0061%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0754%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0182%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0097%
Exomiser Score: 0.065
+ (p=3.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.570
Variant Score: 0.511
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.570 to Nephrotic syndrome, type 1 associated with NPHS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0003270, Abdominal distention
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003077, Hyperlipidemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003075, Hypoproteinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001518, Small for gestational age
- Phenotypic similarity 0.313 to mouse mutant involving NPHS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0003068, enlarged kidney
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0001785, edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002962, increased urine protein level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002962, increased urine protein level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.219 to zebrafish mutant involving NPHS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0010821, yolk syncytial layer edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0010898, pronephric glomerular capillary hypotrophic, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.504 in interactome to CD2AP and phenotypic similarity 0.529 to Genetic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome associated with CD2AP.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002586, Peritonitis
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002586, Peritonitis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0002586, Peritonitis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0002586, Peritonitis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002586, Peritonitis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.504 in interactome to CD2AP and phenotypic similarity 0.676 to mouse mutant of CD2AP.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0003643, spleen atrophy
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0005324, ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0003643, spleen atrophy
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0003644, thymus atrophy
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003644, thymus atrophy
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003644, thymus atrophy
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003644, thymus atrophy
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0000274, enlarged heart
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005553, increased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005553, increased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003644, thymus atrophy
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003644, thymus atrophy
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0003644, thymus atrophy
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005264, glomerulosclerosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- Proximity score 0.504 in interactome to CD2AP and phenotypic similarity 0.210 to fish mutant of CD2AP.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0002202, whole organism edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0018769, pronephric glomerular capillary distended, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - ZP:0002202, whole organism edematous, abnormal
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.84 (p-value: 0.016680)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:256300 Nephrotic syndrome, type 1 - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:656 Genetic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome - autosomal dominant/recessive
+- ORPHA:839 Congenital nephrotic syndrome, Finnish type - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.065
+ (p=3.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.570
Variant Score: 0.511
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.570 to OMIM:256300 Nephrotic syndrome, type 1
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.529 to ORPHA:656 Genetic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.291 to ORPHA:839 Congenital nephrotic syndrome, Finnish type
+ Variants contributing to score:
19-35844248-G-A [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, BP6_Strong]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0004%
19-35849273-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate, BP6_Strong]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.35008886
+ - REVEL: 0.132
+ - MVP: 0.350
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.6402%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0771%
+ - ESP AA: 0.0681%
+ - ESP All: 0.0231%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0405%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0087%
+ - ExAC EAS: 1.2050%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0046%
+ - ExAC OTH: 0.3401%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.2926%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0332%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0119%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 1.3077%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0027%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0916%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.2665%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0574%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.9889%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0067%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1018%
+ Other passed variants:
19-35851580-G-A [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.6402%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0801%
+ - ESP AA: 0.0908%
+ - ESP EA: 0.0349%
+ - ESP All: 0.0539%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0218%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0267%
+ - ExAC EAS: 1.0331%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0158%
+ - ExAC OTH: 0.3606%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.2790%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0200%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0388%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 1.0627%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0185%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0920%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.2601%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0688%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.7398%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0133%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1020%
Exomiser Score: 0.040
+ (p=3.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.181
Variant Score: 0.895
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.337 to Pachyonychia congenita associated with KRT6B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0007490, Linear arrays of macular hyperkeratoses in flexural areas
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Phenotypic similarity 0.362 to mouse mutant involving KRT6B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.64 (p-value: 0.157600)
+- Known diseases - observed variants incompatible with mode of inheritance:
+- OMIM:615728 Pachyonychia congenita 4 - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:2309 Pachyonychia congenita - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.040
+ (p=3.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.181
Variant Score: 0.895
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
12-52449543-C-T [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.9026787
+ - REVEL: 0.420
+ - MVP: 0.903
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ESP EA: 0.0116%
+ - ESP All: 0.0077%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0606%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0058%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0552%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.0619%
Exomiser Score: 0.039
+ (p=3.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.531
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.301 to zebrafish mutant involving URB2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0018768, thymus absent, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to IRS1 and phenotypic similarity 0.258 to Type 2 diabetes mellitus, susceptibility to associated with IRS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000855, Insulin resistance
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000855, Insulin resistance
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0031819, Increased waist to hip ratio
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to IRS1 and phenotypic similarity 0.638 to mouse mutant of IRS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008396, abnormal osteoclast differentiation
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0008396, abnormal osteoclast differentiation
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008396, abnormal osteoclast differentiation
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0004989, decreased osteoblast cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0000063, decreased bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0006143, increased systemic arterial diastolic blood pressure
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0008396, abnormal osteoclast differentiation
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0001554, increased circulating free fatty acids level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0008396, abnormal osteoclast differentiation
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to IRS1 and phenotypic similarity 0.300 to fish mutant of IRS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - ZP:0005798, developmental growth decreased rate, abnormal
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.039
+ (p=3.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.531
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 1-229635178-A-C [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.61290497
+ - REVEL: 0.365
+ - MVP: 0.613
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
1-229647556-T-C [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.4515046
+ - REVEL: 0.110
+ - MVP: 0.452
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0156%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0079%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0192%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0116%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0242%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0196%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0232%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0182%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0162%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0344%
Exomiser Score: 0.034
+ (p=3.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.517
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to MEFV and phenotypic similarity 0.588 to Familial Mediterranean fever associated with MEFV.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001369, Arthritis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001658, Myocardial infarction
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001945, Fever
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0001945, Fever
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0002633, Vasculitis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to MEFV and phenotypic similarity 0.616 to mouse mutant of MEFV.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000218, increased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002933, joint inflammation
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000322, increased granulocyte number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005425, increased macrophage cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.034
+ (p=3.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.517
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
11-124023707-G-C [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.7209725
+ - REVEL: 0.126
+ - MVP: 0.721
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0116%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0116%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0032%
11-124023083-C-G [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.44500792
+ - REVEL: 0.076
+ - MVP: 0.445
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.4841%
+ - TOPMed: 0.3234%
+ - ESP AA: 1.1586%
+ - ESP All: 0.3923%
+ - ExAC AFR: 1.0475%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0518%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.1757%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.9344%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0744%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0365%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.1819%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.8722%
+ Other passed variants:
11-124023660-T-C [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.1093%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0672%
+ - ESP AA: 0.0909%
+ - ESP All: 0.0308%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.1345%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0518%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0578%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0150%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.1438%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0387%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0522%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0045%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0099%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0032%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.2522%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.1233%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0067%
11-124023543-G-C [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.13424169
+ - REVEL: 0.076
+ - MVP: 0.134
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.4060%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0131%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0417%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0232%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0090%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0090%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.1463%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 1.1439%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0229%
+ - gnomAD_G_FIN: 0.0286%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0267%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.3055%
11-124023210-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.4841%
+ - TOPMed: 0.3230%
+ - ESP AA: 0.8636%
+ - ESP All: 0.2933%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.9017%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0747%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0369%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.1760%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.8601%
