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Job DSL Commands
NOTE: See the Job Reference and View Reference pages for details about all options.
The DSL execution engine exposes a method, called job
. This job
method implies the creation of a Jenkins job
and the closure to this method can be used to define the job's settings. The only mandatory option is name
job {
name 'my-job'
There are similar methods to create Jenkins views and folders:
view {
name 'my-view'
folder {
name 'my-folder'
The name is treated as absolute to the Jenkins root by default, but the seed job can be configured to interpret names relative to the seed job. (since 1.24)
In the closure provided to job
there are a few top level methods, like label
and chucknorris
. Others are nested
deeper in blocks which represent their role in Jenkins, e.g. the publishers
block contains all the publisher actions.
DSL methods can be cumulative or overriding, meaning that some methods will add nodes (e.g. publishers
and steps
and some will replace nodes (e.g. disabled
will replace any existing disabled nodes). Some methods like scm
are mutually exclusive. Likewise, when using the scm
block, only one SCM can be specified.
When a DSL method isn't available, look at The Configure Block for extending the DSL.
NOTE: when using these methods, remember that you need to use them in context. I.e. to use the downstream
it needs to be enclosed in a publishers
The following high level overview shows what's available in a Groovy-like syntax. If an argument is followed by an equals sign, this means it's a default value that is used when the argument is left out. Arguments can only be omitted from right to left. Many methods provide options in deeper nested blocks which are not shown in this overview. See the Job Reference and View Reference pages for details.
job(Map<String, ?> arguments = [:]) {
name(String name)
// DSL specific methods
using(String templateName)
configure(Closure configBlock)
// common options
batchTask(String name, String script)
blockOn(String projectNames)
blockOn(Iterable<String> projectNames)
checkoutRetryCount(int times = 3)
concurrentBuild(boolean allowConcurrentBuild = true) // since 1.21
customWorkspace(String workspacePath)
description(String description)
disabled(boolean shouldDisable = true)
displayName(String displayName)
environmentVariables(Map<Object, Object> vars, Closure envClosure = null)
environmentVariables(Closure envClosure)
jdk(String jdk)
keepDependencies(boolean keep = true)
label(String label)
logRotator(int daysToKeep = -1, int numToKeep = -1, int artifactDaysToKeep = -1,
int artifactNumToKeep = -1)
priority(int value)
quietPeriod(int seconds = 5)
throttleConcurrentBuilds(Closure throttleClosure)
authorization {
permission(String permission)
permission(String permEnumName, String user)
permission(Permissions perm, String user)
permissionAll(String user)
parameters {
booleanParam(String parameterName, boolean defaultValue = false,
String description = null)
choiceParam(String parameterName, List<String> options, String description = null)
fileParam(String fileLocation, String description = null)
listTagsParam(String parameterName, String scmUrl, String tagFilterRegex,
boolean sortNewestFirst = false, boolean sortZtoA = false,
String maxTagsToDisplay = 'all', String defaultValue = null,
String description = null)
runParam(String parameterName, String jobToRun, String description = null,
String filter = null)
stringParam(String parameterName, String defaultValue = null,
String description = null)
textParam(String parameterName, String defaultValue = null,
String description = null)
scm {
baseClearCase(Closure closure) // since 1.24
cloneWorkspace(String parentProject, String criteriaArg)
git(Closure gitClosure)
git(String url, Closure configure = null)
git(String url, String branch, Closure configure = null)
github(String ownerAndProject, String branch = null, String protocol = 'https',
Closure configure)
github(String ownerAndProject, String branch = null, String protocol = 'https',
String host = 'github.com', Closure configure = null)
hg(String url, String branch = null, Closure configure = null)
p4(String viewspec, Closure configure = null)
p4(String viewspec, String user, Closure configure = null)
p4(String viewspec, String user, String password, Closure configure = null)
svn(String svnUrl, Closure configure = null)
svn(String svnUrl, String localDir, Closure configure = null)
multiscm(Closure scmClosure)
triggers {
cron(String cron)
gerrit(Closure gerritClosure = null)
pullRequest(Closure pullRequestClosure) // since 1.22
scm(String cron)
snapshotDependencies(boolean checkSnapshotDependencies)
urlTrigger(String cronString = null, Closure urlTriggerClosure)
wrappers { // since 1.19, before that the methods were on top level
allocatePorts(Closure closure = null)
allocatePorts(String[] ports, Closure closure = null)
buildName(String nameTemplate) // since 1.24
colorizeOutput(String colorMap)
