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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import string
import nltk
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
%matplotlib inline
!pip install tqdm --upgrade
from tqdm import tqdm, tqdm_notebook
# using tqdm to get a progress bar on long-loading processes
# reading in the big Beatles data Excel file into a Pandas dataframe.
# The Beatles data will continue everything we need, including song names, album names, songwriters, lyrics, and more
data = pd.read_excel('beatles_data.xlsx')
We will break down the data into individual lyric lines.
import spacy
import en_core_web_sm
def preprocessing_songs(df):
df['Lyric Line'] = df['Lyrics'].apply(lambda x: x.split('\n'))
df = df.set_index(['Song', 'Album Debut', 'Songwriter(s)', 'Lead Vocal(s)', 'Year'])['Lyric Line'].apply(pd.Series).stack().reset_index().drop('level_5',1)
df.rename(columns={0:'Lyric Line'}, inplace=True)
print('Removing quotes from song...')
df['Song'] = df['Song'].apply(lambda x: remove_song_quotes(x))
print('Cleaning songwriter(s) column...')
df['Songwriter(s)'] = df['Songwriter(s)'].apply(lambda x: condense_band_members(x))
print('Cleaning lead vocals(s) column...')
df['Lead Vocal(s)'] = df['Lead Vocal(s)'].apply(lambda x: condense_band_members(x))
print('Counting the number of distinct lines in the lyrics.')
df['Number Lines'] = df['Lyric Line'].apply(lambda x: number_lines(x))
print('Counting the number of words in each song.')
df['Number Words'] = df['Lyric Line'].apply(lambda x: number_words(x))
print('Calculating the average number of words in each line.')
df['Average Words Per Line'] = df.apply(lambda row: words_per_line(row['Number Lines'], row['Number Words']), axis=1)
print('Counting the number of apostrophes in each song.')
df['Number Apostrophes'] = df['Lyric Line'].apply(lambda x: apostrophe_count(x))
print('Calculating the average number of words in each line.')
df['Average Words Per Apostrophe'] = df.apply(lambda row: words_per_apostrophe(row['Number Words'], row['Number Apostrophes']), axis=1)
print('Cleaning lyrics...')
df['Cleaned Lyrics'] = clean_text(df, 'Lyric Line')
return df
def remove_song_quotes(song_row):
# Removes any quotations around songs
song_row = re.sub(r'"', '', song_row)
return song_row
def condense_band_members(row):
# Create new pandas df column for either the individual songwriter or group songwriters
if row =='Harrison':
return row
elif row == 'Lennon':
return row
elif row == 'McCartney':
return row
elif row == 'Starr':
return row
elif row == 'Instrumental':
return row
return 'Multiple Beatles'
def number_lines(lyrics_row):
# Counts the number of distinct lines in the lyrics
number_lines = lyrics_row.count('\n') + 1
return number_lines
return 0
def number_words(lyrics_row):
# Counts the number of words in each song
list_of_words = lyrics_row.split()
number_words = len(list_of_words)
return number_words
return 0
def words_per_line(number_lines_row, number_words_row):
# Calculates the average words per line
if number_words_row == 0:
# Don't want to return np.nan, return 0
return 0
average_words_per_line = number_words_row / number_lines_row
return average_words_per_line
def apostrophe_count(lyrics_row):
# Counts the number of apostrophes
number_apostrophes = lyrics_row.count("'")
return number_apostrophes
return 0
def words_per_apostrophe(number_words_row, number_apostrophes_row):
# Calculates the average number of words used per apostrophe used
if number_words_row == 0 or number_apostrophes_row == 0:
# Don't want to return np.nan, return 0
return 0
average_words_per_apostrophe = number_words_row / number_apostrophes_row
return average_words_per_apostrophe
def clean_text(df, df_column):
Removing line breaks, special characters.
Setting all letters to lowercase -- EXCEPT for pronoun I, kept capitalized.
# Replacing line breaks with one space
df['Cleaned Lyrics'] = df[df_column].str.replace(r"\n", " ")
# Removing special characters
df['Cleaned Lyrics'] = df['Cleaned Lyrics'].str.replace(r"[.,?!();:]", "")
# Replace two spaces with one space
df['Cleaned Lyrics'] = df['Cleaned Lyrics'].str.replace(r" ", " ")
# Lower-case all words
df['Cleaned Lyrics'] = df['Cleaned Lyrics'].str.lower()
# Upper-case the pronouns I -- this helps with Spacy Lemmatization
df['Cleaned Lyrics'] = df['Cleaned Lyrics'].str.replace(r" i i ", " I I ")
df['Cleaned Lyrics'] = df['Cleaned Lyrics'].str.replace(r" i ", " I ")
df['Cleaned Lyrics'] = df['Cleaned Lyrics'].str.replace(r" i'", " I'")
return df['Cleaned Lyrics']
def remove_song_quotes(song_row):
Removing any quotation marks around songs.