11-124023540-T-C [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.4060%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0065%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0387%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0232%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0090%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0081%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.1645%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 1.2120%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0229%
+ - gnomAD_G_FIN: 0.0286%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0267%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.3055%
11-124023549-T-C [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.4528%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0884%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0327%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0834%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0232%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0224%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0772%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.1828%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 1.5457%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0459%
+ - gnomAD_G_AMR: 0.1196%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.0617%
+ - gnomAD_G_FIN: 0.0572%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0533%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.4073%
Exomiser Score: 0.034
+ (p=3.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.250
Variant Score: 0.799
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.250 to Superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis associated with KRT2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0008064, Ichthyosis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.267 to mouse mutant involving KRT2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0002796, impaired skin barrier function
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002656, abnormal keratinocyte differentiation
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to CYP27A1 and phenotypic similarity 0.616 to Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis associated with CYP27A1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001081, Cholelithiasis
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0002171, Gliosis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0002659, Increased susceptibility to fractures
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0006579, Prolonged neonatal jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0012379, Abnormal circulating enzyme concentration or activity
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0011994, Abnormal atrial septum morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0012379, Abnormal circulating enzyme concentration or activity
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0012379, Abnormal circulating enzyme concentration or activity
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0002196, Myelopathy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001081, Cholelithiasis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0004416, Precocious atherosclerosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to CYP27A1 and phenotypic similarity 0.632 to mouse mutant of CYP27A1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0008935, decreased mean platelet volume
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008935, decreased mean platelet volume
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0000266, abnormal heart morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0008935, decreased mean platelet volume
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0008935, decreased mean platelet volume
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.17 (p-value: 0.683470)
+- Known diseases - observed variants incompatible with mode of inheritance:
+- OMIM:146800 Ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:455 Superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.034
+ (p=3.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.250
Variant Score: 0.799
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
12-52647860-T-C [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0058%
Exomiser Score: 0.033
+ (p=3.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.512
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to POU2AF1 and phenotypic similarity 0.679 to Primary biliary cholangitis associated with POU2AF1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001409, Portal hypertension
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0003155, Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001278, Orthostatic hypotension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0002908, Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003119, Abnormal circulating lipid concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002908, Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0003155, Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0003155, Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0001278, Orthostatic hypotension
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001395, Hepatic fibrosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to POU2AF1 and phenotypic similarity 0.390 to mouse mutant of POU2AF1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008474, absent spleen germinal center
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002144, abnormal B cell differentiation
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002144, abnormal B cell differentiation
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002144, abnormal B cell differentiation
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0008474, absent spleen germinal center
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0008474, absent spleen germinal center
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0008474, absent spleen germinal center
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0008474, absent spleen germinal center
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0005017, decreased B cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008474, absent spleen germinal center
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008474, absent spleen germinal center
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0008474, absent spleen germinal center
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0002144, abnormal B cell differentiation
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.033
+ (p=3.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.512
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 3-108560707-T-C [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.5658299
+ - REVEL: 0.029
+ - MVP: 0.566
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
3-108560731-T-A [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.5657933
+ - REVEL: 0.082
+ - MVP: 0.566
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.1093%
+ - TOPMed: 0.1093%
+ - ESP AA: 0.0227%
+ - ESP All: 0.0077%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0096%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.7518%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0065%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.8827%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0183%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0344%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.7481%
Exomiser Score: 0.023
+ (p=4.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.521
Variant Score: 0.450
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.521 in interactome to RAB3GAP2 and phenotypic similarity 0.246 to Micro syndrome associated with RAB3GAP2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0000823, Delayed puberty
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001339, Lissencephaly
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000823, Delayed puberty
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000823, Delayed puberty
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000823, Delayed puberty
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001387, Joint stiffness
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0009830, Peripheral neuropathy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000823, Delayed puberty
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.521 in interactome to RAB3GAP2 and phenotypic similarity 0.601 to mouse mutant of RAB3GAP2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0000208, decreased hematocrit
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000208, decreased hematocrit
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0005333, decreased heart rate
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0008259, abnormal optic disk morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.023
+ (p=4.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.521
Variant Score: 0.450
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 19-18198852-A-G [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
+ 19-18197593-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.023
+ (p=4.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.507
Variant Score: 0.465
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.298 to Neurodevelopmental disorder with language delay and seizures associated with TIAM1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0003429, CNS hypomyelination
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001629, Ventricular septal defect
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0002917, Hypomagnesemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0002917, Hypomagnesemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002917, Hypomagnesemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0003429, CNS hypomyelination
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.192 to mouse mutant involving TIAM1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0000783, abnormal forebrain morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.507 in interactome to ANK1 and phenotypic similarity 0.546 to Hereditary spherocytosis associated with ANK1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0003270, Abdominal distention
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001978, Extramedullary hematopoiesis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001978, Extramedullary hematopoiesis
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001081, Cholelithiasis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001081, Cholelithiasis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001997, Gout
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001723, Restrictive cardiomyopathy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001945, Fever
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0002904, Hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0002904, Hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0004444, Spherocytosis
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002904, Hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.507 in interactome to ANK1 and phenotypic similarity 0.765 to mouse mutant of ANK1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008387, hypochromic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002397, abnormal bone marrow morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000611, jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000611, jaundice
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000611, jaundice
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000611, jaundice
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002397, abnormal bone marrow morphology
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0001625, cardiac hypertrophy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005637, abnormal iron homeostasis
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005637, abnormal iron homeostasis
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000611, jaundice
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000611, jaundice
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0000876, Purkinje cell degeneration
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000218, increased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:619908 Neurodevelopmental disorder with language delay and seizures - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.023
+ (p=4.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.507
Variant Score: 0.465
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.298 to OMIM:619908 Neurodevelopmental disorder with language delay and seizures
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 21-31135955-C-G [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.583064
+ - REVEL: 0.165
+ - MVP: 0.583
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
21-31165060-T-A [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.35421845
+ - REVEL: 0.061
+ - MVP: 0.354
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.1093%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0155%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0290%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.1276%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0366%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0392%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.1102%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0183%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0357%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0115%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.1233%
Exomiser Score: 0.019
+ (p=4.4E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.394
Variant Score: 0.571
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.394 to mouse mutant involving KRT72.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.019
+ (p=4.4E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.394
Variant Score: 0.571
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
12-52591508-C-T [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.5721736
+ - REVEL: 0.365
+ - MVP: 0.572
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0116%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0060%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0058%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0018%
Exomiser Score: 0.018
+ (p=4.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.365
Variant Score: 0.600
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.365 to mouse mutant involving CT45A6.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0001556, increased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0001556, increased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.018
+ (p=4.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.365
Variant Score: 0.600
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-135798830-T-G [1/1:0/0:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.018
+ (p=4.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.365
Variant Score: 0.600
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-135798830-T-G [1/1:0/0:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.015