environmentVariables(Closure envClosure)
exclusionResources(String... resourceNames) // since 1.24
exclusionResources(Iterable<String> resourceNames) // since 1.24
injectPasswords() // since 1.23
keychains(Closure closure) // since 1.24
logSizeChecker(Closure closure = null) // since 1.23
preBuildCleanup(Closure closure = null) // since 1.22
release(Closure releaseClosure) // since 1.22
runOnSameNodeAs(String jobName, boolean useSameWorkspace = false)
rvm(String rubySpecification)
sshAgent(String credentials)
timeout(Closure timeoutClosure)
timeout(String type = 'absolute', Closure timeoutClosure = null) // deprecated
timeout(Integer timeoutInMinutes, Boolean shouldFailBuild = true) // deprecated
toolenv(String... tools)
xvnc(boolean takeScreenshot = false)
steps {
ant(Closure antClosure = null)
ant(String targets, Closure antClosure = null)
ant(String targets, String buildFile, Closure antClosure = null)
ant(String targets, String buildFile, String antInstallation,
Closure antClosure = null)
batchFile(String command)
conditionalSteps(Closure conditionalClosure)
copyArtifacts(String jobName, String includeGlob, Closure copyArtifactClosure)
copyArtifacts(String jobName, String includeGlob, String targetPath,
Closure copyArtifactClosure)
copyArtifacts(String jobName, String includeGlob, String targetPath = '',
boolean flattenFiles, Closure copyArtifactClosure)
copyArtifacts(String jobName, String includeGlob, String targetPath = '',
boolean flattenFiles, boolean optionalAllowed,
Closure copyArtifactClosure)
criticalBlock(Closure stepClosure) // since 1.24
downstreamParameterized(Closure downstreamClosure)
dsl(Closure dslClosure = null)
dsl(String scriptText, String removedJobAction = null,
boolean ignoreExisting = false)
dsl(Collection<String> externalScripts, String removedJobAction = null,
boolean ignoreExisting = false)
environmentVariables(Closure envClosure)
gradle(String tasks = null, String switches = null, Boolean useWrapperArg = true,
Closure configure = null)
grails(Closure grailsClosure)
grails(String targets, Closure grailsClosure)
grails(String targets, boolean useWrapperArg = false, Closure grailsClosure)
groovyCommand(String command, Closure groovyClosure = null)
groovyCommand(String command, String groovyName, Closure groovyClosure = null)
groovyScriptFile(String fileName, Closure groovyClosure = null)
groovyScriptFile(String fileName, String groovyName, Closure groovyClosure = null)
maven(Closure mavenClosure) // since 1.20
maven(String target = null, String pom = null, Closure configure = null)
phase(Closure phaseClosure)
phase(String name, Closure phaseClosure = null)
phase(String name, String continuationConditionArg, Closure phaseClosure)
prerequisite(String projectList = '', boolean warningOnly = false) // since 1.19
remoteTrigger(String remoteJenkinsName, String jobName,
Closure remoteTriggerClosure) // since 1.22
sbt(String sbtName = null, String actions = null, String sbtFlags = null,
String jvmFlags = null, String subdirPath = null, Closure configure = null)
shell(String command)
systemGroovyCommand(String command, Closure systemGroovyClosure = null)
systemGroovyScriptFile(String fileName, Closure systemGroovyClosure = null)
publishers {
aggregateDownstreamTestResults(String jobs = null,
boolean includeFailedBuilds = false) // since 1.19
androidLint(String pattern, Closure staticAnalysisClosure = null)
archiveArtifacts(String glob, String excludeGlob = null,
boolean latestOnlyBoolean = false)
archiveArtifacts(Closure archiveArtifactsClosure) // since 1.20
archiveJavadoc(Closure javadocClosure) // since 1.19
archiveJunit(String glob, boolean retainLongStdout = false,
boolean allowClaimingOfFailedTests = false,
boolean publishTestAttachments = false)
archiveXunit(Closure xunitClosure) // since 1.24
associatedFiles(String files = null) // since 1.20
buildDescription(String regularExpression, String description = '',
String regularExpressionForFailed = '',
String descriptionForFailed = '',
boolean multiConfigurationBuild = false)
ccm(String pattern, Closure staticAnalysisClosure = null)
checkstyle(String pattern, Closure staticAnalysisClosure = null)
cobertura(String coberturaReportFilePattern, Closure coberturaClosure = null)
dependencyCheck(String pattern, Closure staticAnalysisClosure = null)
downstream(String projectName, String thresholdName = 'SUCCESS')
downstreamParameterized(Closure downstreamClosure)
dry(String pattern, highThreshold = 50, normalThreshold = 25,
Closure staticAnalysisClosure = null)
emma(String coverageFile = '', Closure closure) // since 1.20
extendedEmail(String recipients = null, Closure emailClosure = null)
extendedEmail(String recipients, String subjectTemplate,
Closure emailClosure = null)
extendedEmail(String recipients, String subjectTemplate, String contentTemplate,
Closure emailClosure = null)
findbugs(String pattern, boolean isRankActivated = false,
Closure staticAnalysisClosure = null)
fingerprint(String targets, boolean recordBuildArtifacts = false)
