diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 3a58344..94f230b 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Artifacts = "56f22d72-fd6d-98f1-02f0-08ddc0907c33"
 Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
 LaTeXStrings = "b964fa9f-0449-5b57-a5c2-d3ea65f4040f"
 PrecompileTools = "aea7be01-6a6a-4083-8856-8a6e6704d82a"
-Preferences = "21216c6a-2e73-6563-6e65-726566657250"
 Typst_jll = "eb4b1da6-20f6-5c66-9826-fdb8ad410d0e"
@@ -22,6 +21,5 @@ MarkdownExtension = "Markdown"
 LaTeXStrings = "1.1"
 PrecompileTools = "1.0.1"
-Preferences = "1.0"
 Typst_jll = "0.7, 0.8 - 0.12"
 julia = "1.10"
diff --git a/docs/source/guides/package_interoperability.md b/docs/source/guides/package_interoperability.md
index bd31812..3cd8ab9 100644
--- a/docs/source/guides/package_interoperability.md
+++ b/docs/source/guides/package_interoperability.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ IJulia.jl, Pluto.jl, and QuartoNotebookRunner.jl each display
 `show` with the `application/pdf`, `image/png`, and `image/svg+xml` `MIME` types.
 !!! tip
-    Use [`set_context`](@ref) to customize the default formatting in these environments.
+    Set mappings in [`context`](@ref) to customize the default formatting in these environments.
 ## Typst Packages
diff --git a/docs/source/references/utilities.md b/docs/source/references/utilities.md
index 63ab75a..b096468 100644
--- a/docs/source/references/utilities.md
+++ b/docs/source/references/utilities.md
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ math
diff --git a/src/Typstry.jl b/src/Typstry.jl
index 7912880..ae15d6f 100644
--- a/src/Typstry.jl
+++ b/src/Typstry.jl
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
 module Typstry
 import Base:
-    IOBuffer, ==, addenv, codeunit, detach, eltype, firstindex, getindex, get, hash, ignorestatus, isvalid, iterate,
-    keys, lastindex, length, ncodeunits, pointer, repr, run, setcpuaffinity, setenv, showerror, show
+    IOBuffer, ==, addenv, codeunit, copy, detach, eltype, firstindex, getindex, getkey, get,
+    hash, ignorestatus, isvalid, iterate, keys, lastindex, length, mergewith, merge!, merge,
+    ncodeunits, pointer, repr, run, setcpuaffinity, setenv, setindex!, showerror, show, sizehint!
 import Typst_jll
 using Artifacts: @artifact_str
 using Dates:
@@ -13,7 +14,6 @@ using .Docs: HTML, Text
 using .Iterators: Stateful
 using .Meta: isexpr, parse
 using PrecompileTools: @compile_workload
-using Preferences: @load_preference, @set_preferences!
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export
     ContextError, Mode, TypstCommandError, TypstCommand,
     TypstContext, TypstString, TypstText, Typst,
     @typst_cmd, @typst_str, code, context, julia_mono,
-    markup, math, render, set_context, show_typst, typst
+    markup, math, render, reset_context, show_typst, typst
diff --git a/src/strings/strings.jl b/src/strings/strings.jl
index 0a5736d..84cd197 100644
--- a/src/strings/strings.jl
+++ b/src/strings/strings.jl
@@ -23,10 +23,17 @@ base_type(::Typst) = Typst
 """ base_type
-get!(context.context, :preamble, typst"""
-#set page(margin: 1em, height: auto, width: auto, fill: white)
-#set text(16pt, font: "JuliaMono")
+merge!(default_context, TypstContext(;
+    backticks = 3,
+    block = false,
+    depth = 0,
+    mode = markup,
+    parenthesize = true,
+    preamble = TypstString(TypstText(
+    "#set page(margin: 1em, height: auto, width: auto, fill: white)\n#set text(16pt, font: \"JuliaMono\")\n")),
+    tab_size = 2
 for (key, value) in pairs(context)
     @eval begin
diff --git a/src/utilities/typst_context.jl b/src/utilities/typst_context.jl
index bc3d792..ff09cc9 100644
--- a/src/utilities/typst_context.jl
+++ b/src/utilities/typst_context.jl
@@ -18,11 +18,9 @@ Calls to [`show_typst`](@ref) from the following methods:
 specify the [`TypstContext`](@ref) by combining the following contexts:
-1. A default [`context`](@ref)
-2. The context specified by [`set_context`](@ref),
-    which is combined with the `context` upon initialization
-3. The `TypstContext` constructor implemented for the given type,
-    the context specified in the call by keyword parameters,
+1. The [`context`](@ref)
+2. Any context specified by implementing the `TypstContext` constructor for the given type
+3. The context specified in the call by keyword parameters,
     a given `TypstContext`, or the `IOContext` key `:typst_context`,
     depending on the calling method
 4. Any context specified by a recursive call in `show_typst` to format values,
@@ -32,18 +30,26 @@ Duplicate keys are handled such that each successive context overwrites
 those of previous contexts, prioritized in order as listed.
 In other words, the default `context` has the lowest priority while
 recursive calls to `show_typst` have the highest priority.
 # Interfaces
 This type implements the dictionary and iteration interfaces.
-However, it is immutable such that it does not support inserting, deleting, or setting a key-value pair.
+However, it does not support removing mappings.
