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Best Practices for Reproducibility in Research - Containers

We are continuously rolling out new super computers at TACC, and they're all unique.

System Cores/Node Fabric OS Pros Limitations
Stampede 2 Phase1 68 Intel OPA CentOS 7 Thousands of nodes, KNL processors Slow for serial code
Stampede 2 Phase2 48 Intel OPA CentOS 7 Thousands of nodes, Skylake processors FAST
Lonestar 5 24 Cray Aries SUSE 11 Compute, GPUs, Large-mem UT only, slow external network
Wrangler 24 Mellenox FDR CentOS 7 SSD Filesystem for fast I/O, Hosted Databases, Hadoop, HDFS Low node-count
Jetstream 24 40 Gb Ethernet ANY Long running instances, root access Limited storage
Maverick2 16 Mellanox FDR CentOS 7 GPUs: GTX, V100, P100s For machine learning only

This diverse ecosystem requires that each package be compiled from source for each system. To reduce our load and improve usability for users with complex software dependencies or no experience compiling software in user space, we have been supporting Singularity.

Intro to Containers

Containers were created to isolate applications from the host environment. This means that all necessary dependencies are packaged into the application itself, allowing the application to run anywhere containers are supported. With container technology, administrators are no longer bogged down supporting every tool and library under the sun, and developers have complete control over the environment their tools ship with.

Container technologies

Even if you haven’t run or built a docker container, you have probably heard of the technology. Docker has become extremely popular for both applications and services, but it requires elevated privileges, making it a security risk for shared servers. Singularity was designed to run without root privileges while also providing access to host devices, making it a good fit for traditional HPC environments.

Docker Singularity
Runs docker containers X X
Edits docker containers X X
Interacts with host devices X X
Interacts with host filesystems X X
Runs without sudo X
Runs as host user X
Can become root in container X
Control network interfaces X
Configurable capabilities for enhanced security X

Singularity Workflow

  1. (optional) Build and modify containers with root
  2. Transfer container to execution system
  3. Execute container

While singularity recipes will always work as expected with singularity, you will get more mileage and access to a larger community utilizing Docker infrastructure.

Development Environment

We've already installed Docker and Singularity for you on our training nodes. But to develop container on your laptop you will need to install

on your development systems.

Creating a development instance on a VM

While singularity can pull and run containers in unprivileged userspace, you cannot create containers without administrative privileges (root). It would be unreasonable to require that everyone install linux and run new programs as root, so we will be using Ubuntu VM instances as our development environment. To login to our VM simply ssh in with your username and password:

If you still need to create a TACC account and setup MFA you can do that here:

Checking the Installation

# Check Singularity
singularity pull docker://debian:latest
singularity exec debian_latest.sif cat /etc/os-release
cat /etc/os-release

# Check Docker
docker ps

Neither of these commands should result in an error.

Exploring the container systems

Lets take a look at different ways to run singularity and docker containers and learn about the environments they present.

We already have a debian image for Singularity (debian_latest.sif), so lets pull it with docker as well.

docker pull debian:latest

Running commands in a container

Similar to docker run, Singularity has singularity exec. Both commands run a single command and then exit. Lets learn about the environment by trying a few things:

What OS is running?

Print out /etc/os-release with cat

System Command
Host cat /etc/os-release
Docker docker run --rm debian:latest cat /etc/os-release
Singularity singularity exec debian_latest.sif cat /etc/os-release

note: It is impossible to modify a singularity image without sudo so no additional flag like --rm is necessary.

Who are you running as?

Use the whoami command to see who you are running as.

When are commands expanded?

Change etc/os-release to /etc/*release:

docker run --rm debian:latest cat /etc/*release
singularity exec debian_latest.sif cat /etc/*release

Do you notice the errors? Ex:

cat: /etc/centos-release: No such file or directory

Why is this command looking for files that don't exist in the container? It's because the /etc/*release glob is evaluated on host. If we wanted it evaluated in the container, we would need to run something like:

bash -c 'cat /etc/*release'

See where the different /etc/*release files exist on the different systems:

System Command
Host ls /etc/*release
Docker docker run debian:latest bash -c 'ls /etc/*release'
Singularity singularity exec debian_latest.sif bash -c 'ls /etc/*release'

So the issue here was the wildcard was listing on the files that match /etc/*release on the host, but not all of those files exist inside the container. We use the bash -c 'cat /etc/*release' to ensure the wildcard does not get expanded until the command running inside the container. It's important to always keep the host/container dichotomy in the back of your mind, otherwise you may be in for a surprise when you deploy your container on a new machine.

Can you chain commands?

Try running whoami && whoami in each environment.

docker run debian:latest whoami && whoami

Just like with globs, you would need to encapsulate chained commands:

docker run debian:latest bash -c "whoami && whoami"

Can you see your files?