# Check if the song names have quotes around them (mine did)
song_row = re.sub(r'"', '', song_row)
return song_row
def nlp_pipeline(text_document):
Takes in a string and runs it through Spacy's NLP pipeline consisting of a
Tokenizer, Tagger, Dependency Parser, Entity Recognizer, Text Categorizer.
NLP features are then extracted from each Token's Spacy attributes.
NLP features are then aggregated for the entire text_document and returned in a dictionary.
text_document (str): Text data. In this case it is Beatles lyrics.
dict: Aggregated NLP features.
# Create Spacy NLP pipeline
nlp = en_core_web_sm.load()
# Check if text is not a string, if so return np.nan
if type(text_document) != str:
return np.nan
# Run Spacy NLP pipeline on text_document, creates DOC object filled with tokens
doc = nlp(text_document)
# Tokenization
tokens = [tok.orth_ for tok in doc]
# Lemmatization
lemmas = [tok.lemma_ for tok in doc]
# Create counter dictionaries to collect counts of NLP features
pos_counter = {} # Coarse-grained part-of-speech
tag_counter = {} # Fine-grained part-of-speech.
stop_counter = {} # Stop word or not
dep_counter = {} # Syntactic dependency relation
# Loop through each Token object contained in Doc object
for token in doc:
# Add token 'POS' to dictionary
pos = "pos_" + token.pos_
if pos in pos_counter.keys():
pos_counter[pos] += 1
pos_counter[pos] = 1
# Add token 'TAG' to dictionary
tag = "tag_" + token.tag_
if tag in tag_counter.keys():
tag_counter[tag] += 1
tag_counter[tag] = 1
# Add token 'STOP' to dictionary
stop = "stop_" + str(token.is_stop)
if stop in stop_counter.keys():
stop_counter[stop] += 1
stop_counter[stop] = 1
# Add token 'DEP' to dictionary
dep = "dep_" + token.dep_
if dep in dep_counter.keys():
dep_counter[dep] += 1
dep_counter[dep] = 1
# Combine NLP features into one dictionary
nlp_dictionary = {'pos_counter' : pos_counter,
'tag_counter' : tag_counter,
'stop_counter' : stop_counter,
'dep_counter' : dep_counter,
'tokens' : tokens,
'lemmas' : lemmas}
return nlp_dictionary
def nlp_dict_to_df(nlp_features, feature):
Take in nlp_features dictionary, outputs a pd.Series object
containing the NLP features.
nlp_features (dict): Aggregated NLP features.
nlp_series (pd.Series): NLP features for each song obtained using Spacy.
# Dep dictionary
nlp_dict = nlp_features[feature]
# Total number of entries in dep dictionary
nlp_total = np.sum(list(nlp_dict.values()))
# Calculate fraction of total for each NLP feature (Normalization)
nlp_dict_fractions = {k: v / nlp_total for k, v in nlp_dict.items()}
# Turn into a pandas Series to return
nlp_series = pd.Series(nlp_dict_fractions)
return nlp_series
# we have a new dataframe with cleaned lyrics
new_df = preprocessing_songs(data)
Multiple Beatles 1927
Lennon 1629
McCartney 1488
Harrison 612
Name: Songwriter(s), dtype: int64
(5656, 16)
(5656, 104)
Bag of Words
import itertools
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer
data['Lemmas Text']
0 word be flow out like endless rain into a pape...
1 -PRON- slither while -PRON- pass -PRON- slip a...
2 pool of sorrow wave of joy be drift through -P...
3 possess and caress -PRON-
4 jai guru deva om
5651 " love will find a way "
5652 gather round all -PRON- clown
5653 let -PRON- hear -PRON- say
5654 hey -PRON- have get to hide -PRON- love away
5655 hey -PRON- have get to hide -PRON- love away
Name: Lemmas Text, Length: 5656, dtype: object
# Define X and y
y = data['Songwriter(s)']
X = data['Lemmas Text']
# Train-test split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=.2, random_state = 444)
# Vocabulary of lemmas, use with CountVectorizer
vocabulary = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(data['Lemmas']))
# Count vectorizer and the index-to-word mapping
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=vocabulary)
# Create bag-of-word embeddings using vectorizer
X_train_counts = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test_counts = count_vectorizer.transform(X_test)
# Convert to a pandas dataframe
X_train_counts = pd.DataFrame(X_train_counts.todense())
X_test_counts = pd.DataFrame(X_test_counts.todense())
# Create a mapping from index-to-word for the bag of words
index_to_word = {v:k for k,v in count_vectorizer.vocabulary_.items()}
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()
y_train_encoded = le.transform(y_train)
def plot_LSA(test_data, test_labels, plot=True):
This function first uses SK-Learn's truncated SVD (LSA) class to
transform the high dimensionality (number of columns) of the BoW
embedding down to 2 dimensions. Then the two dimensions are used
to plot each song, colored by the song writer (class).
test_data (pd.DataFrame): BoW embeddings.
test_labels (pd.Series): In this case the songwriter of each
Beatles' song.
plot (boolean): Whether or not to plot. Defaults to True.