+- `copy(::TypstContext)`
 - `eltype(::TypstContext)`
-- `get(::TypstContext,\u00A0::Symbol,\u00A0default)`
-- `get(::Union{Function, Type},\u00A0::TypstContext,\u00A0::Symbol)`
+- `getkey(::TypstContext, ::Any, ::Any)`
+- `get(::TypstContext,\u00A0::Any,\u00A0::Any)`
+- `get(::Union{Function, Type},\u00A0::TypstContext,\u00A0::Any)`
 - `iterate(::TypstContext,\u00A0state)`
 - `iterate(::TypstContext)`
 - `length(::TypstContext)`
+- `mergewith(::Any, ::TypstContext, ::AbstractDict...)`
+- `merge!(::TypstContext, ::AbstractDict...)`
+- `merge(::TypstContext, ::AbstractDict...)`
+- `setindex!(::TypstContext, ::Any, ::Any)`
 - `show(::IO,\u00A0::TypstContext)`
+- `sizehint!(::TypstContext, ::Any)`
 struct TypstContext <: AbstractDict{Symbol, Any}
     context::Dict{Symbol, Any}
@@ -53,16 +59,28 @@ end
 TypstContext(_) = TypstContext()
+copy(tc::TypstContext) = merge!(TypstContext(), tc)
 eltype(tc::TypstContext) = eltype(tc.context)
-get(tc::TypstContext, key::Symbol, default) = get(tc.context, key, default)
-get(f::Union{Function, Type}, tc::TypstContext, key::Symbol) = get(f, tc.context, key)
+getkey(tc::TypstContext, key, default) = getkey(tc.context, key, default)
+get(tc::TypstContext, key, default) = get(tc.context, key, default)
+get(f::Union{Function, Type}, tc::TypstContext, key) = get(f, tc.context, key)
 iterate(tc::TypstContext, state) = iterate(tc.context, state)
 iterate(tc::TypstContext) = iterate(tc.context)
 length(tc::TypstContext) = length(tc.context)
+mergewith(combine, tc::TypstContext, ds::AbstractDict...) = mergewith!(combine, copy(tc), ds)
+merge!(tc::TypstContext, ds::AbstractDict...) = (merge!(tc.context, ds...); tc)
+merge(tc::TypstContext, ds::AbstractDict...) = merge!(copy(tc), ds...)
+setindex!(tc::TypstContext, value, key) = (tc.context[key] = value; tc)
 function show(io::IO, tc::TypstContext)
     print(io, TypstContext, "(")
     if !isempty(tc)
@@ -75,29 +93,25 @@ function show(io::IO, tc::TypstContext)
     print(io, ")")
-    default_context
-const default_context = TypstContext(;
-    backticks = 3,
-    block = false,
-    depth = 0,
-    mode = markup,
-    parenthesize = true,
-    tab_size = 2
+sizehint!(tc::TypstContext, n) = sizehint!(tc.context, n)
-    merge_contexts!(tc, context)
+    default_context
-merge_contexts!(tc, context) = mergewith!((x, _) -> x, tc.context, context)
+const default_context = TypstContext()
-A `const`ant [`TypstContext`](@ref) used default formatting data when calling [`show_typst`](@ref).
+A `const`ant [`TypstContext`](@ref) used to provide
+default formatting data when calling [`show_typst`](@ref).
+See also [`reset_context`](@ref).
-May be configured using [`set_context`](@ref).
+!!! tip
+    Set mappings in this dictionary to customize the default formatting
+    in environments that display values using `show` with the
+    `application/pdf`, `image/png`, and `image/svg+xml` `MIME` types.
 | Setting        | Type                  | Description                                                                                                                                                                       |
@@ -123,33 +137,30 @@ TypstContext with 7 entries:
   :depth        => 0
-const context = let
-    tc = @load_preference "context" TypstContext()
-    merge_contexts!(tc, default_context)
-    tc
-function _set_context(value)
-    @set_preferences! "context" value
-    @info "Restart Julia to reinitialize the `context`"
-set_context(tc::TypstContext) = _set_context(tc)
-set_context() = _set_context(nothing)
+const context = TypstContext()
-    set_context(::TypstContext)
-    set_context()
+    reset_context()
-Use Preferences.jl such that after restarting Julia,
-the [`context`](@ref) is initialized to the given
-[`TypstContext`](@ref) merged with default settings.
+Remove any custom mappings from the [`context`](@ref)
+such that it is returned to its default state.
-Specifying a key contained in the default settings will override it.
-If a `TypstContext` is not provided, the `context` is reset to the default settings.
+# Examples
-!!! tip
-    Use this function to customize the default formatting in environments that display values using
-    `show` with the `application/pdf`, `image/png`, and `image/svg+xml` `MIME` types.
+julia> reset_context()
+TypstContext with 7 entries:
+  :mode         => markup
+  :parenthesize => true
+  :block        => false
+  :preamble     => TypstString(TypstText("#set page(margin: 1em, height: auto, …
+  :tab_size     => 2
+  :backticks    => 3
+  :depth        => 0
+function reset_context()
+    _context = context.context
+    merge!(empty!(_context), default_context)
+    context
diff --git a/src/utilities/utilities.jl b/src/utilities/utilities.jl
index 39385e0..0c7b6a6 100644
--- a/src/utilities/utilities.jl
+++ b/src/utilities/utilities.jl
@@ -200,6 +200,11 @@ math_pad(tc) =
     else block(tc) ? "\$ " : "\$"
+    merge_contexts!(tc, context)
+merge_contexts!(tc, context) = mergewith!((x, _) -> x, tc.context, context)
     show_array(io, x)