diff --git a/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php b/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php index ba3291b..1b804f8 100644 --- a/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php +++ b/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php @@ -41,4 +41,252 @@ public function __construct(array $parameters) // doSomethingWith($argument); // } // + + /** + * @Given /^I am "([^"]*)"$/ + */ + public function iAm($arg1) + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^I Want to start a game$/ + */ + public function iWantToStartAGame() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Then /^I should get a new grid$/ + */ + public function iShouldGetANewGrid() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^I want to start a game$/ + */ + public function iWantToStartAGame2() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Then /^I should wait for "([^"]*)" to start a game$/ + */ + public function iShouldWaitForToStartAGame($arg1) + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^I am a "([^"]*)"$/ + */ + public function iAmA($arg1) + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^"([^"]*)" is not assigned$/ + */ + public function isNotAssigned($arg1) + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Then /^assign player to "([^"]*)"$/ + */ + public function assignPlayerTo($arg1) + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^"([^"]*)" is assigned$/ + */ + public function isAssigned($arg1) + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^I am on the "([^"]*)"$/ + */ + public function iAmOnThe($arg1) + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @When /^The game results in a draw$/ + */ + public function theGameResultsInADraw() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Then /^I should see a message saying "([^"]*)"$/ + */ + public function iShouldSeeAMessageSaying($arg1) + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @When /^I win the game$/ + */ + public function iWinTheGame() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Then /^I should not see a message saying "([^"]*)"$/ + */ + public function iShouldNotSeeAMessageSaying($arg1) + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @When /^I lose the game$/ + */ + public function iLoseTheGame() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @When /^The game starts$/ + */ + public function theGameStarts() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @When /^My opponent makes a move$/ + */ + public function myOpponentMakesAMove() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @When /^I complete my move$/ + */ + public function iCompleteMyMove() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @When /^A game ends$/ + */ + public function aGameEnds() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^it is the current Player\'s turn$/ + */ + public function itIsTheCurrentPlayerSTurn() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @When /^the current Player makes a move$/ + */ + public function theCurrentPlayerMakesAMove() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^the destination is already taken$/ + */ + public function theDestinationIsAlreadyTaken() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Then /^the current Player is told the move is invalid\.$/ + */ + public function theCurrentPlayerIsToldTheMoveIsInvalid() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^it is not the current Player\'s turn$/ + */ + public function itIsNotTheCurrentPlayerSTurn() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^I am a Player$/ + */ + public function iAmAPlayer() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^I Want to make a move$/ + */ + public function iWantToMakeAMove() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^the target box on the grid is free$/ + */ + public function theTargetBoxOnTheGridIsFree() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Then /^I can make a move$/ + */ + public function iCanMakeAMove() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^I want to make a move$/ + */ + public function iWantToMakeAMove2() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Given /^the target box on the grid is not free$/ + */ + public function theTargetBoxOnTheGridIsNotFree() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } + + /** + * @Then /^I can\'t make a move$/ + */ + public function iCanTMakeAMove() + { + throw new PendingException(); + } }