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Custom Command Keybindings

You can add custom command keybindings in your config.yml (accessible by pressing 'o' on the status panel from within lazygit) like so:

  - key: '<c-r>'
    context: 'commits'
    command: 'hub browse -- "commit/{{.SelectedLocalCommit.Hash}}"'
  - key: 'a'
    context: 'files'
    command: "git {{if .SelectedFile.HasUnstagedChanges}} add {{else}} reset {{end}} {{.SelectedFile.Name | quote}}"
    description: 'Toggle file staged'
  - key: 'C'
    context: 'global'
    command: "git commit"
    subprocess: true
  - key: 'n'
    context: 'localBranches'
      - type: 'menu'
        title: 'What kind of branch is it?'
        key: 'BranchType'
          - name: 'feature'
            description: 'a feature branch'
            value: 'feature'
          - name: 'hotfix'
            description: 'a hotfix branch'
            value: 'hotfix'
          - name: 'release'
            description: 'a release branch'
            value: 'release'
      - type: 'input'
        title: 'What is the new branch name?'
        key: 'BranchName'
        initialValue: ''
    command: "git flow {{.Form.BranchType}} start {{.Form.BranchName}}"
    loadingText: 'Creating branch'

Looking at the command assigned to the 'n' key, here's what the result looks like:

Custom command keybindings will appear alongside inbuilt keybindings when you view the keybindings menu by pressing '?':

For a given custom command, here are the allowed fields:

field description required
key The key to trigger the command. Use a single letter or one of the values from here yes
command The command to run (using Go template syntax for placeholder values) yes
context The context in which to listen for the key (see below) yes
subprocess Whether you want the command to run in a subprocess (e.g. if the command requires user input) no
prompts A list of prompts that will request user input before running the final command no
loadingText Text to display while waiting for command to finish no
description Label for the custom command when displayed in the keybindings menu no
stream Whether you want to stream the command's output to the Command Log panel no
showOutput Whether you want to show the command's output in a popup within Lazygit no
outputTitle The title to display in the popup panel if showOutput is true. If left unset, the command will be used as the title. no
after Actions to take after the command has completed no

Here are the options for the after key:

field description required
checkForConflicts true/false. If true, check for merge conflicts no


The permitted contexts are:

context description
status The 'Status' tab
files The 'Files' tab
worktrees The 'Worktrees' tab
localBranches The 'Local Branches' tab
remotes The 'Remotes' tab
remoteBranches The context you get when pressing enter on a remote in the remotes tab
tags The 'Tags' tab
commits The 'Commits' tab
reflogCommits The 'Reflog' tab
subCommits The context you see when pressing enter on a branch
commitFiles The context you see when pressing enter on a commit or stash entry (warning, might be renamed in future)
stash The 'Stash' tab
global This keybinding will take affect everywhere


You can use a comma-separated string, such as context: 'commits, subCommits', to make it effective in multiple contexts.


Common fields

These fields are applicable to all prompts.

field description required
type One of 'input', 'confirm', 'menu', 'menuFromCommand' yes
title The title to display in the popup panel no
key Used to reference the entered value from within the custom command. E.g. a prompt with key: 'Branch' can be referred to as {{.Form.Branch}} in the command yes


field description required
initialValue The initial value to appear in the text box no
suggestions Shows suggestions as the input is entered. See below for details no

The permitted suggestions fields are:

field description required
preset Uses built-in logic to obtain the suggestions. One of 'authors', 'branches', 'files', 'refs', 'remotes', 'remoteBranches', 'tags' no
command Command to run such that each line in the output becomes a suggestion. Mutually exclusive with 'preset' field. no

Here's an example of passing a preset:

  - key: 'a'
    command: 'echo {{.Form.Branch | quote}}'
    context: 'commits'
      - type: 'input'
        title: 'Which branch?'
        key: 'Branch'
          preset: 'branches' # use built-in logic for obtaining branches

Here's an example of passing a command directly:

  - key: 'a'
    command: 'echo {{.Form.Branch | quote}}'
    context: 'commits'
      - type: 'input'
        title: 'Which branch?'
        key: 'Branch'
          command: "git branch --format='%(refname:short)'"

Here's an example of passing an initial value for the input:

  - key: 'a'
    command: 'echo {{.Form.Remote | quote}}'
    context: 'commits'
    - type: 'input'
      title: 'Remote:'
      key: 'Remote'
      initialValue: "{{.SelectedRemote.Name}}"


field description required
body The immutable body text to appear in the text box no


