set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
Group {
inputs 0
name HueSwatchSimple
selected true
xpos -2460
ypos 183
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 HueSwatch}
addUserKnob {26 swatch_label l " " T swatch}
addUserKnob {3 size}
size 256
addUserKnob {7 ar l aspect R 1 2}
ar 1
addUserKnob {41 p T Luminance.p}
addUserKnob {41 hue T Luminance.hue}
addUserKnob {41 sa T}
Constant {
inputs 0
format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512"
name Constant13
xpos 1170
ypos 501
postage_stamp false
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width {{parent.size}}
box_height {{box_width/}}
box_fixed true
name Reformat1
xpos 1170
ypos 527
Expression {
temp_name0 h
temp_expr0 hue/60
temp_name1 ch
temp_expr1 (x/width)
temp_name2 L
temp_expr2 (y/height)
channel0 { none}
expr0 h
expr1 (rint(ch*sa.w+0.5001)/sa.w)**(2/p)
expr2 (rint(L*sa.h+0.5001)/sa.h)**p
name Luminance
xpos 1170
ypos 566
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 p R 0 4}
p 1
addUserKnob {7 hue R 0 360}
hue {{t*6}}
addUserKnob {14 sa R 0 100}
sa {512 24}
Expression {
temp_name0 C
temp_expr0 b*g
temp_name1 H
temp_expr1 r
temp_name2 m
temp_expr2 b-C
temp_name3 X
temp_expr3 C*(1-fabs(H%2-1))
expr0 (H<1?C:H<2?X:H<3?0:H<4?0:H<5?X:C)+m
expr1 (H<1?X:H<2?C:H<3?C:H<4?X:H<5?0:0)+m
expr2 (H<1?0:H<2?0:H<3?X:H<4?C:H<5?C:X)+m
expr3 1
name HSV_to_RGB
xpos 1170
ypos 614
Output {
name Output
xpos 1170
ypos 662
set Ndae6ab00 [stack 0]
Rectangle {
replace true
area {0 0 2 256}
name Rectangle1
note_font Helvetica
selected true
xpos -2570
ypos 231
push $Ndae6ab00
Expression {
inputs 1+1
expr0 y/height
expr1 y/height
expr2 y/height
name Expression23
note_font Helvetica
selected true
xpos -2460
ypos 279
PositionToPoints2 {
display textured
selectable false
render_mode textured
cast_shadow false
receive_shadow false
P_channel rgb
detail 1
pointSize 0.003
name PositionToPoints7
selected true
xpos -2460
ypos 433
Dot {
name Dot21
note_font "Helvetica Bold"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 0xff
selected true
xpos -2426
ypos 522
Group {
inputs 0
name RGBCubeAlt2
selected true
xpos -2240
ypos 374
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {6 top_half l "top half" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {6 posterize -STARTLINE}
Group {
inputs 0
name HueSweep_4
xpos 1170
ypos 657
hide_input true
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {6 white +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {6 black +STARTLINE}
black true
Constant {
inputs 0
format "256 256 0 0 256 256 1 square_256"
name Constant15
xpos 1160
ypos 651
postage_stamp false
set N6c128f00 [stack 0]
Expression {
expr1 1-x/width
expr2 x/width
name Expression28
label "green/red\n"
xpos 1280
ypos 712
postage_stamp true
push $N6c128f00
Expression {
expr0 1-x/width
expr1 x/width
name Expression19
label "green/red\n"
xpos 1160
ypos 712
postage_stamp true
push $N6c128f00
Expression {
expr0 x/width
expr2 1-x/width
name Expression21
label "green/red\n"
xpos 1040
ypos 712
postage_stamp true
ContactSheet {
inputs 3
width {{width*columns}}
height {{height/pixel_aspect*rows}}
rows 1
columns 3
roworder TopBottom
name ContactSheet3
xpos 1160
ypos 831
Shuffle {
alpha white
name Shuffle1
xpos 1160
ypos 861
Dot {
name Dot1
note_font "Helvetica Bold"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 0xff
