This is my configuration for NeoVim. It is supposed to be fast and easy to understand.
- Description of the configuration and installation
- better organization of the config
- Debugging in python
- Investigate packer and load in an efficient way.
- Writing text/essays support.
- Notes integrated
- Make list of installed plugins
- maybe in the lualine
- How does that M function works.
- What does really on_attach do?
- Dap
- Dashboard
- git signs
- indent blank line
- comments
- hop
- terraform
- Vimwiki??
- vim-easy-align?
- Whichkey: Better config.
- cmp:to show all properties and not just text
- Lsp: real understanding of how it works
- Nvim-tree: toggle should open either on the current file or in the main folder.
- Nvim-tree: command :bd to buffer delete, doesnt work if the toggle is open. it closes everything.
- LSP Python really working.
- Brackets and braces: I want to be able to colapse them and to move outside them better.
- Markers
In order to make Pyright LSP work correctly, the environment name has to be accessible.
export PYENV_VERSION="bmw"