diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f55077f..18c960b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ The config file is in the scripts folder. Before first run of the script, pleas * date_hours_back_to_search - Number of hours to search backwards * date_minutes_back_to_search - Number of minutes to search backwards +#####Logging +* logging_debug_level - Logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) +* logging_file_location - Leave blank to use default location - logs folder where the script file resides +* logging_retain_previous_logs - True to append to the log file or False to overwrite the log file on every run of the script. + #####Plex API Authentication - This is only used for shared user emails currently * plex_username - Plex account username of the server * plex_password - Plex account password of the server @@ -118,6 +123,7 @@ The config file is in the scripts folder. Before first run of the script, pleas * upload_cloudinary_cloud_name - Cloudinary cloud name * upload_cloudinary_api_key - Cloudinary api key * upload_cloudinary_api_secret - Cloudinary api secret +* upload_cloudinary_use_https - True to use https and False to use http for both uploading url and image locations in the email/web page #####Email * email_enabled - Enable the creation and sending of an email diff --git a/scripts/config.conf b/scripts/config.conf index 3cec9ce..ce15294 100644 --- a/scripts/config.conf +++ b/scripts/config.conf @@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ date_days_back_to_search = 7 date_hours_back_to_search = 0 date_minutes_back_to_search = 0 +##Logging +logging_debug_level = 'INFO' +#Leave blank to use default location - logs folder where the script file resides +logging_file_location = '' +logging_retain_previous_logs = True + ##Plex API Authentication (only used for shared user Emails right now) plex_username = '' plex_password = '' @@ -24,6 +30,7 @@ upload_use_cloudinary = False upload_cloudinary_cloud_name = '' upload_cloudinary_api_key = '' upload_cloudinary_api_secret = '' +upload_cloudinary_use_https = True ##Web web_enabled = True diff --git a/scripts/plexEmail.py b/scripts/plexEmail.py index e3e46ef..fbb0d50 100644 --- a/scripts/plexEmail.py +++ b/scripts/plexEmail.py @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import cloudinary.api import imghdr import time +import logging +import traceback from base64 import b64encode from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import date, timedelta @@ -23,10 +25,22 @@ from email.utils import formataddr from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML -SCRIPT_VERSION = 'v0.8.3' +SCRIPT_VERSION = 'v0.8.7' def replaceConfigTokens(): ## The below code is for backwards compatibility + if ('logging_retain_previous_logs' not in config): + config['logging_retain_previous_logs'] = True + + if ('logging_debug_level' not in config): + config['logging_debug_level'] = 'INFO' + + if ('logging_file_location' not in config): + config['logging_file_location'] = '' + + if ('upload_cloudinary_api_secret' not in config): + config['upload_cloudinary_api_secret'] = True + if ('artist_sort_1' not in config.keys() or config['artist_sort_1'] == ""): config['artist_sort_1'] = 'title_sort' @@ -283,52 +297,75 @@ def convertToHumanReadable(valuesToConvert): return convertedValues def getSharedUserEmails(): + logging.info('getSharedUserEmails: begin') emails = [] if (config['plex_username'] == '' or config['plex_password'] == ''): return emails url = 'https://my.plexapp.com/users/sign_in.json' + logging.info('getSharedUserEmails: url = ' + url) base64string = 'Basic ' + base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (config['plex_username'], config['plex_password'])).replace('\n', '') headers = {'Authorization': base64string, 'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': 'plexEmail'} + logging.debug('getSharedUserEmails: headers = ' + str(headers)) response = requests.post(url, headers=headers) + logging.info('getSharedUserEmails: response = ' + str(response)) + logging.info('getSharedUserEmails: