diff --git a/.tortilla/manuals/templates/step16.tmpl b/.tortilla/manuals/templates/step16.tmpl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb6024a67 --- /dev/null +++ b/.tortilla/manuals/templates/step16.tmpl @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +In this step we are going to implement push notifications using Google's `Firebase Cloud Messaging` (`FCM`). Whenever a user will send you a message, if you don't have our application in the foreground you will get a push notification. + +First we will have to create `google-services.json` in our project's root directory: + +{{{diffStep 16.1}}} + +Then we need to install the `FCM` `Cordova` plug-in: + + $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fcm --save + $ npm install --save @ionic-native/fcm + +Then let's add it to `app.module.ts`: + +{{{diffStep 16.3}}} + +Now we can start adding some `FCM` logic into `ChatsPage`: + +{{{diffStep 16.4}}} + +We used the `saveFcmToken` `Meteor` method, so we need to create it first: + +{{{diffStep 16.5}}} + +Since we will soon need the `node-fetch` package, we will need to install it first: + + $ npm install --save node-fetch + $ npm install --save-dev @types/node-fetch + +Let's implement our server side service which will actually send the notification: + +{{{diffStep 16.7}}} + +Now we should edit the `AddMessage` `Meteor` method to use our just-created service to send the notification: + +{{{diffStep 16.8}}} + +Before the `Typescript` compiler complains, let's update our `models`: + +{{{diffStep 16.9}}} + +{{{navStep prevRef="https://angular-meteor.com/tutorials/whatsapp2/ionic/addressbook" nextRef="https://angular-meteor.com/tutorials/whatsapp2/ionic/facebook"}}} diff --git a/.tortilla/manuals/views/medium/step16.md b/.tortilla/manuals/views/medium/step16.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5446e8245 --- /dev/null +++ b/.tortilla/manuals/views/medium/step16.md @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +# Step 16: FCM Push Notifications + +In this step we are going to implement push notifications using Google's `Firebase Cloud Messaging` (`FCM`). Whenever a user will send you a message, if you don't have our application in the foreground you will get a push notification. + +First we will have to create `google-services.json` in our project's root directory: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.1) + +#### [Step 16.1: Add google-services.json FCM config](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/9d0be02) + +##### Added google-services.json +
+║ diff ║
++┊  ┊ 1┊{
++┊  ┊ 2┊  "project_info": {
++┊  ┊ 3┊    "project_number": "152311690748",
++┊  ┊ 4┊    "firebase_url": "https://meteor-c069e.firebaseio.com",
++┊  ┊ 5┊    "project_id": "meteor-c069e",
++┊  ┊ 6┊    "storage_bucket": "meteor-c069e.appspot.com"
++┊  ┊ 7┊  },
++┊  ┊ 8┊  "client": [
++┊  ┊ 9┊    {
++┊  ┊10┊      "client_info": {
++┊  ┊11┊        "mobilesdk_app_id": "1:152311690748:android:25f0ec3806cf1f01",
++┊  ┊12┊        "android_client_info": {
++┊  ┊13┊          "package_name": "io.ionic.starter"
++┊  ┊14┊        }
++┊  ┊15┊      },
++┊  ┊16┊      "oauth_client": [
++┊  ┊17┊        {
++┊  ┊18┊          "client_id": "152311690748-2ht8fdqhlnv8lsrrvnd7u521j9rcgi3h.apps.googleusercontent.com",
