Releases: jasp-stats/jasp-desktop
Releases · jasp-stats/jasp-desktop
New Features and improvements:
- Adjust for publication bias in meta-analysis
- Robust Bayesian meta-analysis
- Selection models
- Learn Bayes module
- PDF export of results
- Choose your font
- German translation
- Frequentist partial correlations
- Confidence and prediction intervals in linear regression
- New distributions in the Distributions module (log-normal and logistic)
- Installing Jasp without admin rights (#861)
Bug fixes:
- Fixes to spreadsheet (#901, #914, #933, #935)
- Large dataset: JASP crash when changing variable type (#938)
- Analysis of Effects: Across Matched Models (#852)
- Corrections of bugs found during the JASP workshop (#4257)
- Summary Statistics Bayesian Independent Samples T-Test: Labels in prior and posterior plots switch upon changing from BF10 to BF01 (#796)
- Fixes to Quill (#694, #695, #696)
- Issues with display of icons and characters (#851, #929)
- ROC and PR curve (after classification) (#277)
- Plots on linux are only saved as png (#889)
- Inconsistency between frequentist and bayesian non parametric paired t-test (#868)
- Add methods median, ward.d, ward.d2 and mcquitty (#4222)
- Contingency tables properly reverse column labels (#4211)
- Posterior summaries in Bayesian linear regression and Bayesian ANOVAs show exclusion probabilities (#625)
- Log Odds Ratio value not updated (#915)
- Bayesian Mixed Effect Models with aggregated binomial family (#957)
- Reliability: Average interitem correlation 95%CI, does not include point estimate (#888)
New Features and improvements:
- Engine improvements
- The new analyses rely on several R packages. We are grateful to the package developers and list the newly added/updated packages below. All R packages used in JASP can be found here.
- New modules and analyses:
- Mixed Models (both Bayesian and classical)
- Linear mixed models
- Generalized linear mixed models
- Reliability module (both Bayesian and classical)
- Single-Test Reliability Analysis
- R-console (beta)
- Bayesian A/B test for the Summary Stats module
- New analyses for the Audit module
- Selection
- Evaluation
- Bayesian Evaluation
- Mixed Models (both Bayesian and classical)
- Analyses improvements
- Contrasts for interaction effects, including custom contrasts (jasp-issue #782)
- SEM module
- Allow ordinal variables in CFA
- Network analysis module
- Added expected influence ‘centrality’ (jasp-issue #411)
- Saving plots as powerpoint files
Bug fixes:
- Bayesian multinomial errors (jasp-issue #629)
- JASP “quits unexpectedly” after opening a file and then quitting by closing the menu (jasp-issue #667)
- Audit selection analysis (jasp-issue #699)
- Network analysis – Changing Legend does not change the Centrality Plot (jasp-issue #702)
- P value shown as 0.00 instead of <.001 (jasp-issue #706)
- Variable type not updated in Post Hoc Tests (jasp-issue #708)
- Very slow estimation of correlation matrix (jasp-issues #679 #712)
- Pixelated user interface with JASP (jasp-issue #720)
- Error in an independent sample T-test (jasp-issue #724)
- Issue with Informed Prior for Bayesian Independent Samples T-Test (jasp-issue #730)
- JASP has difficulty handling extended missing value codes in Stata (jasp-issue #733)
- Bayesian multinomial gui compressed (jasp-issue #738)
- Network analysis: SPELLING MISTAKE (jasp-issue #751)
- Paired T-tests – Changing the hypothesis provides a more informative footnote (jasp-issue #758)
- Mixed Modeling (Visual Modeling [BETA]) (jasp-issue #763)
- Tjur R2 wrongly calculated (jasp-issue #764)
- Bug on Bayesian Repeated Measures ANOVA (jasp-issues #737 #774)
- App does not display correctly (jasp-issue #775)
- JASP crashes on exit (jasp-issue #777)
- Broken output, missing font TeXGyreHeros in flatpak (jasp-issue #780)