Print out all the files in /home with

find /home

in each environment.

You hopefully noticed that singularity mounted your /home/[username] directory. This is a convenience feature for working with data outside the container.

Entering a container

You can also enter a container to help prototyping in the actual environment.

# Singularity
singularity shell debian_latest.sif

# Docker
docker run --rm -it debian:latest bash

In both cases you need to type exit to leave the container.

Try creating files in different locations:

  • touch /test1.txt
  • touch /home/$(whoami)/test2.txt
  • touch /tmp/test3.txt

Did any persist outside of the container?

Singularity @ TACC

When running at TACC, you need to be aware of several things when writing your Dockerfiles.

  • Filesystems
  • We currently have overlay disabled when running singularity. This means you need to include filesystem mounts like /work in your image.
  • MPI Fabric
  • For MPI to work, you need install the same version of MPI that exists on the host so it can correctly communicate with the device drivers and interact with the spawner.
  • GPUs
  • As with MPI, the version of CUDA in the container needs to match on the outside.

To make development of Singularity images for use at TACC, I have been assembling a collection of images to start FROM.


Top-level images

starts FROM Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and includes

  • mounts for every filesystem at TACC
  • a docker-clean utility for deleting temporary files

This is a great starting point for simple serial or threaded applications, since it is a barebones system plus mount points for interacting with data.


Singularity was designed to support HPC applications, so it naturally supports MPI and communication over the host fabric. Which usually just works because the network is the same inside and outside the container. The more complicated bit is making sure that the container has the right set of MPI libraries. MPI is an open specification, but there are several implementations (OpenMPI, MVAPICH2, and Intel MPI to name three) with some non-overlapping feature sets. If the host and container are running different MPI implementations, or even different versions of the same implementation, hilarity may ensue.

The general rule is that you want the version of MPI inside the container to be the same version or newer than the host. You may be thinking that this is not good for the portability of your container, and you are right. Containerizing MPI applications is not terribly difficult with Singularity, but it comes at the cost of additional requirements for the host system.

I reduce the burdeon on developers by having system-specific containers with MPI stacks pre-installed. For the Maverick supercomputer, my image

starts FROM nvidia/cuda:8.0-cudnn7-devel-ubuntu16.04 to include the correct cuda stack, and then immediately replicates gzynda/tacc-base.

This image would have ideally started from gzynda/tacc-base

Then, the image installs

  • infiniband libraries
  • MVAPICH2-2.2 (matches host)
  • gcc toolchain (build-essential)

It also compiles the test program hellow to test MPI.

While you may think you should invoke MPI from in the container, and you can, you actually need to call it from the outside. You can test the MPI functionality of this container on Maverick as follows

# Start a compute job
idev -N 2 -n 40

# Pull the image
module load tacc-singularity cuda/8.0
singularity pull docker://gzynda/tacc-maverick-cuda8:latest

# Run hellow
ibrun -np 40 singularity exec tacc-maverick-cuda8-latest.simg hellow


For the same reasons as with MPI Fabric devices, GPU computing with Singularity works if the host and container libraries match. The

  • gzynda/tacc-maverick-cuda8

image serves as a decent starting point, since it contains the correct libraries, but most of Maverick's time lately is running Tensorflow for Machine learning, so I created

which contains

  • tensorflow v1.6.0
  • keras
  • pytorch
  • anaconda python 3

You can test the functionality as follows

# Land on a compute node
idev -m 60

# Load Singularity
module load tacc-singularity

# Change to your $WORK directory
cd $WORK

#Get the software
git clone

# Pull the image
singularity pull docker://gzynda/tacc-maverick-ml:latest

# Is the GPU detected?
singularity exec --nv tacc-maverick-ml-latest.simg python -c "import tensorflow as tf; tf.test.is_gpu_available()"

# Run the code
singularity exec --nv tacc-maverick-ml-latest.simg python $WORK/models/tutorials/image/mnist/

Explore (10 minutes)

  • Do containers sound appealing?
  • Have you ever built software from source?
  • What technologies would you be interested in?
  • Are there containers for tools you use?
    • google: "docker [tool]"

Additional Resources

Community Containers

Docker Hub - Just remember to add mount points

Biocontainers - Bioinformatics containers

Singularity Hub - Singularity version of docker hub (does not work at TACC)

Singularity Related Resources

Singularity Homepage

Singularity Hub

University of Arizona Singularity Tutorials


Dolmades - Windows Apps in Linux Docker-Singularity Containers Warning not tested

Singularity Talks

Gregory Kurtzer, creator of Singularity has provided two good talks online:

Introduction to Singularity

Advanced Singularity

Vanessa Sochat, lead developer of Singularity Hub, also has given a great talk on:


Next: Building Containers for TACC | Top: Course Overview