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Bikeshed prebuilt

🚲 Bundles Bikeshed for use without Python or pip

GitHub releases (this project) | Official Bikeshed website | Official bikeshed PyPI package | Official Bikeshed GitHub

🐍 Uses PyInstaller
🏭 Compiles the bikeshed PyPI package to a standalone program
🚚 Distributed via GitHub releases
💻 Builds for Windows x64, macOS M1 and Intel, and Linux x64


Python pipx

🛑 If possible you should install Bikeshed directly from the bikeshed PyPI package as is officially recommended on the Bikeshed Documentation website.

pipx install bikeshed

You can get Bikeshed builds built by this bikeshed-builder project from the GitHub releases tab. These are unofficial.


Windows Linux macOS

This project is intended to be used & integrated with software that works better without the Python & pip requirements that the official Bikeshed distribution method uses. You can also use it as a standalone way to install Bikeshed without a Python environment. For example an npm redistribution of the Bikeshed project to be npm install <bikeshed_package_name> would not want to require a particular Python environment. Instead, they would opt for a premade all-in-one binary/package such as the PyInstaller bikeshed released by this project! 😊

Here are the relevant URLs that you would use in your code to fetch releases from this bikeshed-builder project:

Programs are encouraged to pin an exact version of Bikeshed and then update Bikeshed as a dependency as opposed to always fetching the latest bikeshed release binaries.

Here's some cool😎 URLs which I don't recommend using.

The .zip and .tar.gz archives all have the same layout:

├── bikeshed
└── _internal/
    └── <pyinstaller_files>...

Note that everything is in the root folder! TODO: What's the prevailing convention? Should there be a wrapper folder inside the tar/zip archive?


Python GitHub Actions

Bikeshed doesn't do release tags. Make sure to manually watch the release notes issue and then rebase this fork's patch on top of the semver bump commit that corresponds with that release.

To rebase changes on top of upstream using the GitHub web UI:

  1. Create a new Pull Request speced/bikeshed main ➡ jcbhmr/bikeshed main
  2. Use the Merge dropdown to select Rebase
  3. Merge it!

To create a release of this project:

  1. Run the gh release create workflow manually
  2. Choose draft: true
  3. Hope it works
  4. Manually check that things look OK
  5. Publish the draft release

Bikeshed, a spec preprocessor

Bikeshed is a pre-processor for spec documents, turning a source document (containing only the actual spec content, plus several shorthands for linking to terms and other things) into a final spec document, with appropriate boilerplate, bibliography, indexes, etc all filled in. It's used on specs for CSS and many other W3C working groups, WHATWG, the C++ standards committee, and elsewhere!

CI Gitter Docs Release Notes

The processor can be easily installed and run locally (requiring no network access unless you're updating), or accessed as a CGI without any installation at all:

A short overview of some of Bikeshed's features:

Documentation Sections

The full Bikeshed documentation is generated by Bikeshed and accessible here.

Note About Fatal Errors

Bikeshed generates "fatal errors" for lots of things that it wants you to fix, but generally recovers gracefully from them anyway. If you're getting a fatal error, but don't have time to fix it and just need a spec right now, you can force Bikeshed to generate anyway with the -f flag, like: bikeshed -f spec.

This is also sometimes useful when converting a spec to Bikeshed for the first time, so you can see all the errors at once and fix them in whatever order is easiest, rather than having to deal with them one-by-one with no idea when they'll end. (You may also want to silence the warnings in this case, to reduce visual noise until you've gotten it at least building successfully. Use bikeshed -qf spec.)

Bikeshed File Extension

The preferred file extensions for Bikeshed source files is bs, like Bikeshed will automatically recognize *.bs files in the folder it's run in, and assume that you want an output file of the same name with a .html extension. The repository also contains a syntax highlighting script for Bikeshed source files.

(Bikeshed also recognizes files with *.src.html for backwards compatibility with older CSS specs, though most such specs have switched their source file extensions to .bs now. Using .src.html in most text editors will display the file with HTML source formatting, which isn't generally what you want.)


This document and all associated files in the github project are licensed under CC0 . This means you can reuse, remix, or otherwise appropriate this project for your own use without restriction. (The actual legal meaning can be found at the above link.) Don't ask me for permission to use any part of this project, just use it. I would appreciate attribution, but that is not required by the license.