Graph Networks Related Work
A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks, 2019. [paper ]
Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications, 2019. [paper ]
Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks, 2018. [paper ]
Unsupervised Learning of Latent Physical Properties Using Perception-Prediction Networks, 2018. [paper ]
Interaction Networks for Learning about Objects, Relations and Physics, 2016. [paper ]
Neural Relational Inference for Interacting Systems, 2018. [paper ]
Factorised Neural Relational Inference for Multi-Interaction Systems, 2019. [paper ]
Graph networks as learnable physics engines for inference and control, 2018. [paper ]
Relational Forward Models for Multi-Agent Learning, 2018. [paper ]
VAIN: Attentional Multi-agent Predictive Modeling, 2018. [paper ]
Graph Attention Networks, 2018. [paper ]
Neural Message Passing for Quantum Chemistry, 2017. [paper ]
Deep Sets, 2018. [paper ]
How Powerful are Graph Neural Networks?, 2019. [paper ]
Diverse Generation for Multi-agent Sports Games, CVPR 2019. [paper ]
Generative Modeling of Multimodal Multi-Human Behavior, IROS 2018. [paper ]
Stochastic Prediction of Multi-Agent Interactions from Partial Observations, 2019. [paper ]
GRIP: Graph-based Interaction-aware Trajectory Prediction, 2019. [paper ]
TrafficPredict: Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Traffic-Agents, 2018. [paper ]
Stochastic trajectory prediction with social graph network, 2019. [paper ]
DROGON: A Causal Reasoning Framework for Future Trajectory Forecast, 2019. [paper ]
Social-BiGAT: Multimodal Trajectory Forecasting using Bicycle-GAN and Graph Attention Networks, 2019. [paper ]
The Trajectron: Probabilistic Multi-Agent Trajectory Modeling with Dynamic Spatiotemporal Graphs, 2019. [paper ]
Relational Deep Reinforcement Learning, 2018. [paper ]
MolGAN: An implicit generative model for small molecular graphs, 2018. [paper ]
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