diff --git a/R/commonglm.R b/R/commonglm.R
index fb4a7321..ec2dd4b1 100644
--- a/R/commonglm.R
+++ b/R/commonglm.R
@@ -1,20 +1,33 @@
# Compute Model
-.reglogisticComputeModel <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options) {
- if(!is.null(jaspResults[["glmRes"]]))
- return(jaspResults[["glmRes"]]$object)
- type <- "binomial"
- if (type == "binomial") {
+.reglogisticComputeModel <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ready) {
+ if(!is.null(jaspResults[["glmRes"]]) || isFALSE(ready))
+ return()
# Logistic regression
- ff <- .createLogisticRegFormula(options)
- nf <- .createNullFormula(options)
- # calculate null and full models
- nullMod <- glm(nf, family = "binomial", data = dataset)
- fullMod <- glm(ff, family = "binomial", data = dataset)
+ modelTerms <- options[["modelTerms"]]
+ dependent <- options[["dependent"]]
+ interceptTerm <- options[["interceptTerm"]]
+ if (options[["method"]] == "enter") {
+ glmRes <- list()
+ for (modelIndex in seq_along(modelTerms)) {
+ model <- glm(.createLogisticRegFormula(modelTerms[[modelIndex]], dependent, interceptTerm),
+ family = "binomial", dataset)
+ glmRes[[modelIndex]] <- model
+ }
+ } else if (options[["method"]] != "enter") {
+ nullMod <- glm(.createLogisticRegFormula(modelTerms[[1]], dependent, interceptTerm),
+ family = "binomial", dataset)
+ fullMod <- glm(.createLogisticRegFormula(modelTerms[[length(modelTerms)]], dependent, interceptTerm),
+ family = "binomial", dataset)
glmRes <- .glmStep(nullMod, fullMod, dataset, method = options$method)
- } else
- .quitAnalysis("GLM type not supported")
+ }
jaspResults[["glmRes"]] <- createJaspState(glmRes)
- jaspResults[["glmRes"]]$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jaspResults[["modelSummary"]])
+ jaspResults[["glmRes"]]$dependOn( c("dependent", "method", "modelTerms", "interceptTerm"))
@@ -64,34 +77,33 @@
-.createLogisticRegFormula <- function(options) {
+.createLogisticRegFormula <- function(modelOptions, dependent, interceptTerm) {
# this function outputs a formula name with base64 values as varnames
f <- NULL
- dependent <- options$dependent
if (dependent == "")
f <- 0~1 # mock formula, always works
- modelTerms <- options$modelTerms
- interceptTerm <- options$interceptTerm
+ modelTerms <- modelOptions$components
+ interceptTerm <- interceptTerm
if (length(modelTerms) == 0) {
if (interceptTerm)
- f <- formula(paste(.v(dependent), "~ 1"))
+ f <- formula(paste(dependent, "~ 1"))
- f <- formula(paste(.v(dependent), "~ 0"))
+ f <- formula(paste(dependent, "~ 0"))
} else {
if (interceptTerm)
t <- character(0)
t <- "0"
for (i in seq_along(modelTerms)) {
- term <- modelTerms[[i]][["components"]]
+ term <- modelTerms[[i]]
if (length(term) == 1)
- t <- c(t, .v(term))
+ t <- c(t, term)
- t <- c(t, paste(.v(unlist(term)), collapse = ":"))
+ t <- c(t, paste(unlist(term), collapse = ":"))
- f <- formula(paste(.v(dependent), "~", paste(t, collapse = "+")))
+ f <- formula(paste(dependent, "~", paste(t, collapse = "+")))
@@ -114,7 +126,7 @@
if (length(term) == 1)
t <- c(t, .v(term))
- t <- c(t, paste(.v(unlist(term)), collapse = ":"))
+ t <- c(t, paste(unlist(term), collapse = ":"))
if (!interceptTerm)
@@ -122,7 +134,7 @@
t <- c(t, "1")
- return(formula(paste(.v(dependent), "~", paste(t, collapse = "+"))))
+ return(formula(paste(dependent, "~", paste(t, collapse = "+"))))
.glmStep <- function(nullModel, fullModel, dataset, method = "enter") {
@@ -374,7 +386,9 @@
if (isFALSE(options[["residualsSavedToData"]]))
- if (is.null(container[["residualsSavedToDataColumn"]]) && options[["residualsSavedToDataColumn"]] != "") {
+ if (is.null(container[["residualsSavedToDataColumn"]]) &&
+ isFALSE(is.null(options[["residualsSavedToDataColumn"]])) &&
+ options[["residualsSavedToDataColumn"]] != "") {
residuals <- model[["residuals"]] # extract residuals
@@ -737,8 +751,8 @@
# Table: Influential cases
-.glmInfluenceTable <- function(jaspResults, model, dataset, options, ready, position, linRegAnalysis = FALSE) {
+.glmInfluenceTable <- function(jaspResults, model, dataset, options, ready, position, logisticRegression = FALSE) {
tableOptionsOn <- c(options[["dfbetas"]],
@@ -756,16 +770,16 @@
tableOptionsClicked <- c("cooksDistance", tableOptionsClicked)
if (is.null(jaspResults[["influenceTable"]])) {
- influenceTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Table: Influential Cases"))
- influenceTable$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jaspResults[["modelSummary"]],
- options = tableOptions)
- influenceTable$dependOn(c("residualCasewiseDiagnostic", "residualCasewiseDiagnosticType",
- "residualCasewiseDiagnosticZThreshold", "residualCasewiseDiagnosticCooksDistanceThreshold"))
+ influenceTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Influential Cases"))
+ influenceTable$dependOn(c(tableOptions, "dependent", "method", "modelTerms", "interceptTerm",
+ "residualCasewiseDiagnostic", "residualCasewiseDiagnosticType",
+ "residualCasewiseDiagnosticZThreshold",
+ "residualCasewiseDiagnosticCooksDistanceThreshold"))
influenceTable$position <- position
influenceTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
jaspResults[["influenceTable"]] <- influenceTable
tableOptionToColName <- function(x) {
"dfbetas" = "DFBETAS",
@@ -783,13 +797,15 @@
} else {
- colNameList <- c()
+ depType <- if (isFALSE(logisticRegression)) "number" else "string"
influenceTable$addColumnInfo(name = "caseN", title = "Case Number", type = "integer")
influenceTable$addColumnInfo(name = "stdResidual", title = gettext("Std. Residual"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
- influenceTable$addColumnInfo(name = "dependent", title = options$dependent, type = "number")
+ influenceTable$addColumnInfo(name = "dependent", title = options$dependent, type = depType)
influenceTable$addColumnInfo(name = "predicted", title = gettext("Predicted Value"), type = "number")
influenceTable$addColumnInfo(name = "residual", title = gettext("Residual"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
+ colNameList <- c()
alwaysPresent <- c("caseN", "stdResidual", "dependent", "predicted", "residual")
for (option in tableOptionsClicked) {
if (option == "dfbetas") {
@@ -809,6 +825,7 @@
influenceTable$addColumnInfo(name = option, title = gettext(colTitle), type = "number")
.glmInfluenceTableFill(influenceTable, dataset, options, ready,
model = model,
influenceMeasures = tableOptionsClicked,
@@ -817,7 +834,7 @@
.glmInfluenceTableFill <- function(influenceTable, dataset, options, ready, model, influenceMeasures, colNames) {
influenceRes <- influence.measures(model)
nDFBETAS <- length(names(model$coefficients))
@@ -845,7 +862,7 @@
influenceResData[["dependent"]] <- model.frame(model)[[options$dependent]]
influenceResData[["predicted"]] <- model$fitted.values
influenceResData[["residual"]] <- model$residual
- # browser()
modelMatrix <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(model))
modelMatrix <- modelMatrix[colnames(modelMatrix) != "(Intercept)"]
influenceResData[["mahalanobis"]] <- mahalanobis(modelMatrix, center = colMeans(modelMatrix), cov = cov(modelMatrix))
@@ -856,7 +873,7 @@
index <- which(abs(influenceResData[["stdResidual"]]) > options$residualCasewiseDiagnosticZThreshold)
else # all
index <- seq.int(nrow(influenceResData))