flowdock(String token, Closure flowdockClosure = null) // since 1.23
flowdock(String[] tokens, flowdockClosure = null) // since 1.23
git(Closure gitPublisherClosure) // since 1.22
githubCommitNotifier() // since 1.21
groovyPostBuild(String script, Behavior behavior = Behavior.DoNothing) // since 1.19
irc(Closure ircClosure)
jacocoCodeCoverage(Closure jacocoClosure)
jshint(String pattern, Closure staticAnalysisClosure = null)
mailer(String recipients, Boolean dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild = false,
Boolean sendToIndividuals = false)
mavenDeploymentLinker(String regex) // since 1.23
pmd(String pattern, Closure staticAnalysisClosure = null)
postBuildTask(Closure closure) // since 1.19
publishCloneWorkspace(String workspaceGlob, Closure cloneWorkspaceClosure)
publishCloneWorkspace(String workspaceGlob, String workspaceExcludeGlob,
Closure cloneWorkspaceClosure)
publishCloneWorkspace(String workspaceGlob, String workspaceExcludeGlob,
String criteria, String archiveMethod,
Closure cloneWorkspaceClosure)
publishCloneWorkspace(String workspaceGlob, String workspaceExcludeGlob = '',
String criteria = 'Any', String archiveMethod = 'TAR',
boolean overrideDefaultExcludes = false,
Closure cloneWorkspaceClosure = null)
publishHtml(Closure htmlReportClosure)
publishJabber(String target, Closure jabberClosure = null)
publishJabber(String target, String strategyName, Closure jabberClosure = null)
publishJabber(String target, String strategyName, String channelNotificationName,
Closure jabberClosure = null)
publishRobotFrameworkReports(Closure closure = null) // since 1.21
publishScp(String site, Closure scpClosure)
rundeck(String jobId, Closure rundeckClosure = null) // since 1.24
stashNotifier(Closure stashNotifierClosure = null) // since 1.23
tasks(String pattern, excludePattern = '', high = '', normal = '', low = '',
ignoreCase = false, Closure staticAnalysisClosure = null)
textFinder(String regularExpression, String fileSet = '',
boolean alsoCheckConsoleOutput = false,
boolean succeedIfFound = false,
boolean unstableIfFound = false) // since 1.19
violations(Closure violationsClosure = null)
violations(int perFileDisplayLimit, Closure violationsClosure = null)
warnings(List consoleParsers, Map parserConfigurations = [:],
Closure warningsClosure = null)
wsCleanup(Closure wsCleanupClosure = null) // since 1.23
// Maven options
rootPOM(String rootPOM)
goals(String goals)
mavenOpts(String mavenOpts)
mavenInstallation(String name) // since 1.20
localRepository(LocalRepositoryLocation location)
perModuleEmail(boolean shouldSendEmailPerModule)
archivingDisabled(boolean shouldDisableArchiving)
runHeadless(boolean shouldRunHeadless)
preBuildSteps(Closure stepsClosure)
postBuildSteps(Closure stepsClosure)
// BuildFlow options
buildFlow(String buildFlowText) // since 1.21
// Matrix options, since 1.24
axes {
text(String name, String... values)
text(String name, Iterable<String> values)
label(String name, String... labels)
label(String name, Iterable<String> labels)
labelExpression(String name, String... expressions)
labelExpression(String name, Iterable<String> expressions)
jdk(String... jdks)
jdk(Iterable<String> jdks)
configure(Closure configBlock)
runSequentially(boolean runSequentially = true)
touchStoneFilter(String expression, boolean continueOnFailure = false)
combinationFilter(String expression)
view(Map<String, Object> arguments = [:]) { // since 1.21
name(String name)
// DSL specific methods
configure(Closure configBlock)
// common options
description(String description)
filterBuildQueue(boolean filterBuildQueue)
filterExecutors(boolean filterExecutors)
// ListView options
columns {
lastBuildConsole() // since 1.23
jobs {
name(String jobName)
names(String... jobNames)
regex(String regex)
statusFilter(StatusFilter filter)
// BuildPipelineView options
alwaysAllowManualTrigger(boolean alwaysAllowManualTrigger = true)
consoleOutputLinkStyle(OutputStyle consoleOutputLinkStyle)
customCssUrl(String cssUrl)
displayedBuilds(int noOfDisplayedBuilds)
refreshFrequency(int seconds)
selectedJob(String rootJob)
title(String pipelineTitle)
triggerOnlyLatestJob(boolean triggerOnlyLatestJob = true)
showPipelineDefinitionHeader(boolean showPipelineDefinitionHeader = true)
showPipelineParameters(boolean showPipelineParameters = true)
showPipelineParametersInHeaders(boolean showPipelineParametersInHeaders = true)
folder { // since 1.23
name(String name)
// DSL specific methods
configure(Closure configBlock)
// common options
displayName(String displayName)
The plugin tries to provide DSL methods to cover "common use case" scenarios as simple method calls. When these methods fail you, you can always generate the XML yourself via The Configure Block. Sometimes, a DSL method will provide a configure block of its own, which will set the a good context to help modify a few fields. This gives native access to the job config XML, which is typically very straight forward to understand.