++┊  ┊19┊          "client_type": 3
++┊  ┊20┊        }
++┊  ┊21┊      ],
++┊  ┊22┊      "api_key": [
++┊  ┊23┊        {
++┊  ┊24┊          "current_key": "AIzaSyD9CKsY6bC_a4Equ2HpbcrSErgJ2pheDS4"
++┊  ┊25┊        }
++┊  ┊26┊      ],
++┊  ┊27┊      "services": {
++┊  ┊28┊        "analytics_service": {
++┊  ┊29┊          "status": 1
++┊  ┊30┊        },
++┊  ┊31┊        "appinvite_service": {
++┊  ┊32┊          "status": 1,
++┊  ┊33┊          "other_platform_oauth_client": []
++┊  ┊34┊        },
++┊  ┊35┊        "ads_service": {
++┊  ┊36┊          "status": 2
++┊  ┊37┊        }
++┊  ┊38┊      }
++┊  ┊39┊    }
++┊  ┊40┊  ],
++┊  ┊41┊  "configuration_version": "1"
++┊  ┊42┊}
+ +[}]: # + +Then we need to install the `FCM` `Cordova` plug-in: + + $ ionic cordova plugin add git+https://github.com/darkbasic/cordova-plugin-fcm.git --save + $ npm install --save @ionic-native/fcm + +Then let's add it to `app.module.ts`: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.3) + +#### [Step 16.3: Add FCM to app.module.ts](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/9f97f05) + +##### Changed src/app/app.module.ts +
+║ diff ║
+ ┊10┊10┊import { Camera } from '@ionic-native/camera';
+ ┊11┊11┊import { Crop } from '@ionic-native/crop';
+ ┊12┊12┊import { Contacts } from "@ionic-native/contacts";
++┊  ┊13┊import { FCM } from "@ionic-native/fcm";
+ ┊13┊14┊import { AgmCoreModule } from '@agm/core';
+ ┊14┊15┊import { MomentModule } from 'angular2-moment';
+ ┊15┊16┊import { ChatsPage } from '../pages/chats/chats';
+║ diff ║
+ ┊77┊78┊    SmsReceiver,
+ ┊78┊79┊    Camera,
+ ┊79┊80┊    Crop,
++┊  ┊81┊    Contacts,
++┊  ┊82┊    FCM
+ ┊81┊83┊  ]
+ ┊82┊84┊})
+ ┊83┊85┊export class AppModule {}
+ +[}]: # + +Now we can start adding some `FCM` logic into `ChatsPage`: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.4) + +#### [Step 16.4: Add FCM logic to ChatsPage](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/604e560) + +##### Changed src/pages/chats/chats.ts +
+║ diff ║
+ ┊ 7┊ 7┊import { MessagesPage } from '../messages/messages';
+ ┊ 8┊ 8┊import { ChatsOptionsComponent } from './chats-options';
+ ┊ 9┊ 9┊import { NewChatComponent } from './new-chat';
++┊  ┊10┊import { FCM } from "@ionic-native/fcm";
+ ┊10┊11┊
+ ┊11┊12┊@Component({
+ ┊12┊13┊  templateUrl: 'chats.html'
+║ diff ║
+ ┊20┊21┊    private popoverCtrl: PopoverController,
+ ┊21┊22┊    private modalCtrl: ModalController,
+ ┊22┊23┊    private alertCtrl: AlertController,
++┊  ┊24┊    private platform: Platform,
++┊  ┊25┊    private fcm: FCM) {
+ ┊24┊26┊    this.senderId = Meteor.userId();
+ ┊25┊27┊  }
+ ┊26┊28┊
+║ diff ║
+ ┊35┊37┊        this.chats = this.findChats();
+ ┊36┊38┊      });
+ ┊37┊39┊    });
++┊  ┊40┊
++┊  ┊41┊    // Notifications
++┊  ┊42┊    if (this.platform.is('cordova')) {
++┊  ┊43┊      //this.fcm.subscribeToTopic('news');
++┊  ┊44┊
++┊  ┊45┊      this.fcm.getToken().then(token => {
++┊  ┊46┊        console.log("Registering FCM token on backend");
++┊  ┊47┊        MeteorObservable.call('saveFcmToken', token).subscribe({
++┊  ┊48┊          next: () => console.log("FCM Token saved"),
++┊  ┊49┊          error: err => console.error('Impossible to save FCM token: ', err)
++┊  ┊50┊        });
++┊  ┊51┊      });
++┊  ┊52┊