lsa = TruncatedSVD(n_components=2)
lsa_scores = lsa.transform(test_data)
color_mapper = {label:idx for idx,label in enumerate(set(test_labels))}
color_column = [color_mapper[label] for label in test_labels]
colors = ['blue','green','purple', 'red']
if plot:
plt.scatter(lsa_scores[:,0], lsa_scores[:,1], s=8, alpha=.8, c=test_labels, cmap=matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colors))
blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='Harrison')
green_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='green', label='Lennon')
purple_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='purple', label='McCartney')
orange_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='Multiple Beatles')
plt.legend(handles=[blue_patch, green_patch, purple_patch, orange_patch], prop={'size': 18})
plt.xlabel('Principal Component One')
plt.ylabel('Principal Component Two')
plt.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = 20
plt.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = 20
# Run LSA on BoW embeddings and plot it
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
plot_LSA(X_train_counts, y_train_encoded)
plt.title('LSA: BoW', fontsize = 25)
plt.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = 18
plt.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = 18
plt.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 20
plt.xlim(-0.2, 3.2)
plt.ylim(-0.04, 0.06)
Latent Semantic Analysis of BoW Embedding + TFIDF
y = data['Songwriter(s)']
X = data['Lemmas Text']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state = 444)
vocabulary = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(data['Lemmas']))
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(vocabulary=vocabulary)
X_train_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform(X_test)
X_train_tfidf = pd.DataFrame(X_train_tfidf.todense())
X_test_tfidf = pd.DataFrame(X_test_tfidf.todense())
index_to_word = {v:k for k, v in count_vectorizer.vocabulary_.items()}
We will use two machine learning algorithms to create models that will predict the songwriters of the various songs using only the lyrics as the independent variable. Then we'll use the get_most_important_features() function to pinpoint the most important words for each songwriter.
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer, accuracy_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
y = data['Songwriter(s)']
X = data['Cleaned Lyrics']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 444)
vocabulary = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(data['Cleaned Lyrics']))
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=vocabulary)
Logistic Regression Grid Search Pipeline
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
!pip3 install pactools
from pactools.grid_search import GridSearchCVProgressBar
We want to optimize to find the best estimator parameters
# Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline([
('vect', CountVectorizer()),
('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),
('clf', LogisticRegression()),])
# pipeline uses intermediate steps of CountVectorizer() and TfidfTransformer() before finally applying log regression
# This pipeline will be used as the estimator in the GridSearchCV
# Parameter Grid
param_grid = {
'vect__max_df': (0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0),
'vect__ngram_range': ((1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)),
'vect__stop_words' : (None, 'english'),
'tfidf__use_idf': (True, False),
'tfidf__norm': ('l1', 'l2'),
'clf__C': [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000]}
# Create the GridSearchCV object
#grid = GridSearchCV(pipeline, cv=10, n_jobs=-1, param_grid=param_grid, scoring=make_scorer(accuracy_score))
grid = GridSearchCVProgressBar(pipeline, cv=2, n_jobs=-1, param_grid=param_grid, scoring=make_scorer(accuracy_score))
# Run the grid search, y_train)
# Predicts usings the best parameters of the grid search
y_pred = grid.predict(X_test)
# Accuracy Score
print('Accuracy Score:')
print(accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
# Classification Report
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred, digits=3))
# Confusion Matrix
print('Confusion Matrix:')
print(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred))
# Best parameters from the grid search
print('Best parameters set found on development set:')
def get_most_important_features(vectorizer, model, n=5):
This function is used to find the most important ngrams (words)
for classifying each class (songwriter).
vectorizer (sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer):
The vectorizer used to create the Bag of Words space matrix.
model (sklearn.linear_model.logistic.LogisticRegression):
The LR model trained on the dataset.
n (int): Number of top words to return.
important_words (dict): Dicitionary containing the most
critical words used to predict each songwriter class.
# Create a mapping dictionary from words to index
index_to_word = {v:k for k,v in vectorizer.vocabulary_.items()}
# loop for each class
important_words = {}
for class_index in range(model.coef_.shape[0]):
word_importances = [(el, index_to_word[i]) for i,el in enumerate(model.coef_[class_index])]
sorted_coeff = sorted(word_importances, key = lambda x : x[0], reverse=True)
tops = sorted(sorted_coeff[:n], key = lambda x : x[0])
bottom = sorted_coeff[-n:]
important_words[class_index] = {'tops':tops, 'bottom':bottom}
return important_words
Running Logistic Regression and finding the most important words
# Vectorize
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(max_df = 0.1, ngram_range = (1, 2))
X_train_counts = vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train).todense()
X_test_counts = vectorizer.transform(X_test).todense()
# Tfidf transformation
tfidf = TfidfTransformer(norm = 'l2', use_idf = False)
X_train_counts_tfidf = tfidf.fit_transform(X_train_counts).todense()
X_test_counts_tfidf = tfidf.fit_transform(X_test_counts).todense()
clf = LogisticRegression(C = 10), y_train)
# Create predictions, using trained model
y_pred = clf.predict(X_test_counts_tfidf)
# Find the most important words used for classification
importance = get_most_important_features(vectorizer, clf, 10)
# Re-name the dictionary keys
importance['Harrison'] = importance.pop(0)
importance['Lennon'] = importance.pop(1)
importance['McCartney'] = importance.pop(2)
importance['Multiple Beatles'] = importance.pop(3)
# Print the most important words
# We will read in all of the cleaned lyrics into a single text file for training
with open('lyricsText.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as filehandle:
for listitem in lyrics_data['Cleaned Lyrics']:
filehandle.write('%s\n' % listitem)
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.placeholder is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.placeholder instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.random_uniform is deprecated. Please use tf.random.uniform instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.get_default_session is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.get_default_session instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.ConfigProto is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.Session is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.Session instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.global_variables is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.global_variables instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.is_variable_initialized is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.is_variable_initialized instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.variables_initializer is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.get_default_graph is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/ The name tf.train.Optimizer is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.train.Optimizer instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.log is deprecated. Please use tf.math.log instead.
