The k562 segway bed file is 1.1 gigabytes in size while the ChromHMM bed files only 44 megabytes. This may be because ChromHMM determines chromatin state in chunks, hundreds of base pairs, and seems to skip large sections of the chromosome, especially at the ends. On the other hand, segway is able to perform analysis at base pair resolution, and annotate much smaller sections of the genome.
Another reason for the larger size of the Segway bed file is that Segway annotates more states than ChromHMM. Segway identifies 25 different states compared to the 15 found by ChromHMM.
File name | File size | Number of lines |
K562_segway.bed | 1.1G | 16,849,745 |
K562_hmm.bed | 44M | 621,678 |
To count the total number of states, run which counts the number of lines with the given segway states. First, make executable and then run and pipe the output to segway_out.txt file.
chmod u+x
./ > segway_out.txt
# Cut the first column of segway_annotation file because
# can only handle a single column for the annotation in a later step.
cut -f 1 segway_annotation.txt > cut_segway_annotation.txt
# Paste annotations with counts
paste cut_segway_annotation.txt segway_out.txt > K562_segway_annotation_counts.txt
Annotation | Description | Count |
D | dead zone | 1616227 |
L0 | low zone | 1159248 |
L1 | low zone | 1450189 |
F0 | FAIRE only | 1597574 |
F1 | FAIRE only | 2107182 |
R0 | repression | 1411635 |
R1 | repression | 652611 |
R2 | repression | 935752 |
R3 | repression | 783845 |
R4 | repression | 383762 |
R5 | repression | 402257 |
C0 | CTCF (strong) | 33903 |
C1 | CTCF (weak) | 109547 |
H3K9me1 | H3K9me1 only | 869101 |
TF0 | transcription factor activity | 526151 |
TF1 | transcription factor activity | 675284 |
TF2 | transcription factor activity | 225116 |
TSS | transcription start site | 25724 |
GS | gene body (start) | 79980 |
E/GM | enhancer/gene middle | 93920 |
GM0 | gene body (middle) | 243427 |
GM1 | gene body (middle) | 152188 |
GE0 | gene body (end) | 880359 |
GE1 | gene body (end) | 352083 |
GE2 | gene body (end) | 82680 |
[Table 1: Count of states in k562_segway.bed] |
# Create an intersection of segway and pol2 annotation bed files.
intersectBed -a k562_segway.bed -b K562_pol2.bed -wb > K562_segway_pol2.bed
# Compute fraction overlap
more K562_segway.bed | wc -l > segway_pol2_overlap.txt
more K562_pol2.bed | wc -l >> segway_pol2_overlap.txt
more K562_segway_pol2.bed | wc -l >> segway_pol2_overlap.txt
# Count the segway annotations that overlap with pol2 annotations
sed 's/k562_segway.bed/K562_segway_pol2.bed/g' >
chmod u+x
./ > segway_pol2_out.txt
Only 0.5% of segway annotations overlap with pol2 annotations. This is in contrast to the 6% of ChromHMM annotations that overlap with pol2. Examination of the K562_segway_pol2.bed file shows many annotations fall within transcription start sites, enhancers and gene bodies relative to the other annotations.
Parse the annotations of segway and pol2 intersection using script.
# Cut out the 4th column from K562_segway_pol2.bed file
cut -f 4 K562_segway_pol2.bed > K562_segway_pol2.states
# Run python file
python K562_segway_pol2.states K562_segway_annotation_counts.txt > K562_segway_pol2.analysis
The resulting analysis of the intersection of segway and pol2 states show that the greatest overlap between the annotation files is TSS (transcription start site) with an overlap of 79.09%, but 20.81% of pol2 binding sites map to transcription start sites. The annotation that contributes the most to the Pol2/annotation state overlap is GS (gene body start) which contributes 35.76% of the intersections.
Annotation | Original | Overlap | %_between | %_accross |
D | 1616227 | 116 | 0.01 | 0.12 |
L0 | 1159248 | 129 | 0.01 | 0.13 |
L1 | 1450189 | 121 | 0.01 | 0.12 |
F0 | 1597574 | 108 | 0.01 | 0.11 |
F1 | 2107182 | 30 | 0 | 0.03 |
R0 | 1411635 | 24 | 0 | 0.02 |
R1 | 652611 | 37 | 0.01 | 0.04 |
R2 | 935752 | 33 | 0 | 0.03 |
R3 | 783845 | 21 | 0 | 0.02 |
R4 | 383762 | 1421 | 0.37 | 1.45 |
R5 | 402257 | 58 | 0.01 | 0.06 |
C0 | 33903 | 1639 | 4.83 | 1.68 |
C1 | 109547 | 121 | 0.11 | 0.12 |
H3K9me1 | 869101 | 300 | 0.03 | 0.31 |
TF0 | 526151 | 84 | 0.02 | 0.09 |
TF1 | 675284 | 325 | 0.05 | 0.33 |
TF2 | 225116 | 3347 | 1.49 | 3.42 |
TSS | 25724 | 20346 | 79.09 | 20.81 |
GS | 79980 | 34958 | 43.71 | 35.76 |
E/GM | 93920 | 13097 | 13.94 | 13.4 |
GM0 | 243427 | 1043 | 0.43 | 1.07 |
GM1 | 152188 | 2597 | 1.71 | 2.66 |
GE0 | 880359 | 700 | 0.08 | 0.72 |
GE1 | 352083 | 5015 | 1.42 | 5.13 |
GE2 | 82680 | 12098 | 14.63 | 12.37 |
Table 2 shows ~96% of Pol2 sites mapping to active chromatin, interpreted as: H3K9me1, TF activity, and gene bodies.