xpos 1194
ypos 894
set N6c0f5d00 [stack 0]
Expression {
expr3 (y/height-0.5)*2
name Expression2
xpos 1040
ypos 951
push $N6c0f5d00
Expression {
expr3 1-y/(height/2)
name Expression1
xpos 1040
ypos 891
push $N6c0f5d00
Fill {
inputs 1+1
color {0 0 0 1}
name Fill2
xpos 1160
ypos 937
disable {{!}}
Fill {
inputs 1+1
color {1 1 1 1}
name Fill1
xpos 1160
ypos 981
disable {{!parent.white}}
Output {
name Output1
xpos 1160
ypos 1070
Group {
name Exposure4
tile_color 0x79a9ffff
xpos 1170
ypos 770
addUserKnob {20 Exposure}
addUserKnob {18 exposure R -8 8}
exposure 4
addUserKnob {6 exposure_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
Input {
inputs 0
name Inputmask
xpos 120
ypos -9
number 1
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
xpos -40
ypos -81
Multiply {
inputs 1+1
channels rgb
value {{"pow(2, parent.exposure)"} {"pow(2, parent.exposure)"} {"pow(2, parent.exposure)"} {"pow(2, parent.exposure)"}}
xpos -40
ypos -9
Output {
name Output1
xpos -40
ypos 63
Clamp {
channels rgba
name Clamp18
xpos 1170
ypos 801
Posterize {
channels rgba
Colors 64
name Posterize1
xpos 1170
ypos 831
disable {{!parent.posterize}}
Dot {
name Dot1
note_font "Helvetica Bold"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 0xff
xpos 1204
ypos 924
set N6c28c800 [stack 0]
Expression {
expr0 1-r
expr1 1-g
expr2 1-b
channel3 none
name Complement1
xpos 1060
ypos 921
push $N6c28c800
ContactSheet {
inputs 2
width {{width*columns}}
height {{height/pixel_aspect*rows}}
rows 2
columns 1
roworder TopBottom
name ContactSheet1
xpos 1170
ypos 951
disable {{!parent.top_half}}
Output {
name Output
xpos 1170
ypos 1010
PositionToPoints2 {
display textured
selectable false
render_mode textured
cast_shadow false
receive_shadow false
P_channel rgb
detail 1
pointSize {{parent.PositionToPoints7.pointSize}}
name PositionToPoints8
selected true
xpos -2240
ypos 446
Scene {
inputs 2
selectable false
name Scene3
selected true
xpos -2230
ypos 498
disable {{!parent.plot_input}}
TransformGeo {
selectable false
rotate {{"-degrees(atan(sqrt(1/2))) "} 0 45}
name OrientAchromatic
selected true
xpos -2240
ypos 614
disable {{!parent.achromatic_up}}
Constant {
inputs 0
format "2048 1024 0 0 2048 1024 1 2K_LatLong"
name Constant4
note_font Helvetica
selected true
xpos -2680
ypos 183
postage_stamp false
Expression {
channel0 rgba
expr0 x/width
name Gradient1
note_font Helvetica
selected true
xpos -2680
ypos 231
Group {
inputs 0
name HueSwatch1
selected true
xpos -2240
ypos 183
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 HueSwatch}
addUserKnob {26 swatch_label l " " T swatch}
addUserKnob {3 size}
size 256
addUserKnob {7 ar l aspect R 1 2}
ar 1
addUserKnob {6 enable_samples_x l "" +STARTLINE +STARTLINE}
enable_samples_x true
addUserKnob {6 enable_samples l "" -STARTLINE}
enable_samples true
addUserKnob {3 samples_x l samples -STARTLINE}
samples_x 48
addUserKnob {3 samples l "" -STARTLINE}
samples 48
addUserKnob {41 p l power T Power.p}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {26 hue_label l " " T hue}
addUserKnob {41 minus l - T HueRotate.minus}
addUserKnob {41 plus l + -STARTLINE T}
addUserKnob {41 rotate T HueRotate.rotate}
Constant {
inputs 0
format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512"
name Constant13
xpos 1170
ypos 501
postage_stamp false
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width {{parent.size}}
