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The VarExporter Component

The VarExporter component exports any serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code and allows to instantiate and populate objects without calling their constructors.


$ composer require --dev symfony/var-exporter

Exporting/Serializing Variables

The main feature of this component is to serialize PHP data structures to plain PHP code, similar to PHP's :phpfunction:`var_export` function:

use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\VarExporter;

$exported = VarExporter::export($someVariable);
// store the $exported data in some file or cache system for later reuse
$data = file_put_contents('exported.php', '<?php return '.$exported.';');

// later, regenerate the original variable when you need it
$regeneratedVariable = require 'exported.php';

The reason to use this component instead of serialize() or igbinary is performance: thanks to OPcache, the resulting code is significantly faster and more memory efficient than using unserialize() or igbinary_unserialize().

In addition, there are some minor differences:

  • If the original variable defines them, all the semantics associated with serialize() (such as __wakeup(), __sleep(), and Serializable) are preserved (var_export() ignores them);
  • References involving SplObjectStorage, ArrayObject or ArrayIterator instances are preserved;
  • Missing classes throw a ClassNotFoundException instead of being unserialized to PHP_Incomplete_Class objects;
  • Reflection*, IteratorIterator and RecursiveIteratorIterator classes throw an exception when being serialized.

The exported data is a PSR-2 compatible PHP file. Consider for example the following class hierarchy:

abstract class AbstractClass
    protected int $foo;
    private int $bar;

    protected function setBar($bar): void
        $this->bar = $bar;

class ConcreteClass extends AbstractClass
    public function __construct()
        $this->foo = 123;

When exporting the ConcreteClass data with VarExporter, the generated PHP file looks like this:

return \Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\Hydrator::hydrate(
    $o = [
        clone (\Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\Registry::$prototypes['Symfony\\Component\\VarExporter\\Tests\\ConcreteClass'] ?? \Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\Registry::p('Symfony\\Component\\VarExporter\\Tests\\ConcreteClass')),
        'Symfony\\Component\\VarExporter\\Tests\\AbstractClass' => [
            'foo' => [
            'bar' => [

Instantiating & Hydrating PHP Classes


This component provides an instantiator, which can create objects and set their properties without calling their constructors or any other methods:

use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Instantiator;

// creates an empty instance of Foo
$fooObject = Instantiator::instantiate(Foo::class);

// creates a Foo instance and sets one of its properties
$fooObject = Instantiator::instantiate(Foo::class, ['propertyName' => $propertyValue]);

The instantiator can also populate the property of a parent class. Assuming Bar is the parent class of Foo and defines a privateBarProperty attribute:

use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Instantiator;

// creates a Foo instance and sets a private property defined on its parent Bar class
$fooObject = Instantiator::instantiate(Foo::class, [], [
    Bar::class => ['privateBarProperty' => $propertyValue],

Instances of ArrayObject, ArrayIterator and SplObjectHash can be created by using the special "\0" property name to define their internal value:

use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Instantiator;

// creates an SplObjectStorage where $info1 is associated with $object1, etc.
$theObject = Instantiator::instantiate(SplObjectStorage::class, [
    "\0" => [$object1, $info1, $object2, $info2...],

// creates an ArrayObject populated with $inputArray
$theObject = Instantiator::instantiate(ArrayObject::class, [
    "\0" => [$inputArray],


Instead of populating objects that don't exist yet (using the instantiator), sometimes you want to populate properties of an already existing object. This is the goal of the :class:`Symfony\\Component\\VarExporter\\Hydrator`. Here is a basic usage of the hydrator populating a property of an object:

use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Hydrator;

$object = new Foo();
Hydrator::hydrate($object, ['propertyName' => $propertyValue]);

The hydrator can also populate the property of a parent class. Assuming Bar is the parent class of Foo and defines a privateBarProperty attribute:

use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Hydrator;

$object = new Foo();
Hydrator::hydrate($object, [], [
    Bar::class => ['privateBarProperty' => $propertyValue],

// alternatively, you can use the special "\0" syntax
Hydrator::hydrate($object, ["\0Bar\0privateBarProperty" => $propertyValue]);

Instances of ArrayObject, ArrayIterator and SplObjectHash can be populated by using the special "\0" property name to define their internal value:

use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Hydrator;

// creates an SplObjectHash where $info1 is associated with $object1, etc.
$storage = new SplObjectStorage();
Hydrator::hydrate($storage, [
    "\0" => [$object1, $info1, $object2, $info2...],

// creates an ArrayObject populated with $inputArray
$arrayObject = new ArrayObject();
Hydrator::hydrate($arrayObject, [
    "\0" => [$inputArray],

Creating Lazy Objects

Lazy-objects are objects instantiated empty and populated on-demand. This is particularly useful when you have for example properties in your classes that requires some heavy computation to determine their value. In this case, you may want to trigger the property's value processing only when you actually need its value. Thanks to this, the heavy computation won't be done if you never use this property. The VarExporter component is bundled with two traits helping you implement such mechanism easily in your classes.


