With our insights from coding a figure and from the guide lines we arrive on some best-practice tips on how to structure code for figures, such that:
- Others, including your future self, are able to modify your figures.
- Plot appearance can be changed quickly from a central module.
- Design and content are separated.
- It makes fun to improve your plots.
Let's assume we need three figures that we call basicdata
, and coolresult
. Then for each of the figures we will
have a separate python script (guide line 1) with the
respective name (guide line 2). That way everybody
(or a Makefile for that matter) easily finds the script generating
that figure.
In addition, we will have a script defining the appearance of the
figures (guide line 4) that will be imported by all
of the scripts generating the actual figures. Let's call that script
. This file is central for the separation of content
from layout.
We keep the file hierarchy flat and simply have four files in our working directory:
Data files can also go along with the python scripts, or in a separate
sub-direcotry, for example data/
You should exclusively use the object-oriented interface of matplotlib. That way it is always clear on which axes plot commands are applied. And matplotlib recommends using the object-oriented interface anyways (check out the object-oriented API and the lifecycle of a plot).
The plotstyle.py
module provides a function that we name here
. This function contains code defining the overall
design of your plots. It sets some
rcParams and defines some plotting styles
. For now we just define two line styles and set the ticks
to point outwards:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_style():
# namespace for plotting styles:
class s: pass
s.lsSmall = dict(color='tab:red', lw=2)
s.lsLarge = dict(color='tab:orange', lw=2)
# global settings:
plt.rcParam['xtick.direction'] = 'out'
plt.rcParam['ytick.direction'] = 'out'
return s
Of course, this function will be much larger as you keep working on
your plots. Step by step you improve and expand on the
and the more data you plot the more plotting styles
need to add.
Working on the plotstyle
module requires some effort in the very
beginning. Over time, however, the module converges to a state where
you only occasionally add another plotting styles
. Choose
the names of the plotting styles
, then
they are easy to use. And of course you can use it for all your aother
manuscripts, posters, or presentations. Just copy it over and adapt it
if necessary.
So how to write a script generating a specific figure?
Let's start simple with the script basicdata.py
generating a figure
with just a single panel (subplot).
First of all we need the usual imports of numpy
, scipy
, and
as required, of course of matplotlib.pyplot
and also of the
function from our central plotstyle.py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from plotstyle import plot_style
In contrast to your analysis scripts, try to keep the number of imported packages as low as possible. This reduces dependencies to a minimum and makes it easier to reuse the code for generating the figures. A low number of imports should be no problem, because the plotting scripts do only the plotting and are not supposed to do any complex data analysis. The results of complex computation are stored in files. The plotting scripts just need to read these files and plot their content - not much overhead is needed.
In particular this implies that we do not need to import numba
plotting! And embed()
from the IPython
package should not be
needed - this is for more complicated issues than plotting.
A well readable import list is necessary so that one can easily trace back the origin of some functions. To support this
- import only what is needed by your script
- import every package/symbol only once
- sort the imports according to package - common packages first, your own modules last.
We start out at the bottom of the script with the following two lines:
if __name__ == "__main__":
s = plot_style()
The call of the plot_style()
function sets up the plot appearance
and returns a namespace containing various plotting styles as dicussed
The following lines of code should set up the figure, call functions generating the actual plots, and save the figure to a file. In case of our simple example this looks like this:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.1, left=0.1, right=0.95)
plot_data(ax, s)
The call to plt.subplots()
returns a new figure fig
of the
specified size and a single axes ax
Most certainly you need to adjust the figure margins via
. A
good plot does not have excessive white space on the borders. In
particular if you include your figure in a LaTeX document it is much
simpler to handle when it tightly fills the figure
canvas. fig.tight_layout()
usually does not work, but you may give a try to the
argument to
A problem with
is, that the figure margins are specified relative to the figure
size. Whenever changing the figure size you need to readjust the
figure margins.
The following function call to plot_data(ax)
does the actual
plotting. We discuss this in the next section.
Finally, the figure needs to be saved. The filename should be the same
as the name of the script to allow others to find the script given the
figure file. You may omit the file extension if you have set the
to your preferred format. In the context of
scientific publications this should be a vector graphic format like
or svg
Of course, you may stuff all this figure code into a function.
The basic unit of any figure is a plot, a single matplotlib axes. You may rearrange the position of an axes within a figure or even move an axes to another figure. To allow for this flexibility, collecting all code needed to draw the content of an axes into a single dedicated function is central. This function takes as the first argument the axes into which it should draw. As a second argument it takes the namespace with the plotting styles.
For every axes make a function that does the plotting and that takes this axes as an argument.
In our example this is the plot_data()
function that might look
like this:
def plot_data(ax, s):
x, y = load_data()
ax.plot(x, y, **lsSmall)
The first part of the function loads or generates the data to be
plotted - symbolized by the load_data()
function call. The second
part does the actual plotting. If you manage to separate content from
design well, then the functions for the actual plotting are usually
simple and sweet. Everybody can comprehend what is going on. The
function - the plot - can be easily reused in a different context.
Alternatively we could have called load_data()
outside the
function and pass the loaded data as arguments to the
plot function:
x, y = load_data()
plot_data(ax, s, x, y)
Then plot_data()
would only contain plot commands. This is in
particular useful for a multi-panel plot, where many panels use the
same data for their plotting. On the other hand, in many cases the
data are loaded or generated in no time. So from a performance point
of view it does not hurt to load/generate them for any plot within
each plot function. But with the load function inside you need less
function arguments and the plot function can be more easily moved
somewhere else.
Most of the design of the plots is handled by the central
function as described above. Then the plot function
anly needs to provide content and usually gets quite simple. What is
left to specify simply is:
- what to plot, e.g.
ax.plot(x, y)
. Of course, this might require several plot commands, but if you provide the data such that they can be more or less directly passed to the plot commands, this stays simple. - how to annotate,
and/or some arrows. - axis limits, e.g.
. - tick marks (actually that often is a matter of design and should not be here...).
- axis scaling,
. - axis labels, e.g.
That's it. No hiding of spines, no fixing of tick positions, etc. All
these design issues should at least be bundled in some helper
functions that would go into the central plotstyle.py
module. Having
code for the design directly in the plot function makes it very
tedious to change the design later on, because this then needs to be
changed in every plot function. Anyways, repeating the same commands
over and over in all the different plot functions is not considered
good coding style! Why should it be different for coding your figures?
How to provide the data for the plotting function is the only other issue. You should make sure by means of other scripts that the data are available in appropriate formats. The data should be stored in a way that makes it simple to plot them. Then it is simply a matter of loading a file and selecting, for example, the relevant rows and columns. No rearranging, fixing, or whatever annoying stuff should be needed to make the data plotable. All this should go into scripts that output the files on which the plotting is based.
The big advantages of keeping the plotting- as well as the data-handling code simple are
- less arguments need to be passed to the plot function, which makes the code less cluttered, and
- dependencies of the plot function are reduced, which makes it simpler to copy (or import) the plot function to another script and use it there.
Scripts for multipanel figures follow the same structure as the
single-panel script discussed so far. We have the same minimal
imports. The main code setting up the figure is more complex, of
course. For example, the main code in a coolresult.py
script might
look like this:
if __name__ == "__main__":
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(6, 4))
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.1, left=0.1, right=0.95, hspace=0.6, wspace=0.6)
plot_signal_n_power(axs[1,0], axs[1,1])
With the plt.subplots()
we generate an array of axes.
We pass hspace
and wspace
arguments to
. Try
large values! You will be surprised how much better your plot looks
with lot's of white space between the panels, althought the panels get