# funky statement to ensure a df even if only 1 row
influenceResSig <- subset(influenceRes[["is.inf"]], 1:nrow(influenceResData) %in% index, select = colInd)
colnames(influenceResSig) <- colNames[1:length(colInd)]
@@ -887,56 +904,6 @@
-.casewiseDiagnosticsLogisticRegression <- function(dataset, model, options) {
- last <- length(model)
- # Values for all cases
- dependentAll <- dataset[[.v(options$dependent)]]
- dependentAllNumeric <- rep(0, nrow(dataset))
- dependentAllNumeric[dependentAll == levels(dataset[[.v(options$dependent)]])[2]] <- 1
- predictedAll <- predict(model[[last]], dataset, type = "response")
- predictedGroupAll <- rep(levels(dataset[[.v(options$dependent)]])[1], nrow(dataset))
- predictedGroupAll[predictedAll >= 0.5] <- levels(dataset[[.v(options$dependent)]])[2]
- residualAll <- resid(model[[last]], type = "response")
- residualZAll <- resid(model[[last]], type = "pearson")
- cooksDAll <- cooks.distance(model[[last]])
- # These will be the variables for the return object
- dependent <- NA
- predicted <- NA
- predictedGroup <- NA
- residual <- NA
- residualZ <- NA
- cooksD <- NA
- if (options$residualCasewiseDiagnosticType == "residualZ")
- index <- which(abs(residualZAll) > options$residualCasewiseDiagnosticZThreshold)
- else if (options$residualCasewiseDiagnosticType == "cooksDistance")
- index <- which(abs(cooksDAll) > options$residualCasewiseDiagnosticCooksDistanceThreshold)
- else
- index <- seq_along(cooksDAll)
- if (length(index) == 0)
- index <- NA
- else {
- dependent <- dependentAll[index]
- predicted <- predictedAll[index]
- predictedGroup <- predictedGroupAll[index]
- residual <- residualAll[index]
- residualZ <- residualZAll[index]
- cooksD <- cooksDAll[index]
- }
- casewiseDiag <- list(index = unname(index),
- dependent = as.character(dependent),
- predicted = unname(predicted),
- predictedGroup = as.character(predictedGroup),
- residual = unname(residual),
- residualZ = unname(residualZ),
- cooksD = unname(cooksD))
- return(casewiseDiag)
.reglogisticVovkSellke <- function(table, options) {
table$addColumnInfo(name = "vsmpr", title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s", "\u002A"), type = "number")
message <- gettextf("Vovk-Sellke Maximum p-Ratio: Based on the p-value,
diff --git a/R/regressionlinear.R b/R/regressionlinear.R
index 9aeffa6b..62c89cf9 100755
--- a/R/regressionlinear.R
+++ b/R/regressionlinear.R
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ RegressionLinearInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
finalModel <- model[[length(model)]]
if (options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic && is.null(modelContainer[["influenceTable"]]))
- .glmInfluenceTable(modelContainer, finalModel$fit, dataset, options, ready = ready, position = 9, linRegAnalysis = TRUE)
+ .glmInfluenceTable(modelContainer, finalModel$fit, dataset, options, ready = ready, position = 9)
.regressionExportResiduals(modelContainer, finalModel$fit, dataset, options, ready = ready)
diff --git a/R/regressionlogistic.R b/R/regressionlogistic.R
index d76c2264..f1aae796 100644
--- a/R/regressionlogistic.R
+++ b/R/regressionlogistic.R
@@ -22,12 +22,19 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
.reglogisticCheckErrors(dataset, options)
# Output tables
+ model <- .reglogisticComputeModel( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
.reglogisticModelSummaryTable( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
.reglogisticEstimatesTable( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
.reglogisticEstimatesTableBootstrap( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
.reglogisticMulticolliTable( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
- .reglogisticFactorDescriptivesTable( jaspResults, dataset, options)
- .reglogisticCasewiseDiagnosticsTable(jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
+ .reglogisticFactorDescriptivesTable( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
+ if (options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic && is.null(jaspResults[["influenceTable"]])) {
+ finalModel <- model[[length(options[["modelTerms"]])]]
+ .glmInfluenceTable(jaspResults, finalModel, dataset, options, ready, position = 5, logisticRegression = TRUE)
+ .regressionExportResiduals(jaspResults, finalModel, dataset, options, ready = ready)
+ }
.reglogisticConfusionMatrixTable( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
.reglogisticPerformanceMetricsTable( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
@@ -100,18 +107,12 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
modelSummary$position <- 1
modelSummary$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
- if(options$method == "enter")
- chiName <- "\u03A7\u00B2"
- else
- chiName <- "\u0394\u03A7\u00B2"
modelSummary$addColumnInfo(name = "mod", title = gettext("Model"), type = "string")
modelSummary$addColumnInfo(name = "dev", title = gettext("Deviance"), type = "number")
modelSummary$addColumnInfo(name = "aic", title = gettext("AIC"), type = "number", format="dp:3")
modelSummary$addColumnInfo(name = "bic", title = gettext("BIC"), type = "number", format="dp:3")
modelSummary$addColumnInfo(name = "dof", title = gettext("df"), type = "integer")
- modelSummary$addColumnInfo(name = "chi", title = chiName, type = "number", format="dp:3")
+ modelSummary$addColumnInfo(name = "chi", title = "\u0394\u03A7\u00B2",type = "number", format="dp:3")
modelSummary$addColumnInfo(name = "pvl", title = gettext("p"), type = "pvalue")
modelSummary$addColumnInfo(name = "fad", title = gettextf("McFadden R%s","\u00B2"), type = "number")
modelSummary$addColumnInfo(name = "nag", title = gettextf("Nagelkerke R%s","\u00B2"), type = "number")
@@ -140,11 +141,9 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
tmp <- .reglogisticEstimatesInfo(options)
ciTitle <- tmp[["ciTitle"]]
seTitle <- tmp[["seTitle"]]
- multimod <- tmp[["multimod"]]
paramtitle <- tmp[["paramtitle"]]
- if(options$method != "enter")
- estimatesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "model", title = gettext("Model"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
+ estimatesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "model", title = gettext("Model"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
estimatesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "param", title = paramtitle, type = "string")
estimatesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "est", title = gettext("Estimate"), type = "number", format="dp:3")
estimatesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "se", title = seTitle, type = "number", format="dp:3")
@@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
jaspResults[["estimatesTable"]] <- estimatesTable
if(!ready) return()
- res <- try(.reglogisticEstimatesFill(jaspResults, dataset, options, multimod))
+ res <- try(.reglogisticEstimatesFill(jaspResults, dataset, options))
.reglogisticSetError(res, estimatesTable)
@@ -194,7 +193,6 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
tmp <- .reglogisticEstimatesInfo(options, addBCA = TRUE)
ciTitle <- tmp[["ciTitle"]]
seTitle <- tmp[["seTitle"]]
- multimod <- tmp[["multimod"]]
paramtitle <- tmp[["paramtitle"]]
if(options$method != "enter")
