- Java full stack developer (UI testing, ...)
- Java Web developer (JSP, Servlet, ...)
- Java mobile app developer (Android, ...)
- Java EE developer (EJB, Spring, Hibernate, REST, ...)
- Java API developer (Spring Boot, ...)
- .java
- .class
- OS executable file
- JRE is typically a program that can communicate with the class file provided to it.
- A runtime environment is typically a kind of physical operating system on which the software runs traditionally.
- JRE accepts your code, merges the different dependencies via a Java class loader, and passes it to JVM
- implementation of JVM
- The main job of JRE is to provide a runtime environment to Java
Class loader
searching and loading classes in memory
classes are not loaded at once in memory by the class loader; it is done on a demand basis
Types (where they load the classes dynamically?):
Bootstrap class loader
- loads jre/lib/rt.jar file which is a repository of all the system or internal classes in Java
- in the lib directory of JRE
- primordial class loader
- implemented by C or C++ libraries
Extension class loader
- child of the bootstrap class loader
- in the jre/lib/ext directory
- system property java.ext.dirs
System class loader (application)
- child of the extension class loader
- developer sets up the class path
- loads the classes from the class path
Principles of functionality of a Java ClassLoader
- Delegation Hierarchy Algorithm (*reference)
- Visibility Principle
- Uniqueness Property
Custom Class Loaders (*reference)
- Use-Cases
- modify the existing bytecode -> e.g. weaving agents
- dynamic class loading -> e.g. in JDBC, switching between different driver
- implementing a class versioning mechanism -> URL class loader (load jars via URLs)
- CustomClassLoader -> Code
- Use-Cases
Bytecode verifier
JVM has a gatekeeper
- The operand stack present in the frame should not get overflowed, and it should not be underflow or underutilized.
- The variables must be initialized before the usage.
- Private data from the class is not accessed from outside of the class.
- The proper references must be used for the method calls.
- The stack should not get overflowed.
- The final classes are not extended, and the final methods are not overridden.
- If the verifier finds that something is missing from the preceding list, the code execution is blocked for that file.
bytecode verifier along with compiler?
the heart of the entire Java ecosystem
a runtime environment provided by Java
The main task of JVM is to execute the bytecode, which is the platform-independent file format
Memory management in JVM
- all these segments get stored temporarily as long as the program is executing
- do not get stored at the same location in JVM
- get stored in to different logical compartments
types of memory areas:
- Method Area or Class
- class information like variables, method data, or runtime constant pool
- Heap
- fixed size memory
- store the object or arrays
- Stack
- stores the frames created during execution for each thread
- expandable at runtime
- local variable and references to object or arrays
- PC
- Every task that is being executed by JVM is executed within a thread
- Native Stack
- utilized by the native method if used in an application
- Method Area or Class
- OutOfMemoryException?
- heap memory size
- java Sample -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
- _JAVA_OPTIONS = -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
- java.lang.StackOverflowError
- recursive calls
- OutOfMemoryException?
- converts the bytecode to native code
- performance
- contrast to normal compilers
- dynamic in nature
- JIT and JVM are integrated together
- JIT comes bundled with JVM (not possible to separate)
JIT vs AoT(Ahead-of-Time Compilation)
Interpreter Story:
- jdk 1.0 -> C, infinite while loop
- jdk 1.2 -> C++, Hotspot VM
- zero-assembler
- template interpreter -> codelet, dispatch table
Truffle interpreter for GraalVM...
- one implementation of JIT technology that starts by running interpreted, and watches the actual performance of the app
- an implementation of the part of the JVM concept, originally developed by Sun, and now it is owned by Oracle
List of Java Virtual Machine Implementations
- OpenJ9
- is an alternative
- ...
Java SE > Java SE Specifications
- The Java Language Specification
- The Java Virtual Machine Specification
Java Development Kit
this is a developer’s bundle
is an open-source project that fully implements
- the Java Specifications,
- JSRs, -> Java Specification Requests
- and JEPs -> JDK Enhancement Proposals
that define the Java platform
Differences Between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK
install JDKs or SDKs
- sdkman.io (Link)
IDEs (Integrated development environment Software/java):
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Eclipse
- NetBeans
pure java project
- additional libs or frameworks:
Apache Groovy
- grails.org (an Open Source, full stack, web application framework for the JVM)
- Spock
- GPars
- Ratpack
- Griffon
- Geb
- Micronaut
- GraalVM (high-performance JDK distribution)
- Grape
- KotlinTest
- Spek
- Hamkrest
- Mockito-Kotlin
- Kodein
- jackson-module-kotlin
- GSON, Kotson
- Klaxon
- Retrofit
- OkHttp
- Spring Kotlin project
- vert.x
- Ktor
- Kara
- Wasabi
- Kovert
- Exposed
- RxJava
- funKTionale
- Kovenant
- TornadoFX
SQL support
- Amazon Redshift
- Apache
- Cassandra (NoSQL distributed database)
- Derby
- Hive
- Spark (multi-language engine for executing data engineering, data science, and machine learning on single-node machines or clusters)
- Azure SQL Database
- GCP BigQuery
- CockroachDB
- couchbase
- Exasol
- Greenplum
- ...
- additional libs or frameworks:
- project management
- comprehension tool
- Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
- builds a project using its project object model (POM) and a set of plugins
- multi module project (example)
- EAR (Enterprise ARchive),
- WAR (Web ARchive),
- JAR (Java ARchive)
- DSL (Domain Specific Language)
Spring Initializer
Grails App Forge
Multi-module Project
Empty Project