(Note: The full XML can be found for any job, view or folder by taking the Jenkins URL and appending /config.xml
it. We find that creating a job the way you like it, then viewing the XML is the best way to learn what fields you
job(Map<String, Object> attributes = [:], Closure closure)
The above method will return a Job object that can be re-used and passed around. E.g.
def myJob = job {
name 'SimpleJob'
myJob.with {
description 'A Simple Job'
A job can have optional attributes. Currently only a type
attribute with value of Freeform
, Maven
, Multijob
or MatrixJob
is supported. When no type is specified, a free-style job will be generated. Some methods
will only be available in some job types, e.g. phase
can only be used in Multijob. Each DSL method documents where
they are relevant.
job(type: Maven) {
name 'maven-job'
Please see the Job Reference page for details.
view(Map<String, Object> attributes = [:], Closure closure)
The view
method behaves like the job
method explained above and will return a View object.
Currently only a type
attribute with value of ListView
or BuildPipelineView
is supported. When no type is
specified, a list view will be generated.
view(type: ListView) {
name 'project-view'
Please see the View Reference page for details.
folder(Closure closure)
The folder
method behaves like the job
method explained above and will return a Folder object.
Folders will be created before jobs and views to ensure that a folder exists before entries are created.
folder {
name 'project-a'
displayName 'Project A'
Items can be created within folders by using the full path as job name.
folder {
name 'project-a'
job {
name 'project-a/compile'
view {
name 'project-a/pipeline'
folder {
name 'project-a/testing'
queue(String jobName)
queue(Job job)
This provide the ability to schedule a job to be executable after the DSL runs. The given name doesn't have to be a job which was generated by the DSL, but it could be.
InputStream streamFileFromWorkspace(String filePath) throws IOException
String readFileFromWorkspace(String filePath) throws IOException
Anywhere in the script you can read in a file from the current workspace using the above calls. This assumes that you checked out some source control as part of the job processing the DSL. This can be useful when populating fields on a generated job, e.g.
job {
steps {
(since 1.15)
Groovy provides the ability to "grab" dependencies and use them right away, this is called
Grape. The Job DSL supports this feature, as long as it's provided at the top of the
script. Not only can the @Grab
annotation be used, it can be used with @GrabResolver
to pull dependencies from
custom defined repositories. This means that you can write a set of conventions specific to your organization, jar them
up, distribute them via a repository, then grab them via @Grab
. Here is an example of pulling in a utility library.
@Grab(group='commons-lang', module='commons-lang', version='2.4')
import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils
println "Hello ${WordUtils.capitalize('world')}"
When an option is not supported by the Job DSL, then The Configure Block can be used for extending the DSL.
Here is a simple example which adds a EnvInjectPasswordWrapper node:
job {
configure { project ->
project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper {
See The Configure Block page for details.
Because the engine is just Groovy, you can call other Groovy classes available in the workspace. When in those methods
the job
method is no longer available, so it is recommended to pass in the current context to make this method
available to another context. For example, when making utility methods, you would call them like this:
BuildFramework.ant(this, arg1, arg2)
Then the BuildFramework
class has everything it needs to make job
class BuildFramework {
static ant(jobFactory, arg1, arg2) {
jobFactory.job {
name arg1
steps {
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Release Notes
Talks and Blog Posts
Dynamic DSL
Configure Blocks
Job DSL Commands
Script Security
Handling Credentials
Configuration as Code
Real World Examples
User Power Moves
IDE Support
Testing DSL Scripts
For Developers
Extending the DSL
Job DSL Architecture