@@ -218,7 +216,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
jaspResults[["estimatesTableBootstrapping"]] <- estimatesTableBootstrap
if(!ready) return()
- res <- try(.reglogisticEstimatesBootstrapFill(jaspResults, dataset, options, multimod))
+ res <- try(.reglogisticEstimatesBootstrapFill(jaspResults, dataset, options))
.reglogisticSetError(res, estimatesTableBootstrap)
@@ -241,7 +239,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
multicolliTable$addColumnInfo(name = "var", title = "", type = "string")
if (ready) {
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
} else {
glmObj <- NULL
@@ -256,38 +254,9 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
.reglogisticSetError(res, multicolliTable)
-.reglogisticCasewiseDiagnosticsTable <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ready){
- if(!options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic || !is.null(jaspResults[["casewiseDiagnosticsTable"]]))
- return()
- casDiag <- createJaspTable(gettext("Casewise Diagnostics"))
- casDiag$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jaspResults[["modelSummary"]],
- options = c("residualCasewiseDiagnostic",
- "residualCasewiseDiagnosticZThreshold",
- "residualCasewiseDiagnosticCooksDistanceThreshold",
- "residualCasewiseDiagnosticType"))
- casDiag$position <- 5
- casDiag$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
- casDiag$addColumnInfo(name = "caseNumber", title = gettext("Case Number"), type = "integer")
- casDiag$addColumnInfo(name = "observed", title = gettext("Observed"), type = "string")
- casDiag$addColumnInfo(name = "predicted", title = gettext("Predicted"), type = "number")
- casDiag$addColumnInfo(name = "predGroup", title = gettext("Predicted Group"), type = "string")
- casDiag$addColumnInfo(name = "residual", title = gettext("Residual"), type = "number")
- casDiag$addColumnInfo(name = "residualZ", title = gettext("Studentized Residual"), type = "number")
- casDiag$addColumnInfo(name = "cooksD", title = gettext("Cook's Distance"), type = "number")
- jaspResults[["casewiseDiagnosticsTable"]] <- casDiag
- if(!ready) return()
- res <- try(.reglogisticCasewiseDiagnosticsFill(jaspResults, dataset, options))
- .reglogisticSetError(res, casDiag)
-.reglogisticFactorDescriptivesTable <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options){
+.reglogisticFactorDescriptivesTable <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ready){
if(!options$descriptives ||
- !is.null(jaspResults[["factorDescriptives"]]))
+ !is.null(jaspResults[["factorDescriptives"]]) || isFALSE(ready))
dataset <- .reglogisticReadData(dataset, options)
@@ -329,7 +298,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
confusionMatrix$addColumnInfo(name = "obs", title = gettext("Observed"), type = "string")
if (ready) {
# Compute/Get Model
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
#modelTerms <- c()
#for(i in seq_along(options$modelTerms))
# modelTerms <- c(modelTerms, options$modelTerms[[i]]$components)
@@ -379,56 +348,19 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
.reglogisticModelSummaryFill <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ready) {
if(ready) {
# Compute/Get Model
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
- hasNuisance <- .hasNuisance(options)
- if (hasNuisance) {
- terms <- rownames(summary(glmObj[[1]])[["coefficients"]])
- terms <- sapply(terms[terms!="(Intercept)"], .formatTerm,
- glmModel=glmObj[[1]])
- message <- gettextf("Null model contains nuisance parameters: %s",
- paste(terms, collapse = ", "))
- jaspResults[["modelSummary"]]$addFootnote(message)
- }
- if (options$method == "enter") {
- # Two rows: h0 and h1
- lr <- .lrtest(glmObj[[1]], glmObj[[2]])
- rows <- list(
- list(mod = "H\u2080",
- dev = glmObj[[1]][["deviance"]],
- aic = glmObj[[1]][["aic"]],
- bic = .bic(glmObj[[1]]),
- dof = glmObj[[1]][["df.residual"]],
- chi = "",
- pvl = "",
- fad = "",
- nag = "",
- tju = "",
- cas = ""),
- list(mod = "H\u2081",
- dev = glmObj[[2]][["deviance"]],
- aic = glmObj[[2]][["aic"]],
- bic = .bic(glmObj[[2]]),
- dof = glmObj[[2]][["df.residual"]],
- chi = lr[["stat"]],
- pvl = lr[["pval"]],
- fad = .mcFadden( glmObj[[2]], glmObj[[1]]),
- nag = .nagelkerke(glmObj[[2]], glmObj[[1]]),
- tju = .tjur(glmObj[[2]]),
- cas = .coxSnell(glmObj[[2]], glmObj[[1]])
- )
- )
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
- } else {
# multiple rows: m1 - mk
rows <- vector("list", length(glmObj))
- for (midx in 1:length(glmObj)) {
+ for (midx in seq_along(glmObj)) {
+ .linregAddPredictorsInModelFootnote(jaspResults[["modelSummary"]],
+ options[["modelTerms"]][[midx]][["components"]], midx)
mObj <- glmObj[[midx]]
if (midx > 1) {
if (options$method == "forward" ||
- options$method == "stepwise") {
+ options$method == "stepwise" ||
+ options$method == "enter") {
fadden <- .mcFadden(mObj, glmObj[[1]])
nagel <- .nagelkerke(mObj, glmObj[[1]])
coxSn <- .coxSnell(mObj, glmObj[[1]])
@@ -438,9 +370,9 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
coxSn <- -1*.coxSnell(glmObj[[1]], mObj)
- lr <- .lrtest(glmObj[[midx]], glmObj[[midx-1]])
+ lr <- .lrtest(glmObj[[midx-1]], mObj)
rows[[midx]] <- list(
- mod = as.character(midx),
+ mod = gettextf("M%s", intToUtf8(0x2080 + midx - 1, multiple = FALSE)),
dev = mObj[["deviance"]],
aic = mObj[["aic"]],
bic = .bic(mObj),
@@ -454,7 +386,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
} else {
rows[[midx]] <- list(
- mod = as.character(midx),
+ mod = gettextf("M%s", intToUtf8(0x2080, multiple = FALSE)),
dev = mObj[["deviance"]],
aic = mObj[["aic"]],
bic = .bic(mObj),
@@ -467,7 +399,6 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
cas = .coxSnell(mObj, mObj)
- }
} else {
@@ -481,16 +412,18 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
-.reglogisticEstimatesFill <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, multimod) {
+.reglogisticEstimatesFill <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options) {
# Compute/Get Model
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
alpha <- qnorm(1 - (1 - options$coefficientCiLevel) / 2)
- if (!multimod) {
- s <- summary(glmObj[[2]])[["coefficients"]]
- rn <- rownames(s)
+ for (midx in seq_along(glmObj)) {
+ mObj <- glmObj[[midx]]
+ s <- summary(mObj)[["coefficients"]]
+ rn <- rownames(s)
rn[which(rn == "(Intercept)")] <- gettext("(Intercept)")
- beta <- .stdEst(glmObj[[2]], type = "X") # stand. X continuous vars
+ beta <- .stdEst(mObj, type = "X") # stand. X continuous vars
# Confidence intervals on the odds ratio scale
if (options$coefficientCiAsOddsRatio)
@@ -498,119 +431,57 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
expon <- function(x) x
if (length(rn) == 1) {
s <- unname(s)
if (options$robustSe) {
- s[2] <- unname(.glmRobustSE(glmObj[[2]])) # new se
+ s[2] <- unname(.glmRobustSE(mObj)) # new se
s[3] <- s[1]/s[2] # new z
s[4] <- 2*pnorm(-abs(s[3])) # new p
- waldtest <- .waldTest(glmObj[[2]], term = 1)
- jaspResults[["estimatesTable"]]$addRows(
- list( param = .formatTerm(rn, glmObj[[2]]),
- est = s[1],
- se = s[2],
- std = as.numeric(beta),
- or = exp(s[1]),
- zval = s[3],
- pval = s[4],
- waldsta = as.numeric(waldtest),
- walddf = as.numeric(1),
- vsmpr = VovkSellkeMPR(s[4]),
- cilo = expon(s[1] - alpha * s[2]),