- Incorrect Values in 2x2x2 ANCOVA Table (jasp-issue #797)
- Making including/excluding the intercept in an analysis less easy (jasp-issue #819)
- Failed Correlation Analysis (jasp-issue #829)
New R-packages:
BH (1.72.0-3)
Bayesrel (
DPQ (0.3-5)
DT (0.13)
RcppEigen (
RcppParallel (5.0.1)
Rdpack (0.11-1)
askpass (1.1)
bayesplot (1.7.2)
beeswarm (0.2.3)
bibtex (
crosstalk (
dygraphs (
extraDistr (1.8.11)
farver (2.0.3)
gbRd (0.4-11)
ggbeeswarm (0.6.0)
ggpol (0.0.6)
ggridges (0.5.2)
hexbin (1.28.1)
isoband (0.2.1)
officer (0.3.11)
openssl (1.4.1)
packrat (0.5.0)
progress (1.2.2)
rsconnect (0.8.16)
rstanarm (2.19.2)
runjags (2.0.4-6)
rvg (0.2.4)
sfsmisc (1.1-7)
shinystan (2.5.0)
shinythemes (1.1.2)
stanova (0.1-0)
statmod (1.4.34)
sys (3.3)
threejs (0.3.3)
uuid (0.1-4)
vipor (0.4.5)
xml2 (1.3.2)
New Features and Improvements
- Export to csv (works with computed columns)
- WIX installer for Windows (enables you to choose a path for the installation of JASP)
- Added extra transformations to compute column
- Adapted behaviour of ifElse and replaceNA to work on the labels
- User interface scaling
- Default white background for plots, but you can choose transparent as well
- Modern JASP logo has replaced the old software icon
- Made replaceNA applicable for all types
- Increase size of data viewer in options
- Left columns with variable names abbreviated [compute column and filter]
- Drop levels of factors by default after applying a filter
- Increased startup-speed for Windows
Bug fixes
- fixed plots for descriptives
- jasp-stats/jasp-issues#248: Base64 encoding in meta-analysis
- jasp-stats/jasp-issues#211: Overlap in plot text Bayesian linear regression
JASP v0.9.1, now with Compute Columns
New features and improvements
- Compute columns using a drag-and-drop interface or R code
- Improvements in classical linear regression
- Bootstrap confidence intervals of coefficients
- Cook’s distance (case-wise diagnostics)
- Partial plots
- Improvements in ANOVA
- Homogeneity corrections: Brown-Forsythe and Welch
- Show df for contrast analysis
- Option to not assume equal variances in contrast analysis (AN(C)OVA)
- Option to add confidence intervals to post-hoc tests and contrasts
- Dunn, Dunnett, Games-Howell post-hoc tests
Bug fixes
- #2594: Output window automatically scrolls to the top after addition of new elements (Github Issue)
- #2669: Rendering on Windows 7 (Github Issue)
- Filter fixes
- #2747: ANOVA: Fix state issue for Welch/BrownForsythe ANOVA (Github Issue)
- #2771: Minor fixes ANOVA (Github Issue)
- #2750: Fix multigroup SEM (Github Issue)
- #2760: BF Subscript in table Bayesian Binomial Test disappeared (Github Issue)
- #2746: New descriptive distribution plot (Github Issue)
Filtering, Data library, Nonparametrics & more
New features and improvements:
- Filtering: use either R code or a drag-and-drop GUI to select cases of interest (an in-depth explanation on filtering in JASP will be posted soon)
- The JASP data library: an initial collection of over 50 data sets, including the examples from two popular stats textbooks
- Exporting tables from JASP in LaTeX format
- Non-parametric tests:
- Friedman and Durbin tests / nonparametric (classical RM ANOVA)
- Kruskal-Wallis / nonparametric (classical ANOVA)
- Connover’s nonparametric post hoc test (classical RM ANOVA)
- Dunn’s nonparametric post hoc test (classical ANOVA)
- Mann-Whitney / Wilcoxon rank sum test (Bayesian independent samples T-Test)
- Resizing tables and plots with ctrl+/ctrl-/ctrl=
- R engine updated from 3.3.3 to 3.4.4
- SEM module upgraded
- Improved Bayesian linear regression
- Improved contrasts for RM ANOVA
- Hand pointer to scroll through the data viewer
- Open file via welcome screen
- Improvement of placement tags of outliers
