This is a basic Playwright in Typescript that was setup like this
brew install node pnpm
pnpm create playwright
Playwright needs to fetch its own versions of instrumented browsers. Run the following on your machine
pnpm install
pnpm exec playwright install
It downloads Chromium, Firefox, Webkit, and also ffmpeg.
du -hs ${HOME}/Library/Caches/ms-playwright
881M /Users/jdanek/Library/Caches/ms-playwrigh
Use either the VS Code Playwright extension or the IntelliJ one for nice UX.
Also try out the UI mode and the codegen mode.
pnpm playwright test --ui
pnpm playwright codegen localhost:8787
The main differentiators of Playwright are auto-waiting, the browser fetching seen above, and integration and access to browser APIs (geolocation, ...).
Playwright test runner uses fixtures injection, similarly to Pytest.
For debugging, run test with --headed
and put await page.pause()
somewhere the test.
This only works when you "run" and not "run with debug" the test in the IDE.
The HTML report captures screenshot on failure, so maybe that's enough to figure out the failure.
CI captures execution traces that can be opened in the trace viewer and explored.
pnpm playwright show-trace path/to/