- ciup = expon(s[1] + alpha * s[2])))
+ waldtest <- .waldTest(mObj, term = 1)
+ jaspResults[["estimatesTable"]]$addRows(list(
+ model = gettextf("M%s", intToUtf8(0x2080 + midx - 1, multiple = FALSE)),
+ param = .formatTerm(rn, mObj),
+ est = s[1],
+ se = s[2],
+ std = as.numeric(beta),
+ or = exp(s[1]),
+ zval = s[3],
+ pval = s[4],
+ waldsta = as.numeric(waldtest),
+ walddf = as.numeric(1),
+ vsmpr = VovkSellkeMPR(s[4]),
+ cilo = expon(s[1] - alpha * s[2]),
+ ciup = expon(s[1] + alpha * s[2]),
+ .isNewGroup = TRUE
+ ))
} else {
if (options$robustSe) {
- s[,2] <- unname(.glmRobustSE(glmObj[[2]])) # new se
+ s[,2] <- unname(.glmRobustSE(mObj)) # new se
s[,3] <- s[,1]/s[,2] # new z
s[,4] <- 2*pnorm(-abs(s[,3])) # new p
for (i in seq_along(rn)) {
- waldtest <- .waldTest(glmObj[[2]], term = i)
+ waldtest <- .waldTest(mObj, term = i)
- param = .formatTerm(rn[i], glmObj[[2]]),
- est = s[i,1],
- se = s[i,2],
- std = as.numeric(beta[i]),
- or = exp(s[i,1]),
- zval = s[i,3],
- pval = s[i,4],
- waldsta = as.numeric(waldtest),
- walddf = as.numeric(1),
- vsmpr = VovkSellkeMPR(s[i,4]),
- cilo = expon(s[i,1] - alpha * s[i,2]),
- ciup = expon(s[i,1] + alpha * s[i,2])))
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (midx in 1:length(glmObj)) {
- mObj <- glmObj[[midx]]
- s <- summary(mObj)[["coefficients"]]
- rn <- rownames(s)
- rn[which(rn == "(Intercept)")] <- gettext("(Intercept)")
- beta <- .stdEst(mObj, type = "X") # stand. X continuous vars
- # Confidence intervals on the odds ratio scale
- if (options$coefficientCiAsOddsRatio)
- expon <- function(x) exp(x)
- else
- expon <- function(x) x
- if (length(rn) == 1) {
- s <- unname(s)
- if (options$robustSe) {
- s[2] <- unname(.glmRobustSE(mObj)) # new se
- s[3] <- s[1]/s[2] # new z
- s[4] <- 2*pnorm(-abs(s[3])) # new p
- }
- waldtest <- .waldTest(mObj, term = 1)
- jaspResults[["estimatesTable"]]$addRows(list(
- model = as.character(midx),
- param = .formatTerm(rn, mObj),
- est = s[1],
- se = s[2],
- std = as.numeric(beta),
- or = exp(s[1]),
- zval = s[3],
- pval = s[4],
+ model = gettextf("M%s", intToUtf8(0x2080 + midx - 1, multiple = FALSE)),
+ param = .formatTerm(rn[i], mObj),
+ est = s[i,1],
+ se = s[i,2],
+ std = as.numeric(beta[i]),
+ or = exp(s[i,1]),
+ zval = s[i,3],
+ pval = s[i,4],
waldsta = as.numeric(waldtest),
walddf = as.numeric(1),
- vsmpr = VovkSellkeMPR(s[4]),
- cilo = expon(s[1] - alpha * s[2]),
- ciup = expon(s[1] + alpha * s[2]),
- .isNewGroup = TRUE
+ vsmpr = VovkSellkeMPR(s[i,4]),
+ cilo = expon(s[i,1] - alpha * s[i,2]),
+ ciup = expon(s[i,1] + alpha * s[i,2]),
+ .isNewGroup = (i == 1)
- } else {
- if (options$robustSe) {
- s[,2] <- unname(.glmRobustSE(mObj)) # new se
- s[,3] <- s[,1]/s[,2] # new z
- s[,4] <- 2*pnorm(-abs(s[,3])) # new p
- }
- for (i in seq_along(rn)) {
- waldtest <- .waldTest(mObj, term = i)
- jaspResults[["estimatesTable"]]$addRows(list(
- model = as.character(midx),
- param = .formatTerm(rn[i], mObj),
- est = s[i,1],
- se = s[i,2],
- std = as.numeric(beta[i]),
- or = exp(s[i,1]),
- zval = s[i,3],
- pval = s[i,4],
- waldsta = as.numeric(waldtest),
- walddf = as.numeric(1),
- vsmpr = VovkSellkeMPR(s[i,4]),
- cilo = expon(s[i,1] - alpha * s[i,2]),
- ciup = expon(s[i,1] + alpha * s[i,2]),
- .isNewGroup = (i == 1)
- ))
- }
@@ -621,9 +492,9 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
jaspResults[["estimatesTable"]]$addFootnote(gettextf("%1$s level '%2$s' coded as class 1.", .unv(predVar), predLevel))
-.reglogisticEstimatesBootstrapFill <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, multimod){
+.reglogisticEstimatesBootstrapFill <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options){
# Compute/Get Model
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
ci.fails <- FALSE
if (is.null(jaspResults[["bootstrapResults"]])) {
@@ -636,10 +507,10 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
expon <- if (options$coefficientCiAsOddsRatio) function(x) exp(x) else identity
startProgressbar(options$coefficientBootstrapSamples *
- if (multimod) length(glmObj) else 1)
+ length(glmObj))
for (i in 1:length(glmObj)) {
- if (!multimod && i != 2)
+ if (i != 2)
rn <- rownames(summary(glmObj[[i]])[["coefficients"]])
@@ -754,32 +625,6 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
-.reglogisticCasewiseDiagnosticsFill <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options){
- # Compute/Get Model
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
- if (is.null(glmObj))
- return()
- else {
- casewiseDiag <- .casewiseDiagnosticsLogisticRegression(dataset, glmObj, options)
- caseNumbers <- casewiseDiag$index
- if (length(caseNumbers) == 1L && is.na(caseNumbers)) # .casewiseDiagnosticsLogisticRegression returns NA if there are no cases.
- return()
- else {
- for (case in seq_along(caseNumbers))
- jaspResults[["casewiseDiagnosticsTable"]]$addRows(
- list(caseNumber = caseNumbers[case],
- observed = casewiseDiag$dependent[case],
- predicted = casewiseDiag$predicted[case],
- predGroup = casewiseDiag$predictedGroup[case],
- residual = casewiseDiag$residual[case],
- residualZ = casewiseDiag$residualZ[case],
- cooksD = casewiseDiag$cooksD[case]
- )
- )
- }
- }
.reglogisticFactorDescriptivesFill <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options){
if (length(options$factors) > 0) {
@@ -878,7 +723,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
.reglogisticPerformanceMetricsFill <- function(jaspResults, container, dataset, options, ready){
if(ready) {
# Compute/Get Model
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
mObj <- glmObj[[length(glmObj)]]
m <- .confusionMatrix(mObj, cutoff = 0.5)[["matrix"]]
n = sum(m)
@@ -938,7 +783,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
# Compute/Get Model
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
mObj <- glmObj[[length(glmObj)]]
predictors <- character(0)
@@ -977,7 +822,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
# Compute/Get Model
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
mObj <- glmObj[[length(glmObj)]]
p <- try(.reglogisticResidPlotFill(options, mObj))
@@ -1001,7 +846,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
# Compute/Get Model
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
mObj <- glmObj[[length(glmObj)]]
predictors <- character(0)
@@ -1038,7 +883,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
# Compute/Get Model
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
mObj <- glmObj[[length(glmObj)]]
p <- try(.reglogisticSquaredPearsonResidualsFill(mObj))
@@ -1064,7 +909,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
rocPlot$dependOn(c("rocPlot", "rocPlotCutoffStep"))
if (ready) {
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
mObj <- glmObj[[length(glmObj)]]
cutoffInt <- seq(0, 1, by = options$rocPlotCutoffStep)
@@ -1090,7 +935,7 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
prPlot$dependOn(c("precisionRecallPlot", "precisionRecallPlotCutoffStep"))
if (ready) {
- glmObj <- .reglogisticComputeModel(jaspResults, dataset, options)
+ glmObj <- jaspResults[["glmRes"]][["object"]]
mObj <- glmObj[[length(glmObj)]]
cutoffInt <- seq(0, 1, by = options$precisionRecallPlotCutoffStep)
@@ -1374,13 +1219,11 @@ RegressionLogisticInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...
