This project demonstrates how to upload files from a React JS application to an AWS S3 bucket using pre-signed URLs. A pre-signed URL allows you to upload a specific object to your S3 bucket without requiring AWS credentials or permissions.
- Node.js installed on your machine
- AWS account with S3 bucket setup
- Basic knowledge of React and AWS S3
Follow these steps to set up the project and upload files to S3 using pre-signed URLs.
Create an S3 bucket in AWS:
- Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
- Go to the S3 service.
- Create a new bucket or use an existing one.
Create a Lambda function to generate pre-signed URLs:
- Go to the AWS Lambda service.
- Create a new Lambda function.
- Use the following code for the Lambda function:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); const BUCKET_NAME = 'your-bucket-name'; exports.handler = async (event) => { const fileName =; const fileType = event.queryStringParameters.type; const s3Params = { Bucket: BUCKET_NAME, Key: fileName, Expires: 60, // URL expiration time in seconds ContentType: fileType, ACL: 'public-read' }; try { const uploadURL = await S3.getSignedUrlPromise('putObject', s3Params); return { statusCode: 200, headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" }, body: JSON.stringify({ uploadURL }), }; } catch (error) { return { statusCode: 500, headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" }, body: JSON.stringify({ error: error.message }), }; } };
- Deploy the function and note down the API endpoint.
Set up API Gateway:
- Create a new API in API Gateway.
- Create a new resource and method (GET).
- Integrate the GET method with the Lambda function.
- Deploy the API and note down the invoke URL.
- Create a new React application:
npx create-react-app react-file-upload cd react-file-upload npm start
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