+ (p=4.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.422
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.341 to Primary ciliary dyskinesia associated with DNAH5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001627, Abnormal heart morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001669, Transposition of the great arteries
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.445 to mouse mutant involving DNAH5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0010607, common atrioventricular valve
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0001891, hydrocephaly
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0004113, abnormal aortic arch morphology
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to ALMS1 and phenotypic similarity 0.691 to Alstrom syndrome associated with ALMS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0000956, Acanthosis nigricans
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000821, Hypothyroidism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001644, Dilated cardiomyopathy
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0002621, Atherosclerosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001956, Truncal obesity
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to ALMS1 and phenotypic similarity 0.519 to mouse mutant of ALMS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0031115, macrovesicular hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0031115, macrovesicular hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0031115, macrovesicular hepatic steatosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005178, increased circulating cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0031115, macrovesicular hepatic steatosis
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0031115, macrovesicular hepatic steatosis
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0011967, increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0031115, macrovesicular hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001260, increased body weight
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to ALMS1 and phenotypic similarity 0.279 to fish mutant of ALMS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0012993, endocrine pancreas morphology, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0001192, heart edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - ZP:0012993, endocrine pancreas morphology, abnormal
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - ZP:0012993, endocrine pancreas morphology, abnormal
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - ZP:0012993, endocrine pancreas morphology, abnormal
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - ZP:0012993, endocrine pancreas morphology, abnormal
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - ZP:0005415, cardiac ventricle morphology, abnormal
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0012993, endocrine pancreas morphology, abnormal
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0012993, endocrine pancreas morphology, abnormal
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0012993, endocrine pancreas morphology, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.15 (p-value: 0.605320)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:608644 Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 3, with or without situs inversus - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:244 Primary ciliary dyskinesia - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.015
+ (p=4.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.422
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.341 to ORPHA:244 Primary ciliary dyskinesia
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.147 to OMIM:608644 Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 3, with or without situs inversus
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 5-13793636-C-G [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.74420047
+ - REVEL: 0.313
+ - MVP: 0.744
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
5-13922230-C-T [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP6_Strong]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0117%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0096%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0583%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0196%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0060%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0756%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0054%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0547%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0229%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0067%
Exomiser Score: 0.014
+ (p=4.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.420
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to HSPG2 and phenotypic similarity 0.507 to 1p36 deletion syndrome associated with HSPG2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001743, Abnormality of the spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0000902, Rib fusion
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001392, Abnormality of the liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000902, Rib fusion
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001636, Tetralogy of Fallot
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0003416, Spinal canal stenosis
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001397, Hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0005113, Aortic arch aneurysm
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to HSPG2 and phenotypic similarity 0.609 to mouse mutant of HSPG2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0005244, hemopericardium
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000065, abnormal bone marrow cavity morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0008272, abnormal endochondral bone ossification
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002748, abnormal pulmonary valve morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0002152, abnormal brain morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000602, dilated liver sinusoidal space
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0010472, abnormal ascending aorta and coronary artery attachment
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0000547, short limbs
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to HSPG2 and phenotypic similarity 0.222 to fish mutant of HSPG2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0000038, pericardium edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - ZP:0006851, cardiac ventricle elongated, abnormal
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0000530, dorsal aorta collapsed, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.014
+ (p=4.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.420
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
6-26392785-G-A [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.55155087
+ - REVEL: 0.238
+ - MVP: 0.552
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0053%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.1502%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0015%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.1391%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0032%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.0617%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1020%
6-26392596-C-G [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.3529108
+ - REVEL: 0.132
+ - MVP: 0.353
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0799%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0389%
+ - ESP AA: 0.0227%
+ - ESP All: 0.0077%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0384%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0259%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.3932%
+ - ExAC FIN: 0.0302%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0015%
+ - ExAC OTH: 0.2203%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0485%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0457%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0119%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.4874%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0224%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0054%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.1094%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0487%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0344%
+ - gnomAD_G_AMR: 0.1193%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.7417%
+ - gnomAD_G_FIN: 0.0286%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1022%
Exomiser Score: 0.007
+ (p=5.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.514
Variant Score: 0.327
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.514 to mouse mutant involving PKN2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005567, decreased circulating total protein level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.176 to zebrafish mutant involving PKN2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0000038, pericardium edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to NCKAP1L and phenotypic similarity 0.474 to Immunodeficiency 72 with autoinflammation associated with NCKAP1L.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0032184, Increased proportion of memory T cells
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0032184, Increased proportion of memory T cells
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0032184, Increased proportion of memory T cells
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0032184, Increased proportion of memory T cells
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0032184, Increased proportion of memory T cells
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to NCKAP1L and phenotypic similarity 0.712 to mouse mutant of NCKAP1L.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000693, spleen hyperplasia
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002591, decreased mean corpuscular volume
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000693, spleen hyperplasia
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008388, hypochromic microcytic anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0008801, abnormal erythroid progenitor cell morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0003141, cardiac fibrosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0008596, increased circulating interleukin-6 level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0008596, increased circulating interleukin-6 level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0008596, increased circulating interleukin-6 level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000208, decreased hematocrit
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0008596, increased circulating interleukin-6 level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.007
+ (p=5.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.514
Variant Score: 0.327
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
1-88770437-C-A [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.71012676
+ - REVEL: 0.453
+ - MVP: 0.710
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.2342%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0880%
+ - ExAC EAS: 1.2636%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0424%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 1.2699%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0422%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 1.6069%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1022%
Exomiser Score: 0.006
+ (p=5.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.269
Variant Score: 0.579
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.355 to Hao-Fountain syndrome due to 16p13.2 microdeletion associated with USP7.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0000135, Hypogonadism
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000135, Hypogonadism
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000135, Hypogonadism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000135, Hypogonadism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000135, Hypogonadism
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Phenotypic similarity 0.170 to zebrafish mutant involving USP7.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - ZP:0000038, pericardium edematous, abnormal
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.538 in interactome to FBXO38 and phenotypic similarity 0.130 to Neuronopathy, distal hereditary motor, type IID associated with FBXO38.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0003431, Decreased motor nerve conduction velocity
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.538 in interactome to FBXO38 and phenotypic similarity 0.603 to mouse mutant of FBXO38.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000601, small liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0010067, increased red blood cell distribution width
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0010067, increased red blood cell distribution width
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002606, increased basophil cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000601, small liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000601, small liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000601, small liver
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000601, small liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0000063, decreased bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002626, increased heart rate
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002941, increased circulating alanine transaminase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002941, increased circulating alanine transaminase level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002599, increased mean platelet volume
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000601, small liver
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000601, small liver
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000601, small liver
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005013, increased lymphocyte cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
+- Known diseases - observed variants incompatible with mode of inheritance:
+- OMIM:616863 Hao-Fountain syndrome - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:500055 Hao-Fountain syndrome due to 16p13.2 microdeletion (CNV)
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.006
+ (p=5.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.269
Variant Score: 0.579
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
16-8894647-GA-G [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP6]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.3435%