seTitle <- gettextf("Robust
%s", seTitle)
if (options$method == "enter") {
- multimod <- FALSE
paramtitle <- ""
} else {
- multimod <- TRUE
paramtitle <- gettext("Parameter")
- return(list(ciTitle = ciTitle, seTitle = seTitle, multimod = multimod, paramtitle = paramtitle))
+ return(list(ciTitle = ciTitle, seTitle = seTitle, paramtitle = paramtitle))
# wrapper for wald test
diff --git a/inst/qml/RegressionLinear.qml b/inst/qml/RegressionLinear.qml
index 39630e2a..a5e6c67a 100644
--- a/inst/qml/RegressionLinear.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/RegressionLinear.qml
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ Form
label: "Nested"
name: "nested"
checked: true
+ visible: false
CheckBox { name: "interceptTerm"; label: qsTr("Include intercept"); checked: true }
diff --git a/inst/qml/RegressionLogistic.qml b/inst/qml/RegressionLogistic.qml
index 22be9a43..67a5be46 100644
--- a/inst/qml/RegressionLogistic.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/RegressionLogistic.qml
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
import QtQuick
import JASP
import JASP.Controls
+import "./common" as Common
@@ -54,23 +55,34 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Model")
- VariablesForm
+ FactorsForm
- preferredHeight: jaspTheme.smallDefaultVariablesFormHeight
- AvailableVariablesList
- {
- name: "availableTerms"
- title: qsTr("Components")
- source: ['covariates', 'factors']
- width: parent.width / 4
- }
- ModelTermsList { width: parent.width * 5 / 9 }
+ id: factors
+ name: "modelTerms"
+ allowAll: true
+ nested: nested.checked
+ allowInteraction: true
+ initNumberFactors: 2
+ baseName: "model"
+ baseTitle: "Model"
+ availableVariablesList.source: ['covariates', 'factors']
+ startIndex: 0
+ availableVariablesListName: "availableTerms"
+ CheckBox
+ {
+ id: nested
+ label: "Nested"
+ name: "nested"
+ checked: true
+ visible: false
+ }
CheckBox { name: "interceptTerm"; label: qsTr("Include intercept"); checked: true }
@@ -138,31 +150,9 @@ Form
CheckBox { name: "brierScore"; label: qsTr("Brier score") }
CheckBox { name: "hMeasure"; label: qsTr("H-measure") }
+ Common.OutlierComponent { id: outlierComponent}
- Group
- { title: qsTr("Residuals")
- CheckBox
- {
- name: "residualCasewiseDiagnostic"; label: qsTr("Casewise diagnostics")
- RadioButtonGroup
- {
- name: "residualCasewiseDiagnosticType"
- RadioButton
- {
- value: "residualZ"; label: qsTr("Standard residual >"); checked: true
- childrenOnSameRow: true
- DoubleField { name: "residualCasewiseDiagnosticZThreshold"; defaultValue: 3 }
- }
- RadioButton
- {
- value: "cooksDistance"; label: qsTr("Cook's distance >")
- childrenOnSameRow: true
- DoubleField { name: "residualCasewiseDiagnosticCooksDistanceThreshold"; defaultValue: 1 }
- }
- RadioButton { value: "allCases"; label: qsTr("All") }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/inst/qml/common/OutlierComponent.qml b/inst/qml/common/OutlierComponent.qml
index 2ec819f6..676cc054 100644
--- a/inst/qml/common/OutlierComponent.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/common/OutlierComponent.qml
@@ -30,11 +30,14 @@ Group
name: "residualStatistic"
label: qsTr("Statistics")
visible: analysis === Type.Analysis.LinearRegression
+ value: false
- name: "residualCasewiseDiagnostic"; label: qsTr("Casewise diagnostics")
+ name: "residualCasewiseDiagnostic"
+ label: qsTr("Casewise diagnostics")
+ value: false
columns: 2
@@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ Group
id: residualsSavedToData
name: "residualsSavedToData"
text: qsTr("Append residuals to data")
+ value: false
diff --git a/tests/testthat/helper-regression.R b/tests/testthat/helper-regression.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..648553bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/helper-regression.R
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+initClassicalRegressionOptions <- function(analysis = c("RegressionLinear", "RegressionLogistic")) {
+ analysis <- match.arg(analysis)
+ options <- c(
+ jaspTools::analysisOptions(analysis),
+ classicalRegressionCommonOptions()
+ )
+ return(options)
+classicalRegressionCommonOptions <- function() {
+ path <- testthat::test_path("..", "..", "inst", "qml", "common")
+ files <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)
+ options <- lapply(files, jaspTools:::readQML) |>
+ lapply(function(x) {x$plotWidth <- NULL; x$plotHeight <- NULL; return(x)}) |>
+ (function(x) { do.call(c, x)})()
+ return(options)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-regressionlogistic.R b/tests/testthat/test-regressionlogistic.R
index 12ec64e0..23589791 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-regressionlogistic.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-regressionlogistic.R
@@ -4,16 +4,18 @@ context("Logistic Regression")
# Chapter 10
test_that("Fields Book - Chapter 10 results match", {
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$dependent <- "delivered"
options$factors <- c("treat")
options$modelTerms <- list(
- list(components="treat", isNuisance=FALSE)
+ list(components= NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=c("treat"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
options$descriptives <- TRUE
options$oddsRatio <- TRUE
options$coefficientCi <- TRUE
options$coefficientCiAsOddsRatio <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", dataset = "santas_log.csv", options)
output1 <- results[["results"]][["factorDescriptives"]][["data"]]
@@ -22,98 +24,129 @@ test_that("Fields Book - Chapter 10 results match", {
output2 <- results[["results"]][["modelSummary"]][["data"]]
- list("H", 529.250590526386, 531.250590526386, 535.242055073494,
- 399, "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "H", 460.494488544053,
- 464.494488544053, 472.477417638269, 398, 68.7561019823323, 1.11022302462516e-16,
- 0.129912187559297, 0.215249724800182, 0.162128420464791, 0.157928418719378)
+ list(531.250590526391, 535.242055073499, 529.250590526391, 399, 0,
+ "M", 0, 464.494488544052, 472.477417638268, 0.157928418719392,
+ 68.7561019823392, 460.494488544052, 398, 0.129912187559308,
+ "M", 0.215249724800201, 1.11022302462516e-16, 0.162128420464791
+ )
output3 <- results[["results"]][["estimatesTable"]][["data"]]
- list("(Intercept)", 1.678431, 0.2058631,
- 5.357143, 8.15314, 3.54595e-16, 66.47369, 1,
- 3.57851, 8.019813,
- "treat (1)", -1.877282, 0.2461223,
- 0.1530055, -7.627436, 2.394692e-14, 58.17778, 1,
- 0.09445116, 0.2478601)
+ list("TRUE", 1.36124731046877, 2.04061213301582, 0.510825623765981,
+ "M", 1.66666666666665, "(Intercept)", 7.57353027162946e-07,
+ 0.103279553032665, 1, 24.4633905355499, 4.94604797141616, "TRUE",
+ 3.57850992169288, 8.01981276525923, 1.67843078320261, "M",
+ 5.35714285329404, "(Intercept)", 3.54594990009727e-16, 0.205863115653286,
+ 1, 66.4736903106761, 8.15313990501056, "FALSE", 0.0944511613464108,
+ 0.247860077995534, -1.87728164144707, "M", 0.15300546466741,
+ "treat (1)", 2.39469198254028e-14, 0.246122251011963, 1, 58.1777752035539,
+ -7.62743568989958)
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$dependent <- "delivered"
