This is a ngtcp2 server docker image building on quictls and OQS provider, which allows ngtcp2 to negotiate quantum-safe keys in TLS 1.3.
Assuming Docker is installed the following command
docker network create ngtcp2-test
docker run -it --network ngtcp2-test --name ngtcp2server openquantumsafe/ngtcp2-server
will run the container for the quantum-safe crypto (QSC) protected ngtcp2 server on port 6000 on the docker network called ngtcp2-test. The server will negotiate kyber512 by default.
To specify other groups, set the KEM_ALG environment variable by running the ngtcp2 server container as follows
docker run -it --network ngtcp2-test --name ngtcp2server -e KEM_ALG=kyber512:p256_bikel1 openquantumsafe/ngtcp2-server
Alternatively, you can interact with the container using sh and start the server manually
docker run -it --network ngtcp2-test --name ngtcp2server openquantumsafe/ngtcp2-server sh
# if the container is already running, run the following command instead
docker exec -it ngtcp2server sh
Once inside the container, start the server using
server <address> <port> <private key file> <certificate key file> --groups=<groups>
For example,
server "*" 6000 /certs/server.key /certs/server.crt --groups=kyber512
By default the ngtcp2 server supports X25519, P-256, P-384 and P-521 for key exchange but any plain or hybrid QSC (Quantum-Safe Cryptography) algorithm can be selected. See list of supported key exchange algorithms here.
If multiple algorithms are selected, they are separated with colons. For example --groups=kyber512:p256_bikel1
For more options, run server --help