box_height {{box_width/}}
box_fixed true
name Reformat1
xpos 1170
ypos 531
Dot {
name Dot1
xpos 1204
ypos 594
set Nd472c800 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot2
xpos 1094
ypos 594
Expression {
channel0 { none}
expr0 y/height
expr3 y/height
name Chrominance
xpos 1060
ypos 656
Expression {
expr0 rint(r*s+0.5001)/s
expr1 rint(g*s+0.5001)/s
expr2 rint(b*s+0.5001)/s
expr3 rint(a*s+0.5001)/s
name Quantize2
xpos 1060
ypos 687
disable {{!parent.enable_samples}}
addUserKnob {20 Quantize}
addUserKnob {3 s l samples}
s {{parent.samples}}
Expression {
temp_name0 mx
temp_expr0 max(r,g,b)
temp_name1 pmx
temp_expr1 mx==0?0:pow(mx,p)/mx
expr0 r*pmx
expr1 g*pmx
expr2 b*pmx
name Power1
xpos 1060
ypos 711
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 p R 0 4}
p 1.31
Dot {
name Dot3
xpos 1094
ypos 744
push $Nd472c800
Expression {
channel0 rgba
expr0 x/width
expr3 x/width
name Luminance
xpos 1170
ypos 656
Expression {
expr0 rint(r*s+0.5001)/s
expr1 rint(g*s+0.5001)/s
expr2 rint(b*s+0.5001)/s
expr3 rint(a*s+0.5001)/s
name Quantize1
xpos 1170
ypos 687
disable {{!parent.enable_samples_x}}
addUserKnob {20 Quantize}
addUserKnob {3 s l samples}
s {{parent.samples_x}}
Expression {
temp_name0 mx
temp_expr0 max(r,g,b)
temp_name1 pmx
temp_expr1 mx==0?0:pow(mx,p)/mx
expr0 r*pmx
expr1 g*pmx
expr2 b*pmx
name Power
xpos 1170
ypos 711
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 p R 0 4}
p 1.8
MergeExpression {
inputs 2
expr0 (1-r)*Ar+r
expr1 (1-g)*Ag+g
expr2 (1-b)*Ab+b
expr3 (1-a)*Aa+a
name MergeExpression2
xpos 1170
ypos 741
Group {
name HueRotate
xpos 1170
ypos 782
addUserKnob {20 HueRotate_tab l HueRotate}
addUserKnob {22 minus l - T "n = nuke.thisNode()\nrot = n\['rotate']\nrot.setValue(rot.getValue()-30)" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {22 plus l + -STARTLINE T "n = nuke.thisNode()\nrot = n\['rotate']\nrot.setValue(rot.getValue()+30)"}
addUserKnob {7 rotate t "hue angle in degrees to rotate input colors" R 0 360}
rotate {{t*5}}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
xpos -40
ypos 14
Expression {
temp_name0 M
temp_expr0 max(r,g,b)
temp_name1 C
temp_expr1 M-min(r,g,b)
temp_name2 H
temp_expr2 ((C==0?0:r==M?((g-b)/C+6)%6:g==M?(b-r)/C+2:b==M?(r-g)/C+4:0)+shift)%6
temp_name3 X
temp_expr3 C*(1-fabs(H%2-1))
expr0 (H<1?C:H<2?X:H<3?0:H<4?0:H<5?X:C)+min(r,g,b)
expr1 (H<1?X:H<2?C:H<3?C:H<4?X:H<5?0:0)+min(r,g,b)
expr2 (H<1?0:H<2?0:H<3?X:H<4?C:H<5?C:X)+min(r,g,b)
expr3 H
name HueRotate_2
xpos -40
ypos 63
addUserKnob {20 HueRotate_tab l HueRotate}
addUserKnob {7 shift R 0 6}
shift {{rotate/60}}
Output {
name Output
xpos -40
ypos 110
Output {
name Output
xpos 1170
ypos 830
Group {
inputs 0
name EpicHueSweep3
selected true
xpos -2020
ypos 183
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 HueSweep}
addUserKnob {26 swatch_label l " " T swatch}
addUserKnob {3 size}
size 512
addUserKnob {7 ar l aspect R 1 2}
ar 1
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {4 colorspace t "color model to create the hue sweep in" M {RGB Yxy L*u'v' Yrg ""}}
addUserKnob {41 rgb_gamut l "rgb gamut" t "define the gamut for RGB colorspace.\n\nFor example if you want to output a sRGB hue sweep in ACEScg, chose rgb gamut = Rec.709, out gamut = ACEScg" -STARTLINE T XYZ_to_Gamut1.gamut}
addUserKnob {41 out_gamut l "out gamut" T XYZ_to_Gamut.gamut}