5,663 texts collected.
Training new model w/ 4-layer, 128-cell Bidirectional LSTMs
Training on 134,882 character sequences.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow_core/python/ops/ where (from tensorflow.python.ops.array_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use tf.where in 2.0, which has the same broadcast rule as np.where
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.assign_add is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.assign_add instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.assign is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.assign instead.
Epoch 1/10
131/131 [==============================] - 1124s 9s/step - loss: 2.7811 - val_loss: 2.1586
Epoch 2/10
131/131 [==============================] - 1108s 8s/step - loss: 2.0265 - val_loss: 1.9074
Temperature: 0.2
i could the coud you cand the goon
i love the with the love you cand the could to cour
i whe whe with a could the she with tour the soud I cone the love and the love the soud
Temperature: 0.5
i coud you me with a loood the cous I will the the the shen you coul to tour
wan I cand to me love the lowe I'll the criee
when don't the with you cone
Temperature: 1.0
dacl I'ly homendo gove thete aneaybine can by choum it yis coud
oh fouy coont trus
she your fell the love githor eplirine
Epoch 3/10
131/131 [==============================] - 1105s 8s/step - loss: 1.7636 - val_loss: 1.6658
Epoch 4/10
131/131 [==============================] - 1104s 8s/step - loss: 1.5593 - val_loss: 1.5089
Temperature: 0.2
i don't go me me
i'm gonna know you know you know
i know you've got to be make
Temperature: 0.5
baby nah nah nah nah nah nah
i'm grad me
you're goet to show you know
Temperature: 1.0
and need guiltad arone
she should dane
hele sleep it's liel me
Epoch 5/10
131/131 [==============================] - 1103s 8s/step - loss: 1.4092 - val_loss: 1.3872
Epoch 6/10
131/131 [==============================] - 1103s 8s/step - loss: 1.2847 - val_loss: 1.3122
Temperature: 0.2
i want to be the life on the man
i want to be the monely want
i want to be the money the way
Temperature: 0.5
and I'll all together now
i know you'll be like me a will you
when I'm going to me
Temperature: 1.0
shece I go a carem on
so child ways don't apparty can so
mo the pain to but me nobody
Epoch 7/10
131/131 [==============================] - 1099s 8s/step - loss: 1.1877 - val_loss: 1.2614
Epoch 8/10
131/131 [==============================] - 1099s 8s/step - loss: 1.1100 - val_loss: 1.2192
Temperature: 0.2
i saw a shame what a shame mary jane baby jud
i saw a show and she would say so should
i want to be your man and she said
Temperature: 0.5
the calling and name and the party
i saw a walk and I sad a show
i need to see you and me mine
Temperature: 1.0
is well you see you
there will getting better is understand
but as belight up an mind after my my hand
Epoch 9/10
131/131 [==============================] - 1102s 8s/step - loss: 1.0410 - val_loss: 1.1814
Epoch 10/10
131/131 [==============================] - 1105s 8s/step - loss: 0.9878 - val_loss: 1.1679
Temperature: 0.2
it's going to lose that you see
and I will sing the word of the same
and I will send you and I'll be and I'll be there
Temperature: 0.5
can't you see you thangering love boy
with in the evening
i thought a should can't be long
Temperature: 1.0
oh oh ah ah oh
don't let me didn't let me down
look she's meeting home
Temperature: 0.2
i want you
i want to be your man I want to be your man
i want you so bad
you know you know my name
i want you
i want to be your man I me mine
i want to be your man and kissing the same of the bight the sun
i can't be and me mine
i want you so bad
you know I nearly had a pain at the party
i want you so bad
and I will sing the time of the same
i want you so hold you
i said someone who's got to be your man
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I'm true
i want to be your man I'm lonely
i want you so hold me too
when I saw you should see you make me the mind
i want you so bad
i want you
it's all too much the number
i want you
i want you so hold you man
when I was you see you and me
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I know what you know my name
i want you
i can't be and me alone
it's true another man
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I don't know that you see
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you
the word the word there's no need
i want you so hold you head you can do
i want to be your man I can't see
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so hold you
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so hold me too much oh
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you
i want you
i want you so bad
the word the word of the start
i want you so bad
i want you so hard that you see
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i can't believe you
i want you so hold you man
i want you so hold me too
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so bad
i want you so many many jane had a pain at the party
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
when I saw you should see the end
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so bad
i'm gonna cread you there met me so mind
i'm tried to make you mean to me
i think you with another day
when I was a shame what a shame mary jane had a pain at the party
you know I nearly had a pain at the party
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so hard the word there with a lot of the band
i can't be long to be long listen play
when I was you see you see you mean to me
i want you so bad
i want you so hold me too
i want you so bad
and I want to be your man
i want you so bad
i want you you should see you know
it's all too much you yeah
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you
i want you so hold me too
i want you so hard the changes the same
i want you so hold me too
i want you so hard the way be baby cry
i want you
i want you so hold me there
i think you should see you see
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so hold you