response = ' + str(response.text)) token = json.loads(response.text)['user']['authentication_token']; + logging.info('getSharedUserEmails: token = ' + token) url = 'https://plex.tv/pms/friends/all' + logging.info('getSharedUserEmails: url = ' + url) headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Plex-Token': token} + logging.debug('getSharedUserEmails: headers = ' + str(headers)) response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) + logging.info('getSharedUserEmails: response = ' + str(response)) + logging.info('getSharedUserEmails: response = ' + str(response.text)) parsed = XML(response.text.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) for elem in parsed: for name, value in sorted(elem.attrib.items()): if (name == 'email'): + logging.info('getSharedUserEmails: adding email - ' + value.lower()) emails.append(value.lower()) - + + logging.info('getSharedUserEmails: Returning shared emails') + logging.debug('getSharedUserEmails: email list - ' + ' '.join(emails)) return emails def deleteImages(): + logging.info('deleteImages: begin') folder = config['web_folder'] + config['web_path'] + os.path.sep + 'images' + os.path.sep + logging.info('deleteImages: deleting images from: ' + folder) for file in os.listdir(folder): if (file.endswith('.jpg')): + logging.debug('deleteImages: deleting image: ' + folder + file) os.remove(folder + file) + logging.info('deleteImages: end') def processImage(imageHash, thumb, mediaType, seasonIndex, episodeIndex): + logging.info('processImage: begin') + logging.info('processImage: imageHash = ' + imageHash + ' - thumb = ' + thumb + ' - mediaType = ' + mediaType + ' - seasonIndex = ' + str(seasonIndex) + ' - episodeIndex = ' + str(episodeIndex)) thumbObj = {} imgLocation = '' if (not thumb or thumb == ''): + logging.info('processImage: thumb is either null or empty, returning no image') thumbObj['webImgPath'] = '' thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = '' return thumbObj - if (thumb.find('http://') >= 0): + if (thumb.find('http://') >= 0 or thumb.find('https://') >= 0): + logging.info('processImage: thumb is already an externally hosted image') thumbObj['webImgPath'] = thumb thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = thumb return thumbObj else: if (thumb.find('media://') >= 0): + logging.info('processImage: thumb begins with media://') thumb = thumb[8:len(thumb)] imgName = thumb[thumb.rindex('/') + 1:thumb.rindex('.')] + hash imgLocation = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Media' + os.path.sep + 'localhost' + os.path.sep + '' + thumb elif (thumb.find('upload://') >= 0): + logging.info('processImage: thumb begins with upload://') thumb = thumb[9:len(thumb)] category = thumb[0:thumb.index('/')] imgName = thumb[thumb.rindex('/') + 1:len(thumb)] @@ -363,25 +400,42 @@ def processImage(imageHash, thumb, mediaType, seasonIndex, episodeIndex): webImgFullPath = config['web_domain'] + config['web_path'] + '/images/' + imgName + '.jpg' img = config['web_folder'] + config['web_path'] + os.path.sep + 'images' + os.path.sep + imgName + '.jpg' + logging.info('processImage: imgLocation = ' + imgLocation) + logging.info('processImage: webImgFullPath = ' + webImgFullPath) + logging.info('processImage: img = ' + img) + + cloudinaryURL = '' if ('upload_use_cloudinary' in config and config['upload_use_cloudinary']): + logging.info('processImage: Uploading to cloudinary') thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = webImgFullPath #imgurURL = uploadToImgur(imgLocation, imgName) cloudinaryURL = uploadToCloudinary(imgLocation) elif (config['web_enabled'] and config['email_use_web_images']): + logging.info('processImage: Hosting image on local web server') thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = webImgFullPath elif (os.path.isfile(imgLocation)): + logging.info('processImage: Attaching images to email') imgNames['Image_' + imgName] = imgLocation thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = 'cid:Image_' + imgName else: + logging.info('processImage: No email image') thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = '' if (cloudinaryURL != ''): + logging.info('processImage: Setting image paths to cloudinary') thumbObj['webImgPath'] = cloudinaryURL thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = cloudinaryURL elif (os.path.isfile(imgLocation) and config['web_enabled']): - shutil.copy(imgLocation, img) - thumbObj['webImgPath'] = 'images/' + imgName + '.jpg' + logging.info('processImage: Setting image paths to local and copying image to web folder') + try: + shutil.copy(imgLocation, img) + except EnvironmentError, e: + logging.warning('processImage: Failed to copy image - ' + repr(e)) + thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = '' + thumbObj['webImgPath'] = '' + else: + thumbObj['webImgPath'] = 'images/' + imgName + '.jpg' else: thumbObj['webImgPath'] = '' @@ -408,15 +462,22 @@ def uploadToImgur(imgToUpload, nameOfUpload): return '' def uploadToCloudinary(imgToUpload): + logging.info('uploadToCloudinary: begin') if (os.path.isfile(imgToUpload)): if (os.path.islink(imgToUpload)): imgToUpload = os.path.realpath(imgToUpload) if (imghdr.what(imgToUpload)): + logging.info('uploadToCloudinary: start upload to cloudinary') response = cloudinary.uploader.upload(imgToUpload) - return response['url'] + logging.info('uploadToCloudinary: response = ' + str(response)) + url = response['secure_url'] if (config['upload_cloudinary_use_https']) else response['url'] + logging.info('uploadToCloudinary: url = ' + url) + return url else: + logging.info('uploadToCloudinary: not an image') return '' else: + logging.info('uploadToCloudinary: file not located') return '' def containsnonasciicharacters(str): @@ -758,6 +819,9 @@ def createWebHTML(): """ return htmlText + +def exceptionHandler(type, value, tb): + logging.error("Logging an uncaught exception", exc_info=(type, value, tb)) # # @@ -775,13 +839,9 @@ def createWebHTML(): if ('version' in args and args['version']): print 'Script Version: ' + SCRIPT_VERSION sys.exit() - -testMode = False - + if ('configfile' in args): configFile = args['configfile'] -if ('test' in args): - testMode = args['test'] if (not os.path.isfile(configFile)): print configFile + ' does not exist' @@ -790,21 +850,45 @@ def createWebHTML(): config = {} execfile(configFile, config) replaceConfigTokens() + +numeric_level = getattr(logging, config['logging_debug_level'], None) +file_mode = 'a' if (config['logging_retain_previous_logs']) else 'w' +if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): + numeric_level = getattr(logging, 'INFO') +if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + os.path.sep + 'logs'): + os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + os.path.sep + 'logs') +logging.basicConfig(level=numeric_level, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s:%(message)s', filename=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + os.path.sep + 'logs' + os.path.sep + 'plexEmail.log', filemode=file_mode) + +sys.excepthook = exceptionHandler + +testMode = False + +if ('test' in args): + logging.info('Test flag found - setting script instance to test mode.') + testMode = args['test'] +else: + logging.info('Test flag not found.') if ('notice' in args and args['notice']): + logging.info('Notice passed in: ' + args['notice']) config['msg_notice'] = args['notice'] if ('upload_use_cloudinary' in config and config['upload_use_cloudinary']): - cloudinary.config( + logging.info('Setting Cloudinary config values') + cloudinary.config( cloud_name = config['upload_cloudinary_cloud_name'], api_key = config['upload_cloudinary_api_key'], - api_secret = config['upload_cloudinary_api_secret'] + api_secret = config['upload_cloudinary_api_secret'], + upload_prefix = 'https://api.cloudinary.com' if ('upload_cloudinary_use_https' in config and config['upload_cloudinary_use_https']) else 'http://api.cloudinary.com' ) + logging.debug('Cloudinary config: ' + str(cloudinary.config)) plexWebLink = '' if (config['filter_include_plex_web_link']): + logging.info('Including Plex Web Link - Getting machine identifier from the DLNA DB') DLNA_DB_FILE = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Plug-in Support' + os.path.sep + 'Databases' + os.path.sep + 'com.plexapp.dlna.db' + logging.info('DLNA_DB_FILE = ' + DLNA_DB_FILE) if (os.path.isfile(DLNA_DB_FILE)): con = sqlite3.connect(DLNA_DB_FILE) @@ -812,10 +896,14 @@ def createWebHTML(): cur.execute('SELECT machine_identifier FROM remote_servers WHERE url LIKE "";') for row in cur: plexWebLink = 'http://plex.tv/web/app#!