addUserKnob {41 quantize l "quantize into discrete samples" T ValueChromaHue.quantize}
addUserKnob {41 sm l samples T}
addUserKnob {41 hueshift l "hue shift" T ValueChromaHue.hueshift}
addUserKnob {41 ch l "chroma max" T}
addUserKnob {41 sa l "chroma ramp" T}
addUserKnob {41 ex l exposure T ValueChromaHue.ex}
addUserKnob {41 p l contrast T ValueChromaHue.p}
addUserKnob {6 achromatic_row l "achromatic row" +STARTLINE}
Constant {
inputs 0
format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512"
name Constant13
xpos 1060
ypos 494
postage_stamp false
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width {{ar>1?parent.size:parent.size*ar}}
box_height {{ar<1?parent.size:box_width/}}
box_fixed true
name Reformat1
xpos 1060
ypos 542
Expression {
temp_name0 _r
temp_expr0 y/height
temp_name1 rs
temp_expr1 _r*sm
temp_name2 ri
temp_expr2 rint(rs+0.5001)/sm
expr0 exp(p*x/width-p)*pow(2,ex)
expr1 (1-rs%1*sa)*ch
expr2 ((quantize?ri:_r)+sh)%1
name ValueChromaHue
xpos 1060
ypos 615
addUserKnob {20 Params}
addUserKnob {6 quantize l "quantize into discrete samples" +STARTLINE}
quantize true
addUserKnob {3 sm l samples t "number of discrete hue samples"}
sm 6
addUserKnob {7 ch l chroma t "set the max chroma"}
ch 1
addUserKnob {7 sa l "chroma ramp" t "create a chroma ramp from max chroma value to 1-this value for each hue"}
sa 1
addUserKnob {7 ex l exposure t "exposure up or down" R -4 6}
addUserKnob {7 p l contrast R 0 10}
p 4.5
addUserKnob {7 sh l shift t "shift the resulting hue: a value of 1 is 360 degrees"}
sh {{hueshift/360}}
addUserKnob {7 hueshift l "hue shift" t "shift the resulting hue in degrees" R 0 360}
set N239a0100 [stack 0]
Expression {
temp_name0 h
temp_expr0 b*2*pi
expr0 r
expr1 g*cos(h)
expr2 g*sin(h)
name polar_to_cartesian
xpos 730
ypos 686
set Nd4263900 [stack 0]
Expression {
temp_name0 d
temp_expr0 invert?-1:1
expr1 g+d*0.14722
expr2 b+d*0.50911666
name offset_white1
xpos 730
ypos 783
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {6 invert +STARTLINE}
Expression {
temp_name0 l
temp_expr0 0.95*g+0.38*b
temp_name1 m
temp_expr1 0.02*g+0.59*b+0.03
temp_name2 _a
temp_expr2 r/(0.68990272*l+0.34832189*m)
expr0 l*_a
expr1 m*_a
expr2 (1-l-m)*_a
name Yrg_to_tRGB2
xpos 730
ypos 831
Expression {
expr0 r*w.0
expr1 g*w.1
expr2 b*w.2
name Normalize1
label D65
xpos 730
ypos 872
addUserKnob {20 Params}
addUserKnob {35 presets l "" +STARTLINE M {presets/D50 "knobs this \{w \{1.08221 0.883260 0.447579\} label D50\}" presets/D55 "knobs this \{w \{1.07730 0.896467 0.500927\} label D55\}" presets/D60 "knobs this \{w \{1.07344 0.907523 0.549381\} label D60\}" presets/D65 "knobs this \{w \{1.07046 0.916817 0.594251\} label D65\}" presets/D75 "knobs this \{w \{1.06600 0.931715 0.670839\} label D75\}" presets/D93 "knobs this \{w \{1.06098 0.950462 0.776150\} label D93\}"}}
addUserKnob {78 w n 3}
w {1.07046 0.916817 0.594251}
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.257085 0.859943 -0.031061}
{-0.394427 1.1758 0.106423}
{0.064856 -0.07625 0.559067}
invert true
name tlms_to_XYZ
xpos 730
ypos 910
Group {
name XYZ_to_Gamut
tile_color 0x429940ff
xpos 730
ypos 950
addUserKnob {20 InputGamut_to_XYZ_tab l InputGamut_to_XYZ}
addUserKnob {4 gamut l "input gamut" M {ACES ACEScg P3D65 Rec.2020 Rec.709 "Alexa WideGamut" "Red WideGamutRGB" "Sony SGamut3" "Filmlight E-Gamut" "DaVinci Wide Gamut" "" ""}}
gamut Rec.2020