i want you so hard that I was a show
i want you so bad
when I saw you should see you want to be your man
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so bad
and the word the sun she was a shame
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
all the world there's no need you
i want you
i want you so bad
it's all too much oh yeah
the world that she said so
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you you see you so make me
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i'm gonna get to be there with you
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you
i want you so bad
i can't be you now the number
i want you so bad
i can't be and I feel and I'll love you
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I'm really down
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I'm really down
i want you so bad
i want you so hold you oh
i want you so bad
i want you so hold your mind
i want you so bad
and I will send the time at all the time
i want to be your man why
i want you so hold you
the word the word there's no need
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so bad
i want you so hold me too much to me
i want you so hold me that I'm so selly down
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
the word the word she said a love me when you believe been to your man
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I can do
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I me mine
and I want to be your man be man
i want you so bad
i want you so hold me too
when I was you see you there metter sing
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so bad
i want you so see you to me
i want you you should see you see
i want you so hold you
i want you
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
the world the word the sun
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
when I was you see you believe me be long
i can't be baby beep beep me the wall
i want you so bad
i want you so hold you
i'm down I'm really down
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so hold me too
i want you so hold you should
and I want to be your man I'm really down
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so hold you
the word the word there's no need
when I say he hard and feeling here
i can't be no no no no no no no
i want you so bad
i can't be there with a was a rich oh
i want you so bad
come on the beginning armary there
i want you so hard that you see
the world will spread the sun
i want to be your man
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
it's all too much you
i want to be your mother should
i want you so hard that you know
i want you
i want you so bad
i can't be and mine
i want you so bad
i want you so hold you
i want you so many many many jane had a pain at the party
i want you so hard me
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
and I will see the word with a lot
i want you so hard that I was a shame mary jane what a shame mary jane had a pain at the party
i want you so bad
i want you so cry
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I me mine
and I will see the word there's no need
i want to be your man I'm true
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I me mine
i can't be long long long to be bad you belong
i want you so bad
and I will send the world that you see it a pain of mind
i want you so hold your mind
i want you you should mean to me
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
you know I nearly hand you have and never been a long that line
i want you so bad
i want you you should see you mean to me
it's all too much yeah
she said so how me and I'll go
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I can't stay
and I will send the world I'm the world
when I was you see you love me down
and I want to be your man I'm down
and I would see you to make you
and I can see your money more
i want you
i want you so hold your mind
i want you so bad
and I will say the word there's no need
i want you
she was a shame what a shame mary jane had a pain at the party
when I saw you see you know my name
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I want to be your man
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i can't go that you once belonged
she was a way the word of the band
i want you so bad
i want you so hold you
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
the love that's all the time to say you see
i want you so bad
i want you so hold me too
i want you so bad
and I will send you to me
i want to be your man I can't do that
i want you so bad
she said so should can be me
i think you should see you see
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you so bad
i want you
i want you so bad
i want you
i want to be your man I me mine
i want you so hard that I was a pain to me
i want you so hold you
i want you so bad
and I will send the time at all the time
i don't know what you know my name
i want you so hold you
i want you so hard that head
i want you so bad
i want you so hard the word the same on the party
the word the sun she was be baby just can't be mine
i want you so bad
i want to be your man I me long to you
Temperature: 0.5
i want you
you can do that I saw you and that she said
you know you know my name
the bagin love will you go
i want to be your studant so much in the night
you can talk to much you
come on when I have comes and the children
and I need the end
i know for the night before
but I'll go the end
he no one little girl
we didn't need me the night before
when you go arout the only window you had to go
i want you you should see you be bad
it could see you know I nearly buy
you know what you see it a partaction
i'm gonna get that you can be me
i want to be your man to make it a pain at a song on the dark
the word I want to be your man
i saw you should see me the one to me
i never been a long to be there
i can't talk you away yeah yeah yeah
i said and now I need you
so cry many man she had had easy
when I do you can see that you see
and then I'm all you see
tell me on love loved to be your life
