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105 lines (72 loc) · 4.13 KB
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DEPRICATION NOTICE This repository is NO LONGER MAINTAINED. Please consider using mturk-api.

This module is for working with the Mechanical Turk API.


The development of this package has diverged from what's installed on NPM. For the old version, you may want to see the legacy branch, or perhaps this more active fork.

This package is not currently fully documented and tested, but it is a straightforward replication of the MTurk API, and is used in packages such as TurkServer. The easiest way to install is to check it out as a submodule into your Node project.


You must sign up for a Mechanical Turk account and then find your Access Key and Secret Key.

var creds = {accessKey: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY", secretKey: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"};
var mturk  = require("../index")({creds: creds, sandbox: true});

Create a HIT Type

The HIT Type defines a bunch of things about the HIT such as approval time, reward, etc. and can be used for multiple HITs. You must register at least one of these before creating a HIT.

var RegisterHITTypeOptions = { 
	Title: "Your HIT Title"
	, Keywords: "keyword1, keyword2, keyword3" 
	, Description: "Your description"
	, Reward: {Amount: 1.0, CurrencyCode: "USD"}
	, AssignmentDurationInSeconds: 3600
	, AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds: 3600
	, QualificationRequirement: [mturk.QualificationRequirements.Adults]

mturk.RegisterHITType(RegisterHITTypeOptions, function(err, HITTypeId){
	if (err) throw err;
	console.log("Registered HIT type "+HITTypeId);

Create a HIT

Assumes you have HITTypeId (like the one created in the previous step) and some XML (questionXML) that is a QuestionForm data structure, an ExternalQuestion data structure, an HTMLQuestion data structure, or a HITLayoutId with optional parameters.

Use XML:

var CreateHITOptions = {
	'HITTypeId': HITTypeId
	, 'Question': questionXML
	, 'LifetimeInSeconds': 60 * 20  // How long should the assignment last?
	, 'MaxAssignments': 10 			// How many responses do you want?

mturk.CreateHIT(CreateHITOptions, function(err, HITId){
	if (err) throw err;
	console.log("Created HIT "+HITId);

Or use a Layout:

var LayoutOptions = {
    'HITTypeId': HITTypeId
    , 'HITLayoutId': layoutId
    , 'HITLayoutParameters': {
    	foo: 'bar'

Fetch Reviewable HITs

coming soon...

Approve a HIT

coming soon...


To run tests, you first must make a file called test/aws_creds.js with the following:

module.exports = {accessKey: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY", secretKey: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"};

Then you can run

npm test

To Do

  • Tests for existing API methods that don't have them
  • Systematic API method implementation
  • Make some simple examples

Other Reading

Before you use this module, it's very helpful to understand exactly how a a HIT, the fundamental unit of work on MTurk, works. This is a great guide: Overview: Lifecycle of a HIT

This module is a pretty straightforward mirror of the MTurk API. So after you read the previous article, check out the API.