This script is used to convert "normally" colored images to a representation similar to what a colorblind viewer might see. The types of colorblindness that can be simulated are:
- Normal (normal vision)
- Protanopia (red-blind)
- Deuteranopia (green-blind)
- Tritanpoia (blue-blind)
- Protanomaly (red-weak)
- Deuteranomaly (green-weak)
- Tritanomaly (blue-weak)
- Monochromacy (totally colorblind)
with the default action to convert to 'All' types of colorblindness (and to a normal vision version). Converting to only a select type of colorblindness can be accomplished with the CB parameter described below.
The conversion processes and coefficients herein are used with permission from Colblindor [] and were therein used with permission of Matthew Wickline and the Human-Computer Interaction Resource Network [] for non-commercial purposes. As such, this code may only be used for non-commercial purposes.
positional arguments:
inputimage input image file name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cb CB type of colorblindness to convert to (default: All)
Typical command line calls might look like:
python <inputimage>