participant CL as Client
participant BMCW as BMCWeb
participant CU as <deviceX>CodeUpdater<br> ServiceName: xyz.openbmc_project.Software.<deviceX>
% Bootstrap Action for CodeUpdater
CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Update<br> at /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX>
note over CU: Get device access info from<br> /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/... path
note over CU: VersionId = Version Read from <deviceX> + Salt
CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version<br> at /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX>/<VersionId>
CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br>xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation<br> at /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX>/<VersionId> <br> with Status = Active
CU ->> CU: Create functional association <br> from Version to Inventory Item
CL ->> BMCW: HTTP POST: /redfish/v1/UpdateService/update <br> (Image, settings, RedfishTargetURI)
note over BMCW: Map RedfishTargetURI to<br> System Inventory Item
note over BMCW: Get object path (i.e. /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX>)<br>for associated Version interface to System Inventory Item
BMCW ->> CU: scheduleUpdate(ImageFd, UpdateSettings)
note over CU: Verify Image
break Image Verification FAILED
CU -->> BMCW: {NULL, ErrorVerificationFailed}
BMCW -->> CL: Return Error
note over CU: VersionId = Version from Image + Salt
note over CU: ObjectPath = /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX>/<VersionId>
CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version<br> at ObjectPath
CU -->> BMCW: {ObjectPath, ErrorNone}
CU ->> CU: << Delegate Update for asynchronous processing >>
par BMCWeb Processing
BMCW ->> BMCW: Create Matcher<br>(PropertiesChanged,<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation,<br> ObjectPath)
BMCW ->> BMCW: Create Matcher<br>(PropertiesChanged,<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationProgress,<br> ObjectPath)
BMCW ->> BMCW: Create Task<br> to handle matcher notifications
BMCW -->> CL: <TaskNum>
BMCW --) BMCW: Process notifications<br> and update Task attributes
CL ->> BMCW: /redfish/v1/TaskMonitor/<TaskNum>
BMCW -->>CL: TaskStatus
and << Asynchronous Update in Progress >>
CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br>xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation<br> at ObjectPath with Status = Ready
CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br>xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationProgress<br> at ObjectPath
CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationBlocksTransition<br> at ObjectPath
note over CU: Start Update
CU --) BMCW: Notify ActivationProgress.Progress change
note over CU: Finish Update
CU ->> CU: Activation.Status = Active
CU --) BMCW: Notify Activation.Status change
CU ->> CU: Delete Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationBlocksTransition
CU ->> CU: Delete Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationProgress
alt ApplySettings == Immediate
note over CU: Reset Device and<br> update functional association to System Inventory Item