+ - TOPMed: 0.3435%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0300%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0087%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.8429%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0015%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0485%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0395%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0061%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.8011%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0027%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0185%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0394%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0577%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 1.1125%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1035%
Exomiser Score: 0.006
+ (p=5.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.341
Variant Score: 0.497
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.341 to Primary ciliary dyskinesia associated with DNAH1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001627, Abnormal heart morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001746, Asplenia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001669, Transposition of the great arteries
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.09 (p-value: 0.958770)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:617576 Spermatogenic failure 18 - autosomal recessive
+- OMIM:617577 Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 37 - autosomal recessive
+- ORPHA:244 Primary ciliary dyskinesia - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.006
+ (p=5.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.341
Variant Score: 0.497
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.341 to ORPHA:244 Primary ciliary dyskinesia
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.267 to OMIM:617577 Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 37
+ Variants contributing to score:
3-52392945-A-G [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.53119737
+ - REVEL: 0.272
+ - MVP: 0.531
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ESP EA: 0.0119%
+ - ESP All: 0.0079%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0105%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0061%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0081%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0182%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0065%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0115%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0134%
+ 3-52399696-T-C [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.46435556
+ - REVEL: 0.339
+ - MVP: 0.464
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.004
+ (p=6.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- No phenotype or PPI evidence
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.004
+ (p=6.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.850
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, PM4]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.004
+ (p=6.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.850
+ Phenotype matches:
- No phenotype or PPI evidence
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.004
+ (p=6.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.850
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-141002745-TCCAACGAGG-T [0/1:0/0:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.004
+ (p=6.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.850
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-141002745-TCCAACGAGG-T [0/1:0/0:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.004
+ (p=6.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.275
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SLC12A1 and phenotypic similarity 0.629 to Bartter syndrome, type 1 associated with SLC12A1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0000843, Hyperparathyroidism
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001944, Dehydration
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000841, Hyperactive renin-angiotensin system
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0000843, Hyperparathyroidism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0000843, Hyperparathyroidism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0002632, Low-to-normal blood pressure
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001960, Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0000848, Increased circulating renin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003566, Increased serum prostaglandin E2
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000848, Increased circulating renin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000848, Increased circulating renin level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SLC12A1 and phenotypic similarity 0.550 to mouse mutant of SLC12A1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002608, increased hematocrit
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0001784, abnormal fluid regulation
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002608, increased hematocrit
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0005582, increased renin activity
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0005582, increased renin activity
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0005582, increased renin activity
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0012551, metabolic acidosis
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005568, increased circulating total protein level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005568, increased circulating total protein level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002608, increased hematocrit
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0012551, metabolic acidosis
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005582, increased renin activity
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0005582, increased renin activity
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0005560, decreased circulating glucose level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0002608, increased hematocrit
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.004
+ (p=6.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.275
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-153920694-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.27715346
+ - REVEL: 0.025
+ - MVP: 0.277
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0068%
+ - ESP EA: 0.0446%
+ - ESP All: 0.0284%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0065%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0064%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0167%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0096%
+ Other passed variants:
X-153921709-G-A [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0833%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0249%
+ - UK10K: 0.0152%
+ - ESP AA: 0.0262%
+ - ESP All: 0.0095%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.1472%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.2674%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0162%
+ - ExAC OTH: 0.6494%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0146%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0790%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0119%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.2041%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0077%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.2518%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0231%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0502%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.1921%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1391%
Exomiser Score: 0.003
+ (p=6.4E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.251
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.503 to Short stature, Dauber-Argente type associated with PAPPA2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0008283, Fasting hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0004349, Reduced bone mineral density
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0008283, Fasting hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0008283, Fasting hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0008283, Fasting hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0008283, Fasting hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0034184, Increased insulin like growth factor binding protein acid labile subunit concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0034184, Increased insulin like growth factor binding protein acid labile subunit concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0008283, Fasting hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0008283, Fasting hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.497 to mouse mutant involving PAPPA2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0002833, increased heart weight
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0002176, increased brain weight
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to CTSG and phenotypic similarity 0.622 to mouse mutant of CTSG.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0001601, abnormal myelopoiesis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000218, increased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000218, increased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:619489 Short stature, Dauber-Argente type - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.003
+ (p=6.4E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.503
Variant Score: 0.251
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.503 to OMIM:619489 Short stature, Dauber-Argente type
+ Variants contributing to score:
1-176594926-G-A [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.4081723
+ - REVEL: 0.100
+ - MVP: 0.408
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0072%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0348%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0061%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0290%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0183%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0032%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1018%
+ 1-176702685-T-G [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.003
+ (p=6.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.401
Variant Score: 0.346
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.401 to mouse mutant involving PRAMEF15.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000689, abnormal spleen morphology
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0001944, abnormal pancreas morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0001944, abnormal pancreas morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0001944, abnormal pancreas morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0001944, abnormal pancreas morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0000266, abnormal heart morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0001944, abnormal pancreas morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0001944, abnormal pancreas morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0001944, abnormal pancreas morphology
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.003
+ (p=6.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.401
Variant Score: 0.346
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
1-13322125-T-G [0/1:0/0:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.34563237
+ - REVEL: 0.035
+ - MVP: 0.346
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
+ Other passed variants:
1-13322094-G-A [0/1:0/0:./.]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.04010828
+ - REVEL: 0.010
+ - MVP: 0.040
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.003
+ (p=6.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.798
+ Phenotype matches:
- No phenotype or PPI evidence
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.003
+ (p=6.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.798
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
+ 12-52381507-A-G [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.79798794
+ - REVEL: 0.455
+ - MVP: 0.798
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.003
+ (p=6.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.797
+ Phenotype matches:
- No phenotype or PPI evidence
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.003
+ (p=6.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.797
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
15-74071548-G-A [0/1:./.:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0156%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0156%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0157%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0241%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0073%
Exomiser Score: 0.002
+ (p=6.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.207
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to SMC5 and phenotypic similarity 0.561 to Atelis syndrome 2 associated with SMC5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0000771, Gynecomastia
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002925, Elevated circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0002925, Elevated circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0002925, Elevated circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to SMC5 and phenotypic similarity 0.602 to mouse mutant of SMC5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0005011, increased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005011, increased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0005016, decreased lymphocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0005560, decreased circulating glucose level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.002
+ (p=6.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.207
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
17-38297226-T-G [1/1:./.:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.25778696
+ - REVEL: 0.102
+ - MVP: 0.258
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.4685%
+ - TOPMed: 0.2803%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.8131%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0687%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0036%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.1097%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.8953%
Exomiser Score: 0.002
+ (p=6.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.505
Variant Score: 0.207
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.234 to Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity, type 3 associated with EXOC6B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001216, Delayed ossification of carpal bones
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001216, Delayed ossification of carpal bones
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001513, Obesity
- Phenotypic similarity 0.152 to mouse mutant involving EXOC6B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0005560, decreased circulating glucose level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.505 in interactome to RABL2A and phenotypic similarity 0.620 to mouse mutant of RABL2A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0010124, decreased bone mineral content