i said
you know I'm down for your mind
can't you hold me and I have's gonna be a party what you see her too
love her
i said she said sunshine
i'm be my long to be long listen better
beep me I'm down the said
i would do that you've been me
i could never got to see you with yeah
and I'll be your man
we're gonna stays where do a way be wrong
mother sump and when you know
see a book and I'll love you
when I get to be your man I me mine
i want you
all the wind I want the road
i said some how what it the same
it's all too hold me and I'm helalize
i'm gonna do you so much yeah
i'm be long you no but you'll be mine
i'm right all you near you soul
hello hello
i want to be your man
i want you so bad
i can't be good on my love that's belonged
i'll get you near me the same with a was a star
don't worry
when I saw the man oh the same
and I will want to be no oh
i want to be your man come
want to be where you see you need
don't say here me so sad her belong
she said so hold me there before to me
i want you to day
i want you so hard she's gonna be too much
i don't know what you see me me
will you in the one on the one and in the sun
i want to be your man I got to be your man
i want to be your man I me mine
and you know you know I think you that you know
now the sun sun now there is way
tell me when I am the way of mind
but I'm gonna be sad you see
it's all too much that like of yeah
she takes a father should want
you know I'm not there words of you
make a way be wants to cold you
baby you're so making and still the way
and she world the sun I feel again
there are no one love is all you need
i'm gonna get that I say going to me
i want to be the polled you will right
i want you
there's no need me to the long
so on I saw was to see you can't be mine
if I want you so hard to me
it's all the lonely penet to me
look at the old with you
i want you
you know that I want to be your man
i said a shord what I know how may
i'm looking through you where you coust to see the love is a place
and I will love you you can talk to me
treat me so long that have head
come on the bottom love girl window
when I tell you you near you don't know my nind hey by should
i can't be there one on the place in the party
when I wake there's on his nowhere
come on the bottom things are show
and the play back words of things is the sky with and everything I will do you old you can send that something I say be with a lot
i want to hold your hand
we'll never got a ticket to be a paperback writer
i want you
she was a little girl
i think you what you know my name
love you near me the man and there's and I feel the world
the world of the sun
i want you you so many touch
i'm coming oo so hold me there
i'm gonna be an our out her them
i want you you
and I will see you you can't be bad you
she keeps something away
let it be let it be bad out to be your mone
i want you
she said where you should can sleep tonight
i'm down I'm so so
i'm gonna get to see you more
i want you so comport me so man
there broken't let me down
come on let's nice him time
and the weater has back the start
i said there's no one me what a plann
i'm gonna carry that you know
i can't go out you and me and I want to be your man
to carry to show you have to can all me
all the lonely better girl
and nothing to see you party change at his pulias
i want to be your man to be head
i can't believe you
just come on baby true
cause I hey have gone
help me was it is a with you
the way where are of the billed in the same
she world say she's a lot
sexy not a little girl from my friends
and I sing a little girl
say the love is here the begins
me the man what a shame mary jane wanded there with you
i want you
the word the way will seem me
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
here such a love that show what I near yeah
i want you worry
i want to be your man to show
i don't know why hey love me shere it cry
the way thing will go
it's only only skenter wearing with a long to be me
you know I want you
all my number there's have a good from the long out of the end
and I want to be the one what you lied you
and I will I can see you that you know you know my milly feeling
there's a got a fool on the party
the world is the sky weres and so his nowhere
when I can't hide nowhere and post to the way
we do it is it's real
i want to hold your mind
you know you know my name
it's so a love with her it's sleeping
and I lost you you know you want me
i want you
when I was it the sone in the same
she's the tearing all the world there are going to see
i think you hear such oh
i can't a chair that have across of mind
they way be won't be sad feeling
i want you so bad
i can't be and mine
all the word there's a lonely
now I need to me
i want you so bad
you know what you say see
i want you you can be your mother should
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
and I will send the only time that have can comping out the band
well you can be and me my loving of when I say goodbye oh oh oh oh
and she said wead too
when I was you start the one
i want to be your eyes can't you door
she outs and heart a really one that with you
it's been a long to carolle
i got to be the sman I'm mad me ware
i can't get it be time to me
that is way there's no need
and I love you
good day so hold me in the fool
and I get the same and still wings that you do
because I'm the old you have got to have me a show
the tange at all the world that you do
i want you to stay that you see
the calles you say that mean a just before that
i want you so see her too
now I'm so the door of things of mind
the have what do disamet
so man I need no no oh head on the end
but broken the sun and I think you
all together now
you can't be the feet and long to you
did I take you and the way and I'm gonna be long or gain on
i want you so once paperback
the world that I still you
she said hello changile girl like a parter
so the sun going for your door
i can't believe me the same long to be make her me
yes I'm so leave it all too much me
the sun people better here
now I need to see the only girl to me