addUserKnob {41 matrix T ColorMatrix.matrix}
addUserKnob {41 invert -STARTLINE T ColorMatrix.invert}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
xpos 290
ypos -610
Dot {
name Dot1
xpos 324
ypos -546
set Nd4260800 [stack 0]
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{{"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"}}
{{"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"}}
{{"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"}}
invert true
name ColorMatrix
xpos 290
ypos -370
Output {
name Output
xpos 290
ypos -250
push $Nd4260800
Dot {
name Dot391
label " *RGB to XYZ D65 CAT: XYZ Scaling"
xpos 434
ypos -546
set Nd6a5f200 [stack 0]
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.7006223202 0.1487748027 0.101058729}
{0.2741184831 0.8736317754 -0.1477504224}
{-0.09896290302 -0.1378953159 1.325916052}
name ColorMatrix30
label "DaVinci WG to XYZ D65"
xpos 1390
ypos -466
push $Nd6a5f200
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.705396831 0.1640413404 0.08101775497}
{0.2801307142 0.8202067018 -0.1003373787}
{-0.1037815139 -0.07290726155 1.265746593}
name ColorMatrix29
label "Filmlight E-Gamut to XYZ D65"
xpos 1280
ypos -466
push $Nd6a5f200
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.5990839005 0.2489254922 0.1024464965}
{0.2150758207 0.8850684166 -0.1001443192}
{-0.03206584975 -0.02765838802 1.148782015}
name ColorMatrix31
label "SonySGamut3 to XYZ D65"
xpos 1170
ypos -465
push $Nd6a5f200
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.735275209 0.06860940903 0.1465712786}
{0.2866940796 0.8429790735 -0.1296732426}
{-0.07968084514 -0.3473432064 1.516081929}
name ColorMatrix22
label "REDWideGamutRGB to XYZ D65"
xpos 1060
ypos -466
push $Nd6a5f200
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.6380076408 0.2147038132 0.09774445742}
{0.2919537723 0.8238408566 -0.1157948226}
{0.002798279049 -0.06703422219 1.153293848}
name ColorMatrix21
label "Arri AlexaWideGamut to XYZ D65"
xpos 950
ypos -466
push $Nd6a5f200
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.4123909175 0.3575843573 0.1804807931}
{0.2126390785 0.7151687145 0.07219231129}
{0.01933082566 0.1191947833 0.9505321383}
name ColorMatrix18
label "Rec709 to XYZ D65"
xpos 840
ypos -466
push $Nd6a5f200
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.6369581223 0.1446169168 0.1688809693}
{0.2627002299 0.6779981256 0.05930171534}
{4.99410725e-17 0.02807269618 1.060985088}
name ColorMatrix17
label "Rec2020 to XYZ D65"
xpos 730
ypos -466
push $Nd6a5f200
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.4865711331 0.2656677067 0.1982173175}
{0.2289746404 0.6917386055 0.07928691804}
{-3.972076965e-17 0.04511338845 1.043944478}
name ColorMatrix16
label "P3D65 to XYZ D65"
xpos 620
ypos -466
push $Nd6a5f200
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.6609312296 0.1336961389 0.1558285803}
{0.2722287476 0.6740817428 0.05368950963}
{-0.006018006243 0.004383686464 1.090692043}
name ColorMatrix1
label "ACEScg to XYZ D65"
xpos 510
ypos -466
push $Nd6a5f200
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.9503623843 0 9.346324805e-05}
{0.3439664543 0.728166163 -0.07213254273}
{0 0 1.089057803}
name ColorMatrix2
label "ACES to XYZ D65"
xpos 400
ypos -466
Switch {
inputs 10
which {{gamut}}
name SwitchGamut
xpos 400
ypos -370
push $Nd4263900
Group {
name Colorspace_CIELuv
xpos 840