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0000063, decreased bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0006203, eye hemorrhage
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002981, increased liver weight
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:618395 Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity, type 3 - autosomal recessive
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.002
+ (p=6.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.505
Variant Score: 0.207
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.234 to OMIM:618395 Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity, type 3
+ Variants contributing to score:
2-72492312-G-C [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP6]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.3123%
+ - TOPMed: 0.3123%
+ - ExAC EAS: 1.8686%
+ - ExAC OTH: 0.1121%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0245%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 1.6943%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0367%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0325%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 1.7348%
Exomiser Score: 0.002
+ (p=7.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.595
Variant Score: 0.077
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.657 to Dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis associated with KCNN4.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001878, Hemolytic anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001046, Intermittent jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001081, Cholelithiasis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0025435, Increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase concentration
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001081, Cholelithiasis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0030950, Pulmonary venous hypertension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000969, Edema
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003281, Increased circulating ferritin concentration
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003281, Increased circulating ferritin concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001901, Polycythemia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003573, Increased total bilirubin
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0025435, Increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase concentration
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0025435, Increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase concentration
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0030242, Portal vein thrombosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.519 to mouse mutant involving KCNN4.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0000266, abnormal heart morphology
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000601, small liver
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0010067, increased red blood cell distribution width
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.505 in interactome to IKZF1 and phenotypic similarity 0.705 to Stevens-Johnson syndrome associated with IKZF1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0003781, Excessive salivation
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001874, Abnormality of neutrophils
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001658, Myocardial infarction
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001960, Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0001960, Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001874, Abnormality of neutrophils
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001824, Weight loss
- Proximity score 0.505 in interactome to IKZF1 and phenotypic similarity 0.594 to mouse mutant of IKZF1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000600, liver hypoplasia
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0001601, abnormal myelopoiesis
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0011176, abnormal erythroblast morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000600, liver hypoplasia
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000600, liver hypoplasia
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000600, liver hypoplasia
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000600, liver hypoplasia
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000600, liver hypoplasia
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000600, liver hypoplasia
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000600, liver hypoplasia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005425, increased macrophage cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.505 in interactome to IKZF1 and phenotypic similarity 0.337 to fish mutant of IKZF1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - ZP:0010760, lymphoid lineage cell migration into thymus involved in thymus epithelium morphogenesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0010760, lymphoid lineage cell migration into thymus involved in thymus epithelium morphogenesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0004774, thymus lacks parts or has fewer parts of type lymphocyte, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 1.20 (p-value: 0.000010)
+- Known diseases:
+- OMIM:616689 Dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis 2 - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:3202 Dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:586 Cystic fibrosis (unconfirmed)
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.002
+ (p=7.1E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.595
Variant Score: 0.077
+ -
+ Phenotype matches to diseases consistent with this MOI:
+ - Phenotypic similarity 0.595 to ORPHA:586 Cystic fibrosis
+ Variants contributing to score:
19-43780712-C-T [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0781%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0781%
+ - ESP AA: 0.0227%
+ - ESP All: 0.0077%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0086%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.5666%
+ - ExAC OTH: 0.2203%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0061%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0065%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0119%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.6320%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0731%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0162%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0115%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.8642%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0067%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1025%
19-43774371-G-A [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP6]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0468%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0366%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0169%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.7015%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0153%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.6373%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 1.1111%
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=7.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.725
+ Phenotype matches:
- No phenotype or PPI evidence
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.725
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
7-100957124-TAGG-T [0/1:./.:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100953812-T-C [0/1:./.:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.000
+ (p=8.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.600
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
7-100953755-C-G [0/1:0/0:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
+ Other passed variants:
7-100953697-T-C [0/1:./.:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100953728-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100953770-C-G [0/1:0/0:./.]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100953776-T-A [0/1:0/0:./.]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100953779-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100955779-C-A [1/1:./.:./.]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100955888-C-T [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100955950-A-G [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100956008-C-G [0/1:0/1:./.]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100956269-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/0]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100953741-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100953789-T-C [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100954830-C-G [0/1:./.:0/0]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100955826-T-G [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100955898-T-C [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100955934-C-T [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100955991-C-T [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100965843-G-A [0/1:0/0:0/0]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
7-100965798-G-T [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0200%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0200%
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=7.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.128
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to PHKB and phenotypic similarity 0.686 to Phosphorylase kinase deficiency of liver and muscle, autosomal recessive associated with PHKB.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001943, Hypoglycemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0002149, Hyperuricemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0002149, Hyperuricemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0001943, Hypoglycemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to PHKB and phenotypic similarity 0.662 to mouse mutant of PHKB.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0001552, increased circulating triglyceride level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000598, abnormal liver morphology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0010400, increased liver glycogen level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.128
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
12-51064672-G-A [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.3592%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0748%
+ - ExAC EAS: 1.7751%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0567%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0047%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 1.8941%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.1710%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0506%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0229%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 1.9753%
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=7.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.122
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.241 to mouse mutant involving PLXNA3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008960, abnormal axon pruning
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0008960, abnormal axon pruning
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.331 to zebrafish mutant involving PLXNA3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0012648, axon spinal cord increased branchiness, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SEMA4D and phenotypic similarity 0.727 to Primary sclerosing cholangitis associated with SEMA4D.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001879, Abnormal eosinophil morphology
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001879, Abnormal eosinophil morphology
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001879, Abnormal eosinophil morphology
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001396, Cholestasis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0100626, Chronic hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0100626, Chronic hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000938, Osteopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001635, Congestive heart failure
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001945, Fever
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0100512, Low levels of vitamin D
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001879, Abnormal eosinophil morphology
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0100727, Histiocytosis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001824, Weight loss
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SEMA4D and phenotypic similarity 0.447 to mouse mutant of SEMA4D.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0010124, decreased bone mineral content
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0010124, decreased bone mineral content
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0000274, enlarged heart
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0002968, increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.122
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-154464030-C-T [1/1:./.:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.123314135
+ - REVEL: 0.083
+ - MVP: 0.123
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0208%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0042%
+ - UK10K: 0.0152%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.0315%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.1020%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0031%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0085%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0560%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0256%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0110%
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=7.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.509
Variant Score: 0.096
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.376 to mouse mutant involving ZNF205.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005554, decreased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005554, decreased circulating creatinine level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0002874, decreased hemoglobin content
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.509 in interactome to MEFV and phenotypic similarity 0.588 to Familial Mediterranean fever associated with MEFV.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001541, Ascites
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0001369, Arthritis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001658, Myocardial infarction
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0001945, Fever
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0002716, Lymphadenopathy
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0001945, Fever
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0006554, Acute hepatic failure
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0002633, Vasculitis
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.509 in interactome to MEFV and phenotypic similarity 0.616 to mouse mutant of MEFV.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000691, enlarged spleen
