Releases: jetwitaussi/PHT
Releases · jetwitaussi/PHT
PHT v3.15
PHT v3.14
Fix php8 compatibility
PHT v3.13
Update teamdetails v3.7 Add isDeactivated on senior team
PHT v3.12
Update to get new trainer data
PHT v3.11
Update youthteamdetails to 1.2
PHT v3.10
Update to last xml versions
Some fixes and improvements, see commits logs
PHT v3.9
New xml versions: managercompendium v1.2 playerdetails v2.8 players v2.5 youthavatars v1.2
PHT v3.8
Handle teamdetails v3.5
PHT v3.7
Fix regions chunk
PHT v3.6
Merge branch 'v3' of into v3