Converting a 3rd-party REST API to a personal GraphQL API in StepZen, I'm currently approaching as a 3-step process:
- using API docs, you find your endpoint.
- using Postman, you test and save that endpoint.
- using StepZen, you link that endpoint to your schema.
Then you repeat–filling in any missing fields or Types of your schema by looking up and adding new endpoints.
How your initial query triggers follow-up queries in StepZen is up to you: either set up explicit steps with the @sequence directive or auto-fill the fields of your schema with the @materializer directive. In the sequence below I use both methods:
type ChannelId {
channelId: String
type Query {
channelIdByQuery(query: String!): ChannelId
endpoint: "$key&q=$query&part=snippet&order=relevance&type=channel&maxResults=1"
configuration: "youtube_config"
resultroot: "items[].id"
type ChannelDetails {
channelTitle: String
channelDescription: String
channelThumbnail: String
videoCount: Int
viewCount: Int
type Query {
detailsByChannelId(channelId: String!): ChannelDetails
endpoint: "$key&id=$channelId&part=snippet%2CcontentDetails%2Cstatistics"
configuration: "youtube_config"
resultroot: "items[]"
setters: [
{ field: "channelTitle",
path: "snippet.title" },
{ field: "channelDescription",
path: "snippet.description" },
{ field: "channelThumbnail",
path: "snippet.thumbnails.high.url" },
{ field: "videoCount",
path: "statistics.videoCount" },
{ field: "viewCount",
path: "statistics.viewCount" }
type Channel {
channelId: String
channelDescription: String
channelThumbnail: String
channelTitle: String
videoCount: Int
viewCount: Int
videos: [Video]
query: "videosByChannelId"
type Query {
channelByQuery(query: String!): Channel
steps: [
{ query: "channelIdByQuery" }
{ query: "detailsByChannelId" }
{ query: "collect" }
channelId: String!,
channelTitle: String!,
channelDescription: String!,
channelThumbnail: String!,
videoCount: Int,
viewCount: Int
): Channel
@connector (type: "echo")
type Video {
videoId: String
videoTitle: String
videoThumbnail: String
comments: [Comment]
query: "commentsByVideoId"
type Query {
videosByChannelId(channelId: String!): [Video]
endpoint: "$key&channelId=$channelId&type=video&order=viewCount&part=snippet&maxResults=50"
configuration: "youtube_config"
resultroot: "items[]"
setters: [
{ field: "videoId",
path: "id.videoId" },
{ field: "videoTitle",
path: "snippet.title" },
{ field: "videoThumbnail",
path: "snippet.thumbnails.default.url" }
type Comment {
textDisplay: String
authorDisplayName: String
authorProfileImageUrl: String
likeCount: Int
totalReplyCount: Int
type Query {
commentsByVideoId(videoId: String!): [Comment]
endpoint: "$key&videoId=$videoId&part=snippet&order=relevance&maxResults=20"
configuration: "youtube_config"
resultroot: "items[].snippet"
setters: [
{ field: "textDisplay",
path: "topLevelComment.snippet.textDisplay" },
{ field: "authorDisplayName",
path: "topLevelComment.snippet.authorDisplayName" },
{ field: "authorProfileImageUrl",
path: "topLevelComment.snippet.authorProfileImageUrl" },
{ field: "likeCount",
path: "topLevelComment.snippet.likeCount" }