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0001577, anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0000218, increased leukocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0002933, joint inflammation
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0000322, increased granulocyte number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0008553, increased circulating tumor necrosis factor level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0001860, liver inflammation
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005425, increased macrophage cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001732, postnatal growth retardation
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.509
Variant Score: 0.096
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
16-3119854-C-T [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0000%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0083%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0087%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.1754%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0015%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.1747%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0183%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0130%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.2469%
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=7.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.099
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to ABCD3 and phenotypic similarity 0.682 to ?Bile acid synthesis defect, congenital, 5 associated with ABCD3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001409, Portal hypertension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0002904, Hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0002904, Hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0012202, Increased serum bile acid concentration
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0002904, Hyperbilirubinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001395, Hepatic fibrosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001891, Iron deficiency anemia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to ABCD3 and phenotypic similarity 0.514 to mouse mutant of ABCD3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0004773, abnormal bile composition
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0004773, abnormal bile composition
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0004773, abnormal bile composition
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0004773, abnormal bile composition
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0004773, abnormal bile composition
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0004773, abnormal bile composition
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.099
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-153770151-G-A [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0624%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0087%
+ - UK10K: 0.0152%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0151%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0148%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0078%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0061%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0150%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0855%
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=7.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.104
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SEC23B and phenotypic similarity 0.605 to Dyserythropoietic anemia, congenital, type II associated with SEC23B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001923, Reticulocytosis
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001081, Cholelithiasis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0003655, Reduced level of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001081, Cholelithiasis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003655, Reduced level of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0003655, Reduced level of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001923, Reticulocytosis
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0003655, Reduced level of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0003655, Reduced level of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001081, Cholelithiasis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SEC23B and phenotypic similarity 0.351 to mouse mutant of SEC23B.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0009165, abnormal endocrine pancreas morphology
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0010148, abnormal exocrine pancreas physiology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0010148, abnormal exocrine pancreas physiology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0010148, abnormal exocrine pancreas physiology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0010148, abnormal exocrine pancreas physiology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010148, abnormal exocrine pancreas physiology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0010148, abnormal exocrine pancreas physiology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0009177, decreased pancreatic alpha cell number
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.8E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.104
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
10-45826783-T-C [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.11264884
+ - REVEL: 0.090
+ - MVP: 0.113
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0530%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0579%
10-45826199-G-A [0/1:./.:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.097
+ - REVEL: 0.097
+ - MVP: 0.095
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.097
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
10-45826199-G-A [0/1:./.:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, BP4_Moderate]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.097
+ - REVEL: 0.097
+ - MVP: 0.095
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=7.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.099
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to IRS1 and phenotypic similarity 0.258 to Type 2 diabetes mellitus, susceptibility to associated with IRS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000855, Insulin resistance
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000855, Insulin resistance
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0005978, Type II diabetes mellitus
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0031819, Increased waist to hip ratio
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to IRS1 and phenotypic similarity 0.638 to mouse mutant of IRS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008396, abnormal osteoclast differentiation
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0008396, abnormal osteoclast differentiation
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0008396, abnormal osteoclast differentiation
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0004989, decreased osteoblast cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0000063, decreased bone mineral density
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0006143, increased systemic arterial diastolic blood pressure
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002079, increased circulating insulin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0008396, abnormal osteoclast differentiation
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0001554, increased circulating free fatty acids level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0003059, decreased insulin secretion
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0008396, abnormal osteoclast differentiation
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to IRS1 and phenotypic similarity 0.300 to fish mutant of IRS1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - ZP:0005798, developmental growth decreased rate, abnormal
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.099
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-8466206-C-T [0/1:0/0:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0130%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0092%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0513%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0069%
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.099
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-8466206-C-T [0/1:0/0:./.]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0130%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0092%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0513%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0069%
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=7.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.098
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.175 to mouse mutant involving ADAMTS5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0003436, decreased susceptibility to induced arthritis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to IL18BP and phenotypic similarity 0.601 to ?Hepatitis, fulminant viral, susceptibility to associated with IL18BP.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0000952, Jaundice
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0000225, Gingival bleeding
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0100651, Type I diabetes mellitus
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0100651, Type I diabetes mellitus
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to IL18BP and phenotypic similarity 0.562 to mouse mutant of IL18BP.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0005152, pancytopenia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005152, pancytopenia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0005152, pancytopenia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - MP:0005152, pancytopenia
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0008577, increased circulating interferon-gamma level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0011890, increased circulating ferritin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0011890, increased circulating ferritin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0005152, pancytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0008577, increased circulating interferon-gamma level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0005425, increased macrophage cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001263, weight loss
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.098
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
21-26924251-A-G [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.1093%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0042%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.1387%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0182%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.1160%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0182%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0162%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0115%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.0617%
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=7.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.251
Variant Score: 0.378
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.317 to mouse mutant involving CACNA1E.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0009177, decreased pancreatic alpha cell number
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0009177, decreased pancreatic alpha cell number
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0003562, abnormal pancreatic beta cell physiology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0003562, abnormal pancreatic beta cell physiology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0003562, abnormal pancreatic beta cell physiology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002696, decreased circulating glucagon level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0002696, decreased circulating glucagon level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003562, abnormal pancreatic beta cell physiology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0003562, abnormal pancreatic beta cell physiology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0003565, abnormal glucagon secretion
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to CLCN2 and phenotypic similarity 0.612 to Familial hyperaldosteronism type II associated with CLCN2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0008221, Adrenal hyperplasia
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0008221, Adrenal hyperplasia
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0011740, Glucocortocoid-insensitive primary hyperaldosteronism
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0011740, Glucocortocoid-insensitive primary hyperaldosteronism
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0000822, Hypertension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0040084, Abnormal circulating renin
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0011740, Glucocortocoid-insensitive primary hyperaldosteronism
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0008221, Adrenal hyperplasia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0002170, Intracranial hemorrhage
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.502 in interactome to CLCN2 and phenotypic similarity 0.386 to mouse mutant of CLCN2.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0004109, abnormal Sertoli cell development
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0031384, impaired blood-brain barrier function
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0003352, increased circulating renin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0003352, increased circulating renin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0003352, increased circulating renin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0003352, increased circulating renin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0000955, abnormal spinal cord morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
+- Known diseases - observed variants incompatible with mode of inheritance:
+- OMIM:618285 Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 69 - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=7.9E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.251
Variant Score: 0.378
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
1-181733741-G-A [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.6580741
+ - REVEL: 0.374
+ - MVP: 0.658
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - TOPMed: 0.0008%
+ - ExAC FIN: 0.0164%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0033%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0051%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0023%