ypos 878
addUserKnob {20 CIELuv_tab l CIELuv}
addUserKnob {41 gamut T Gamut_to_XYZ.gamut}
addUserKnob {4 opp l mode t "Output traditional opponent model L*u*v*, \nor output euclidean L*u'v', with optional whitepoint offset" M {L*u'v' L*u*v*}}
addUserKnob {6 LCh l LCh(uv) t "Polar coordinate transform of cartesian L*u'v': \nLuminance, Chroma, Hue angle. \n\nNote: Must output L*u*v* for this to work.\nNote: h is output in radians: 0 to 2*pi" -STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {41 illum t "whitepoint illuminant" T XYZ_to_Luv.illum}
addUserKnob {6 wo l "wp offset" t "in cartesian L*u'v', offset such that whitepoint illuminant is at origin." -STARTLINE}
wo true
addUserKnob {4 direction M {forward inverse}}
direction inverse
addUserKnob {6 n l normalize t "normalize to 0-1 range" +STARTLINE}
n true
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
xpos 83
ypos -428
set N8019600 [stack 0]
Expression {
temp_name0 n
expr0 r
expr1 g*cos(b)
expr2 g*sin(b)
name LCh_to_Luv
xpos 180
ypos -370
disable {{!LCh}}
Expression {
temp_name0 m
temp_expr0 n?100:1
expr0 r*m
expr1 opp?g*m:g
expr2 opp?b*m:b
name Scale
xpos 180
ypos -324
Expression {
expr1 g+o.0
expr2 b+o.1
name inv_offset_white
xpos 180
ypos -298
disable {{parent.offset_white.disable x21 1}}
addUserKnob {20 Params}
addUserKnob {78 o n 2}
o {{parent.XYZ_to_Luv.uw} {parent.XYZ_to_Luv.vw}}
Expression {
temp_name0 _a
temp_expr0 (52*r/(opp?g+13*r*uw:13*g*r)-1)/3
temp_name1 Y
temp_expr1 r>_k*_e?pow((r+16)/116,3):r/_k
temp_name2 _d
temp_expr2 Y*(39*r/(opp?b+13*r*vw:13*b*r)-5)
temp_name3 X
temp_expr3 (_d+5*Y)/(_a+1/3)
expr0 X
expr1 Y
expr2 X*_a-5*Y
name Luv_to_XYZ1
xpos 180
ypos -274
addUserKnob {20 Params}
addUserKnob {18 ixyz l illum_XYZ}
ixyz {{parent.XYZ_to_Luv.ixyz} {parent.XYZ_to_Luv.ixyz} {parent.XYZ_to_Luv.ixyz}}
addUserKnob {6 ixyz_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {6 illum_XYZ_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {7 uw}
uw {{4*ixyz.r/(ixyz.r+15*ixyz.g+3*ixyz.b)}}
addUserKnob {7 vw}
vw {{9*ixyz.g/(ixyz.r+15*ixyz.g+3*ixyz.b)}}
addUserKnob {7 _e}
_e {{216/24389}}
addUserKnob {7 _k}
_k {{24389/27}}
push $N8019600
Expression {
temp_name0 d
temp_expr0 (r+15*g+3*b)
temp_name1 u
temp_expr1 4*r/d
temp_name2 v
temp_expr2 9*g/d
temp_name3 L
temp_expr3 g>_e?116*pow(g,1/3)-16:g*_k
expr0 L/(n?100:1)
expr1 opp?13*L*(u-uw)/(n?100:1):u
expr2 opp?13*L*(v-vw)/(n?100:1):v
name XYZ_to_Luv
xpos -40
ypos -322
addUserKnob {20 Params}
addUserKnob {4 illum M {D50 D55 D60 D65}}
illum D65
addUserKnob {18 ixyz l illum_XYZ}
ixyz {{curve(illum) 0.9642945528 0.9567937851 0.9526392221 0.9504492879} {curve(illum) 1 1 1 1} {curve(illum) 0.825103879 0.9213933349 1.008833051 1.089060545}}
addUserKnob {6 ixyz_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {6 illum_XYZ_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {7 uw}
uw {{4*ixyz.r/(ixyz.r+15*ixyz.g+3*ixyz.b)}}
addUserKnob {7 vw}
vw {{9*ixyz.g/(ixyz.r+15*ixyz.g+3*ixyz.b)}}
addUserKnob {7 _e}
_e {{216/24389}}
addUserKnob {7 _k}
_k {{24389/27}}
Expression {
expr1 g-o.0
expr2 b-o.1
name offset_white
xpos -40
ypos -296
disable {{!(!opp&&wo)}}
addUserKnob {20 Params}
addUserKnob {78 o n 2}
o {{parent.XYZ_to_Luv.uw} {parent.XYZ_to_Luv.vw}}
Expression {
temp_name0 h
temp_expr0 atan2(b,g)
expr0 r
expr1 hypot(g,b)
expr2 h<0?h+radians(360):h
name Luv_to_LCh
xpos -40
ypos -250
