👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
We love your input! We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:
- Discussing the current state of the code
- Reporting a bug
- Submitting a fix
- Proposing new features
- Ask a question
- Found a security vulnerability ?
- Unexpected Behaviour in application
- Requesting changes in docs
We use Github Flow, all code changes happen through Pull Requests. We actively welcome your pull requests. So here are the steps to get started.
You can get your own fork/copy of React Auth Kit by using the Fork button.
You need to clone (download) it to local machine using
git clone https://github.com/Your_Username/react-auth-kit.git
This makes a local copy of the repository in your machine.
Once you have cloned the React-Auth-Kit
repository from GitHub, move to that folder first using change directory command.
# This will change directory to a folder Plant_Disease_Detection
cd react-auth-kit
Move to this folder for all other commands.
Once you have completed these steps, you are ready to start contributing by checking our Help Wanted
Issues and creating pull requests.
Whenever you are going to make a contribution. Please create a separate branch using command and keep your master
branch clean (i.e. synced with remote branch).
# It will create a new branch with the name Branch_Name and will switch to that branch.
git checkout -b Branch_Name
Install project dependencies
# It will install all necessary dependencies
npm install
🎉 Now comes coding time 🎉
To add the changes to the branch. Use,
# To add all files to branch Branch_Name
git add .
Type in a message relevant for the code reviewer using
<type>[optional scope]: <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
fix: a commit of the type fix patches a bug in your codebase (this correlates with PATCH in Semantic Versioning).
feat: a commit of the type feat introduces a new feature to the codebase (this correlates with MINOR in Semantic Versioning).
refactor: a commit of the type refactor is a change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature.
build: a commit of the type build are changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm).
chore: a commit of the type chore are other changes that don't modify src or test files.
ci: a commit of the type ci are changes to our CI configuration files and scripts.
style: a commit of the type style are changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colon, etc).
docs: a commit of the type docs are documentation changes only.
perf: a commit of the type perf is a code change that improves performance.
test: a commit of the type test introduces missing tests or correcting existing tests
BREAKING CHANGE: a commit that has a footer BREAKING CHANGE:, or appends a ! after the type/scope, introduces a breaking API change (correlating with MAJOR in Semantic Versioning). A BREAKING CHANGE can be part of commits of any type.
# This message gets associated with all files you have changed
git commit -m 'docs: edited the CONTRIBUTING.md'
Now, Push your awesome work to your remote repository using
# To push your work to your remote repository
git push -u origin Branch_Name
Finally, go to your forked repository in your browser and click on Compare & pull request
Use our pull request template format.
Then add a title and description to your pull request that explains your precious effort.
Now, sit back and relax till we review your PR, you've made your contribution to our project.
By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under MIT License.
🎉 🎊 😃 Happy Contributing 😃 🎊 🎉