Ghost objects are empty objects, which see their properties populated the first time any method is called. Thanks to :class:`Symfony\\Component\\VarExporter\\LazyGhostTrait`, the implementation of the lazy mechanism is eased. The MyLazyObject::populateHash() method will be called only when the object is actually used and needs to be initialized:

namespace App\Hash;

use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\LazyGhostTrait;

class HashProcessor
    use LazyGhostTrait;
    // Because of how the LazyGhostTrait trait works internally, you
    // must add this private property in your class
    private int $lazyObjectId;

    // This property may require a heavy computation to have its value
    public readonly string $hash;

    public function __construct()
        self::createLazyGhost(initializer: $this->populateHash(...), instance: $this);

    private function populateHash(array $data): void
        // Compute $this->hash value with the passed data

:class:`Symfony\\Component\\VarExporter\\LazyGhostTrait` also allows to convert non-lazy classes to lazy ones:

namespace App\Hash;

use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\LazyGhostTrait;

class HashProcessor
    public readonly string $hash;

    public function __construct(array $data)

    private function populateHash(array $data): void
        // ...

    public function validateHash(): bool
        // ...

class LazyHashProcessor extends HashProcessor
    use LazyGhostTrait;

$processor = LazyHashProcessor::createLazyGhost(initializer: function (HashProcessor $instance): void {
    // Do any operation you need here: call setters, getters, methods to validate the hash, etc.
    $data = /** Retrieve required data to compute the hash */;

While you never query $processor->hash value, heavy methods will never be triggered. But still, the $processor object exists and can be used in your code, passed to methods, functions, etc.

Additionally and by adding two arguments to the initializer function, it is possible to initialize properties one-by-one:

$processor = LazyHashProcessor::createLazyGhost(initializer: function (HashProcessor $instance, string $propertyName, ?string $propertyScope): mixed {
    if (HashProcessor::class === $propertyScope && 'hash' === $propertyName) {
        // Return $hash value

    // Then you can add more logic for the other properties

Ghost objects unfortunately can't work with abstract classes or internal PHP classes. Nevertheless, the VarExporter component covers this need with the help of :ref:`Virtual Proxies <var-exporter_virtual-proxies>`.


The purpose of virtual proxies in the same one as :ref:`ghost objects <var-exporter_ghost-objects>`, but their internal behavior is totally different. Where ghost objects requires to extend a base class, virtual proxies take advantage of the Liskov Substitution principle. This principle describes that if two objects are implementing the same interface, you can swap between the different implementations without breaking your application. This is what virtual proxies take advantage of. To use virtual proxies, you may use :class:`Symfony\\Component\\VarExporter\\ProxyHelper` to generate proxy's class code:

namespace App\Hash;

use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\ProxyHelper;

interface ProcessorInterface
    public function getHash(): bool;

abstract class AbstractProcessor implements ProcessorInterface
    protected string $hash;

    public function getHash(): bool
        return $this->hash;

class HashProcessor extends AbstractProcessor
    public function __construct(array $data)

    private function populateHash(array $data): void
        // ...

$proxyCode = ProxyHelper::generateLazyProxy(new \ReflectionClass(AbstractProcessor::class));
// $proxyCode contains the actual proxy and the reference to LazyProxyTrait.
// In production env, this should be dumped into a file to avoid calling eval().
eval('class HashProcessorProxy'.$proxyCode);

$processor = HashProcessorProxy::createLazyProxy(initializer: function (): ProcessorInterface {
    $data = /** Retrieve required data to compute the hash */;
    $instance = new HashProcessor(...$data);

    // Do any operation you need here: call setters, getters, methods to validate the hash, etc.

    return $instance;

Just like ghost objects, while you never query $processor->hash, its value will not be computed. The main difference with ghost objects is that this time, a proxy of an abstract class was created. This also works with internal PHP class.