++┊  ┊53┊      this.fcm.onNotification().subscribe(data => {
++┊  ┊54┊        if (data.wasTapped) {
++┊  ┊55┊          console.log("Received FCM notification in background");
++┊  ┊56┊        } else {
++┊  ┊57┊          console.log("Received FCM notification in foreground");
++┊  ┊58┊        }
++┊  ┊59┊      });
++┊  ┊60┊
++┊  ┊61┊      this.fcm.onTokenRefresh().subscribe(token => {
++┊  ┊62┊        console.log("Updating FCM token on backend");
++┊  ┊63┊        MeteorObservable.call('saveFcmToken', token).subscribe({
++┊  ┊64┊          next: () => console.log("FCM Token updated"),
++┊  ┊65┊          error: err => console.error('Impossible to update FCM token: ' + err)
++┊  ┊66┊        });
++┊  ┊67┊      });
++┊  ┊68┊    }
+ ┊38┊69┊  }
+ ┊39┊70┊
+ ┊40┊71┊  findChats(): Observable<Chat[]> {
+ +[}]: # + +We used the `saveFcmToken` `Meteor` method, so we need to create it first: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.5) + +#### [Step 16.5: Create the saveFcmToken Meteor method](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/905defc) + +##### Changed api/server/methods.ts +
+║ diff ║
+ ┊2┊2┊import { Messages } from './collections/messages';
+ ┊3┊3┊import { MessageType, Profile } from './models';
+ ┊4┊4┊import { check, Match } from 'meteor/check';
++┊ ┊5┊import { Users } from "./collections/users";
+ ┊5┊6┊
+ ┊6┊7┊const nonEmptyString = Match.Where((str) => {
+ ┊7┊8┊  check(str, String);
+║ diff ║
+ ┊ 94┊ 95┊  },
+ ┊ 95┊ 96┊  countMessages(): number {
+ ┊ 96┊ 97┊    return Messages.collection.find().count();
++┊   ┊ 98┊  },
++┊   ┊ 99┊  saveFcmToken(token: string): void {
++┊   ┊100┊    if (!this.userId) throw new Meteor.Error('unauthorized', 'User must be logged-in to call this method');
++┊   ┊101┊
++┊   ┊102┊    check(token, nonEmptyString);
++┊   ┊103┊
++┊   ┊104┊    Users.collection.update({_id: this.userId}, {$set: {"fcmToken": token}});
+ ┊ 97┊105┊  }
+ ┊ 98┊106┊});
+ +[}]: # + +Since we will soon need the `node-fetch` package, we will need to install it first: + + $ npm install --save node-fetch + $ npm install --save-dev @types/node-fetch + +Let's implement our server side service which will actually send the notification: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.7) + +#### [Step 16.7: Store credentials in settings.json](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/16edda7) + +##### Changed api/private/settings.json +
+║ diff ║
+ ┊ 4┊ 4┊    "verificationRetriesWaitTime": 0,
+ ┊ 5┊ 5┊    "adminPhoneNumbers": ["+9721234567", "+97212345678", "+97212345679"],
+ ┊ 6┊ 6┊    "phoneVerificationMasterCode": "1234"
++┊  ┊ 7┊  },
++┊  ┊ 8┊  "private": {
++┊  ┊ 9┊    "fcm": {
++┊  ┊10┊      "key": "AIzaSyBnmvN5WNv3rAaLra1RUr9vA5k0pNp0KuY"
++┊  ┊11┊    }
+ ┊ 7┊12┊  }
+ ┊ 8┊13┊}
+ +[}]: # + +Now we should edit the `AddMessage` `Meteor` method to use our just-created service to send the notification: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.8) + +#### [Step 16.8: Create server side fcm service](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/82697f5) + +##### Added api/server/services/fcm.ts +
+║ diff ║
++┊  ┊ 1┊import fetch from 'node-fetch';
++┊  ┊ 2┊
++┊  ┊ 3┊export interface FcmNotification {
++┊  ┊ 4┊  title: string;
++┊  ┊ 5┊  text: string;
++┊  ┊ 6┊}
++┊  ┊ 7┊
++┊  ┊ 8┊export class FcmService {
