A tunable recursive provider go-ipfs client. Recursively enumerates files and folders and reprovides their roots to the DHT.
IPFS finds objects through its DHT. This DHT is forgetful, and its entries disappear over time.
Thus, a node that wants its content to be found must write its existence to the DHT regularly.
The problem: there is a limit to the rate one node can write to the DHT.
Thus, if the amount of of NumObjects
in ipfs repo stat
is large (I don't know the exact number. 1e6 is too much, 1e5 seems fine on some of my nodes.), not all content can be found directly.
Better and "official" explanation: ipfs/notes#296 (comment)
To use it, you should set
ipfs config Reprovider.Strategy roots
and then either launch hyperprov
or cargo run --
with the IPNS or MFS paths you want to be provided.