/server/' + row[0] + '/details/%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F' + logging.info('plexWebLink = ' + plexWebLink) + else: + logging.warning(DLNA_DB_FILE + ' does not exist') DATABASE_FILE = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Plug-in Support' + os.path.sep + 'Databases' + os.path.sep + 'com.plexapp.plugins.library.db' if (not os.path.isfile(DATABASE_FILE)): + logging.error(DATABASE_FILE + ' does not exist. Please make sure the plex_data_folder value is correct.') print DATABASE_FILE + ' does not exist. Please make sure the plex_data_folder value is correct.' sys.exit() @@ -825,6 +913,7 @@ def createWebHTML(): with con: libraryFilter = '' if (config['filter_libraries']): + logging.info('Getting IDs of libraries to filter') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT id, name FROM library_sections;') for row in cur: @@ -836,19 +925,26 @@ def createWebHTML(): libraryFilter += ' AND MD.library_section_id != ' + str(row[0]) if (libraryFilter != ''): libraryFilter += ') ' + logging.debug('libraryFilter = ' + libraryFilter) dateSearch = 'datetime(\'now\', \'localtime\', \'-' + str(config['date_days_back_to_search']) + ' days\', \'-' + str(config['date_hours_back_to_search']) + ' hours\', \'-' + str(config['date_minutes_back_to_search']) + ' minutes\')' + logging.debug('dateSearch for DB query = ' + dateSearch) + dbQuery = "SELECT MD.id, MD.parent_id, MD.metadata_type, MD.title, MD.title_sort, MD.original_title, MD.rating, MD.tagline, MD.summary, MD.content_rating, MD.duration, MD.user_thumb_url, MD.tags_genre, MD.tags_director, MD.tags_star, MD.year, MD.hash, MD.[index], MD.studio, ME.duration, MD.originally_available_at FROM metadata_items MD LEFT OUTER JOIN media_items ME ON MD.id = ME.metadata_item_id WHERE added_at >= " + dateSearch + " AND metadata_type >= 1 AND metadata_type <= 10 " + libraryFilter + " ORDER BY title_sort;" + logging.info('Executing DB query: ' + dbQuery) cur = con.cursor() - cur.execute("SELECT MD.id, MD.parent_id, MD.metadata_type, MD.title, MD.title_sort, MD.original_title, MD.rating, MD.tagline, MD.summary, MD.content_rating, MD.duration, MD.user_thumb_url, MD.tags_genre, MD.tags_director, MD.tags_star, MD.year, MD.hash, MD.[index], MD.studio, ME.duration, MD.originally_available_at FROM metadata_items MD LEFT OUTER JOIN media_items ME ON MD.id = ME.metadata_item_id WHERE added_at >= " + dateSearch + " AND metadata_type >= 1 AND metadata_type <= 10 " + libraryFilter + " ORDER BY title_sort;") + cur.execute(dbQuery) response = {}; + logging.debug('Response:') for row in cur: response[row[0]] = {'id': row[0], 'parent_id': row[1], 'metadata_type': row[2], 'title': row[3], 'title_sort': row[4], 'original_title': row[5], 'rating': row[6], 'tagline': row[7], 'summary': row[8], 'content_rating': row[9], 'duration': row[10], 'user_thumb_url': row[11], 'tags_genre': row[12], 'tags_director': row[13], 'tags_star': row[14], 'year': row[15], 'hash': row[16], 'index': row[17], 'studio': row[18], 'real_duration': row[19], 'air_date': row[20]} + logging.debug(response[row[0]]) emailNotice = '' htmlNotice = '' if (config['msg_notice']): + logging.info('Generating html for the notice: ' + config['msg_notice']) emailNotice = """
""" + config['msg_notice'] + """

 """ htmlNotice = """

""" + config['msg_notice'] + """
""" emailMovies = """