++┊  ┊ 9┊  private key: string = Meteor.settings.private.fcm.key;
++┊  ┊10┊
++┊  ┊11┊  sendNotification(notification: FcmNotification, destination: string) {
++┊  ┊12┊    const body = {
++┊  ┊13┊      notification: notification,
++┊  ┊14┊      to: destination
++┊  ┊15┊    };
++┊  ┊16┊
++┊  ┊17┊    const options = {
++┊  ┊18┊      method: 'POST',
++┊  ┊19┊      body: JSON.stringify(body),
++┊  ┊20┊      headers: {
++┊  ┊21┊        "Content-Type": "application/json",
++┊  ┊22┊        Authorization: `key=${this.key}`
++┊  ┊23┊      },
++┊  ┊24┊    };
++┊  ┊25┊
++┊  ┊26┊    return fetch("https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send", options);
++┊  ┊27┊  }
++┊  ┊28┊}
++┊  ┊29┊
++┊  ┊30┊export const fcmService = new FcmService();
+ +[}]: # + +Before the `Typescript` compiler complains, let's update our `models`: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.9) + +#### [Step 16.9: Update addMessage Meteor method to send fcm notifications](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/60fee0e) + +##### Changed api/server/methods.ts +
+║ diff ║
+ ┊3┊3┊import { MessageType, Profile } from './models';
+ ┊4┊4┊import { check, Match } from 'meteor/check';
+ ┊5┊5┊import { Users } from "./collections/users";
++┊ ┊6┊import { fcmService } from "./services/fcm";
+ ┊6┊7┊
+ ┊7┊8┊const nonEmptyString = Match.Where((str) => {
+ ┊8┊9┊  check(str, String);
+║ diff ║
+ ┊ 83┊ 84┊        'Chat doesn\'t exist');
+ ┊ 84┊ 85┊    }
+ ┊ 85┊ 86┊
++┊   ┊ 87┊    const userId = this.userId;
++┊   ┊ 88┊    const senderName = Users.collection.findOne({_id: userId}).profile.name;
++┊   ┊ 89┊    const memberIds = Chats.collection.findOne({_id: chatId}).memberIds;
++┊   ┊ 90┊    const tokens: string[] = Users.collection.find(
++┊   ┊ 91┊      {
++┊   ┊ 92┊        _id: {$in: memberIds, $nin: [userId]},
++┊   ┊ 93┊        fcmToken: {$exists: true}
++┊   ┊ 94┊      }
++┊   ┊ 95┊    ).map((el) => el.fcmToken);
++┊   ┊ 96┊
++┊   ┊ 97┊    for (let token of tokens) {
++┊   ┊ 98┊      console.log("Sending FCM notification");
++┊   ┊ 99┊      fcmService.sendNotification({"title": `New message from ${senderName}`, "text": content}, token);
++┊   ┊100┊    }
++┊   ┊101┊
+ ┊ 86┊102┊    return {
+ ┊ 87┊103┊      messageId: Messages.collection.insert({
+ ┊ 88┊104┊        chatId: chatId,
+ +[}]: # + +[{]: (navStep nextRef="https://angular-meteor.com/tutorials/whatsapp2/ionic/facebook" prevRef="https://angular-meteor.com/tutorials/whatsapp2/ionic/addressbook") + +⟸ PREVIOUS STEP NEXT STEP ⟹ + +[}]: # + diff --git a/.tortilla/manuals/views/step16.md b/.tortilla/manuals/views/step16.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e87e8198 --- /dev/null +++ b/.tortilla/manuals/views/step16.md @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +# Step 16: FCM Push Notifications + +In this step we are going to implement push notifications using Google's `Firebase Cloud Messaging` (`FCM`). Whenever a user will send you a message, if you don't have our application in the foreground you will get a push notification. + +First we will have to create `google-services.json` in our project's root directory: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.1) + +#### [Step 16.1: Add google-services.json FCM