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Embedding repl.it
In this wiki, I'll explain how to run repl.it on Heroku, which can then be embedded into any page using an iframe.
I started by forking the repl.it repository. You can see my fork here.
Now we need to set up repl.it's dependencies so it'll run on Heroku. Since the server is a node.js script, we'll create a package.json file for those dependencies (coffee-script, node and npm):
"name": "node-example",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": {
"coffee-script": "*"
"engines": {
"node": "0.8.x",
"npm": "1.1.x"
We'll also need a requirements.txt file for the python dependencies:
To create a Heroku app, we'll need to create a Procfile:
web: node server.js
Then, we can just do:
heroku create
Now we need to change the buildpack that we're using so Heroku knows that we need node.js as well as python. We'll use the heroku-buildpack-multi. First, create a .buildpacks file:
Then tell Heroku to use the multipack:
heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi.git
Commit the Procfile, requirements.txt, package.json and .buildpacks. Then push to Heroku:
git push heroku master
Now you can go to the link Heroku provides and you'll see repl.it running (you can also use heroku open
In my fork, you'll notice that I stripped out many of the buttons and the repl.it image. You can also change the css.
You can embed repl.it in an iframe and just point the src to /languages/ (Python, Ruby, etc.). The width and height can set explicitly and repl.it will adjust accordingly.