and I loved you
that you see it and I'll try too
hey gonna be a word of long
well you near me the word is that there
everybody can say him tance and I don't know
i want you
i know what I just be long to be long
and the things I look the place
i know I want you
i got no be a show of your money so
i don't know that she can she say hello
when you say you say the end I'm so the dark
why will you still the love and free
in the morning more me mad
i don't know that it's going to make you
i can't be long long little girl
if you know my name ha no need that hello
it's so and on the time of time
i can't be mine
i think around for you
you don't be long nothing you know that you do
dear much a want to be your man before to me
i'm going to lose you
she does it ain't you have me too
i want to be your man I love you
i want to be your mother baby just can't be mine
there's nothing you know my name
but I know I nearly say hello
the very and so mind you know
that she do do you no should
when I can't so boy
i want you
when you know I don't know my name
i'm down I'm true to misey to mean a drink
i think you want me
and he said morning morning
i'll be an the word of too much oh yeah
that good and so
all the lonely time is the sky
the word she was a millow good
the words and what it is you do
all together now
i think what you do
i want to be your man me away
the world of mind the word that she's happy just her help her
we do it is so criend rings of love
i want to see you that I can be hand
i could love for your night and I'd sad you belong
i love you yeah yeah yeah yeah
and I will wear well the said
the word is wondering
i said she would do
and I can see your money touce of mind
we can be what I should gonna go ou
she the coustion down the end
i'm so home of soo much
when you don't worry
and I will see you love me do
i feel you need you and me you're mine
when I saw you can dead the could
i think you know my name
i can't come home to say
all together now
someday someone
and I loved you
and the word is a with on more to me
it's my home
don't be long with you on the number
the calles in a lot to kiss you
but you know what you know I heard before out of her back ago to me
i'm gonna be the beginning
i want to be your man I think you should
you may see your mother should
i want you
you say all the windo that you see you
you know I need you
and I'm trying to make you
and I will do it's only playents
all together now
he said so hard in the life of the start
you know that you know my name
what oh she would leave me in the light
you'll be my mind
for the baginning of the mystery ain't be silver right from the blistle help me
you let me down you to let me know
i'm gonna get to show that I'm round
here got a little happened along
i want you
make you there mean me the word
but the more will go
oh yeah yeah yeah
now time is here it won't be mine
it's a loser
the sun my walls here
i feel you need to me
if you can see that I want me
Temperature: 1.0
everyone plamis her eyes
here can he can aperivad
tell me away sad you can
love me love new me the mack
kissona without out someone
just near right I know how man
in you know my will
well I'm stone the tartce play
well you inter's in driverstile wind me
'cause I'm love a woad a skilam
the sun we're on a lover hole
well you burn of you sunty face out
i said it criend from shine
we're looks to much the beginning
she would daday new there with the night before and been the sun
she love you toof
christer writced time thationing
i only hour them its and longer
now no namr named everything you know
come on the bird of good her
but go on colourther knyings me tires came
because you know where yeah till I close are on I be
i can't sergline
oncs her life sun you leave me and mine
ain't you know that I'm telling
with a sooo on anyops
take your head back
a look at the phone and knaw you silly stops I'm borwen
where I fell the wrong to what you can no
but you know I will the only
and now I feel a way
she's got to die
she world papper as she said
love of all the little gight
and it's true peop you know
in the welt my boywen
far had their is nowhere my window
with you
i know if I want hey wrong
and you'll trupted to me
here gone only feelon
i said around down you know she won't be long
where change I wright dose hear you
honey my mine
there going down
but you know I nearly died
they wetermed nor like you
don't hidw the time without guy
i want you you near yeah yeah yeah
and then bant tonight
oh when I saw you didn't know without you
then you're too much what I see a
hello looked you make
it's only in everything I'll ckild
can't you see now tire the apaparazine
in the love everyone frirty
help you trive to me
wonders do it apppear dayis has go words and hurther
and I found time the oughtle no come
so let you need is toptee another disappenebt never giving on up the show
come on let't papperback man
looking and I'll never make you
remember she feel
when I get you like tomorrow me
beby cry beep me writer to a par
all at the old on my mind of the sun
i'm gonna get a fut home
good make it all you need
since's you're reding nowhere to make you and I love you
so know I singing wo man't wind and fine
all your neah you
befper child she's be my one
then I'm going take from my right me
imside in the end
it looking in her
good us shoulder I'm in silver
you you say you mather bast broke
always fine me thinking of you
oh yesterday to so hurmas
a baby than the other
see he take you much and todays more to play
the his he walkad gone
i don't let you know I won't all you need
you'd gonna change goo gloou
when I really his were
it's herees born to be out cool
come on uncuyfoother had a fretend
come on the blits are love me me
her came it's giving walks low
celloo hil in I love you
in a mil out halt look
lace it's coming on the carme
don't give my will be dance ach don't lonely
oh oh i h ane have evened belong
so see you told me that I'm senthiee
it only times at armout tomorrown
look at home
it's all the hatchere
but she knows prease whoa I want to be in
everybody I'm going to show out it's all only girl that boy