disable {{!LCh}}
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.direction}}
name SwitchDirection
xpos 83
ypos -188
Output {
name Output
xpos 70
ypos -58
StickyNote {
inputs 0
name StickyNote1
tile_color 0x272727ff
label "CIE L*u*v*\n\n\n"
note_font_size 14
note_font_color 0xa8a8a8ff
xpos -110
ypos -154
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{{parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix}}
{{parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix}}
{{parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix}}
invert true
name ColorMatrix1
xpos 840
ypos 951
push $Nd4263900
Expression {
temp_name0 aY
temp_expr0 r
temp_name1 ax
temp_expr1 g+w.0
temp_name2 ay
temp_expr2 b+w.1
expr0 b==0?b:(ax*aY/ay)
expr1 b==0?0:r
expr2 b==0?b:(1-ax-ay)*aY/ay
name Yxy_to_XYZ3
xpos 950
ypos 878
addUserKnob {20 Params}
addUserKnob {4 illum M {D50 D55 D60 D65}}
illum D65
addUserKnob {78 wxyz n 3}
wxyz {{curve(illum) 0.9642945528 0.9567937851 0.9526392221 0.9504492879} {curve(illum) 1 1 1 1} {curve(illum) 0.825103879 0.9213933349 1.008833051 1.089060545}}
addUserKnob {78 w n 2}
w {{wxyz.0/(wxyz.0+wxyz.1+wxyz.2)} {wxyz.1/(wxyz.0+wxyz.1+wxyz.2)}}
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{{parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix}}
{{parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix}}
{{parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix}}
invert true
name ColorMatrix3
xpos 950
ypos 951
push $N239a0100
Expression {
temp_name0 C
temp_expr0 r*g
temp_name1 X
temp_expr1 C*(1-abs((b*6)%2-1))
temp_name2 m
temp_expr2 r-C
expr0 (b<1/6?C:b<2/6?X:b<3/6?0:b<4/6?0:b<5/6?X:C)+m
expr1 (b<1/6?X:b<2/6?C:b<3/6?C:b<4/6?X:b<5/6?0:0)+m
expr2 (b<1/6?0:b<2/6?0:b<3/6?X:b<4/6?C:b<5/6?C:X)+m
name VSH_to_RGB1
xpos 1060
ypos 838
Group {
name XYZ_to_Gamut1
tile_color 0x429940ff
xpos 1060
ypos 902
addUserKnob {20 InputGamut_to_XYZ_tab l InputGamut_to_XYZ}
addUserKnob {4 gamut l "input gamut" M {ACES ACEScg P3D65 Rec.2020 Rec.709 "Alexa WideGamut" "Red WideGamutRGB" "Sony SGamut3" "Filmlight E-Gamut" "DaVinci Wide Gamut" "" ""}}
gamut Rec.2020
addUserKnob {41 matrix T ColorMatrix.matrix}
addUserKnob {41 invert -STARTLINE T ColorMatrix.invert}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
xpos 290
ypos -610
Dot {
name Dot1
xpos 324
ypos -546
set Nfb0ecf00 [stack 0]
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{{"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"}}
{{"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"}}
{{"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"}}
name ColorMatrix
xpos 290
ypos -370
Output {
name Output
xpos 290
ypos -250
push $Nfb0ecf00
Dot {
name Dot391
label " *RGB to XYZ D65 CAT: XYZ Scaling"
xpos 434
ypos -546
set Nfb0b3900 [stack 0]
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.7006223202 0.1487748027 0.101058729}
{0.2741184831 0.8736317754 -0.1477504224}
{-0.09896290302 -0.1378953159 1.325916052}
name ColorMatrix30
label "DaVinci WG to XYZ D65"
xpos 1390
ypos -466
push $Nfb0b3900
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.705396831 0.1640413404 0.08101775497}
{0.2801307142 0.8202067018 -0.1003373787}
{-0.1037815139 -0.07290726155 1.265746593}
name ColorMatrix29
label "Filmlight E-Gamut to XYZ D65"
xpos 1280
ypos -466
push $Nfb0b3900
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.5990839005 0.2489254922 0.1024464965}
