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Jed Smith edited this page Dec 31, 2021 · 5 revisions

Open Display Transform Wiki

On this wiki you will find a collection of tool documentation and nerdy ramblings about display transforms and tertiary subjects. I think explaining is important. I'll do my best to simplify and distill things down as much as possible, but I will assume some foundational knowledge of digital color topics.

Display Transforms

  • An Introduction
    High-level introduction to what this project is all about.
  • OpenDRT Quick-Start
    How to install OpenDRT in Nuke and Resolve, and some description of the parameters.

Look Transforms

  • stay tuned...


  • Image States
    How an image gets from a scene to your display.
  • Gamut Volume
    Dimensionality of a gamut volume.
  • RGB Tonemap
    All about per-channel display transforms. How they work and what effects they have on the look and behavior of images.
  • Tonescale
    How to compress scene-referred intensity down into the more limited display-referred output range. Using a norm to preserve color.
  • Chroma Compression
    Compressing chroma in order to preserve tonality and get the most out of our limited display device.
  • Whitepoint
    Technical whitepoint vs. creative whitepoint. filmlight link, chromaticity of peak, could be anything
  • High Dynamic Range
    What is HDR and how does the render transform change for these types of displays?

Support Materials

  • Footage
    A collection of sources for scene-linear source footage.

Educational Resources

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