options$factors <- c("treat")
options$covariates <- c("quantity")
options$modelTerms <- list(
- list(components="treat", isNuisance=FALSE),
- list(components="quantity", isNuisance=FALSE),
- list(components=list("treat", "quantity"), isNuisance=FALSE)
+ list(components = NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=list("treat", "quantity", list("treat", "quantity")),
+ name="model1", title = "Model 1")
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
options$oddsRatio <- TRUE
options$coefficientCi <- TRUE
options$coefficientCiAsOddsRatio <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", dataset = "santas_log.csv", options)
output4 <- results[["results"]][["modelSummary"]][["data"]]
- list("H", 529.250590526386, 531.250590526386, 535.242055073494,
- 399, "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "H", 390.185034282251,
- 398.185034282251, 414.150892470683, 396, 139.065556244135, 0,
- 0.262759378512591, 0.400251224473979, 0.331341240867329, 0.293663757434995)
+ list(531.250590526391, 535.242055073499, 529.250590526391, 399, 0,
+ "M", 0, 398.18503428225, 414.150892470682, 0.293663757435006,
+ 139.065556244141, 390.18503428225, 396, 0.262759378512601, "M",
+ 0.400251224473992, 0, 0.331341240867328)
output5 <- results[["results"]][["estimatesTable"]][["data"]]
- list("(Intercept)", 1.829715, 0.3810035, 6.232108, 4.802356, 1.568094e-06, 23.06263, 1, 2.953413, 13.1506,
- "treat (1)", 0.199482, 0.520007, 1.22077, 0.3836141, 0.7012645, 0.1471597, 1, 0.4405581, 3.382709,
- "quantity", -0.08100546, 0.1678705, 0.9221887, -0.4825472, 0.6294173, 0.2328518, 1, 0.6636332, 1.281479,
- "treat (1) * quantity", -1.027643, 0.2309776, 0.3578493, -4.449103, 8.622966e-06, 19.79452, 1, 0.2275578, 0.5627412)
+ list("TRUE", 1.36124731046877, 2.04061213301582, 0.510825623765981,
+ "M", 1.66666666666665, "(Intercept)", 7.57353027162946e-07,
+ 0.103279553032665, 1, 24.4633905355499, 4.94604797141616, "TRUE",
+ 2.95341293211689, 13.1506047478064, 1.8297145868812, "M",
+ 6.23210767937535, "(Intercept)", 1.56809395778112e-06, 0.381003510779674,
+ 1, 23.0626254414104, 4.80235623849484, "FALSE", 0.440558078388745,
+ 3.38270938575308, 0.199481993012083, "M", 1.22077022683835,
+ "treat (1)", 0.701264521685676, 0.520006998514146, 1, 0.147159742726858,
+ 0.383614054391724, "FALSE", 0.663633201382873, 1.28147885872813,
+ -0.0810054601474337, "M", 0.922188656144837, "quantity",
+ 0.629417289982631, 0.167870548715548, 1, 0.23285178241894, -0.482547181546986,
+ "FALSE", 0.22755778991235, 0.562741214139028, -1.02764323147157,
+ "M", 0.357849335589812, "treat (1) * quantity", 8.6229655831139e-06,
+ 0.230977621709245, 1, 19.7945175736481, -4.44910300775877)
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$dependent <- "delivered"
options$covariates <- c("quantity")
options$modelTerms <- list(
- list(components="quantity", isNuisance=FALSE)
+ list(components = NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components= list("quantity"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
options$oddsRatio <- TRUE
options$coefficientCi <- TRUE
options$coefficientCiAsOddsRatio <- TRUE
options$conditionalEstimatePlot <- TRUE
options$conditionalEstimatePlotPoints <- FALSE
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", dataset = "santas_log_subset_treat0.csv", options)
output6 <- results[["results"]][["estimatesTable"]][["data"]]
- list("(Intercept)", 1.829715, 0.3810035, 6.232108, 4.802356, 1.568094e-06, 23.06263, 1, 2.953413, 13.1506,
- "quantity", -0.08100546, 0.1678705, 0.9221887, -0.4825472, 0.6294173, 0.2328518, 1, 0.6636332, 1.281479)
+ list("TRUE", 3.57850992169287, 8.01981276525911, 1.6784307832026, "M",
+ 5.35714285329399, "(Intercept)", 3.54594990009555e-16, 0.205863115653283,
+ 1, 66.4736903106765, 8.15313990501062, "TRUE", 2.95341293211689,
+ 13.1506047478064, 1.8297145868812, "M", 6.23210767937535,
+ "(Intercept)", 1.56809395778108e-06, 0.381003510779673, 1, 23.0626254414104,
+ 4.80235623849485, "FALSE", 0.663633201382873, 1.28147885872813,
+ -0.0810054601474335, "M", 0.922188656144837, "quantity",
+ 0.629417289982632, 0.167870548715548, 1, 0.232851782418939,
+ -0.482547181546985)
unnumberedFigureA <- results[["state"]][["estimatesPlots"]][["collection"]][[1]]
#expect_equal_plots(unnumberedFigureA, "?", dir="Ancova") # This command needs to be updated
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$dependent <- "delivered"
options$covariates <- c("quantity")
options$modelTerms <- list(
- list(components="quantity", isNuisance=FALSE)
+ list(components = NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components= list("quantity"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
options$oddsRatio <- TRUE
options$coefficientCi <- TRUE
options$coefficientCiAsOddsRatio <- TRUE
options$conditionalEstimatePlot <- TRUE
options$conditionalEstimatePlotPoints <- FALSE
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", dataset = "santas_log_subset_treat1.csv", options)
output7 <- results[["results"]][["estimatesTable"]][["data"]]
- list("(Intercept)", 2.029197, 0.3538977, 7.607972, 5.73385, 9.817603e-09, 32.87704, 1, 3.802162, 15.22324,
- "quantity", -1.108649, 0.158651, 0.3300046, -6.987972, 2.788889e-12, 48.83175, 1, 0.241811, 0.4503643)
+ list("TRUE", 0.629242023574777, 1.06773288827061, -0.198850858244477,
+ "M", 0.819672131557941, "(Intercept)", 0.140449081313175,
+ 0.134894551619842, 1, 2.17303199956226, -1.47412075474238, "TRUE",
+ 3.80216170583388, 15.2232426986615, 2.02919657989328, "M",
+ 7.60797150543205, "(Intercept)", 9.81760318548822e-09, 0.353897729969058,
+ 1, 32.8770384443136, 5.73385022862593, "FALSE", 0.241810977511836,
+ 0.450364312443746, -1.10864869161901, "M", 0.33000459788989,
+ "quantity", 2.78888928052724e-12, 0.158651002531974, 1, 48.8317463436682,
+ -6.98797154714214)
unnumberedFigureB <- results[["state"]][["estimatesPlots"]][["collection"]][[1]]
#expect_equal_plots(unnumberedFigureB, "?", dir="Ancova") # This command needs to be updated
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$dependent <- "delivered"
options$factors <- c("treat")
options$covariates <- c("quantity")
options$modelTerms <- list(
- list(components="treat", isNuisance=FALSE),
- list(components="quantity", isNuisance=FALSE),
- list(components=list("treat", "quantity"), isNuisance=FALSE)
+ list(components = NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=list("treat", "quantity", list("treat", "quantity")),
+ name="model1", title = "Model 1")
options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- TRUE
options$residualCasewiseDiagnosticZThreshold <- 2
@@ -121,43 +154,22 @@ test_that("Fields Book - Chapter 10 results match", {
options$coefficientBootstrapSamples <- 1000
set.seed(1) # For Bootstrapping Unit Tests
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", dataset = "santas_log.csv", options)
- output9 <- results[["results"]][["casewiseDiagnosticsTable"]][["data"]]
+ output9 <- results[["results"]][["influenceTable"]][["data"]]
+ # used to output pearson resdual, switched to deviance using rstandard for std residuals
