For run new REST API test automation just download and open this project Powered by JDI Dark
Can be found here
Download template and unpack in appropriate folder
Open project in IDE (for example IntelliJIdea) by selecting pom.xml or build.gradle
For running demo test just use "mvn clean install" command for maven or "gradlew clean build" for Gradle or run via IDE by click on "example" folder in src/test and select "Run tests"
Logs: Observe test run results in Console log
Reporting: After running tests run allure:serve in maven plugins or allureServe in gradle task
Use as template for your project:
- just remove all content from src/main/.../example folder, add your package you Service Objects
- replace tests in src/test/.../example folder with your tests
- For running parameterized builds (e.g. in CI/CD tools) you can use profiles:
- Gradle:
gradlew clean build -PBUILD_PROFILE=name of your .properties file placed in src/test/resources
gradlew clean build -DBUILD_PROFILE=name of your .properties file placed in src/test/resources
EXPORT BUILD_PROFILE=name of your .properties file placed in src/test/resources && gradlew clean build
- Maven:
mvn clean install -DBUILD_PROFILE=name of your .properties file placed in src/test/resources
EXPORT BUILD_PROFILE=name of your .properties file placed in src/test/resources && mvn clean install