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jagi edited this page May 31, 2015 · 3 revisions

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Basic operations

// Create global (no var keyword) Mongo collection.
Posts = new Mongo.Collection('posts');

// Create global (no var keyword) class (model).
Post = Astro.Class({
  name: 'Post', // Name model.
  collection: Posts, // Associate collection with the model.
  transform: true, // Auto transform objects fetched from collection.
  fields: {
    title: 'string', // Define "title" field of String type.
    votes: {
      type: 'number', // Define "votes" field of Number type.
      default: 0 // Set default "votes" field value to 0.
  methods: { // Define few methods.
    voteUp: function () {
    voteDown: function () {
  behaviors: ['timestamp'] // Add "timestamp" behavior that adds "createdAt" and "updatedAt" fields.

// Create object of our class.
var post = new Post({
  title: 'New post'
// Save object in the collection;

// Change title
post.title = 'Post title changed';
// Get modified fields.
post.getModified(); // Returns {title: "Post title changed"}
// Update object (save changes into collection).;

// Remove the object from the collection.


if (Meteor.isClient) {
  Template.Posts.helpers({ // Provide "posts" cursor for all posts in the collection.
    posts: function() {
      return Posts.find();

  // Voting up and down for post is as easy as calling "voteUp" or "voteDown" method on the object.
  // The "this" keyword in the event listener is an object of our "Post" class.{
    'click .up': function() {
    'click .down': function() {

  {{> Posts}}

<template name="Posts">
  {{#each posts}}
    <p>{{title}} <a class="up">Vote Up</a> | <a class="down">Vote Down</a> | <b>({{votes}})</b></p>

You can access document's fields the same way you would do it without Astronomy.

  <p><a href="/post/{{post._id}}">{{post.title}}</a></p>

You can also call document's methods like you would do normally.

  getMessage: function() {
    return 'Post title: ' + this.title;

Iron Router

When working with Iron Router, we may want to create a link redirecting us to the given route using a document's id. Let's take a look at routes defined below. We have the route for all posts list and the route for displaying an individual post. The path consists of the /post/ prefix and a document's id.

Router.route('/', {
  name: 'posts',
  template: 'Posts'

Router.route('/post/:_id', {
  name: 'post'

Now, we define the helper on our template that returns a cursor for all posts.

if (Meteor.isClient) {
  Template.Posts.helpers({ // Provide "posts" cursor for all posts in the collection.
    posts: function() {
      return Posts.find();

Here is how to create a link to the post.

  {{#each posts}}
    <p><a href="{{pathFor 'post'}}">{{title}}</a></p>

Meteor methods

The Astronomy objects can be passed to Meteor methods without any modifications. All Astronomy classes are EJSON-able. It means that they can be transfered from the client to the server (and vice versa) using the DDP protocol.

  '/user/method': function(post) {
    if (post.validate()) {;

var post = Posts.findOne();'/user/method', post);

Users collection

It's possible to apply an Astronomy model to the Meteor.users collection. The minimal class schema looks like the one below.

User = Astro.Class({
  name: 'User',
  collection: Meteor.users,
  fields: {
    emails: 'array',
    services: 'object',
    createdAt: 'date'

Of course you will have to add to the schema any extra field that you want to publish. The example above works with the accounts-password package.

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