come together pack boy
server all together tone of mysteand
so baby that my finger people are I'm long
you burner the sun song you
honey didn't see you
and nothing I sad it come love morning
maded that some love and I'm a roa
when I feel you dyes a chance that you go
sitting roarshing someone or more
have another sudt her as good on bad good love
home for the little child
and you just finting so the walrus
when I so I feel good more
may's a wes blue
yes it way what weagh I'm kissing and ip
help me that is when you go
man't you realize it's real
we'd have a pain to give is in a man summer
don't let me real
i need " bitdaged darling
i'd inthing yight time to make me I'll be there
i need to me
take you out your near sin'm on minders
told me why you know my naw
who she said sun here had a said
but is the eggingen appen when you're insted and love girl that I said
you better better better them turns
martmaliss appartion
don't worret home to
did ky were baby with I belong
c'mon gives you
baby in and do
when the love any loned's bill spillacper
i want you
oh oh ano you silver eyes
there's nothing some
i am a boy had goesboot bag
ah ah ah oh
love thate's no near like a love
and lears where you dranks meettion
i don't need now
all I gotta do day
waiting down to give every just
there day with as the egg insterance"
one the little girl by mine
come on his love is what you see the oce
in mistereasplicter bloked to bill
just natten goodbye oncy love with me
elach you've got to say
couldn't have anyold I'm heard in really stops in her
she does at mind I'm gone
she one is madh a dranger before to hide and me
she will go it be
you told me un without of yestalnzaling
i've amilan guy you'ted hand before
cry brring look at the evening one your flirtantion I've bean
to please me coming baby
look at home
she's got nothing you can good
where you have me seem armand
paperback little child
is who it show home about me in more
i sad all weight
oh my tump every don't care the man
come on letting he's your bot our provy
get back me love day sexy have ahearts in the ruin
i know you want you know how man
oh ah no no
but you know my name hate's halmie
now about it here such yeah like a with owhere
that's agoing there without alone
could me
if you'll never do
came it on simpore away
hey break it won't you hear you mum
if there's anyo good read
oh my changing the whaces she dog deads
the newser I said hey'd kad to give or your say hurry with just bag little girl
everybody sunshine
once bring of little should
you know you see her hands inving a millex
love me earned alone
now I've minemed seeting all it tight
where you treat me see it be
love and friend out
if you look wonate everything you belong
sed inside you it's riverhin'
so is yeah can't see a remelatly hearts for easy
torking out
my love without that before the touce blue
yes you know I've missteen con't much
mn the many with go
oh no doe what's a rumb me had bom
let it be
anyctead is a just again out you
have that it kissoni-borncoom gonna come on
and I'm hof love is love is you see run
ah now I needed your birthday
you know you no ooh man ooh moo
that's shave wile gonely one
back where you're be cromning
remember where you'd be but little girl
it tell me alone good a
before me poot better make
martha will be narmown
come on his way a cride
and she was someone
if I think when I was alone bring
oh pleasons in the sky name
come reople asteantil alrights
i say seed you stand after the party
made is procters to wrong
"mouls befora
you'll be gonna wanger hord inside
it the egg on
i can't tell my smore but the gues
that's that evening now na leave
send you didn't nead me in the ga
she longer me ow
back bydible after my proviess in the sgound of loww
little better to you to my feet of more
see the things the wild floe pain his out
but but if baby
well you did it a fa-la bla-la held do
hold me along how her dead
good just not tell you down
write that is in freen't alway
spease in the light
i me tall you sit compoad
someone the sun
that you know homeone no now
she becked me mad to me
christmas is so my would ret
you know you no
i know you i had aloight to real
three I'm down I'm roadiy
boy you're gonna-moom
say you know my name nah on
it's so things to get good
i can't heep you were do
but it's all the word porgines
man polyong in the stree
perase not kind the bibtwas
i dig no can kndeen' night you make me hold
i'm just a show
as I new she changed your dosaine
we baby cry
seing me more day's girl
all around hearter leave me man
say to heaven mean to the blinks a face
good nudibng so thing but time
oh you feeling the cold
so the stag
how dreamers lough to wrong
here someone we lose it love
all together nows
you say
was it is will down you
teddy's rolly fadling I'm twice good must to heee a said doing
please let chile sail love
a the mun and with in
here magicat feel be a pain't bed
i want you
it baby head
did I want up
someday you don't need
and a right come our your caccoo
if please don't have some now
i got a sain and happy pie
you shout to much eon't real me so my
i sady looks the cill like you
you know my name
if you lifetime plesed
can't you go our in the man I want to be in my had
to be I've sween would low to be
he i'm an telling the one in my win
i'm down I'm silver blings in my eyes
it's always to gonna go
it's been to with on sounly away
ristucion fastio of you
you'll be in the nunging must plans
somelises homebod that prease don't badak
we eave it is my window girl poart
and it's making bast singing like it looking that playing closed
it's true you to smile
i'm just come oor to me
i couldn't be night and I've been is blue
"werepartand she was born
when I wask when I get you one love
everywhere away
sa-caling words on scrooution
they heavy needs you and I'm going to chack to be the hilleges
i think you love me a comfoas away
tell me nowwhe could never babe get nob letter
ob look yight been here's nothing to holk this back girl
all you need man somehel's maken in the dinkes of you
eight till me that you know me
feel up out on the party