- list(18, 0.0121239460461442, 0, 1, 0.851789911140433, -0.851789911140433, -2.39732747153848,
- 40, 0.00763627653324742, 0, 1, 0.841269420104102, -0.841269420104102, -2.30216925615302,
- 51, 0.0279057279786341, 0, 1, 0.861727722493428, -0.861727722493428, -2.49641897112151,
- 64, 0.0121239460461442, 0, 1, 0.851789911140433, -0.851789911140433, -2.39732747153848,
- 78, 0.0133723433832867, 0, 1, 0.830151056615241, -0.830151056615241, -2.21078819931717,
- 90, 0.00763627653324742, 0, 1, 0.841269420104102, -0.841269420104102, -2.30216925615302,
- 93, 0.0272626386242438, 1, 0, 0.0827619829298745, 0.917238017070126, 3.32909033263681,
- 96, 0.0133723433832867, 0, 1, 0.830151056615241, -0.830151056615241, -2.21078819931717,
- 98, 0.0291505277819276, 0, 1, 0.818421994612829, -0.818421994612829, -2.12303437254972,
- 105, 0.0279057279786341, 0, 1, 0.861727722493428, -0.861727722493428, -2.49641897112151,
- 111, 0.0279057279786341, 0, 1, 0.861727722493428, -0.861727722493428, -2.49641897112151,
- 112, 0.00763627653324742, 0, 1, 0.841269420104102, -0.841269420104102, -2.30216925615302,
- 113, 0.0121239460461442, 0, 1, 0.851789911140433, -0.851789911140433, -2.39732747153848,
- 138, 0.0121239460461442, 0, 1, 0.851789911140433, -0.851789911140433, -2.39732747153848,
- 162, 0.0291505277819276, 0, 1, 0.818421994612829, -0.818421994612829, -2.12303437254972,
- 170, 0.00763627653324742, 0, 1, 0.841269420104102, -0.841269420104102, -2.30216925615302,
- 188, 0.0272626386242438, 1, 0, 0.0827619829298745, 0.917238017070126, 3.32909033263681,
- 195, 0.0121239460461442, 0, 1, 0.851789911140433, -0.851789911140433, -2.39732747153848,
- 214, 0.0251000549472288, 0, 1, 0.883828611727055, -0.883828611727055, -2.75825515596946,
- 215, 0.0133723433832867, 0, 1, 0.830151056615241, -0.830151056615241, -2.21078819931717,
- 219, 0.0121239460461442, 0, 1, 0.851789911140433, -0.851789911140433, -2.39732747153848,
- 222, 0.0291505277819276, 0, 1, 0.818421994612829, -0.818421994612829, -2.12303437254972,
- 249, 0.00763627653324742, 0, 1, 0.841269420104102, -0.841269420104102, -2.30216925615302,
- 258, 0.0133723433832867, 0, 1, 0.830151056615241, -0.830151056615241, -2.21078819931717,
- 265, 0.0272626386242438, 1, 0, 0.0827619829298745, 0.917238017070126, 3.32909033263681,
- 270, 0.0291505277819276, 0, 1, 0.818421994612829, -0.818421994612829, -2.12303437254972,
- 285, 0.0133723433832867, 0, 1, 0.830151056615241, -0.830151056615241, -2.21078819931717,
- 288, 0.0121239460461442, 0, 1, 0.851789911140433, -0.851789911140433, -2.39732747153848,
- 301, 0.0121239460461442, 0, 1, 0.851789911140433, -0.851789911140433, -2.39732747153848,
- 307, 0.0251000549472288, 0, 1, 0.883828611727055, -0.883828611727055, -2.75825515596946,
- 335, 0.0121239460461442, 0, 1, 0.851789911140433, -0.851789911140433, -2.39732747153848,
- 370, 0.0121239460461442, 0, 1, 0.851789911140433, -0.851789911140433, -2.39732747153848,
- 374, 0.0133723433832867, 0, 1, 0.830151056615241, -0.830151056615241, -2.21078819931717,
- 382, 0.0251000549472288, 0, 1, 0.883828611727055, -0.883828611727055, -2.75825515596946)
+ list(51, 0.027905727978634, 0, 0.861727722493428, -7.23210767937535,
+ -2.00666634304773, 93, 0.0272626386242436, 1, 0.0827619829298749,
+ 12.0828424428558, 2.24324229328406, 105, 0.027905727978634,
+ 0, 0.861727722493428, -7.23210767937535, -2.00666634304773,
+ 111, 0.027905727978634, 0, 0.861727722493428, -7.23210767937535,
+ -2.00666634304773, 188, 0.0272626386242436, 1, 0.0827619829298749,
+ 12.0828424428558, 2.24324229328406, 214, 0.0251000549472288,
+ 0, 0.883828611727055, -8.60797150543206, -2.08841173681896,
+ 265, 0.0272626386242436, 1, 0.0827619829298749, 12.0828424428558,
+ 2.24324229328406, 307, 0.0251000549472288, 0, 0.883828611727055,
+ -8.60797150543206, -2.08841173681896, 382, 0.0251000549472288,
+ 0, 0.883828611727055, -8.60797150543206, -2.08841173681896
+ )
output10 <- results[["results"]][["estimatesTableBootstrapping"]][["data"]]
@@ -171,11 +183,14 @@ test_that("Fields Book - Chapter 10 results match", {
# test the methods for entering predictors
-options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
options$covariates <- list("contNormal")
options$dependent <- "contBinom"
-options$modelTerms <- list(list(components = list("contNormal"), isNuisance = FALSE))
+options$modelTerms <- options$modelTerms <- list(
+ list(components= NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=c("contNormal"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
test_that("Method=backward model summary table results match", {
options$method <- "backward"
@@ -208,14 +223,16 @@ test_that("Method=stepwise model summary table results match", {
test_that("Confusion Matrix Table Matches", {
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
options$covariates <- c("contNormal", "contOutlier")
options$dependent <- "facGender"
- options$modelTerms <- list(
- list(components="contNormal", isNuisance=FALSE),
- list(components="contOutlier", isNuisance=FALSE)
+ options$modelTerms <- options$modelTerms <- list(
+ list(components= NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=c("contNormal", "contOutlier"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
options$confusionMatrix <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", "debug.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["perfDiag"]][["collection"]][["perfDiag_confusionMatrix"]][["data"]]
@@ -226,12 +243,14 @@ test_that("Confusion Matrix Table Matches", {
test_that("Performance Metrics Table Matches", {
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$covariates <- list("contNormal")
options$dependent <- "contBinom"
- options$modelTerms <- list(
- list(components="contNormal", isNuisance=FALSE)
+ options$modelTerms <- options$modelTerms <- list(
+ list(components= NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=c("contNormal"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
options$accuracy <- TRUE
options$auc <- TRUE
options$sensitivity <- TRUE
@@ -250,15 +269,14 @@ test_that("Performance Metrics Table Matches", {
test_that("Confusion Matrix Table Matches", {
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$covariates <- c("contNormal", "contOutlier")
options$factors <- c("facFive")
options$dependent <- "facGender"
- options$modelTerms <- list(
- list(components="contNormal", isNuisance=FALSE),
- list(components="contOutlier", isNuisance=FALSE),
- list(components="facFive", isNuisance=FALSE)
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
+ options$modelTerms <- options$modelTerms <- list(
+ list(components= NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=c("contNormal", "contOutlier", "facFive"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
options$multicollinearity <- TRUE
@@ -268,13 +286,13 @@ test_that("Confusion Matrix Table Matches", {
"contOutlier", 0.9742628, 1.026417,
"facFive", 0.9377347, 1.0664))
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$covariates <- c("contNormal", "contOutlier")
options$dependent <- "facGender"
- options$modelTerms <- list(
- list(components="contNormal", isNuisance=FALSE),
