You can adapt this Mustache_Template_Loader class or use it as an example of how to interface with whatever framework you use. The MustacheAST type for example can serialized/unserialized to APCU or other cache.
class Mustache_Template_Loader {
public $partials = [];
public $partial_pathname_resolver = false;
public $mustache_instance = false;
* Loads and renders a template from a path.
* @param string $tmplpath The input template filesystem path.
* @param mixed $data The data argument to Mustache::render.
* @param callable $callback Resolves a partial name to its filesystem path.
* @return false|string The string output, or false on failure
public static function load_and_render($tmplpath, $data, $callback) {
$loader = new Mustache_Template_Loader();
$loader->mustache_instance = new \Mustache();
$loader->partial_pathname_resolver = $callback;
$template_string = file_get_contents($tmplpath);
$template_ast = $loader->mustache_instance->parse($template_string);
$template_ast_array = $template_ast->toArray();
return $loader->mustache_instance->render($template_ast, $data, $loader->partials);
public function resolve_partials($ast_array) {
if (($ast_array['type'] ?? null) === 512) {
// The libmustache src/node.hpp has enum Type TypePartial = 512
$partial_name = $ast_array['data'];
$partial_ast = $this->partials[$partial_name] ?? null;
if ($partial_ast !== null) {
// this check prevents the performing of extra work
// and by corollary protects against indefinite recursion.
$this->partials[$partial_name] = "";
$partial_pathname = ($this->partial_pathname_resolver)($partial_name);
$partial_string = file_get_contents($partial_pathname);
$partial_ast = $this->mustache_instance->parse($partial_string);
$this->partials[$partial_name] = $partial_ast;
} else {
// For simplicity the AST node types are ignored here.
foreach ($ast_array as $ast_array_value) {
if (is_array($ast_array_value)) {
An example use of this class:
function template_pathname($partial_name) {
return '/usr/local/lib/templates/' . $partial_name . '.mustache';
echo Mustache_Template_Loader::load_and_render(