The ONC (Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT) hosts a scorecard to grade C-CDA documents. The online version of that tool is available here:
This folder within the repository has a small script that will post all the files in the associated directories to the scorecard and record the scores.
For the script which runs the automated posting of the files, you will need Node.js and also to have installed the request and pretty-data npm packages
npm install request
npm install pretty-data
node postScorecard
This will created the directory layouts as shown in this directory. Note that scores may change over time due to changes in the C-CDA Scorecard offered by the ONC.
Average Score: 65.3 Median Score: 67 Standard Deviation: 12.5 Min/10th/25th/75th/90th/Max: 43/48/57/74/81/100