- list(components="contOutlier", isNuisance=FALSE)
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
+ options$modelTerms <- options$modelTerms <- list(
+ list(components= NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=c("contNormal", "contOutlier"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
options$multicollinearity <- TRUE
@@ -287,7 +305,7 @@ test_that("Confusion Matrix Table Matches", {
test_that("Error Handling", {
# factor levels not equal to 2
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$covariates <- list("contNormal")
options$dependent <- "facFive"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", "debug.csv", options)
@@ -295,7 +313,7 @@ test_that("Error Handling", {
expect_identical(status, "validationError")
# infinity check
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$covariates <- list("debInf")
options$dependent <- "contBinom"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", "debug.csv", options)
@@ -303,7 +321,7 @@ test_that("Error Handling", {
expect_identical(status, "validationError")
# <2 observations
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$covariates <- list("debMiss99")
options$dependent <- "contBinom"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", "debug.csv", options)
@@ -311,7 +329,7 @@ test_that("Error Handling", {
expect_identical(status, "validationError")
# variance check
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$covariates <- list("debSame")
options$dependent <- "contBinom"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", "debug.csv", options)
@@ -338,16 +356,15 @@ test_that("Pseudo R-squared are correct", {
# performance::r2_coxsnell(fit) # Cox & Snell's R2: 0.1008645
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$dependent <- "low"
options$covariates <- c("age", "lwt")
options$factors <- c("race", "smoke")
- options$modelTerms <- list(list(components = "age", isNuisance = FALSE),
- list(components = "lwt", isNuisance = FALSE),
- list(components = "race", isNuisance = FALSE),
- list(components = "smoke", isNuisance = FALSE)
+ options$modelTerms <- options$modelTerms <- list(
+ list(components= NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=c("age", "lwt", "race", "smoke"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", "lowbwt.csv", options)
r_squared <- results$results$modelSummary$data[[2]][c("fad", "nag", "tju", "cas")]
@@ -373,11 +390,14 @@ test_that("Pseudo R-squared are correct", {
# performance::r2_tjur(fit) # 0.1713724
# performance::r2_coxsnell(fit) # 0.1524201
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$dependent <- "y"
options$covariates <- "x"
- options$modelTerms <- list(list(components = "x", isNuisance = FALSE))
+ options$modelTerms <- options$modelTerms <- options$modelTerms <- list(
+ list(components= NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=c("x"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
+ )
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogistic", df, options)
r_squared <- results$results$modelSummary$data[[2]][c("fad", "nag", "tju", "cas")]
@@ -386,16 +406,16 @@ test_that("Pseudo R-squared are correct", {
test_that("Performance plots match", {
- options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+ options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$dependent <- "low"
options$covariates <- c("age", "lwt")
options$factors <- c("race", "smoke")
- options$modelTerms <- list(list(components = "age", isNuisance = FALSE),
- list(components = "lwt", isNuisance = FALSE),
- list(components = "race", isNuisance = FALSE),
- list(components = "smoke", isNuisance = FALSE)
+ options$modelTerms <- options$modelTerms <- list(
+ list(components= NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=c("age", "lwt", "race", "smoke"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
+ options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic <- FALSE
options$rocPlot <- TRUE
options$precisionRecallPlot <- TRUE
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-regressionlogisticVerification.R b/tests/testthat/test-regressionlogisticVerification.R
index 6f998410..39af297e 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-regressionlogisticVerification.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-regressionlogisticVerification.R
@@ -4,15 +4,14 @@ context("Logistic Regression -- Verification project")
## Testing Titanice
-options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogistic")
+options <- initClassicalRegressionOptions("RegressionLogistic")
options$dependent <- "Survived"
options$factors <- c("PClass", "Sex")
options$covariates <- "Age"
options$modelTerms <- list(
- list(components=c("Age"), isNuisance=FALSE),
- list(components=c("PClass"), isNuisance=FALSE),
- list(components=c("Sex"), isNuisance=FALSE)
+ list(components= NULL, name="model0", title = "Model 0"),
+ list(components=c("Age", "PClass", "Sex"), name="model1", title = "Model 1")
options$method <- "enter"
@@ -26,10 +25,10 @@ test_that("Main table results match R, SPSS, SAS and MiniTab", {
- "ref"=list(1027.57254724533, 1032.20058862151, "", "", 1025.57254724533,
- 755, "", "H", "", "", "", 705.140778094395, 728.280984975293,
- 0.354079636893354, 330.431769150933, 695.140778094395, 751,
- 0.322192486566131, "H", 0.476901084612013, 0, 0.393957934297113)
+ "ref"=list(1027.57254724532, 1032.2005886215, 1025.57254724532, 755, 0, "M",
+ 0, 705.140778094396, 728.280984975294, 0.354079636893343, 330.431769150921,
+ 695.140778094396, 751, 0.322192486566122, "M", 0.476901084612001,
+ 0, 0.393957934297112)
@@ -40,13 +39,16 @@ test_that("Estimates table results match R, SPSS, SAS and MiniTab", {
- "ref"=list(3.75966210120454, "(Intercept)", 3.17912938532242e-21, 0.397567324274317,
- 1, 89.4285652804951, 9.45666776832598, -0.0391768149758485,
- "Age", 2.69139209369272e-07, 0.0076162175667569, 1, 26.4593741560195,
- -5.14386762621471, -1.29196239983359, "PClass (2nd)", 6.77732368246485e-07,
- 0.260075781079861, 1, 24.6774298532547, -4.96763825708504, -2.52141915270095,
- "PClass (3rd)", 7.94813113283019e-20, 0.276656805343585, 1,
- 83.0629554227781, -9.11388805191166, -2.63135683476562, "Sex (male)",
- 5.68409321426263e-39, 0.201505378991115, 1, 170.524272319145,
- -13.0584942592607))
+ "ref"=list("TRUE", -0.347366579504982, "M", "(Intercept)", 2.54655183336123e-06,
+ 0.0738391799970593, 1, 22.1310660444386, -4.70436669961416,
+ "TRUE", 3.75966210120455, "M", "(Intercept)", 3.1791293853215e-21,
+ 0.397567324274317, 1, 89.4285652804962, 9.45666776832601, "FALSE",
+ -0.0391768149758488, "M", "Age", 2.6913920936924e-07,
+ 0.00761621756675692, 1, 26.45937415602, -5.14386762621473, "FALSE",
+ -1.2919623998336, "M", "PClass (2nd)", 6.77732368246352e-07,
+ 0.260075781079861, 1, 24.6774298532553, -4.96763825708507, "FALSE",
+ -2.52141915270095, "M", "PClass (3rd)", 7.94813113282811e-20,
+ 0.276656805343584, 1, 83.0629554227789, -9.11388805191169, "FALSE",
+ -2.63135683476561, "M", "Sex (male)", 5.68409321426302e-39,
+ 0.201505378991114, 1, 170.524272319145, -13.0584942592607))
\ No newline at end of file