1-181762642-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP6]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0156%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0004%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0236%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0178%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0187%
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=8.0E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.090
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SMC5 and phenotypic similarity 0.561 to Atelis syndrome 2 associated with SMC5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0000771, Gynecomastia
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0002925, Elevated circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0002925, Elevated circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0002925, Elevated circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0000842, Hyperinsulinemia
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to SMC5 and phenotypic similarity 0.602 to mouse mutant of SMC5.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0005011, increased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002875, decreased erythrocyte cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005011, increased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0005016, decreased lymphocyte cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0000186, decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0003179, thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0005560, decreased circulating glucose level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0000219, increased neutrophil cell number
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=8.0E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.090
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-141905936-A-C [0/1:0/0:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Strong]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.10462268
+ - REVEL: 0.015
+ - MVP: 0.105
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.3339%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0562%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0405%
+ - ExAC FIN: 0.0387%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0702%
+ - ExAC OTH: 0.4651%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0859%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.2972%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0556%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0889%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0794%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.1027%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0943%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.1411%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.7056%
+ - gnomAD_G_AMR: 0.5168%
+ - gnomAD_G_FIN: 0.1143%
+ - gnomAD_G_NFE: 0.0921%
Exomiser Score: 0.001
+ (p=8.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.071
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.302 to mouse mutant involving LONRF3.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0001554, increased circulating free fatty acids level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0001554, increased circulating free fatty acids level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0001554, increased circulating free fatty acids level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to BBS4 and phenotypic similarity 0.312 to Bardet-Biedl syndrome associated with BBS4.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001395, Hepatic fibrosis
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001395, Hepatic fibrosis
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001395, Hepatic fibrosis
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001395, Hepatic fibrosis
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0000822, Hypertension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001395, Hepatic fibrosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001513, Obesity
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to BBS4 and phenotypic similarity 0.634 to mouse mutant of BBS4.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0000599, enlarged liver
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005343, increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0002941, increased circulating alanine transaminase level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0001556, increased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005344, increased circulating bilirubin level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0000609, abnormal liver physiology
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0003729, abnormal photoreceptor outer segment morphology
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0002628, hepatic steatosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001262, decreased body weight
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to BBS4 and phenotypic similarity 0.270 to fish mutant of BBS4.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0018684, exocrine pancreas decreased area, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - ZP:0018684, exocrine pancreas decreased area, abnormal
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - ZP:0018684, exocrine pancreas decreased area, abnormal
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - ZP:0018684, exocrine pancreas decreased area, abnormal
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - ZP:0018684, exocrine pancreas decreased area, abnormal
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0018684, exocrine pancreas decreased area, abnormal
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - ZP:0018684, exocrine pancreas decreased area, abnormal
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0006380, photoreceptor cell outer segment organization disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - ZP:0018684, exocrine pancreas decreased area, abnormal
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.001
+ (p=8.2E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.071
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-118978451-G-A [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.1873%
+ - TOPMed: 0.1322%
+ - UK10K: 0.0303%
+ - ESP AA: 0.2868%
+ - ESP All: 0.1041%
+ - ExAC AFR: 0.2820%
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0322%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.0151%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0125%
+ - ExAC SAS: 1.1387%
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.3189%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0114%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0078%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0063%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0496%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 1.1526%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.3787%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.2789%
Exomiser Score: 0.000
+ (p=8.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.156
Variant Score: 0.442
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.156 to mouse mutant involving SNX29.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0005333, decreased heart rate
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - MP:0004738, abnormal auditory brainstem response
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.000
+ (p=8.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.156
Variant Score: 0.442
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
16-12568499-C-G [0/1:0/1:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - ExAC AMR: 0.0173%
+ - gnomAD_E_AMR: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0009%
16-12052013-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.1093%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0185%
+ - ESP EA: 0.0233%
+ - ESP All: 0.0154%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.4507%
+ - ExAC NFE: 0.0030%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.4812%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0054%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.0229%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.7398%
Exomiser Score: 0.000
+ (p=8.4E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.040
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to PARN and phenotypic similarity 0.640 to Dyskeratosis congenita associated with PARN.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0001744, Splenomegaly
- HP:0001903, Anemia - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0001541, Ascites - HP:0002240, Hepatomegaly
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - HP:0001903, Anemia
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - HP:0005528, Bone marrow hypocellularity
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0001399, Hepatic failure
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia - HP:0000939, Osteoporosis
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0100585, Telangiectasia of the skin
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0000819, Diabetes mellitus
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0000819, Diabetes mellitus
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0001394, Cirrhosis
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - HP:0001874, Abnormality of neutrophils
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.500 in interactome to PARN and phenotypic similarity 0.324 to fish mutant of PARN.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - ZP:0000451, hemopoiesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001903, Anemia - ZP:0000451, hemopoiesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - ZP:0000451, hemopoiesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - ZP:0000451, hemopoiesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - ZP:0000451, hemopoiesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - ZP:0000451, hemopoiesis disrupted, abnormal
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.000
+ (p=8.4E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.500
Variant Score: 0.040
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
X-6533948-C-T [0/1:0/0:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [BP4_Strong]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.043077525
+ - REVEL: 0.012
+ - MVP: 0.043
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - gnomAD_E_AFR: 0.0189%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.0125%
+ - gnomAD_E_FIN: 0.0419%
+ - gnomAD_E_NFE: 0.0192%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0375%
+ - gnomAD_G_AFR: 0.1553%
+ - gnomAD_G_AMR: 0.3960%
Exomiser Score: 0.000
+ (p=8.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.600
+ Phenotype matches:
- No phenotype or PPI evidence
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.000
+ (p=8.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.600
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
1-146121575-G-C [0/1:0/0:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.000
+ (p=8.5E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.000
Variant Score: 0.600
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
1-146069569-C-T [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.000
+ (p=8.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.014
+ Phenotype matches:
- Proximity score 0.506 in interactome to GALNT1 and phenotypic similarity 0.745 to mouse mutant of GALNT1.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0001903, Anemia - MP:0002607, decreased basophil cell number
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0005606, increased bleeding time
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0005012, decreased eosinophil cell number
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology - MP:0002607, decreased basophil cell number
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - MP:0006128, pulmonary valve stenosis
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - MP:0005419, decreased circulating serum albumin level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia - MP:0002607, decreased basophil cell number
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0008482, decreased spleen germinal center number
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells - MP:0010470, dilated ascending aorta
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.00 (p-value: 1.000000)
No known disease
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.000
+ (p=8.6E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.506
Variant Score: 0.014
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
7-101037135-T-A [0/1:./.:0/0]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ [PM2_Supporting, BP4_Strong]
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - Best Score: 0.013882241
+ - REVEL: 0.006
+ - MVP: 0.014
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - No frequency data
Exomiser Score: 0.000
+ (p=8.7E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.505
Variant Score: 0.000
+ Phenotype matches:
- Phenotypic similarity 0.327 to Non-specific early-onset epileptic encephalopathy associated with SCN8A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - HP:0000648, Optic atrophy
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - HP:0001508, Failure to thrive
- Phenotypic similarity 0.355 to mouse mutant involving SCN8A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - MP:0004952, increased spleen weight
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Phenotypic similarity 0.202 to zebrafish mutant involving SCN8A.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis -
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function -
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure -
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis -
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate -
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology - ZP:0000834, neuron differentiation process quality, abnormal
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.505 in interactome to SCNN1G and phenotypic similarity 0.603 to Liddle syndrome 2 associated with SCNN1G.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly - HP:0003351, Decreased circulating renin level
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - HP:0003351, Decreased circulating renin level
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - HP:0004319, Decreased circulating aldosterone level
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase -
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - HP:0004319, Decreased circulating aldosterone level
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis - HP:0000822, Hypertension
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia - HP:0003351, Decreased circulating renin level
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration - HP:0004319, Decreased circulating aldosterone level
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration -
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content - HP:0003351, Decreased circulating renin level
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy -
- Proximity score 0.505 in interactome to SCNN1G and phenotypic similarity 0.354 to mouse mutant of SCNN1G.