config](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/f2c9f021) + +##### Added google-services.json +```diff +@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ ++┊ ┊ 1┊{ ++┊ ┊ 2┊ "project_info": { ++┊ ┊ 3┊ "project_number": "152311690748", ++┊ ┊ 4┊ "firebase_url": "https://meteor-c069e.firebaseio.com", ++┊ ┊ 5┊ "project_id": "meteor-c069e", ++┊ ┊ 6┊ "storage_bucket": "meteor-c069e.appspot.com" ++┊ ┊ 7┊ }, ++┊ ┊ 8┊ "client": [ ++┊ ┊ 9┊ { ++┊ ┊10┊ "client_info": { ++┊ ┊11┊ "mobilesdk_app_id": "1:152311690748:android:25f0ec3806cf1f01", ++┊ ┊12┊ "android_client_info": { ++┊ ┊13┊ "package_name": "io.ionic.starter" ++┊ ┊14┊ } ++┊ ┊15┊ }, ++┊ ┊16┊ "oauth_client": [ ++┊ ┊17┊ { ++┊ ┊18┊ "client_id": "152311690748-2ht8fdqhlnv8lsrrvnd7u521j9rcgi3h.apps.googleusercontent.com", ++┊ ┊19┊ "client_type": 3 ++┊ ┊20┊ } ++┊ ┊21┊ ], ++┊ ┊22┊ "api_key": [ ++┊ ┊23┊ { ++┊ ┊24┊ "current_key": "AIzaSyD9CKsY6bC_a4Equ2HpbcrSErgJ2pheDS4" ++┊ ┊25┊ } ++┊ ┊26┊ ], ++┊ ┊27┊ "services": { ++┊ ┊28┊ "analytics_service": { ++┊ ┊29┊ "status": 1 ++┊ ┊30┊ }, ++┊ ┊31┊ "appinvite_service": { ++┊ ┊32┊ "status": 1, ++┊ ┊33┊ "other_platform_oauth_client": [] ++┊ ┊34┊ }, ++┊ ┊35┊ "ads_service": { ++┊ ┊36┊ "status": 2 ++┊ ┊37┊ } ++┊ ┊38┊ } ++┊ ┊39┊ } ++┊ ┊40┊ ], ++┊ ┊41┊ "configuration_version": "1" ++┊ ┊42┊} +``` + +[}]: # + +Then we need to install the `FCM` `Cordova` plug-in: + + $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fcm --save + $ npm install --save @ionic-native/fcm + +Then let's add it to `app.module.ts`: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.3) + +#### [Step 16.3: Add FCM to app.module.ts](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/d7b4a34f) + +##### Changed src/app/app.module.ts +```diff +@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ + ┊10┊10┊import { Camera } from '@ionic-native/camera'; + ┊11┊11┊import { Crop } from '@ionic-native/crop'; + ┊12┊12┊import { Contacts } from "@ionic-native/contacts"; ++┊ ┊13┊import { FCM } from "@ionic-native/fcm"; + ┊13┊14┊import { AgmCoreModule } from '@agm/core'; + ┊14┊15┊import { MomentModule } from 'angular2-moment'; + ┊15┊16┊import { ChatsPage } from '../pages/chats/chats'; +``` +```diff +@@ -77,7 +78,8 @@ + ┊77┊78┊ SmsReceiver, + ┊78┊79┊ Camera, + ┊79┊80┊ Crop, +-┊80┊ ┊ Contacts ++┊ ┊81┊ Contacts, ++┊ ┊82┊ FCM + ┊81┊83┊ ] + ┊82┊84┊}) + ┊83┊85┊export class AppModule {} +``` + +[}]: # + +Now we can start adding some `FCM` logic into `ChatsPage`: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.4) + +#### [Step 16.4: Add FCM logic to ChatsPage](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/8927c7d7) + +##### Changed src/pages/chats/chats.ts +```diff +@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ + ┊ 7┊ 7┊import { MessagesPage } from '../messages/messages'; + ┊ 8┊ 8┊import { ChatsOptionsComponent } from './chats-options'; + ┊ 9┊ 9┊import { NewChatComponent } from './new-chat'; ++┊ ┊10┊import { FCM } from "@ionic-native/fcm"; + ┊10┊11┊ + ┊11┊12┊@Component({ + ┊12┊13┊ templateUrl: 'chats.html' +``` +```diff +@@ -20,7 +21,8 @@ + ┊20┊21┊ private popoverCtrl: PopoverController, + ┊21┊22┊ private modalCtrl: ModalController, + ┊22┊23┊ private alertCtrl: AlertController, +-┊23┊ ┊ private platform: Platform) { ++┊ ┊24┊ private platform: Platform, ++┊ ┊25┊ private fcm: FCM) { + ┊24┊26┊ this.senderId = Meteor.userId(); + ┊25┊27┊ } + ┊26┊28┊ +``` +```diff +@@ -35,6 +37,35 @@ + ┊35┊37┊ this.chats = this.findChats(); + ┊36┊38┊ }); + ┊37┊39┊ }); ++┊ ┊40┊ ++┊ ┊41┊ // Notifications ++┊ ┊42┊ if (this.platform.is('cordova')) { ++┊ ┊43┊ //this.fcm.subscribeToTopic('news'); ++┊ ┊44┊ ++┊ ┊45┊ this.fcm.getToken().then(token => { ++┊ ┊46┊ console.log("Registering FCM token on backend"); ++┊ ┊47┊ MeteorObservable.call('saveFcmToken', token).subscribe({ ++┊ ┊48┊ next: () => console.log("FCM Token saved"), ++┊ ┊49┊ error: err => console.error('Impossible to save FCM token: ', err) ++┊ ┊50┊ }); ++┊ ┊51┊ }); ++┊ ┊52┊ ++┊ ┊53┊ this.fcm.onNotification().subscribe(data => { ++┊ ┊54┊ if (data.wasTapped) { ++┊ ┊55┊ console.log("Received FCM notification in background"); ++┊ ┊56┊ } else { ++┊ ┊57┊ console.log("Received FCM notification in foreground"); ++┊ ┊58┊ } ++┊ ┊59┊ }); ++┊ ┊60┊ ++┊ ┊61┊ this.fcm.onTokenRefresh().subscribe(token => { ++┊ ┊62┊ console.log("Updating FCM token on backend"); ++┊ ┊63┊ MeteorObservable.call('saveFcmToken', token).subscribe({ ++┊ ┊64┊ next: () => console.log("FCM Token updated"), ++┊ ┊65┊ error: err => console.error('Impossible to update FCM token: ' + err) ++┊ ┊66┊ }); ++┊ ┊67┊ }); ++┊ ┊68┊ } + ┊38┊69┊ } + ┊39┊70┊ + ┊40┊71┊ findChats(): Observable { +``` + +[}]: # + +We used the `saveFcmToken` `Meteor` method, so we need to create it first: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.5) + +#### [Step 16.5: Create the saveFcmToken Meteor method](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/e0e72145) + +##### Changed api/server/methods.ts +```diff +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ + ┊2┊2┊import { Messages } from './collections/messages'; + ┊3┊3┊import { MessageType, Profile } from './models'; + ┊4┊4┊import { check, Match } from 'meteor/check'; ++┊ ┊5┊import { Users } from "./collections/users"; + ┊5┊6┊ + ┊6┊7┊const nonEmptyString = Match.Where((str) => { + ┊7┊8┊ check(str, String); +``` +```diff +@@ -94,5 +95,12 @@ + ┊ 94┊ 95┊ }, + ┊ 95┊ 96┊ countMessages(): number { + ┊ 96┊ 97┊ return Messages.collection.find().count(); ++┊ ┊ 98┊ }, ++┊ ┊ 99┊ saveFcmToken(token: string): void { ++┊ ┊100┊ if (!this.userId) throw new Meteor.Error('unauthorized', 'User must be logged-in to call this method'); ++┊ ┊101┊ ++┊ ┊102┊ check(token, nonEmptyString); ++┊ ┊103┊ ++┊ ┊104┊ Users.collection.update({_id: this.userId}, {$set: {"fcmToken": token}}); + ┊ 97┊105┊ } + ┊ 98┊106┊}); +``` + +[}]: # + +Since we will soon need the `node-fetch` package, we will need to install it first: + + $ npm install --save node-fetch + $ npm install --save-dev @types/node-fetch + +Let's implement our server side service which will actually send the notification: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.7) + +#### [Step 16.7: Store credentials in settings.json](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/17e7fa8b) + +##### Changed api/private/settings.json +```diff +@@ -4,5 +4,10 @@ + ┊ 4┊ 4┊ "verificationRetriesWaitTime": 0, + ┊ 5┊ 5┊ "adminPhoneNumbers": ["+9721234567", "+97212345678", "+97212345679"], + ┊ 6┊ 6┊ "phoneVerificationMasterCode": "1234" ++┊ ┊ 7┊ }, ++┊ ┊ 8┊ "private": { ++┊ ┊ 9┊ "fcm": { ++┊ ┊10┊ "key": "AIzaSyBnmvN5WNv3rAaLra1RUr9vA5k0pNp0KuY" ++┊ ┊11┊ } + ┊ 7┊12┊ } + ┊ 8┊13┊} +``` + +[}]: # + +Now we should edit the `AddMessage` `Meteor` method to use our just-created service to send the notification: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.8) + +#### [Step 16.8: Create server side fcm service](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/e4b66ad6) + +##### Added api/server/services/fcm.ts +```diff +@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ ++┊ ┊ 1┊import fetch from 'node-fetch'; ++┊ ┊ 2┊ ++┊ ┊ 3┊export interface FcmNotification { ++┊ ┊ 4┊ title: string; ++┊ ┊ 5┊ text: string; ++┊ ┊ 6┊} ++┊ ┊ 7┊ ++┊ ┊ 8┊export class FcmService { ++┊ ┊ 9┊ private key: string = Meteor.settings.private.fcm.key; ++┊ ┊10┊ ++┊ ┊11┊ sendNotification(notification: FcmNotification, destination: string) { ++┊ ┊12┊ const body = { ++┊ ┊13┊ notification: notification, ++┊ ┊14┊ to: destination ++┊ ┊15┊ }; ++┊ ┊16┊ ++┊ ┊17┊ const options = { ++┊ ┊18┊ method: 'POST', ++┊ ┊19┊ body: JSON.stringify(body), ++┊ ┊20┊ headers: { ++┊ ┊21┊ "Content-Type": "application/json", ++┊ ┊22┊ Authorization: `key=${this.key}` ++┊ ┊23┊ }, ++┊ ┊24┊ }; ++┊ ┊25┊ ++┊ ┊26┊ return fetch("https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send", options); ++┊ ┊27┊ } ++┊ ┊28┊} ++┊ ┊29┊ ++┊ ┊30┊export const fcmService = new FcmService(); +``` + +[}]: # + +Before the `Typescript` compiler complains, let's update our `models`: + +[{]: (diffStep 16.9) + +#### [Step 16.9: Update addMessage Meteor method to send fcm notifications](https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp/commit/529f6acb) + +##### Changed api/server/methods.ts +```diff +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ + ┊3┊3┊import { MessageType, Profile } from './models'; + ┊4┊4┊import { check, Match } from 'meteor/check'; + ┊5┊5┊import { Users } from "./collections/users"; ++┊ ┊6┊import { fcmService } from "./services/fcm"; + ┊6┊7┊ + ┊7┊8┊const nonEmptyString = Match.Where((str) => { + ┊8┊9┊ check(str, String); +``` +```diff +@@ -83,6 +84,21 @@ + ┊ 83┊ 84┊ 'Chat doesn\'t exist'); + ┊ 84┊ 85┊ } + ┊ 85┊ 86┊ ++┊ ┊ 87┊ const userId = this.userId; ++┊ ┊ 88┊ const senderName = Users.collection.findOne({_id: userId}).profile.name; ++┊ ┊ 89┊ const memberIds = Chats.collection.findOne({_id: chatId}).memberIds; ++┊ ┊ 90┊ const tokens: string[] = Users.collection.find( ++┊ ┊ 91┊ { ++┊ ┊ 92┊ _id: {$in: memberIds, $nin: [userId]}, ++┊ ┊ 93┊ fcmToken: {$exists: true} ++┊ ┊ 94┊ } ++┊ ┊ 95┊ ).map((el) => el.fcmToken); ++┊ ┊ 96┊ ++┊ ┊ 97┊ for (let token of tokens) { ++┊ ┊ 98┊ console.log("Sending FCM notification"); ++┊ ┊ 99┊ fcmService.sendNotification({"title": `New message from ${senderName}`, "text": content}, token); ++┊ ┊100┊ } ++┊ ┊101┊ + ┊ 86┊102┊ return { + ┊ 87┊103┊ messageId: Messages.collection.insert({ + ┊ 88┊104┊ chatId: chatId, +``` + +[}]: # + +[{]: (navStep nextRef="https://angular-meteor.com/tutorials/whatsapp2/ionic/facebook" prevRef="https://angular-meteor.com/tutorials/whatsapp2/ionic/addressbook") + +| [< Previous Step](https://angular-meteor.com/tutorials/whatsapp2/ionic/addressbook) | [Next Step >](https://angular-meteor.com/tutorials/whatsapp2/ionic/facebook) | +|:--------------------------------|--------------------------------:| + +[}]: # +