# Create an intersection of segway and pol2 annotation bed files.
intersectBed -a K562_segway.bed -b K562_ctcf.bed -wb > K562_segway_ctcf.bed
# Compute fraction overlap
more K562_segway.bed | wc -l > segway_ctcf_overlap.txt
more K562_ctcf.bed | wc -l >> segway_ctcf_overlap.txt
more K562_segway_ctcf.bed | wc -l >> segway_ctcf_overlap.txt
# Cut out the 4th column from K562_segway_pol2.bed file
cut -f 4 K562_segway_ctcf.bed > K562_segway_ctcf.states
# Run python file
python K562_segway_ctcf.states K562_segway_annotation_counts.txt > K562_segway_ctcf.analysis
Analysis of Segway and CTCF site intersections shows that CTCF data overlaps with 88.33% of C0 (strong CTCF) and 53.78% of C1 (weak CTCF) Segway annotations. This result shows that the majority of Segway CTCF annotations agree with experimental data, however these two categories only make up 19.16% of the the annotated CTCF sites. The rest are spread relitively evenly throuhgout the other annotation categories with slightly higher levels in R5 (repression) and GM1 (gene body middle).
Annotation | Original | Overlap | %_between | %_across |
D | 1616227 | 10136 | 0.63 | 2.18 |
L0 | 1159248 | 12118 | 1.05 | 2.61 |
L1 | 1450189 | 16829 | 1.16 | 3.62 |
F0 | 1597574 | 11799 | 0.74 | 2.54 |
F1 | 2107182 | 7905 | 0.38 | 1.7 |
R0 | 1411635 | 10616 | 0.75 | 2.29 |
R1 | 652611 | 20280 | 3.11 | 4.37 |
R2 | 935752 | 22322 | 2.39 | 4.81 |
R3 | 783845 | 18186 | 2.32 | 3.92 |
R4 | 383762 | 22184 | 5.78 | 4.78 |
R5 | 402257 | 28157 | 7 | 6.06 |
C0 | 33903 | 29947 | 88.33 | 6.45 |
C1 | 109547 | 59015 | 53.87 | 12.71 |
H3K9me1 | 869101 | 21410 | 2.46 | 4.61 |
TF0 | 526151 | 12777 | 2.43 | 2.75 |
TF1 | 675284 | 23805 | 3.53 | 5.12 |
TF2 | 225116 | 8596 | 3.82 | 1.85 |
TSS | 25724 | 8664 | 33.68 | 1.87 |
GS | 79980 | 21260 | 26.58 | 4.58 |
E/GM | 93920 | 15624 | 16.64 | 3.36 |
GM0 | 243427 | 20694 | 8.5 | 4.46 |
GM1 | 152188 | 28384 | 18.65 | 6.11 |
GE0 | 880359 | 14055 | 1.6 | 3.03 |
GE1 | 352083 | 11607 | 3.3 | 2.5 |
GE2 | 82680 | 8124 | 9.83 | 1.75 |
# Intersect Segway and methylseq bed files
intersectBed -a K562_segway.bed -b K562_methylseq.bed -wb > K562_segway_methylseq.bed
more K562_segway.bed | wc -l > segway_methylseq_overlap.txt
more K562_methylseq.bed | wc -l >> segway_methylseq_overlap.txt
more K562_segway_methylseq.bed | wc -l >> segway_methylseq_overlap.txt
File | Count |
K562_segway.bed | 16849745 |
K562_methylseq.bed | 89590 |
K562_segway_methylseq.bed | 117721 |
Intersection of the Segway annotations and methylseq show that methylseq sites map to multiple Segway annotations. This may be because methylseq sites stradle two bordering Segway annotations. For example, methylseq site chr1.284 intersects with two neighboring Segway annotations.
