diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1e6bb8b4e..810dd8f29 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ Some aspects of the implementation are distilled from [`Jet.com` systems dating
- [SqlStreamStore](https://github.com/SQLStreamStore/SQLStreamStore): Bindings for the powerful and widely used SQL-backed Event Storage system. [See SqlStreamStore docs](https://sqlstreamstore.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#introduction). :pray: [@rajivhost](https://github.com/rajivhost)
-# TL;DR :fast_forward:
+# TL;DR Can we cut to the chase? :fast_forward:
-- **Dev that wants a slab of code instead of a wall of text and will guess the rest** ? :point_right: <100 LOC end to end 'tutorial' using CosmosDB: https://github.com/jet/equinox/blob/master/samples/Tutorial/Cosmos.fsx#L36
+- I'm a dev that wants to a flavour via _code_, any code, now! (with light commentary) :point_right: [There's a simple `Counter` example using `Equinox.MemoryStore` for you](https://github.com/jet/equinox/blob/master/samples/Tutorial/Counter.fsx#L16)
+- I'm a dev that knows about event sourcing, CosmosDB and F#; Throw me a terse slab of code instead of a wall of text and let me work from that! :point_right: [~100 LOC end-to-end using CosmosDB](https://github.com/jet/equinox/blob/master/samples/Tutorial/Cosmos.fsx#L36)
+- I understand CosmosDB backwards, show me what Equinox is going to enable that something simple I write in a few hours, or [CosmoStore](https://github.com/Dzoukr/CosmoStore) doesn't already do? :point_right: [Access Strategies guide](https://github.com/jet/equinox/blob/master/DOCUMENTATION.md#access-strategies)
# Features
diff --git a/samples/Tutorial/Counter.fsx b/samples/Tutorial/Counter.fsx
index 755ce587a..e74008777 100644
--- a/samples/Tutorial/Counter.fsx
+++ b/samples/Tutorial/Counter.fsx
@@ -58,27 +58,30 @@ let decide command (State state) =
type Service internal (resolve : string -> Equinox.Stream) =
- let execute counterId command : Async =
- let stream = resolve counterId
- stream.Transact(decide command)
- let read counterId : Async =
- let stream = resolve counterId
- stream.Query(fun (State value) -> value)
member __.Execute(instanceId, command) : Async =
- execute instanceId command
+ let stream = resolve instanceId
+ stream.Transact(decide command)
member __.Reset(instanceId, value) : Async =
- execute instanceId (Clear value)
+ __.Execute(instanceId, Clear value)
member __.Read instanceId : Async =
- read instanceId
+ let stream = resolve instanceId
+ stream.Query(fun (State value) -> value)
+(* Out of the box, logging is via Serilog (can be wired to anything imaginable)
+ Here we send it to the console (there's not much to see as `MemoryStore` does not do much logging) *)
+open Serilog
+let log = LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Console().CreateLogger()
+(* We can integration test using an in-memory store
+ See other examples such as Cosmos.fsx to see how we integrate with CosmosDB and/or other concrete stores *)
let store = Equinox.MemoryStore.VolatileStore()
let codec = FsCodec.Box.Codec.Create()
let resolver = Equinox.MemoryStore.Resolver(store, codec, fold, initial)
-open Serilog
-let log = LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Console().CreateLogger()
-let service = Service(fun id -> Equinox.Stream(log, streamName id |> resolver.Resolve, maxAttempts = 3))
+let resolve instanceId = Equinox.Stream(log, streamName instanceId |> resolver.Resolve, maxAttempts = 3)
+let service = Service(resolve)
let clientId = "ClientA"
service.Read(clientId) |> Async.RunSynchronously
service.Execute(clientId, Increment) |> Async.RunSynchronously