@@ -1145,29 +1241,37 @@ def createWebHTML(): emailTVSeasons += emailText htmlTVSeasons += htmlText + modifiedTVEpisodes = dict(tvEpisodes) for episode in tvEpisodes: cur2 = con.cursor() - cur2.execute("SELECT user_thumb_url, parent_id, [index] FROM metadata_items WHERE id = " + str(tvEpisodes[episode]['parent_id']) + ";") + if (tvEpisodes[episode]['parent_id']): + logging.info('main: tvEpisodes[episode][\'parent_id\'] = ' + str(tvEpisodes[episode]['parent_id'])) + cur2.execute("SELECT user_thumb_url, parent_id, [index] FROM metadata_items WHERE id = ?;", (str(tvEpisodes[episode]['parent_id']),)) - for row in cur2: - tvEpisodes[episode]['season_thumb_url'] = row[0] - parent_id = row[1] - tvEpisodes[episode]['season_index'] = row[2] - - cur3 = con.cursor() - cur3.execute("SELECT title, title_sort, original_title, content_rating, duration, tags_genre, tags_star, hash, user_thumb_url, studio FROM metadata_items WHERE id = " + str(parent_id) + ";") + for row in cur2: + tvEpisodes[episode]['season_thumb_url'] = row[0] + parent_id = row[1] + tvEpisodes[episode]['season_index'] = row[2] + + cur3 = con.cursor() + cur3.execute("SELECT title, title_sort, original_title, content_rating, duration, tags_genre, tags_star, hash, user_thumb_url, studio FROM metadata_items WHERE id = " + str(parent_id) + ";") + + for row2 in cur3: + tvEpisodes[episode]['show_title'] = row2[0] + tvEpisodes[episode]['show_title_sort'] = row2[1] + tvEpisodes[episode]['show_original_title'] = row2[2] + tvEpisodes[episode]['content_rating'] = row2[3] + tvEpisodes[episode]['duration'] = row2[4] + tvEpisodes[episode]['tags_genre'] = row2[5] + tvEpisodes[episode]['tags_star'] = row2[6] + tvEpisodes[episode]['hash'] = row2[7] + tvEpisodes[episode]['show_thumb_url'] = row2[8] + tvEpisodes[episode]['studio'] = row2[9] + else: + logging.info('main: tvEpisodes[episode][\'parent_id\'] = None') + del modifiedTVEpisodes[episode] - for row2 in cur3: - tvEpisodes[episode]['show_title'] = row2[0] - tvEpisodes[episode]['show_title_sort'] = row2[1] - tvEpisodes[episode]['show_original_title'] = row2[2] - tvEpisodes[episode]['content_rating'] = row2[3] - tvEpisodes[episode]['duration'] = row2[4] - tvEpisodes[episode]['tags_genre'] = row2[5] - tvEpisodes[episode]['tags_star'] = row2[6] - tvEpisodes[episode]['hash'] = row2[7] - tvEpisodes[episode]['show_thumb_url'] = row2[8] - tvEpisodes[episode]['studio'] = row2[9] + tvEpisodes = dict(modifiedTVEpisodes) if ('episode_sort_3' in config and config['episode_sort_3'] != ''): tvEpisodes = OrderedDict(sorted(tvEpisodes.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['episode_sort_3']], reverse=config['episode_sort_3_reverse'])) @@ -1327,14 +1431,18 @@ def createWebHTML(): albums[album]['tracks'] = {} for row in cur2: - duration = row[5]/1000 - seconds = duration % 60 - duration /= 60 - minutes = duration % 60 - duration /= 60 - hours = duration - duration = str(hours) + ':' if (hours > 0) else '' - duration += str(minutes).zfill(2) + ':' + str(seconds).zfill(2) + duration = row[5] + try: + duration /= 1000 + seconds = duration % 60 + duration /= 60 + minutes = duration % 60 + duration /= 60 + hours = duration + duration = str(hours) + ':' if (hours > 0) else '' + duration += str(minutes).zfill(2) + ':' + str(seconds).zfill(2) + except TypeError: + duration = 'N/A' albums[album]['tracks'][row[4]] = {'id': row[0], 'title': row[1], 'title_sort': row[2], 'original_title': row[3], 'index': row[4], 'duration': duration, 'codec': row[6]} if ('album_sort_3' in config and config['album_sort_3'] != ''): @@ -1516,7 +1624,7 @@ def createWebHTML(): # songCount += 1 # emailSongs += emailText # htmlSongs += htmlText - + if ((movieCount > 0 and config['filter_show_movies']) or (showCount > 0 and config['filter_show_shows']) or (seasonCount > 0 and config['filter_show_seasons']) or (episodeCount > 0 and config['filter_show_episodes']) or (artistCount > 0 and config['filter_show_artists']) or (albumCount > 0 and config['filter_show_albums']) or (songCount > 0 and config['filter_show_songs'])): hasNewContent = True else: @@ -1540,6 +1648,9 @@ def createWebHTML(): sharedEmails = getSharedUserEmails() config['email_to'].extend(x for x in sharedEmails if x not in config['email_to']) + #Remove duplicates by converting to a set + config['email_to'] = set(config['email_to']) + emailCount = 0 if (testMode): success = sendMail([config['email_from']])