An End-to-End-Encrypted File Transfer Program. This was my first C++ project. The program has two parts, a receiver and a transmitter. The receiver listens at a specified port for a connection from a transmitter. The transmitter "encrypts" a selected file and sends it to the receiver, who decodes it on the other end. Effectively this allows for file sharing across a network.
The encryption algorithm used was entertaining to create and the best I could invent given absolutely no background in cybersecurity. The given key is used to generate a series of bitwise "shuffles", "swaps", and "shifts" to scramble the data. The data is sent to the receiver, which uses the key to unscramble the data. I can make absolutely no guarantees to the effectiveness of this algorithm.
Encrypts a file as per a key string, and sends to a port of a receiving IP address.
Command Line: TranSec_Transmitter <receiving IPv4 address> <port number> <key> <file path>
If no arguments are provided, the program will ask for them individually
Listens on a port for an incoming file, then decrypts as per a key string and saves the file,
Command Line: TranSec_Receiver <port number> <key>
If no arguments are provided, the program will ask for them individually