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+# How to set up a larger Gradle project
+This repo shows one possibility to structure a Gradle project when you want:
+- **Centralized and maintainable** build configuration and custom build logic
+- **No dependency hell** through smart dependency management with dependency rules and analysis
+There are four variations of this available:
+- How to set up a Gradle [project for **Java**](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/tree/main)
+- How to set up a Gradle [project for **Android**](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/tree/android)
+- How to set up a Gradle [project for **Java Module System**](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/tree/java_module_system)
+- How to set up a Gradle [project for **Kotlin**](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/tree/kotlin)
+- How to set up a Gradle [project for **Java** and **Spring Boot**](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/tree/spring-boot)
+The structure though, is good for any kind of project you may build with Gradle (**Kotlin**, **Groovy**, **Scala**, ...)
+This is following the same patterns as [idiomatic-gradle](https://github.com/jjohannes/idiomatic-gradle) but is closer to a _full_ setup that also takes the aspect of continuously changing dependencies into account.
+Pick one of these similar videos to get a quick overview:
+And here is an overview in a thread on Mastodon:
+## Project Overview
+Different structuring concerns are summarized in commits if you like to explore things one-by-one:
+### Any kind of project
+- [Folder structure](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/folder-structure)
+ A basic structure with all the places to put build configuration.
+ Puts everything, which is not a dependency declaration of a concrete subproject, into the `gradle/` folder.
+ (Which is a choice, you can put things in different places and still follow the rest of this setup.)
+- [Settings plugin](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/settings-plugin)
+ A settings convention plugin to configure the project structure, repositories, and build locations.
+ Uses [org.gradlex:build-parameters](https://github.com/gradlex-org/build-parameters) to pass environment variables into the build.
+ - [Video: The Settings File](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ajs8pTbg8as&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: Settings Plugins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlx3tzuLSWk&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+- [Dependency rules](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/dependency-rules)
+ Dependency rules to add more metadata as input to dependency resolution where needed.
+ (uses [org.gradlex:java-ecosystem-capabilities](https://github.com/gradlex-org/java-ecosystem-capabilities)).
+ - [Video: Capability Conflicts + Component Metadata Rules](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g20kbbqBFk&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+- [Base convention plugins](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/base-plugins)
+ Configure things shared by all projects - like setting a version and consistent resolution.
+ - [Video: Dependency Version Conflicts + Consistent Resolution](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYWhfy6c2YQ&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+- [Versions](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/versions)
+ Put all versions into a _platform_; use BOMs where available for libraries that consist of multiple components.
+ - [Video: Centralizing Dependency Versions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8044F5gc1dE&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+- [Java base convention plugins](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/java-base-plugins)
+ Configure Java project specifics for compilation and testing in several convention plugins.
+ - [Video: The Build Files](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKjE_Lt_66U&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: (Convention) Plugins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N95YI-szd78&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: Source Sets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74PDtHkS_w4&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: Configuring Testing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f_gBvGQN_0&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: The Test Task](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJjNQJSaFww&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: The JavaCompile Task](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFewehz6rW8&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+- [Java library convention plugins](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/java-library-plugins)
+ Combine convention plugins to different concrete _library_ types that you use in your `build.gradle.kts` files.
+ Test Fixtures
+ - (Optional) [Video: Publishing Libraries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z5KFCLZDd0&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+- [Java application convention plugins](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/java-application-plugins)
+ A specific project is the `:app` project which assembles the final application.
+ This is a good place to also aggregate other information like _test result_ and _coverage reports_ for the whole project.
+ It is also the place where you often need custom tasks - e.g. to generate additional resources.
+ - [Video: Aggregating Custom Artifacts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gPJD0mAres&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: Configuring Task Inputs and Outputs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj9hSRauiQM&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: Implementing Tasks and Extensions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrgyUKC7vOY&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: Feature Variants](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCzyUESaBHQ&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: Test and Code Coverage Reporting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZvzWlP9BYE&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: Detect and Resolve Collisions on a Classpath](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KocTqF0hO_8&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+- [Lifecycle Tasks and Root project](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/lifecycle-tasks)
+ Add lifecycle tasks through a convention plugin for the root `build.gradle.kts`.
+ - [Video: Lifecycle Tasks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOo0p4Gpjcc&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+- [Customized dependency analysis](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/analyze-dependencies)
+ You have to take care of your dependencies and versions regularly:
+ When your project evolves and when new versions of external dependencies are released.
+ Team members not so familiar with the build setup might need to touch only these places.
