My DIY Home Garage Opener
- Main purpose of this was to not only build a possibly over complex garage door opener, but to mix a few technologies together.
- Delphi FMX, FreePascal, Rasperry Pi and Arduino hardware *
- To show how these different peices could be used in a close system together *
I have a "dumb" garage door opener system, and doing small tests, was able to open them with an Arduino and relays.
So I figured I would try and tie this all up together making it overly complicated with Pi's and Arduinos and other parts that I already had laying around.
This is built to be customized to my setup. So no easy to use interfaces to add/remove/configure ect. All will be hard coded. At least in the very beginning to get stuff actually working. But I hope it gives people an idea down the road what can be done.
Some things I will be long hand coding until I am happy then will see about going back around to optimize.
Arduino IDE for Arduino Programming
Embarcadero Delphi for any and all Android/iOS/Win32 Programming
FreePascal / Lazarus for ARM Linux Programming
Arduino.GarageOpener - Arduino Nano - Controller for running relays, DHT11 Temp/Humidity Sensor, and RCWL Microwave Radar motion sensor.
PiServer.GarageOpener - Pi 3 B+ - 3.5" Touch Screen Pi running a simple HTTP Web Server to allow incoming connection calls. Communicates USB>Serial to Arduino.GarageOpener.
Arduino NANO terminal adapter
DHT11 sensor I would recommend geting a DHT22 or better. DHT11 is what I had laying around at the time
RCWL-0516 motion sensor
Bread board and wires....
Raspberry Pi 3 B+
3.5" TFT Screen
added to /etc/rc.local:
iwconfig wlan0 power off
FreePascal / Lazarus <---- needed to run latest FPC/Lazarus,38728.15.html <---- when I had issues installing components <---- Serial Port component for Lazarus / Linux <---- INDY components for Lazarus