{0.2150758207 0.8850684166 -0.1001443192}
{-0.03206584975 -0.02765838802 1.148782015}
name ColorMatrix31
label "SonySGamut3 to XYZ D65"
xpos 1170
ypos -465
push $Nfb0b3900
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.735275209 0.06860940903 0.1465712786}
{0.2866940796 0.8429790735 -0.1296732426}
{-0.07968084514 -0.3473432064 1.516081929}
name ColorMatrix22
label "REDWideGamutRGB to XYZ D65"
xpos 1060
ypos -466
push $Nfb0b3900
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.6380076408 0.2147038132 0.09774445742}
{0.2919537723 0.8238408566 -0.1157948226}
{0.002798279049 -0.06703422219 1.153293848}
name ColorMatrix21
label "Arri AlexaWideGamut to XYZ D65"
xpos 950
ypos -466
push $Nfb0b3900
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.4123909175 0.3575843573 0.1804807931}
{0.2126390785 0.7151687145 0.07219231129}
{0.01933082566 0.1191947833 0.9505321383}
name ColorMatrix18
label "Rec709 to XYZ D65"
xpos 840
ypos -466
push $Nfb0b3900
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.6369581223 0.1446169168 0.1688809693}
{0.2627002299 0.6779981256 0.05930171534}
{4.99410725e-17 0.02807269618 1.060985088}
name ColorMatrix17
label "Rec2020 to XYZ D65"
xpos 730
ypos -466
push $Nfb0b3900
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.4865711331 0.2656677067 0.1982173175}
{0.2289746404 0.6917386055 0.07928691804}
{-3.972076965e-17 0.04511338845 1.043944478}
name ColorMatrix16
label "P3D65 to XYZ D65"
xpos 620
ypos -466
push $Nfb0b3900
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.6609312296 0.1336961389 0.1558285803}
{0.2722287476 0.6740817428 0.05368950963}
{-0.006018006243 0.004383686464 1.090692043}
name ColorMatrix1
label "ACEScg to XYZ D65"
xpos 510
ypos -466
push $Nfb0b3900
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{0.9503623843 0 9.346324805e-05}
{0.3439664543 0.728166163 -0.07213254273}
{0 0 1.089057803}
name ColorMatrix2
label "ACES to XYZ D65"
xpos 400
ypos -466
Switch {
inputs 10
which {{gamut}}
name SwitchGamut
xpos 400
ypos -370
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{{parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix}}
{{parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix}}
{{parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix} {parent.XYZ_to_Gamut.ColorMatrix.matrix}}
invert true
name ColorMatrix2
xpos 1060
ypos 951
Switch {
inputs 4
which {{colorspace}}
name Switch1
xpos 840
ypos 1022
Crop {
box {0 -1 {width} {height}}
crop false
name Crop2
xpos 840
ypos 1118
disable {{!parent.achromatic_row}}
Expression {
temp_name0 ar
temp_expr0 exp(p*x/width-p)*pow(2,ex)
channel0 { none}
expr0 y==-1?ar:r
expr1 y==-1?ar:g
expr2 y==-1?ar:b
name Expression1
label "achromatic row"
xpos 840
ypos 1160
disable {{!parent.achromatic_row}}
Crop {
box {0 {-height/sm} {width} {height}}
reformat true
crop false
name Crop1
xpos 840
ypos 1214
disable {{!parent.achromatic_row}}
set Nd4770800 [stack 0]
Shuffle {
alpha white
name Shuffle1
label "\[value in]"
xpos 840
ypos 1257
Output {
name Output
xpos 840
ypos 1334
push $Nd4770800
Viewer {
frame_range 1-100
name Viewer1
note_font Helvetica
xpos 1115
ypos 1119
Saturation {
saturation {{_s}}
mode Maximum
name Saturation4
note_font Helvetica
selected true
xpos -2020
ypos 255
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 _s l "" +STARTLINE}
_s 1