+ Put some dependency analysis in place to help everyone to keep the build tidy over time.
+ - Use the superb [dependency-analysis-gradle-plugin](https://github.com/autonomousapps/dependency-analysis-android-gradle-plugin)
+ - Write some small custom analysis code that produces actionable error messages that fit your project structure
+ - [Video: Clean Compile Classpaths with the Dependency Analysis Plugin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lipf5piizZc&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+- [gradle.properties](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/gradle-properties)
+ Tune Gradle performance by setting `gradle.properties`.
+ - [Video: The JavaCompile Task](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFewehz6rW8&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - [Video: Caching](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHb0kIcTrFE&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+### Any kind of project (except Java Module System)
+- [Declare dependencies](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/declare-dependencies)
+ Declare dependencies between subprojects and external components in the `build.gradle.kts` files.
+ - [Video: Declaring Dependencies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igug9tbl4J4&list=PLWQK2ZdV4Yl2k2OmC_gsjDpdIBTN0qqkE)
+ - The example has quite some conflicts which are correctly resolved thanks to our dependency rules. Explore in a build scan: https://scans.gradle.com/s/hpjtkjwwhcpzu/dependencies
+### Android projects
+- [Android plugins](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/android-plugins)
+ Here, the _Application plugins_ are changed into _Android plugins_ and adjusted to target Android App development using the Android Gradle Plugins.
+ - This repo focuses on general project structuring and dependency management with Gradle and does not go into many Android specifics. I recommend to check out https://github.com/android/nowinandroid in addition for that.
+### Java Module System projects
+- [module-info.java files](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/module-info-files)
+ Use `module-info.java` files to develop Java Modules. These files already include dependency information.
+- [Java Module System Plugins](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/java-module-system-plugins)
+ Use my _Java Module System_ plugins to enable Gradle to extract the dependency information from the `module-info.java` files and
+ to extend the _dependency rules_ to for Java Module specific information.
+ - [`id("org.gradlex.java-module-dependencies")`](https://github.com/gradlex-org/java-module-dependencies)
+ - [`id("org.gradlex.java-module-testing")`](https://github.com/gradlex-org/java-module-testing)
+ - [`id("org.gradlex.extra-java-module-info")`](https://github.com/gradlex-org/extra-java-module-info)
+- [Customized dependency analysis (Java Modules)](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/analyze-requires)
+ Adjusts the above for Java Modules.
+ The [java-module-dependencies](https://github.com/jjohannes/java-module-dependencies) plugin already brings some analysis tasks.
+- [jlink Task](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/jlink)
+ If the project only uses _real_ modules (i.e. everything is, or gets patched to be, a module with `module-info`) you can add a task to use `jlink` to package the application.
+### Kotlin JVM projects
+- [Add Kotlin plugin and Kotlin specific compile configuration](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/commit/kotlin-jvm-plugin)
+ The setup is similar to the Java project, only that we add the Kotlin JVM plugin on top.
+ The plugins that were called `org.example.java` were renamed to `org.example.kotlin` (which makes no difference in the functionality).
+## Overview of your Convention Plugins
+There is a help task that you can use to get a diagram of the convention plugins defined in the project:
+`./gradlew :plugins:analysePluginApplicationOrder`
+The task generates a [PlantUML](https://plantuml.com) file that you can render, for example, with the PlantUML IntelliJ plugin.
+## Notes
+- If you have a question, please ask in an [issue](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/issues/new).
+- The concrete things done in all places (custom tasks, components used in dependencies, additional plugins applied, etc.) are just examples.
+ If you, for example, need to use additional Gradle plugins you can add these in the corresponding place, keeping the suggested structure.
+- This setup uses a _platform project_ to centralize dependency versions. An alternative approach is to use a _dependency version catalog_.
+ If you prefer to use a catalog, because it is the better fit in your case, you can still follow the setup proposed here (just without the `gradle/platform` project).
+## FAQ
+[List of questions](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3Aquestion) asked in issues so far.
+- [Why is the :app project special?](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/issues/4)
+- [Dependency Analysis: How to ignore dependencies added by plugins?](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/issues/6)
+- [Dependency Analysis: How to remove dependencies added by plugins?](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/issues/15)
+- [How many convention plugins should be used?](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/issues/10)
+- [How to customize the wrapper task?](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/issues/12)
+- [Kotlin branch: Why is there a special handling of the kotlin-stdlib?](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/issues/13)
+More questions or points you would like to discuss? Please [open an issue](https://github.com/jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto/issues/new).
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