This repository is made available to support collecting and parsing Telemetry Reports which is specified by P4 Applications Working Group. Metrics related to Inband Network Telemetry are pushed to Prometheus Monitoring agent. This work is still in progress.
Create a file in /tmp/prometheus.yaml and copy below:
global: scrape_interval: 15s evaluation_interval: 15s rule_files: # - "first.rules" # - "second.rules" scrape_configs: - job_name: 'prometheus' static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9090'] - job_name: 'int demo' # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics' # scheme defaults to 'http'. scrape_interval: 5s static_configs: - targets: ['YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:1234']
Run prometheus with the following command
sudo docker run -p 9090:9090 -v /tmp/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus
You should able to see
git clone
Compile it.
mvn compile or mvn verify -
Run the exporter and you should be able to see http://localhost:1234/
mvn exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.mainClass="io.prometheus.client.exporter.ExampleExporter"
NOTE: To install jnetpcap:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile="jnetpcap.jar" -DgroupId="jnetpcap" -DartifactId="jnetpcap" -Dversion="1.3.0" -Dpackaging="jar"
Open Prometheus page http://localhost:9090/graph
You should able to see our int demo service is up http://localhost:9090/targets
You can play around with the metrics by using the graph tab in Prometheus web page. Start typing latency and you'll see available INT metrics.
topk(3, total_flow_latency_ms)
sudo docker run -d --name=grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
Username/Password is admin/admin
Add data source from Grafana screen:
Name=Something you like
Add a new dashboard
Add graph
Click the panel title and edit
Choose data source as Mixed
Add your PromQL query like s1_flow_latency
You need to add the Pushgateway as a target to scrape in configuration file. For example, add these lines to /tmp/prometheus.yml
- job_name: 'prometheus'
# metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
# scheme defaults to 'http'.
honor_labels: true
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets: ['YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:9091']
Note: you should always set honor_labels: true in the scrape config
docker pull prom/pushgateway
docker run -d -p 9091:9091 prom/pushgateway
Although using docker seems to be easiest way, you can use binary releases to install and run pushgateway.
Download binary releases for your platform from the release page and unpack the tarball. If you want to compile yourself from the sources, you need a working Go setup. Then use the provided Makefile (type make). For the most basic setup, just start the binary. To change the address to listen on, use the -web.listen-address flag. By default, Pushgateway does not persist metrics. However, the -persistence.file flag allows you to specify a file in which the pushed metrics will be persisted (so that they survive restarts of the Pushgateway).
Push a single sample into the group identified by {job="IntDemo_job"}:
echo "IntDemo_metric 3.14" | curl --data-binary @-
You can give the specific client address like if you have one. Since no type information has been provided, IntDemo_metric will be of type untyped.
Push something more complex into the group identified by {job="IntDemo_job",instance="some_instance"}:
cat <<EOF | curl --data-binary @- localhost:9091/metrics/job/IntDemo_job/instance/some_instance
# TYPE some_metric counter
some_metric{label="sw01"} 42
# TYPE another_metric gauge
# HELP another_metric Just an example.
another_metric 2398.283
Note: how type information and help strings are provided. Those linesare optional, but strongly encouraged for anything more complex.
You can check status of the pushed metrics from
Delete all metrics grouped by job and instance:
curl -X DELETE localhost:9091/metrics/job/IntDemo_job/instance/some_instance
Delete all metrics grouped by job only:
curl -X DELETE localhost:9091/metrics/job/IntDemo_job
Histogram explanation
Demo Service
Group Left Explanation