This attempts to replicate TLorentzVector and TVector3 from ROOT using numpy.
Please note that this is a work in progress, so not all functions have been transfered over.
The most basic usage is very similar to TLorentzVector:
In [1]: from FourVector import FourVector
In [2]: # Generate Two Kaons
In [3]: #Use the standard TLorentzVector Constructor
In [4]: Kplus = FourVector(3567.06, -2206.11, 54175.99, 54340.33904788)
In [5]: # Use SetXYZM()
In [6]: Kminus = FourVector()
In [7]: Kminus.SetXYZM(3398.82, -633.59, 49368.01, 493.677)
In [8]: # Build a Phi Candidate:
In [9]: Phi = Kplus + Kminus
In [10]: print Phi.M()
This constrcutors can take lists and numpy arrays in addition to floats.