# Extract Segway annotation and methylation state
cut -f 4,14 K562_segway_methylseq.bed > K562_segway_methylseq.states
# Parse segway methylseq states file
python K562_segway_methylseq.states segway_annotation.txt > K562_segway_methylseq.analysis
Annotation | %_fraction | Meth | Unmeth | %_Meth | %_Unmeth |
D | 2.03 | 1948 | 440 | 81.57 | 18.43 |
L0 | 5.51 | 5356 | 1129 | 82.59 | 17.41 |
L1 | 1.77 | 1744 | 343 | 83.56 | 16.44 |
F0 | 0.26 | 255 | 52 | 83.06 | 16.94 |
F1 | 0.37 | 369 | 64 | 85.22 | 14.78 |
R0 | 1.23 | 1366 | 77 | 94.66 | 5.34 |
R1 | 1 | 1063 | 116 | 90.16 | 9.84 |
R2 | 0.39 | 409 | 48 | 89.5 | 10.5 |
R3 | 4.06 | 4536 | 240 | 94.97 | 5.03 |
R4 | 0.66 | 558 | 216 | 72.09 | 27.91 |
R5 | 10.24 | 10787 | 1263 | 89.52 | 10.48 |
C0 | 1.7 | 1978 | 20 | 99 | 1 |
C1 | 1.35 | 1440 | 144 | 90.91 | 9.09 |
H3K9me1 | 0.98 | 802 | 350 | 69.62 | 30.38 |
TF0 | 21.19 | 21777 | 3164 | 87.31 | 12.69 |
TF1 | 2.69 | 1671 | 1500 | 52.7 | 47.3 |
TF2 | 10.8 | 4767 | 7948 | 37.49 | 62.51 |
TSS | 12.43 | 14612 | 18 | 99.88 | 0.12 |
GS | 8.39 | 9793 | 84 | 99.15 | 0.85 |
E/GM | 0.58 | 638 | 47 | 93.14 | 6.86 |
GM0 | 0.5 | 460 | 133 | 77.57 | 22.43 |
GM1 | 6.11 | 6167 | 1023 | 85.77 | 14.23 |
GE0 | 0.29 | 94 | 246 | 27.65 | 72.35 |
GE1 | 0.45 | 78 | 450 | 14.77 | 85.23 |
GE2 | 5.04 | 3043 | 2895 | 51.25 | 48.75 |
Methylation of promoter CpG sites typically causes silencing of gene expression associated with those sites. The table above shows higher levels of methylated vs unmethylated states in most annotated regions. Though there are regions of low methylation in gene bodies (GE0, GE1, GE2) and transcription factor binding sites (TF1, TF2). 30.57% of methylation is found in repressed regions, 47.11% of all methylation signals are in transcription factor binding sites, and the remaining 21.36% are in gene bodies. The high level of methylation in transcription factor binding sites may be indicative of the role of methylation in silencing gene expression by inhibiting binding of transcription factors to their target binding sites.
# Intersect the three datasets
intersectBed -a K562_segway_ctcf.bed -b K562_methylseq.bed -wb > K562_segway_ctcf_methylseq.bed
# Count the resulting number of annotations
more K562_hmm_ctcf_methylseq.bed | wc -l
# Extract Chromatin states and methylation status
cut -f 4,14 K562_segway_ctcf_methylseq.bed > K562_segway_ctcf_methylseq.states
# Parse methylation status
python K562_segway_ctcf_methylseq.states segway_annotation.txt > K562_segway_ctcf_methylseq.analysis
Annotation | %_fraction | Meth | Unmeth | %_Meth | %_Unmeth |
D | 0.07 | 12 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
L0 | 0.41 | 70 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
L1 | 0.24 | 40 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
F0 | 0.01 | 2 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
F1 | 0.01 | 2 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
R0 | 0.08 | 13 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
R1 | 0.3 | 51 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
R2 | 0.09 | 16 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
R3 | 0.92 | 156 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
R4 | 0.46 | 78 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
R5 | 7.82 | 1320 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
C0 | 10.55 | 1782 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
C1 | 5.67 | 958 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
H3K9me1 | 0.23 | 39 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
TF0 | 5.13 | 867 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
TF1 | 0.89 | 151 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
TF2 | 3.39 | 572 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
TSS | 30.38 | 5131 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
GS | 17.3 | 2921 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
E/GM | 0.71 | 120 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
GM0 | 0.4 | 67 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
GM1 | 10.56 | 1783 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
GE0 | 0.04 | 6 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
GE1 | 0.09 | 16 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
GE2 | 4.23 | 714 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
There are a total of 14,437 annotations where CTCF and Methyl-seq data intersect. Analysis of the methylation status of CTCF sites shows 100% of the CTCF sites with methylation information are fully methylated. This high level of methylation is a bit surprising. CTCF is highly associated with gene repression and has insulating functions where it blocks enhancers and preventing the spread of heterochromatin {Cuddapah, 2009}.