Have you ever wished you could just tell your computer and the internet to do the stuff that you know it knows how to do? Now you can.
$ please email me "hello"
$ please email [email protected] "Hi Sally."
$ please sms me "what is up."
$ please sms [email protected] "I CAN HAZ CONVENIENCE"
gem install please
Create a file ~/.please.rb
that looks like this (only gmail supported):
EMAIL_ADDRESS = "[email protected]"
PHONE_NUMBER = "1234567890"
CARRIER_GATEWAY = 'txt.att.net'
DYDNS = "your-username.is-a-geek.com"
tar -cjf massive_file_tree.tar.bz2 massive_file_tree & please sms me "massive_file_tree is done being archived"
See more examples by running please help