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Please Note: this project has moved from briancavalier/wire to cujojs/wire. Any existing forks have been automatically moved to cujojs/wire. However, you'll need to update your clone and submodule remotes manually.

Update the url in your .git/config, and also .gitmodules for submodules:

https://[email protected]/cujojs/wire.git

Helpful link for updating submodules: Git Submodules: Adding, Using, Removing, Updating


Wire.js is an Inversion of Control Container for Javascript apps.

With wire.js, you can focus on coding the business logic of your components and let wire.js handle the bootstrapping and the glue that connects them together. You write a simple wiring spec in JSON (or Javascript) that describes how your components should be wired together, and wire will load, configure, and connect those components to create your application, and will clean them up later.

Specifically, wire.js provides:

  • Component lifecycle management
  • Dependency Inversion via constructor and setter Dependency Injection
  • Automatic dependency ordering
  • Connectors
  • Service locator pattern and reference resolution


Wire.js also has a plugin architecture that allows plugins to provide new capabilities to wire.js and syntax to wiring specs. Here are some of the capabilities provided by the bundled plugins:

  • Dependency Injection for DOM nodes. For example, you can reference DOM nodes by id or dom query, and inject them into your views.
  • Event and PubSub connectors. Write your components without any glue code, and connect them together in the wiring spec using events or pubsub. The event connector works for DOM nodes, too!
  • Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). Wire.js comes with an AOP plugin that allows you to declaratively apply decorators, before/after/around advice, and to introduce mixins on the fly.

Framework integration

Plugins also allow you to use capabilities of your existing modules/libraries/frameworks. For example, wire.js has a set of plugins for Dojo that allow it to integrate with Dijit's widget system, to use dojo.connect as the event connector, and dojo.publish/subscribe as the pubsub connector. If you are already using those aspects of Dojo, you can use wire.js's Dojo plugins to integrate easily with all your existing components.

Ok, What Now?

  1. Read about and try out the Hello Wire introduction.
  2. Check out the wire.js presentation from JSConf 2011.
  3. Get the code for the Piratescript or N00bscript game from the presentation. Docs coming soon!
  4. See the wiki for more documentation.
  5. Fork it and try it out!

What's new



  • Minor fix for using wire in a non-AMD browser environment
  • Update to when.js v0.10.4
  • Update to aop.js v0.5.2


  • wire/debug plugin now supports runtime app tracing. Check out the new options.
  • Fix for all known instances where wire would not notice errors that happen during wiring.
  • Baby steps toward Node compatibility for the wire.js core. We're currently targetting v0.8.0 as the first Node-compatible version.
  • Update to when.js v0.10.3
  • Update to aop.js v0.5.0


  • Updated wire/domReady helper to work with latest RequireJS domReady! plugin, while maintaining backward compatibility with older versions of RequireJS that use require.ready
  • Updates for compatibility with curl v0.5.4 and curl domReady! plugin
  • wire/debug plugin - Simplified solution for broken/missing console in IE < 8


  • Updated build/optimizer support for cram v0.2+


  • Improved logging in wire/debug, now with stack traces, and guards against missing console in IE.
  • Guard against null when scanning plugins
  • Update to when.js v0.9.4


  • New wire factory (aka wire inception!) that allows wiring chains of other specs, or injecting functions for deferred wiring. See the docs
  • wire/dojo/dijit plugin:
    • placeAt feature that allows easier placement of Dijit widgets.
    • supports easy dijit theming via its theme option
  • New wire/dojo/data plugin that supports legacy dojo/data datastores
  • wire/dom plugin now supports options for adding/removing classes to <html> during wiring.
  • Now using when.js v0.9.3 for promises and async handling. See also the Deprecated Functionality below.
  • The wire.js core is now only 2.5k with Google Closure + gzip!
  • Limited support for using wire in a non-AMD setup. This is intended to aid in transitioning to AMD and CommonJS modules, and it's unlikely that wire's full functionality will ever be extended to cover non-AMD/CommonJS environments.
    • wire.js can now create components using raw constructors in addition to AMD module ids. This allows wire.js to create components instances from libraries that haven't yet fully committed to AMD or CommonJS.
  • Deprecated functionality - to be removed in v0.8.0
    • Injecting a reference to the full current context via { $ref: 'wire!context' }
      • The components in the current context will always be in an incomplete state, and relying on this is potentially dangerous.
      • I may consider allowing injecting a promise for the current context, which would resolve after the current context has finished wiring.
      • If you were using the wire() method of a context injected via { $ref: 'wire!context' }, you can use { $ref: 'wire!' } instead, which provides a direct reference to the wire() method itself--i.e. it injects a function that works just like context.wire().
    • Many plugin methods received a wire parameter that had several promise helper methods, such as wire.when, wire.whenAll, etc. These are deprecated in favor of simply using when.js instead, which is provided as a submodule in the support dir.


  • wire/aop plugin: AOP weaving with pointcuts, and before, after, afterReturning, afterThrowing, after (aka "afterFinally") advice using aop.js
  • Experimental optimizer/build tool support for cram. Point cram at your wire spec and let it optimize your entire app! Docs coming soon
  • wire/debug plugin: tracks components and tells you which ones couldn't be wired and why
  • Improved memory management, especially when destroying contexts.
  • Breaking Changes
    • The plugin format has changed to support new, more powerful async plugins. See the Plugin format wiki for more information
    • wire/aop decorator and introduction options have changed. See the wire/aop wiki for more information


  • Fix for wire/sizzle plugin
  • Updated to work with curl v0.5 domReady.
  • NOTE wire.js v0.5.2 now requires curl.js 0.5 or later. It will also work with any recent version of RequireJS, and with dojo 1.6 or later.


  • create factory now supports the isConstructor option, when true, forces an object instance to be created using new.
  • Improved debug output when using wire/debug plugin,
  • Slimmed down wire/aop plugin in preparation for a new version in an upcoming release,
  • Automated unit tests using Dojo DOH,
  • Semantic versioning


  • Re-engineered core: smaller, faster, and more loader-independent,
  • Can be used as either an AMD module or an AMD plugin,
  • Tested with curl.js, and RequireJS. Should also work with the upcoming dojo 1.7 loader (but hasn't been tested yet),
  • Improved plugin system,
  • AOP plugin, wire/aop: Decorators and Introductions. Coming Soon: before, after, afterReturning, afterThrowing, and around advice,
  • Prototype factory plugin allows using the JS prototype chain to create new objects directly from other objects in your wire spec.
  • Sizzle plugin, wire/sizzle, courtesy of @unscriptable
  • Not entirely new to 0.5, but worth mentioning Dojo integration, including:
    • pubsub connector, subscribe and publish non-invasively using dojo.publish/subscribe
    • event connector that uses dojo.connect
    • easy JsonRest datastores via resource! reference resolver
    • dom.query! reference resolver that uses dojo.query



  • Plugin namespacing
  • CommonJS compatibility
  • Node.js compatibility


  • Library/Framework agnostic event and pubsub connectors
  • AOP weaving support for decorators and introductions
  • Support for more AMD loaders
  • Integration with more libs and frameworks.


wire.js is licensed under The MIT License.