Run the following command, results then you already have a valid github connection, and you can skip to the "Initial deploy once credentials are provisioned" section.
aws codestar-connections list-connections \
--provider-type-filter GitHub --max-results 10 \
--query "Connections[?ConnectionStatus=='AVAILABLE']"
In order to boostrap this whole process you require credentials access to the repository that will be used for the source code.
Unfortunately the only way to generate a valid codestar connection for Github (as of 2020-02-18) is to do it through the AWS UI (console). - Start at - Fill in a dummy pipeline name and role name, choose Next - Choose "GitHub (Version 2)" as your source provider
- Click on the "Connect to Github Cloud" - In the pop-up window give it a connection name (something like "Github") and choose to "Install a new app" - This should generate an "AWS Codestar" app inside Github (which will allow an app to be placed). - Once you've completed this step choose the "Connect" button in the popup and it'll generate a valid connection for which it will give you an ARN. - You can then "Cancel" this pipeline.
Now verify you have a valid AVAILABLE Github connection:
aws codestar-connections list-connections \
--provider-type-filter GitHub --max-results 10 \
--query "Connections[?ConnectionStatus=='AVAILABLE']"
After these credentials have been obtained you can create the first stack which will then do the rest.
CREDENTIALS_ARN=$(aws codestar-connections list-connections --provider-type-filter GitHub --max-results 10 --query "Connections[?ConnectionStatus=='AVAILABLE']|[0].ConnectionArn" --output text)
BRANCH=$(git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/')
PROJECT_NAME=$(basename `pwd`)
REPOSITORY_OWNER=$(git remote -v | grep push | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d '/' -f1)
aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file aws/00-pipeline.yml \
--stack-name $PROJECT_NAME-pipeline-$BRANCH \
--parameter-overrides CredentialsArn=$CREDENTIALS_ARN \
BranchName=$BRANCH \
ProjectName=$PROJECT_NAME \
RepositoryId=$REPOSITORY_ID \