- Graphs in network analysis displays in colourblind mode by default
- Fix issue: #2381 One Sample T-Test: Possible error in the estimation of the 95% CI for Mean Difference
- Fix issue: #2074 Linear regression bugs
- Fix issue: #2438 Bayesian descriptive plot for RM ANOVA does not work
- Fix issue: #2346 SumStats module Bayesian Regression does not have addInfo for robustness check
- Fix issue: #2400, #2425 Bayesian linear regression error when adding interaction
- Fix issue: #2467 Add standardized alpha for reliability analysis
- Fix issue: #2074 Linear regression bugs
- Fix issue: #2497 Fix Meta-analysis
- Fix issue: #2541, #1929 Bayesian correlation “terminates unexpectedly”
BAS, Multinomial analysis, Flatpak support and more
- A revamped Bayesian linear regression thanks to the BAS package
- Multinomial analysis
- Install JASP on most Linux distributions more easily due to Flatpack support
- Plots now update directly when resizing them.
- A tooltip for variables so that long names can be still read.
- etc. see Release notes on download page
- Unable to plot network graph when non-ascii character in filename #2252
- Repeated-measures ANOVA error with high(ish) number of cells (complex numbers or unequal size arrays) #2241
- Re-enable SEM on Linux #2267
- etc. see Release notes on download page
Logistic regression, Network module and ANOVA simple effects
- Network module: new clustering table/plot
- ANOVA : simple effects
- ANOVA : fix for repeated contrast
- Logistic regression: changes to stepwise regression.
- Logistic regression : AIC fior variable selection & removal p-values
- Independent sample Bayesian t-test #2196
- Wrong valid percent in frequency table #2202
- Improve ODS Importer #2167
- etc. see Release notes on download page
Network, Meta Analysis modules and more
New features:
- Added meta analysis
- Added network analysis
- Improved the module layout
- Added stepwise methods to logistic regression
- Added effect size measures to post-hoc analyses in ANOVA / ANCOVA
- Improved backwards compatibility for Linux users with older R versions
- Fixed situation where JASPEngine process would linger after closing JASP
- Better handling of utf8 characters ((#1695), (#1704) and (#1719)
- Fixed confidence intervals cohens d (t-test)
- Fixed bug where prior posterior plot could not be made
- Fixed confusion in Subjective priors widget
More Bang for No Bucks
New features:
- Added logistic regression
- Added hierarchical regression
- Added ability to add/change missing values
- Added progress bar to Bayesian ANOVA’s and regression
- Added preference option to change the number of decimals that are displayed
- Reworked the layout of the Preferences window
- Added option to toggle frequentist correlation table to pairwise display
- Added ability to change y-axis in RM ANOVA descriptives plots
- Added effect sizes to post-hoc tests ANOVA
- Added confidence intervals to rank correlations
- Changed display of Bayesian and frequentist correlations to below diagonal
- Removed autofilling of options when another instance of an analysis is started
- Fixed analysis crash when RM and between factors name match (#1906)
- Fixed bug where JASP crashes if you load data between running analyses
- Fixed issue where files from old JASP versions cause problems in newer versions
- Fixed bug where About window would go behind main window
- Fixed analysis crash when vovk-sellke was selected in correlations (#1959)
- Fixed issue with importing of PSPP files (#1966)
- Fixed issue where RM factor is reset when the analysis options are refreshed (#1921)
- Changed base of logarithm to e in Bayesian correlation matrix (#1981)
- Fixed vanishing of footnotes in Bayesian correlation matrix
- Fixed plot for logBF robustness in correlation pairs