As of [email protected] the mongoose API has been fully decoupled into a plugin. For details on how to use this plugin once it has been installed please visit the Models page of the Co.Koa documentation
co-koa-mongoose@^1.8.0 has only been tested with co-koa-core
@^1.16.0 and may contain breaking changes with older versions.
add co-koa-mongoose-plugin to a Co.Koa project instance via:
npm i co-koa-mongoose-plugin --save
within your app.js add the co-koa-mongoose-plugin as a requirement and pass the mongoosePlugin call as below:
const fs = require('fs');
const mongoosePlugin = require('co-koa-mongoose-plugin');
if (fs.existsSync('./node_modules')) {
const CoKoa = require('co-koa-core');
try {
const coKoa = CoKoa(__dirname).launch(mongoosePlugin()); // <= HERE!
The mongoosePlugin
can optionally be called with a configuration object. The default configuration object is as below:
connectionString = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/coKoa',
promise = global.Promise,
plugins = undefined
The connectionString property expects either a list of strings or an object containing environment properties matching those supplied to your Co.Koa environment at launch (see installation & execution documentation for more information):
connectionString: {
development: 'mongodb://etc',
test: 'mongodb://etc',
etc: 'mongodb://etc',
the promise property expects a promise library for mongoose to use on asynchronous requests. You are strongly encouraged to supply an alternative promise library to mongoose. At the time of writing, the global promise library is significantly slower than other promise libraries (see, for example bluebird)
the plugins property can be supplied an array of additional Co.Koa plugins. These should point to methods based on the boilerplate below:
(mongoose) => {
return {
init (app, $) => {