- Best Phenotype Matches:
- HP:0000007, Autosomal recessive inheritance -
- HP:0001433, Hepatosplenomegaly -
- HP:0001903, Anemia -
- HP:0001541, Ascites -
- HP:0010972, Anemia of inadequate production -
- HP:0005561, Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology -
- HP:0001396, Cholestasis - MP:0014206, decreased intestinal epithelial sodium ion transmembrane transport
- HP:0001410, Decreased liver function - MP:0014206, decreased intestinal epithelial sodium ion transmembrane transport
- HP:0002910, Elevated hepatic transaminase - MP:0014206, decreased intestinal epithelial sodium ion transmembrane transport
- HP:0001399, Hepatic failure - MP:0014206, decreased intestinal epithelial sodium ion transmembrane transport
- HP:0000938, Osteopenia -
- HP:0001642, Pulmonic stenosis -
- HP:0200114, Metabolic alkalosis - MP:0005618, decreased urine potassium level
- HP:0003073, Hypoalbuminemia -
- HP:0003233, Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration -
- HP:0001873, Thrombocytopenia -
- HP:0002151, Increased serum lactate - MP:0005627, increased circulating potassium level
- HP:0031964, Elevated circulating alanine aminotransferase concentration - MP:0014206, decreased intestinal epithelial sodium ion transmembrane transport
- HP:0031956, Elevated circulating aspartate aminotransferase concentration - MP:0014206, decreased intestinal epithelial sodium ion transmembrane transport
- HP:0002366, Abnormal lower motor neuron morphology -
- HP:0006568, Increased hepatic glycogen content -
- HP:0004333, Bone-marrow foam cells -
- HP:0001531, Failure to thrive in infancy - MP:0001263, weight loss
- PhenIX semantic similarity score: 0.41 (p-value: 0.856380)
+- Known diseases - observed variants incompatible with mode of inheritance:
+- OMIM:614306 Cognitive impairment with or without cerebellar ataxia - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:614558 Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 13 - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:617080 Seizures, benign familial infantile, 5 - autosomal dominant
+- OMIM:618364 ?Myoclonus, familial, 2 (unconfirmed)
+- ORPHA:306 Benign familial infantile epilepsy - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:31709 Infantile convulsions and choreoathetosis - autosomal dominant
+- ORPHA:442835 Non-specific early-onset epileptic encephalopathy - autosomal dominant
+ Gene scores under compatible inheritance modes:
Exomiser Score:
+ 0.000
+ (p=9.3E-1)
Phenotype Score: 0.253
Variant Score: 0.097
+ No phenotype matches to diseases with this MOI.
+ Variants contributing to score:
12-51663087-G-T [1/1:0/1:0/1]
+ Exomiser ACMG:
+ []
+ - Pathogenicity Data:
+ - No
+ pathogenicity data
+ - Frequency Data:
+ - 1000Genomes: 0.0625%
+ - TOPMed: 0.0625%
+ - ExAC EAS: 0.1739%
+ - ExAC SAS: 0.0062%
+ - gnomAD_E_EAS: 0.1218%
+ - gnomAD_E_OTH: 0.0549%
+ - gnomAD_E_SAS: 0.0033%
+ - gnomAD_G_EAS: 0.0617%
+ - gnomAD_G_OTH: 0.1018%
+ The Exomizer is a Java program that functionally annotates variants from whole-exome
+ sequencing data starting from a VCF file (version 4). The functional annotation code is
+ based on Jannovar and uses
+ UCSC KnownGene transcript definitions and
+ hg19 genomic coordinates
+ Variants are prioritized according to user-defined criteria on variant frequency, pathogenicity,
+ quality, inheritance pattern, and model organism phenotype data. Predicted pathogenicity data
+ was extracted from the dbNSFP resource.
+ Developed by the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics group at the
+ Institute for Medical Genetics and Human Genetics of the
+ Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the Mouse
+ Informatics Group at the Sanger Institute and the Smedley group at
+ Queen Mary University of London.
Problems, suggestions, or comments? Please let us know
diff --git a/example/iderare_example.yml b/example/iderare_example.yml
index 0bc790f..eb8263b 100644
--- a/example/iderare_example.yml
+++ b/example/iderare_example.yml
@@ -23,27 +23,29 @@ analysis:
# HPO IDs of patient
- [
- "HP:0002366",
- "HP:0005561",
- "HP:0001903",
- "HP:0010972",
- "HP:0001541",
- "HP:0004333",
- "HP:0001396",
- "HP:0002910",
- "HP:0001531",
- "HP:0001399",
- "HP:0001433",
- "HP:0003073",
- "HP:0003233",
- "HP:0006568",
- "HP:0002151",
- "HP:0200114",
- "HP:0001653",
- "HP:0000938",
- "HP:0001873",
- ]
+ - HP:0000007
+ - HP:0001433
+ - HP:0001903
+ - HP:0001541
+ - HP:0010972
+ - HP:0005561
+ - HP:0001396
+ - HP:0001410
+ - HP:0002910
+ - HP:0001399
+ - HP:0000938
+ - HP:0001642
+ - HP:0200114
+ - HP:0003073
+ - HP:0003233
+ - HP:0001873
+ - HP:0002151
+ - HP:0031964
+ - HP:0031956
+ - HP:0002366
+ - HP:0006568
+ - HP:0004333
+ - HP:0001531
# Library Name - Any kind of sequencing method (e.g. AgilentV6)
library: AgilentV6