Fake Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for local development. Supports:
- Create/List/Delete topics
- Subscribe/unsubscribe endpoints
- List subscriptions, list subscriptions by topic endpoints
- Get/Set subscription attribute endpoints
- Publish message
- Publish messages in batches
- Subscription persistence to file, including subscription attributes
- Subscription filtering (currently under development with some alpha features)
- Integrations with SQS, File, HTTP, RabbitMQ, Slack, and Lambda
Based on the amazoncorretto:11.0.21-alpine
image. Run it with the command:
docker run -d -p 9911:9911 jameskbride/local-sns
If you would like to keep the topic/subscription database in the current host folder:
docker run -d -p 9911:9911 -v "$PWD":/etc/sns jameskbride/local-sns
The image has aws-cli preinstalled. For example, create a topic:
docker exec <CONTAINER_ID> sh -c 'aws sns --endpoint-url http://localhost:9911 create-topic --name test1'
Download the latest release from https://github.com/jameskbride/local-sns/releases and run:
DB_PATH=/tmp/db.json java -jar local-sns.jar
Requires Java11.
Configuration can be set via environment variables:
- path to subscription database file, default:db.json
- path that the subscription database file will be written to when updated, default:db.json
- interface to bind to, default:
- tcp port, default:9911
- AWS region, default:us-east-1
- AWS Account ID, default:123456789012
- Amazon SQS:
- RabbitMQ:
- File:
- Slack:
- Lambda:
See camel documentation for more details.
Note: Environment variables can be used to specify URIs via {{env:ENV_NAME}}
Example: aws2-sqs://{{env:QUEUE_NAME}}?amazonSQSEndpoint={{env:SQS_ENDPOINT}}&...
Tested with elasticmq.
cd example
docker-compose up
Supported Subscription Attributes (See SetSubscriptionAttributes)
- NOTE: Messages sent via a Slack endpoint are always sent raw. -
- BothMessageBody
are supported (MessageAttributes
is the default behavior). -
- Currently under development, supported forMessageBody
with some limitations:Feature Supported Policy Complexity Constraints No Policy Constraints for MessageAttribute-based filtering Yes (only String
is not currently supported)Nested Constraints for payload-based filtering No (local-sns only supports top-level attribute filtering for MessageBody
filter policies)Exact String match Yes String anything-but match No String prefix match No String suffix match No IP Address match No Exact Number match Yes Numeric anything-but match No Numeric Value Range match No And Logic Yes Or Logic Yes Or Operator No Key Matching No
GET /config
- Returns the current configuration of the local-sns instance.GET /health
- Returns a 200 status code if the service is running.
This project uses Kotlin, Vert.X, and Apache Camel for message routing.
Be sure to read the SNS documentation. The API docs in particular are useful.
It's also useful to run the equivalent aws sns
CLI command with the --debug
flag to better understand what the request and response payloads look like.
You can also execute an aws sns <command> --endpoint-url <local-sns url>
command to point the AWS CLI to the local-sns
./gradlew test
This command will run the unit and integration tests all together. The integration tests will create in-memory web servers that run on ports 9922 and 9933, as well as starting elasticmq on port 9234.
Big thanks to Sergey Novikov (@s12v) for all the awesome work he did on https://github.com/s12v/sns. This project was largely inspired by Sergey's work, and takes a lot of design ideas from the original sns project.