  - key: 'a'
    command: 'echo "pushing to remote"'
    context: 'commits'
    - type: 'confirm'
      title: 'Push to remote'
      body: 'Are you sure you want to push to the remote?'


field description required
options The options to display in the menu yes

The permitted option fields are:

field description required
name The first part of the label no
description The second part of the label no
value the value that will be used in the command yes

If an option has no name the value will be displayed to the user in place of the name, so you're allowed to only include the value like so:

  - key: 'a'
    command: 'echo {{.Form.BranchType | quote}}'
    context: 'commits'
      - type: 'menu'
        title: 'What kind of branch is it?'
        key: 'BranchType'
          - value: 'feature'
          - value: 'hotfix'
          - value: 'release'

Here's an example of supplying more detail for each option:

  - key: 'a'
    command: 'echo {{.Form.BranchType | quote}}'
    context: 'commits'
      - type: 'menu'
        title: 'What kind of branch is it?'
        key: 'BranchType'
          - value: 'feature'
            name: 'feature branch'
            description: 'branch based off develop'
          - value: 'hotfix'
            name: 'hotfix branch'
            description: 'branch based off main for fast bug fixes'
          - value: 'release'
            name: 'release branch'
            description: 'branch for a release'


field description required
command The command to run to generate menu options yes
filter The regexp to run specifying groups which are going to be kept from the command's output no
valueFormat How to format matched groups from the filter to construct a menu item's value no
labelFormat Like valueFormat but for the labels. If labelFormat is not specified, valueFormat is shown instead. no

Here's an example using named groups in the regex. Notice how we can pipe the label to a colour function for coloured output (available colours here)

  - key : 'a'
    description: 'Checkout a remote branch as FETCH_HEAD'
    command: "git fetch {{.Form.Remote}} {{.Form.Branch}} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD"
    context: 'remotes'
      - type: 'menuFromCommand'
        title: 'Remote branch:'
        key: 'Branch'
        command: 'git branch  -r --list {{.SelectedRemote.Name }}/*'
        filter: '.*{{.SelectedRemote.Name }}/(?P<branch>.*)'
        valueFormat: '{{ .branch }}'
        labelFormat: '{{ .branch | green }}'

Here's an example using unnamed groups:

  - key : 'a'
    description: 'Checkout a remote branch as FETCH_HEAD'
    command: "git fetch {{.Form.Remote}} {{.Form.Branch}} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD"
    context: 'remotes'
      - type: 'menuFromCommand'
        title: 'Remote branch:'
        key: 'Branch'
        command: 'git branch  -r --list {{.SelectedRemote.Name }}/*'
        filter: '.*{{.SelectedRemote.Name }}/(.*)'
        valueFormat: '{{ .group_1 }}'
        labelFormat: '{{ .group_1 | green }}'

Here's an example using a command but not specifying anything else: so each line from the command becomes the value and label of the menu items

  - key : 'a'
    description: 'Checkout a remote branch as FETCH_HEAD'
    command: "open {{.Form.File | quote}}"
    context: 'global'
      - type: 'menuFromCommand'
        title: 'File:'
        key: 'File'
        command: 'ls'

Placeholder values

Your commands can contain placeholder strings using Go's template syntax. The template syntax is pretty powerful, letting you do things like conditionals if you want, but for the most part you'll simply want to be accessing the fields on the following objects:


(For legacy reasons, SelectedLocalCommit, SelectedReflogCommit, and SelectedSubCommit are also available, but they are deprecated.)

To see what fields are available on e.g. the SelectedFile, see here (all the modelling lives in the same file).

Keybinding collisions

If your custom keybinding collides with an inbuilt keybinding that is defined for the same context, only the custom keybinding will be executed. This also applies to the global context. However, one caveat is that if you have a custom keybinding defined on the global context for some key, and there is an in-built keybinding defined for the same key and for a specific context (say the 'files' context), then the in-built keybinding will take precedence. See how to change in-built keybindings here


If you want to verify that your command actually does what you expect, you can wrap it in an 'echo' call and set showOutput: true so that it doesn't actually execute the command but you can see how the placeholders were resolved.

More Examples

See the wiki page for more examples, and feel free to add your own custom commands to this page so others can benefit!